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New Evidence Suggests Alzheimer’s Doesn’t Destroy Memories, It Only Blocks Them

by July 31, 2017

Today we suffer from a multitude of different diseases that ultimately can destroy our entire lives – Alzheimer’s Disease being one of the most popular.

Alzheimer’s disease is a serious mental illness that causes the degeneration of brain cells. It is a major problem and it affects some 5 million Americans. There is no known cure, however, researchers and scientists from Columbia University have found an interesting lead on developing a cure for this insidious disease.

The researchers discovered during a study published in the Journal Hippocampus, that the memories of mice with Alzheimer’s disease can be recovered using the power of lights, also known as optogenetically. This could alter our very understanding of the disease as a whole. The results were found when the researchers compared healthy mice with mice given a disease similar to human Alzheimer’s. Parts of the mice’s brains were engineered to glow yellow during memory storage and red during memory recall. Then, they were exposed to the smell of lemon followed by an electric shock.

One week later the mice were given the smell of lemon again. The healthy mice’s red and yellow glows overlapped and they expressed fear, showing they had the correct memory. The Alzheimer’s infected mice were indifferent, showing that they were recalling in the wrong part of the brain.

Christine A. Denny, the lead researcher of the study used a fiber optic cable to shine a blue laser into the mice’s brains. This successfully reactivated the lemon and electric shock memory, causing them to freeze when they smelt it. Ralph Martins of Edith Cowan University in Australia told New Scientist that “it has the potential to lead to novel drug development to help with regaining memories.”

The important question is whether mice’s brains and the artificial Alzheimer’s disease differ from human brain and human Alzheimer’s disease. Humans tend to lose more neurons than mice during the course of Alzheimer’s, making it difficult to target certain memories because our brains are just a bit more complicated.

This Map Could Completely Change The Way We Treat Cancer

by July 31, 2017

Cancer has had a terrible impact on millions of people’s lives. It’s a horrid disease, and sadly most of the treatment is just a money scheme. However, scientists might have just changed the entire treatment.

There are endless ways that a person can develop cancer these days. Scientists have studied and studied the genetic cells of cancer and ways to treat them, detect them, and prevent them from growing. A new study published in the Journal ‘Cell’, researchers identified a new way to detect cancer.

Researchers identified 760 different genes that cancer cells need to survive and multiply. The researchers translated this information into a map that tracks what cancer cells depend on to grow. Though not finished yet, the authors hope it will help show others where to start.

We have a lot of information from cancer genome sequencing, but this effort focuses on the function of genes,” says William Hahn, a researcher at the Broad Institute cancer program and lead author of the study. “It hasn’t been done before because we have not had the technology to perform experiments at this scale.”

Hahn and his team have identified a few characteristics of cancer as a whole. 10 percent of cancer gene cells rely upon and exist in multiple cancer types, meaning that the method to target those pathways could be used against many different types of cancer.

He says that there are many new different ways the new ‘dependency map’ can be used to find a new treatment. He says, “One way is that we find a gene or target that is necessary for the survival of a specific type of tumor that was not revealed by genome sequencing.” Another, he says, is by finding routes to repurpose drugs for one type of cancer to treat another. And finally, he says, “this will provide a roadmap for what drugs still need to be developed.”

Cancer treatment’s 21’st century shift lies here in this research study. We are well aware that chemotherapy is out of date and toxic to humans. This is the first step to finding a cure and treatment that is actually worth anything.

15 Foods You Can Eat A lot of and Still Not Gain Weight!

by July 31, 2017

Whether we like to admit it or not in the privileged Eastern world, we eat excessively. There is such thing as eating too much, and we often exceed that limit. However, there are some foods you can eat a lot of without gaining weight!

As much as we wish we could eat as many chocolate bars and donut holes as we wanted to without gaining any weight, it just isn’t possible. However, that’s not the case with some foods. This does not apply to the supermarket food we see today though. We are surrounded by processed foods that are toxic for our bodies and you shouldn’t be consuming any of it. However, there are natural yummy foods that we can eat excessively without gaining weight!


We all know salad is healthy for us! Without the dressing, you can consume as much as you want! One lettuce leaf only contains 3 calories.

Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage

Dark and green leafy veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are loaded with antioxidants. Eat as much as you want, but only about three servings per day because they can disrupt your iodine levels.


Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries can be consumed as much as you want. They are heart healthy and promote healthy digestion.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? There are only fifty calories per one hundred grams of apple.


Pineapple is one of the tastiest fruits out there, and it’s really healthy too! They even have a compound that promotes fat burning!


Zucchini is known to regulate your salt to water ratio in your body. They also only have 42 calories!


Beets are amazing for your liver, colon, and eyes. One piece of beet contains only 40 calories, and they strengthen muscles and promote fat burning.


Cucumbers are full of water and antioxidants. They fight swelling and maintain a healthy weight.


Oranges are excellent for you. They contain flavonoids, vitamin C, and high fiber!


Popcorn is very tasty and you can consume lots! It only has 31 calories per serving, but always skip the salt.


Eggplants are tasty and great for you. You can consume lots too because they only contain 24 calories.


Celery has lots of water in it too that supplies us with proper hydration. They even act as a diuretic.


Not many people consume algae, but they could if they wanted. It is rich in iodine and great for the liver.


Watermelon promotes healthy hydration because it is mainly water! Eat as much as you please.


Lemons only contain about 50 calories per slice and they are rich in vitamin C!

Marijuana Gum For Fibromyalgia Pain Relief: Would You Try This?

by July 29, 2017

Originally recognized by the American College of Rheumatology in 1990, Fibromyalgia is highly misunderstood among the general population. Predominant in the female population, as high as 7% of the population has been reported, with many more cases going undiagnosed. As awareness of the disease grows, so too is the demand for ways to manage the pain.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Largely characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia also can be accompanied by memory and mood issues, fatigue and trouble sleeping. While much about this disorder remains unknown, experts believe that it affects the way your brain is able to process pain signals by amplifying the body’s pain sensations.

Symptoms include:

  • Extreme and widespread pain
  • Chronic headache
  • Jaw pain
  • Fatigue
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Joint stiffness
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Bladder and bowel abnormalities
  • Numbness and tingling

While there is no known cure for the disorder, doctors currently prescribe medications to help control the various symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. Medical professionals also cite exercise, stress-reduction, and relaxation as beneficial ways of managing symptoms.

Fibromyalgia and Cannabis

Cannabis has been found to be beneficial in the management of a number of fibromyalgia symptoms including pain relief, better sleep, and increased energy levels.

The use of Cannabis for pain relief has been gaining in popularity recently, as a growing number of Americans become educated on the uses of marijuana as a medical alternative. Peripheral nerves that detect pain sensations in the body contain receptors for cannabinoids, found in cannabis. These cannabinoids work to block the transfer of pain along the peripheral nerves to the brain, effectively managing pain throughout the body.

Marijuana Gum

AXIM Biotechnologies has created a marijuana gum, allowing the user to digest equal parts of both THC and CBD. Chief executive officer Dr. George E. Anastassoy, MD, DDS, MBA explained that the gum allows the patient to bypass the liver, allowing the active ingredients to work faster and more efficiently.

Professor John Zajicek explains that chewing, as opposed to breathing or ingesting the product, means that there is now ‘peak’ as is associated with the more traditional cannabis applications. Chewing itself also carries its own benefits, relieving stress and stimulating the cardiovascular system. It also helps to slow down the loss of cognition that comes with aging. Furthermore, according to Zajicek, chewing gum is considered to be more socially acceptable than ingesting or smoking marijuana.

At this time AXIM holds the patent for their chewing gum product, with one product already on the market. Can Chew Gum is currently on the shelves everywhere that CBD products can be legally carried, marketed as a dietary supplement. The company is also in the testing phase of developing topical CBG treatments that they advise are beneficial both for eczema and psoriasis.

The Silent Tragedy Affecting Our Children

by July 29, 2017

With just over 20% of children, or 1 in every 5, suffering from a mental disorder at some point in their life, it is surprising that this statistic hasn’t taken the internet by storm. A silent epidemic impacting our children, mental health disorders are on the rise and it is our job to educate ourselves on how to handle them!

In recent years, experts have noticed a significant increase in the number of children being diagnosed with a variety of mental health issues. The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry reports that rates of ADHD among children have increased approximately 43% among those aged 4 to 17.

A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics reported that the rate of depression among teenagers has increased dramatically by 37%. The study went on to advise that there is a growing number of teens that are either under-treated or not treated for their depression, and those that are treated require more specialized care than was previously common.

The question becomes, what are we doing differently today that has caused such a sharp increase in mental health problems? Experts point to the environment in which our children are being raised. Today’s fast-paced society means that children are getting less sleep, an increased amount of time indoors in front of a screen (TV or computer), a severe decrease in physical activity and a lack of boundaries and clearly defined limits. There has also been an increase in divorce, resulting in more children feeling as though they are being deprived of relationships with one or both parents.

There has also been a large shift in parenting from the structure and rules that were present for previous generations to parents that allow their children to ‘rule the world.’ These parents, distracted by their own electronic devices in many cases, try harder than ever to make their children feel ‘special,’ creating an inflated sense of entitlement, and a lack of responsibility.

What can we do to change this trend? Experts recommend:

  • Ban electronic devices during family dinner
  • Determine and implement a consistent sleep routine
  • Ban all electronics from the bedroom
  • Provide nutritious, healthy food
  • Limit snacks and junk food
  • Require children pack their own backpacks, teaching independence
  • Play one board game together as a family every day
  • Teach sharing, empathy, table manners and conversation skills
  • Spend 1 hour each day outdoors, ideas include: Walking, biking, and fishing
  • Require your children to complete at least one chore each day (hanging clothes, setting the table, folding laundry, etc.)

Most importantly, it is important that we take the time to ensure that we are emotionally available to our children. Experts recommend that you shut your own electronic devices off as they come home from school each afternoon, leaving them off until your children are in bed so that you can devote your time to providing them with the attention and care that they require. Your time with them is limited! Do your best to impart as much knowledge to your children as possible before it’s too late!

Remember, while it may be difficult to put your foot down, it is important to establish rules and limits for your children! This structure is necessary in order to combat these statistics, providing your children a higher chance of living a happy, healthy life without the challenges of life with a mental disorder. Your child is worth it!

17 Chocolate Brands Whose Products Contain Heavy Metals Lead and Cadmium

by July 29, 2017

The debate surrounding chocolate has raged on for years – is it a downfall of your diet, with its sugar content helping to pack on the pounds, or does it live up to the hype of the many health benefits, promoting proper heart health, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure? A recent report from As You Sow, a well-known consumer health watchdog raises another red flag to consider when you choosing your next sweet treat.

The group conducted independent laboratory testing, assessing the ingredients in 70 different chocolate products and the results were surprising! Comparing the levels of both lead and cadmium in each of the products to the safe harbor threshold stated in California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65), they found that 45 of the 70 chocolate products were deemed to be unsafe! That’s right, 45 of the 70 products contained a high enough level of lead and/or cadmium to be considered toxic!

Since completing the test the group has filed legal notices against the manufacturers of the toxic products, including Trader Joes, Hershey’s, Theo Chocolate, Godiva, Mondelez, Earth Circle, Kroger, Whole Foods, Ghiradelli, See’s Candies, Equal Exchange and Lindt!

Sean Palfrey, MD, a pediatrician and Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health at Boston University School of Medicine explained, “As underscored by the Flint disaster, humans have contaminated our environment with lead, and now we must do everything in our power to protect ourselves and our children, who are the most vulnerable of us, from every possible exposure. Young children and pregnant women especially should avoid exposure to lead.”

Lead exposure is a serious risk, with no level being considered safe for children! Exposure has been associated with a number of neurological impairments including learning disabilities, seizures, and a lower IQ level. Exposure to cadmium has been found to cause damage to the liver, kidney, and bones, as well as having an impact on neurobehavioral development. Both lead and cadmium have been classified as reproductive toxins.

“Lead and cadmium accumulate in the body, so avoiding exposure is important, especially for children. Our goal is to work with chocolate manufacturers to find ways to avoid these metals in their products,” explained Danielle Fugere, President of As You Sow.

The study listed the following chocolate brands as testing high for lead and/or cadmium content:


  • Bissinger’s All Natural 60% Dark Chocolate Whole Almonds (Lead)

Earth Circle Foods dba River Canyon Retreat Inc.

  • Earth Circle Organics Organic Balinese Cacao Nibs Cold Pressed (Cadmium)

 Ghirardelli Chocolate Company

  • Ghiradelli Intense Dark 72% Cacao Twilight Delight Chocolate Bar (Cadmium)
  • Ghiradelli Chocolate Premium Baking Bar 100% Cacao Unsweetened Chocolate (Lead & Cadmium)


  • Godiva Chocolatier 50% Cacao Dark Chocolate Sea Salt (Lead)
  • Godiva Chocolatier 85% Cacao Extra Dark Chocolate (Lead & Cadmium)
  • Godiva Chocolatier 72% Cacao Dark Chocolate (Lead & Cadmium)

The Hershey Company

  • Scharffen Berger Semisweet Fine Artisan Dark Chocolate (62% cacao) (Cadmium)
  • Scharffen Berger Extra Dark Fine Artisan Dark Chocolate (82% cacao) (Cadmium)


  • Organic New Moon Rich Dark Chocolate (74% cacao) (Lead & Cadmium)

Lake Champlain Chocolates

  • Lake Champlain Chocolates Dark Chocolate (57% cocoa) (Lead & Cadmium)

Lindt & Sprüngli (USA) Inc.

  • Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Excellence Extra Dark (Lead & Cadmium)

Mars, Incorporated

  • Dove Silky Smooth Dark Chocolate Bar (Cadmium)

Mondelez International, Inc.

  • Green & Black’s Organic 85% Cacao Bar (Lead & Cadmium)

Moonstruck Chocolate Co. 

  • Moonstruck Dark Chocolate Chile Variado (68% cacao) (Lead)

See’s Candies, Inc. 

  • See’s Candies Premium Extra Dark Chocolate (62% cacao) (Cadmium)

 The Kroger Co. 

  • Private Selection 72% Cacao Dark Chocolate Swiss Bar(Lead & Cadmium)

Theo Chocolate Theo 

  • Organic Fair Trade Pure 85% Dark Chocolate (Cadmium)

Trader Joe’s Company

  • Trader Joe’s Swiss 72% Cacao Dark Chocolate (Lead)
  • Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Bar – Toffee with Walnuts and Pecans 70% cacao (Lead)
  • Trader Joe’s Pound Plus Dark Chocolate (Lead)
  • Trader Joe’s Pound Plus, 72% Cacao Dark Chocolate(Lead)
  • Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate 73% Cacao Super Dark (Lead & Cadmium)
  • Trader Joe’s The Dark Chocolate Lover’s Chocolate Bar (85% cacao) (Lead & Cadmium)

Vosges, Ltd. Wild 

  • Ophelia All Natural New Orleans Chili – Dark Chocolate Bar (70% cacao) (Lead)

Whole Foods Market, Inc. 

  • 365 Everyday Value Organic Dark Chocolate (56% Cacao) (Lead & Cadmium)


To see a full list of the brands that passed, check here!

If you have any questions regarding the testing, contact:

Kristin Costa, (510)735-8164

[email protected]

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