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Sun Exposure: Cancer Cause or Part of the Solution?

by July 27, 2017

Many people believe that the sun is harmful to the skin and that it causes cancer, however, this is just a corrupt lie made up by dermatologists and sunscreen manufacturers.

Dermatologists and sunscreen manufacturers want us to believe that the sun is dangerous for our skin and that we need their medicine and sunscreen to protect ourselves. Although many people have been convinced that sunscreen is necessary for an outdoors day, it’s not. Sunscreen actually has more of a chance at giving you cancer than the sun does.

Sunlight is not the primary cause of cancer, no matter what the dermatologists and big pharma say. Sunlight is actually amazing for your skin! In fact, many physicians and researchers believe that it could actually prevent cancer rather than cause it. It’s no wonder the big pharma and dermatologists lie to us, if they didn’t, none of us would need them. Sadly for them, there is a growing awareness about how corrupt the big pharma and cancer treatment facilities really are.

Most people believe that melanoma is caused by too much sun exposure, but that is incorrect. Melanoma accounts for just 2% of cancer cases but it is extremely aggressive. The majority of skin cancer deaths are related to melanoma. Although many people believe that sun exposure is the cause, researchers have found this to be false. Dr. Daniel Coit, a Surgical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center shared his research on Melanoma at a 2012 MSKCC health education seminar.

He has cleared up some outrageous myths regarding the sun and melanoma. He says that most melanomas are not related to sun exposure – and using sunscreen or sunblock will not change your chances or prevent you from getting it.  He explained that Melanoma is directly related to family history and it is a disease of gene mutations, according to Dr. Daniel Coit, MSKCC.

One British review performed in 2002 also showed that there was no link between sunscreen use and the prevention of melanoma. Even more startling, they also found that there was a significant increase in malignant melanoma with sunscreen use… That’s a bit ironic, don’t you think?

Many researchers and scientists believe that sunlight might even be able to prevent cancer. According to Dr. William B. Grant, Ph.D., epidemiologist, and founder of Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center, insufficient sun exposure will likely result in the deaths of over 50,000 Americans each year. Vitamin D increases cell differentiation, suppresses growth signals, reduces cell proliferation, reduces the effect of IGF-1 on cancer progression and it even inhibits angiogenesis!

So there you have it! You don’t have to annoyingly apply sunscreen or sunblock before heading down to the beach or the pool! Get out there and soak up the sun and have a great day! You might even get a tan too!

6 Vitamin Deficiencies That Show Up On Your Skin

by July 27, 2017

Vitamins are extremely important to our health. They’re one of the key components to a healthy body and a healthy life. If you don’t have a sufficient vitamin supply then you’ll find yourself having terrible health.

Vitamins allow your body to grow and develop, and they play important roles in bodily functions like metabolism, immunity, and digestion! There are many different types of vitamins and each of them serves their own purpose. If you want to maintain a healthy level of vitamins you need to eat a variety of different foods. Fruits, veggies, protein, and foods of all different colors.

There are many different ways you can tell if you are vitamin deficient. If you aren’t getting enough of all the essential vitamins then you will suffer from a ton of different health issues, depending on which vitamin you are lacking. Our skin is one of the most predominant indicators of vitamin levels. If you have great skin that is clear and smooth, you probably have an adequate vitamin supply. However, if you suffer from blemishes, dry skin, pasty skin, hives, or other skin irritations you might be missing a few vitamins. Here are some vitamin deficiencies that can be indicated by your face.

Vitamin A – The recommended daily allowance of vitamin A is 900 mcg per day for adult males and 700 mcg per day for women. It is essential for healthy skin, teeth, skeletal tissue, bones, mucous membranes, and soft tissue. Vitamin A deficiency can be indicated by scaly, dry skin and lips.

Vitamin D – One of the most essential vitamins for your health is vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D can affect bone health and cause osteoporosis. It has also been linked to the formation and progression of psoriasis. Patches of flaky and irritated skin can be an indicator of vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin E – Vitamin E is a crucial antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. Free radicals are produced in the body naturally, but smoking, air pollution, and sunlight can expose us to more. Vitamin E is essential to healthy skin and protection from sun damage.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C an antioxidant that plays an important part in the synthesis of collagen, the protein that gives structure and support to your skin. Studies have found that higher levels of vitamin C can provide protection from sun damage. Vitamin C deficiency can be indicated by dry and rough skin.

Vitamin B2 – Vitamin B2 is more commonly known as riboflavin. It aids the production of energy from food and plays an important role in keeping vision and skin healthy. Vitamin B2 deficiency can be indicated by redness and cracks in the corners of your mouth, tongue, and a skin rash. You might also see inflamed eyelids, hair loss, and reddening of the cornea.

Niacin – Niacin is also known as Vitamin B3. it is required for the body to convert fat, protein, and carbohydrates into energy. It keeps your skin healthy and supports the digestive and nervous system.

10 Foods You Should Eat Everyday For A Healthy Life

by July 27, 2017

Today we are surrounded by unhealthy food. Processed foods, fast food, big brand organic foods, it’s all the same.

There is a growing awareness of how dangerous and unhealthy processed foods are. The health of the public has rapidly been decreasing while cancer cases, heart disease, and diabetes have only increased. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize we are eating garbage. However, people are becoming more aware of this and it’s finally getting people to eat better and healthier foods! There are so many benefits that can be obtained just by simply changing your diet.

Eating healthy could completely change your life. It’s not a hard thing to do either! A healthy diet is essentially more budget friendly than a typical processed food grocery list would be. If you are looking to change your diet and revolutionize your own health look no further! You might be wondering what foods you would need to eat in order to have a healthy diet. You need to eat foods that are packed full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and enzymes!

If you want to have a healthy diet, you have to eat these foods!

Green Tea – Green tea is fantastic for your body. There are many studies that show it can aid in weight loss, prevent disease, and more. It has groups of antioxidants called catechins that have major protective abilities. Green tea can protect you against illness and disease, and speed up your metabolism!

Almonds – Almonds are a priority to a healthy diet. They are high in oleic acid that is great for the heart. Almonds can even improve your memory. They are high in protein and delicious!

Blueberries – Mostly everyone knows that blueberries are packed full of antioxidants. They are one of the healthiest foods out there for you because they are high in vitamin C, packed with antioxidants, and they can even help prevent heart disease.

Bell Peppers – Bell peppers come in many different colors and each one supplies their own variety of phytonutrients to help create perfect health. Bell peppers are dense with vitamin C and E.

Yogurt – Yogurt is a great health supplement. Greek yogurt has less natural sugar lactose and more protein than regular yogurt. One cup of yogurt can supply you with a quarter of your recommended daily calcium requirement.

Avocado – Avocados are my favorite veggie there is. Healthy fats are essential to good health and avocados are packed full of them. The type of fat in avocados – monounsaturated fats – can improve your cholesterol and decrease your LDL cholesterol.

Quinoa – Quinoa is the only plant that is a complete protein. It has more fiber and twice as much protein as brown rice. It is full of healthy nutrients and it balances blood sugar!

Apples – An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? Apples have the second highest antioxidant activity than any other popularly consumed fruit in the US. They also contain 2-3 grams of fiber!

Spinach – Spinach helps the muscles grow for sure. They are an excellent source of beta carotene, a disease fighting antioxidant. It contains several important phytochemicals like lutein, lipoic acid, and vitamin C and E!

Eggs – Eggs are low in calories and high in protein. They are also high in healthy fat and nutrients. Research shows that people who replace carbohydrates with eggs for breakfast lost 65% more weight.

10 Horrifying Ingredients That Prove McDonald’s Is Not Fit For Consumption

by July 27, 2017

Today processed foods surround us and they are causing a terrible decrease in the overall health of the public. Even brands that claim to have organic products are using GMOs and other additives that make us sick!

Processed foods are terrible for our health, and it is difficult to refrain from because it is hidden around us everywhere. There have been hundreds of different scandals and truth uncoverings about ‘organic’ brands using processing, additives, GMO’s, preservatives, texturants, colorants, and the whole nine yards. Even more dangerous than organic foods lying about their produce, is fast food.

Fast food is essentially poison for your body. It causes the buildup of plaque in your arteries, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, you name it. Fast food is so common nowadays because it is fast, easy, and quite tasty. Although the tastiness, you have to remember that the taste was first made by a scientist in a lab somewhere; not naturally or in a kitchen like it should’ve been. Mcdonald’s is one of the most popular fast food chains and the most infamous. They use ingredients that are detrimental to human health and well-being.  You’ll never eat it again after you see these 10 ingredients in Mcdonald’s food.

Silicon Oil

Silicon oil, or dimethylpolysiloxane, is a dangerous chemically made substance that has been decreased in breast implants because of safety concerns. It is the synthetic material that makes up silly putty, caulking, contact lenses, and lubricants. Mcdonald’s uses an alarming amount of silicon oil, especially in their chicken nuggets. As if any amount is safe for consumption.

Ammonium Sulfate

 Ammonium sulfate is a salt that is commonly used as a flame retardant and fertilizer. It is also known for being a component of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. It causes irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, hormone disruption, and nausea.


Better known as TBHQ, Tertiary butylhydroquinone is yet another famous McDonald’s ingredient that should never be consumed by any living thing. It can also be found in different cosmetic products along with 18 different items from Mcdonald’s menu. The FDA has classified TBHQ as a totally safe chemical for human consumption – however, long term use can cause stomach cancer, ADHD symptoms, damaged DNA, and death.


Cysteine L is an amino acid synthesized from human hair or duck feathers. Industries and corporations use it to soften pastries, bread, and meat. Consumption of cysteine L can cause vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, rashes, headaches, fever, low blood pressure, drowsiness, and liver issues.

Prescription Drugs

Researchers from John Hopkins University found high levels of antidepressants and other banned pharmaceutical drugs in chicken products.

Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol is most famously an ingredient in antifreeze. However, it can also be found in McDonald’s food, cigarettes, and E-cigarettes. It damages the central nervous system, so it’s not to be taken lightly.

Carminic Acid

Fast food brands use carminic acid to give food a more appealing color. They classify it as a natural dye, but the FDA requires it to be clearly identified because it can lead to serious allergic reactions.


You can find this chemical in popular cooking oils. Mcdonald’s uses it in the production of their chicken nuggets, fillet-o-fish, and french fries. It is also used in contact lenses, silly putty, shampoos, caulking, conditioners, cosmetics, breast implants, and heat resistant tiles and polishes.

Silicon Dioxide

Silicon dioxide is also known as industrial sand or silica. It is used in glass blowing, the production of cement, and optical fibers. In fast food, it is used to prevent sauces and meats from clumping together. Industrial workers are forced to wear a mask when handling this chemical…


Cellulose is a natural byproduct derived from wood pulp. You wouldn’t say it’s necessarily a good ingredient for food though. This is added to almost all fast food products to add volume.

The Real Truth About What Can Cause Cancer and Why Doctors Constantly Ignore It

by July 26, 2017

The number of cancer cases has steadily increased over the last few years. It is a terrible disease that has destroyed the lives of millions – and it could’ve been prevented if the pharmaceutical companies and cancer treatment facilities weren’t all a scam.

Over 1,600 people in the United States die every day from cancer. There is no possible way that anyone can think that is normal. Cancer has become an epidemic, a plague even. Worldwide, over 20,000 people die from cancer every day. Many of these deaths are preventable and could’ve been saved entirely if we had just been delivered the truth instead of being taken advantage of for our money.

Nutritional ketosis has been studied by many people in the fight against cancer. Dr. Otto Warburg, one of the most brilliant biochemists of the twentieth century, spent his life searching for a cure for cancer. While many people to this day believe cancer to be a genetic disorder, it is actually a metabolic disease. This was first found by Warburg in the 1930’s. He discovered that the cancer is really caused by a defect in the cellular energy metabolism of the cell. This is primarily related to the cell’s mitochondria, its primary energy source.

Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D. is a professor of biology at Boston College and a leading expert and researcher in the field of cancer metabolism and nutritional ketosis. As noted by Seyfried,

“A dogma is considered irrefutable truth, and that cancer is a genetic disease is, no question, a dogma. The problem with dogma is that sometimes it blinds you to alternative views and sets up ideologies that are extremely difficult to change.

All of the major college textbooks talk about cancer as a genetic disease. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) website, the first thing they say is cancer is a genetic disease caused by mutations … [and] if cancer is a genetic disease, everything flows from that concept.

It permeates the pharmaceutical industry, academic industry and textbook industry, the entire knowledge base. There’s very little discussion of alternative views to the genetic view. The argument now is that, yes, metabolic problems occur in cancer cells. No one denies that.

But these are all due to the genetic mutations. Therefore we must maintain ourselves on the established track that all of this metabolic stuff could be resolved if we just understood more about the genetic underpinning of the disease.

Now that would be well and good if it were true. But evidence is accumulating that the mutations we see that are the prime focus and the basis for the genetic theory are actually epiphenomenal.

They’re downstream effects of this disturbance in the metabolism that Warburg originally defined back in the 1920s and ’30s.”

He says that the problem is not that scientists and doctors cannot understand the science of cancer. It is that they cannot accept that this could be the truth behind the nature of the disease because it changes how you approach the treatment. This leaves only one question; is cancer is a product of defective mitochondria, and defective energy metabolism is responsible for the majority of all phenotypes, then how do you treat the disease?

According to Seyfried, “Those nuclear transfer experiments were always present in the literature. They were considered anomalies. They were not consistent with the view that cancer is a nuclear genetic disease … but the observation was not interpreted in light of [being] the origin of cancer.

I bundled all those observations together in a new light, looking at the conclusions of those experiments in light of whether the results would support a nuclear gene-based theory versus a mitochondrial metabolic theory …

It was just interpreting a series of experiments in light of the origin of the disease and then asking what conclusion would these experiments support. Would it support the nuclear genetic theory of cancer, or would it support the mitochondrial metabolic theory of cancer?

In each of these cases, the results more strongly supported the metabolic theory of cancer than the nuclear genetic theory,” Seyfried says.

How To Get All The Protein You Need On A Plant-Based Diet

by July 25, 2017

Today there are a multitude of reasons to why you should go on a plant based diet. The majority of the meat and dairy around us is heavily processed with chemicals and growth hormones.

There is a growing awareness for the harsh reality of what most of our food really is. Fast food has almost taken over and it’s taking a huge toll on the overall health of the public. We know that a plant based diet is great for you, but where should we begin? We must make sure we are eating the correct variety of fruits and veggies because it is essential that you get an adequate amount of protein. Eating more plants can have a wonderful effect on our bodies. It can improve our livelihood and the lives of animals around us.

When you go on a plant based diet it is important that you eat the correct plants. You need protein in order to be healthy, and some plants lack that. The American Dietetic Association says that the average adult needs only 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. Someone who weighs around 130, would ideally want to consume about 47 grams of protein per day. Here are some of the essentials when it comes to a plant based diet.

Lentils – Lentils are a delicious add in for any dish. They are an extremely versatile ingredient and they can provide you with sufficient protein. They are also packed full of fiber that aids the digestive tract and your heart.

Buckwheat – Buckwheat is a seed that packs lots of important nutrients in it. It has over 12 essential amino acids, B vitamins, Magnesium, and zinc! It also has properties that can help lower bad cholesterol!

Tempeh – One of our lesser known foods, tempeh originates from Indonesia. It is a heart protein source that has been used for thousands of years, it is essentially a fermented soybean that is a fantastic alternative to meat.

Peas – Peas have a high content of protein, fiber, and potassium. They can be consumed in salads, curries, or blended into soups.

Hemp Seeds – Hemp seeds are rich in anti inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids and minerals like calcium and iron.

Pumpkin Seeds – Pumpkin seeds are always my favorite seasonal snack. These nuts ideally pack a ton of protein and healthy fats in small servings. They are also great sources of magnesium and zinc, which help support the heart and healthy immune function.

Broccoli – Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and spinach are great plant based sources of protein. It also is a great source of dietary fiber and vitamin C and K.

Tahini – This is a paste of ground sesame seeds that are commonly found in dishes in the Middle East and Mediterranean. It is a common alternative to butter.

Chickpeas – Chickpeas are a quality veggie protein that anyone should keep in their kitchen all the time. They are naturally gluten free and you can dry and soak them overnight to make them more digestible.

Peanut Butter – Peanut butter is a tasty and versatile ingredient that anyone can enjoy. It can be used in many different dishes, and it is packed full of protein! Make sure you choose the all natural variety.

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