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Why You Should Never Let Your Dog Lick Your Face

by August 8, 2017

Dogs are no doubt man’s best friend! We love our furry four pawed friends, and we’d do anything for them – besides accepting a kiss.

Saint Bernard licking teenage girl’s (16-18) face, close-up


We all love our pets, they’re essentially our children or best friends. They are the very best companions to keep you up on a down day. Many of us show affection to our dogs in different ways, but you should never let the dog lick your face. Most people think that these are sweet kisses that you have to accept to make your puppy happy. However, it can also be deadly. Yes, I said deadly.

No matter how much you love sharing kisses with your pooch, you should never do this. Dogs have a massive amount of bacteria in their mouths that are sickening and poisonous to humans. Although sometimes our pups will be relentless until we accept their kisses, we must train them not to lick people! It might pain you to say no, but you have to! Some people believe the ancient myth that a dog’s mouth is actually cleaner than a human’s, but this is horrendously false.

Experts revealed that dogs mouths are in no way cleaner than humans. This should be obvious due to their bad breath. You can even visually see how disgusting the inside of a dog’s mouth can get. I mean, how could you really think a dog has a clean mouth.  “They raid the garbage can. You know, we give each other a peck on the cheek when we say hello, they give each other a peck on the rear end,”  Marty Becker, dog expert, points out.

Dogs mouths are not only dirty, they carry bacteria that are harmful to humans. John Oxford, professor of virology and bacteriology at the Queen Mary University in London, says it’s not just dog’s saliva you should be worried about. “Dogs spend half their life with their noses in nasty corners or hovering over dog droppings, so their muzzles are full of bacteria, viruses, and germs of all sorts,” he says as reported by The Sun.

One serious disease that can be contracted from letting a dog lick your face is Capnocytophaga Canimorsus. It can cause fatal infections including sepsis, that leads to organ failure and death! The symptoms of the disease seem casual in the beginning, but it has a unique progression that is much quicker than most.

Dogs can additionally pass ringworms and other parasites to their humans from licking them. Ringworms are actually extremely common and have been contracted by dogs in many instances. It’s just better to be safe than sorry, and as hard as it is to tell them no, we must deny our furry friend’s kisses! It’s in their best interest, right?

Just give them a pat instead. It is well worth it.

10 Minutes of This Exercise Can Burn More Calories Than 30 Minutes of Jogging

by August 7, 2017

It’s not uncommon for people to want to lose a little weight these days, I mean America does lead the world in obesity. However most people believe that the only real way to shed the weight is jogging, it can actually be lost using this simple exercise.

Not everyone these days has extra time to take from their day and go for a jog. Jogging is an old fashioned weight loss method, but it is one of the most effective. It requires the good ol’ sting of sweat in your eye and dedication. However, there are different natural ways to lose weight without going for a run. There are ways we can exercise our muscles to boost the efficiency of our workout.

If you are looking to achieve a summer beach body, a just generally decrease your size, cardio is not the workout for you. Losing weight does not require endless hours on the treadmill, the best way to get that beach bod is resistance training. Squats and pushups are some of the best resistance training exercises.

A study evaluated the effects of resistance exercise on the metabolic constraints of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in 53 patients. These patients were assigned to either a group that performed pushups and squats 3 times per week for 12 weeks or a group that did not do any resistance exercise (control group). The effects of the exercise were compared between the 2 groups after 12 weeks.

The researchers identified the best resistance exercises to perform in order to maximize weight loss. You can see all ten of them below.

Squats – When you increase the health of your lower half your body excels in athletic performance. Squatting with weights is one of quickest ways to shed belly weight.

Lunges – Lunges are famously known for increasing weight loss. They work out your hamstrings and tone your legs, as well as putting some junk in the trunk.

Pushups – Everyone hates pushups, especially me! However, they are extremely good for your core muscles. It sheds extra calories and weight from working out your abdominal muscles.

The Pullup – Pullups are fantastic for excelling your athleticism, and many people struggle with them. Even if you can’t do one at first, you’ll get there eventually!

Planks – Planks workout the entire core and strengthen the transversus abdominis. They can also reduce back pain.

Spider Crawls – Spider crawls light your core up and increase hip mobility.

Get Ups – This is the best exercise to get a six pack of toned abs and blast other muscles at the same time. It engages your core like never before.

Burpees – The burpee hits all major muscles and increases heart health. It burns more belly fat than running on a treadmill because incorporates simple moves instead of slow cardio on a machine.

The Skater – The skater is a lateral movement that strengthens the heart. It improves knee development and ankle stability too!

Jumping Rope – Jumping rope is one of the most efficient workouts there is. Jump rope for heart and tone your arms and legs at the same time! Jumping rope hits many multiple muscles and it strengthens your entire core.

This Protein Could Be Spreading Type 2 Diabetes Like Mad Cow Disease

by August 7, 2017

One of the scariest things to imagine is if diseases like cancer or diabetes became contagious. Unfortunately for us, diabetes might be now.

Researchers from the University of Texas have led a study that revealed a type of misbehaving protein might be the cause of some cases of type 2 diabetes. It also indicated that diabetes could be potentially contracted through blood transfusions, organ transplants, and even through birth! This doesn’t mean that diabetes is a viral disease that can be caught in the subway or doctor’s office. There needs to be further research to assess how dangerous this protein could be to society.

The University of Texas researchers studied mice to test whether clumps of a misfolded protein called amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), taken from the pancreas could spread and produce diabetes like symptoms when transferred between individuals. Toxic clumps of misfolded proteins similar to those in neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease have previously been associated with type 2 diabetes. While the cause of type 2 diabetes is yet to be discovered, researchers have identified genetic and environmental factors that could help stimulate the disease.

Proteins like IAPP can twist into forms that are more likely to clump as a result of mutations. This has also been identified in a number of people with type 2 diabetes. A better-known cause misfolded proteins are the prion, the main protein infamously known as Mad Cow Disease. It can also be referred to as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

The prions can be passed to humans and it sometimes causes a debilitating neurological condition called variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. The clumps spread the misfolding mutation by seeding new clumps, causing other proteins to bend the wrong way and stick around.

To test prion like mechanisms in diabetes, the researcher’s cultured pancreatic tissue from healthy humans and from mice that had been genetically altered to produce large amounts of human IAPP. Adding material from older mice with type 2 diabetes caused the IAPP to form in both sets of tissue cultures.

8 Heart Symptoms that Prove You Need to See a Doctor Immediately

by August 7, 2017

Our bodies are tough and fragile at the same time, each different component playing a crucial role in protecting itself. While strong when performing at its peak, if one simple building block is affected it can throw the whole process off.

Our bodies are a temple and we should always take care of it. It’s the only thing you really have your entire life, and you have to pay attention to its cries for help. The body has many different ways of letting you know something isn’t right. One of the most severe and lethal bodily malfunctions is a heart attack. A heart attack is a frightening and confusing health complication to experience, and life afterward isn’t so easy either. They are extremely sudden and catch you off guard. Time plays an essential role in recovery and survival.

Heart attacks come out of nowhere, but there are a few different ways that your body will let you know you’re in trouble. Our bodies are always looking out for themselves and if something doesn’t feel right, it means something. Everyday pain and symptoms are not normal, regardless of what pharmaceutical companies say. There are eight major symptoms that can alert you of a heart attack. They are vivid warning signs, and if you experience any of them you need to go to an emergency room immediately!

The Symptoms 

Indigestion, Heartburn, and Nausea

Indigestion can be a normal byproduct of consuming unhealthy food, but it can also let know that you’re having some cardiovascular issues. When these symptoms persist regularly it is an indicator of major issues.

Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety and confusion are prominent symptoms of a heart attack. This is because they decrease your oxygen levels, affecting your mood immediately.


Insomnia is another indicator of heart attack, also due to decreased oxygen levels. Before a heart attack, you will have an extremely difficult time going to sleep if it’s nighttime that is.

Unusual Sweating

Sweating more than you should mean you need to have your heart checked, especially if you’re not performing any physical activity. If this continues you should have a heart examination as soon as possible.

Excessive Fatigue

Because of the decreased oxygen levels fatigue is a major warning sign of a heart issue. If you are fatigued for days on end and can’t seem to pick up one leg after the other, you might have a weak heart.

Dizziness and Short of Breath

A weak heart has a very difficult time circulating the blood around the body. This results in a lack of breath, headaches, and dizziness. Women tend to feel these symptoms more than men.

Chest pain

Chest pain is the most prominent warning of a heart attack. No amount of chest pain is normal, go to the hospital immediately!

Aches and Pains

Aches and pains are normal every now and then, but constant aches and pains can also tell us that our hearts are malfunctioning.

Heart attacks are no health issue that you can ignore. It’s life or death, and prevention is the best medicine. Try to consume more heart healthy foods and decrease the amount of processed and fatty foods you eat!

Research Finds Popular ‘Healthy’ Drink Linked To Stroke & Dementia Risk

by August 6, 2017

Today it is extremely hard to eat healthily. Not only because processed food surrounds us, but because even the brands who claim to be healthy are lying to us.

There are tons of brands in our supermarkets that claim to be healthy for us, organic, natural, and nutritional but they are literally the opposite. They are everything unnatural and man made, and it’s just as bad for you as processed food. We know that sodas aren’t healthy for us, but soda business corporations refuse to let us get away from them. Our money is their money, and without it, they’re powerless.

Many people believe that making the switch to diet drinks is a healthy decision. Diet soda drinks are causing many more problems and complications than regular soda does. Many people believe that reduction in sugar, carbs, and extra calories makes it healthy, but this is horrifically wrong. It’s a loophole they use to sneak dangerous, cheap ingredients in place of the sugar, carbs, and calories. It makes it taste essentially the same, but it’s a scientific concoction of chemicals created in a laboratory.

Diet drinks are far from healthy for our bodies. They increase your risk of many different health complications, including an increased risk of stroke and dementia. Don’t believe me? Well, researchers studied diet consumption in about 3,000 different adults. In adults older than 45, the artificial sweeteners in soda had increased their risk of stroke. Adults over the age of 60 had an increased risk of dementia. Aside from outside factors such as overeating, smoking, diet, or exercise levels, diet soda was found to cause an increased risk for both dementia and stroke.

Boston University studied how sugary sodas, soft drinks, and fruity drinks impact the brain. They used MRI imaging, cognitive tests, and existing data to conclude that drinking more than two sugary drinks a day, or more than three sodas a today, resulted in a smaller brain volume. You can’t deny how terrifying that is. According to their research, drinking more than two sugary drinks per day causes brain shrinkage. It also accelerates brain aging, resulting in memory loss and increasing the risk of early-stage Alzheimer’s.

You should refrain from all soda drinks in general but especially avoid diet drinks. They are not the solution to any health issue, and they even make you gain more weight. Try enjoying some tea instead!

10 Ancient Chinese Herbs That Help to Balance Hormones

by August 5, 2017

The hormones within the body are a delicate system, impacting every bodily system from the circulatory system to the digestive system in some way. When these hormones are out of balance, the body fails to operate in an optimal manner. Side effects from a hormone imbalance include weight gain, irritability, insomnia, and fatigue.

Hormone imbalances can be caused by a number of different factors from the natural shifts of puberty, menopause, and perimenopause to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as an overabundance of stress in our lives, lack of sleep or unhealthy eating habits. While you will need to fix the underlying causes, adjusting your lifestyle to a healthier, more balanced way of living, there are a number of herbs that were traditionally used in Chinese medicine to help to balance the body’s hormones, allow you to feel better.

Here are 10 herbs that were used in traditional Chinese medicine to balance hormones:

  1. White Peony Root

White peony root works to balance the body’s hormone levels in a number of ways, lowering testosterone levels and promoting circulation the reproductive organs. It also works to relax the muscles and ease pain, making it a great choice for managing menstrual pain.


  1. Longan Fruit

Longan fruit provides the body with a natural boost of energy, helping to manage exhaustion and insomnia. It is also used to calm anxiety and protect the brain. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine used longan fruit heavily for its anti-inflammatory properties.


  1. Lotus Seed

The lotus seed has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of two main systems in the body – the digestive system and the reproductive system. It has been found to treat digestive problems and manage fatigue.


  1. Astragalus Root

Astragalus root was often used to manage blood deficiencies. It has also been found to boost natural energy levels and optimize the immune system.


  1. Goji Berries

Goji berries are high both in selenium and potassium, both of which help to balance the pituitary gland. Loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, many experts believe that goji berries are one of the most nutrient dense berries that exist. The berries possess a number of positive benefits including anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antifungal properties.


  1. Chinese Red Dates

Full of a number of essential nutrients, Chinese red dates have been found to strengthen the immune system, promote energy and nourish the blood, all of which work to help achieve a natural balance of hormones in the body.


  1. Chinese Wild Yam

The Chinese wild yam has been found to promote healthier sleep patterns, which helps to balance the natural hormones in the body. It is also credited for soothing anxiety and lowering blood sugar levels.


  1. Dang Gui

Dang Gui is recognized as one of the most used herbs in traditional Chinese medicine, with a number of highly beneficial properties. The herb has been associated with promoting better heart, lung and kidney health. It also works to clean the body of toxins.


  1. Black Sesame Seeds

Black sesame seeds were heavily used by Chinese medicinal practitioners in the treatment of post-menopausal women due to their ability to positively affect the body’s sex hormone production. They are packed with vital nutrients for optimal health.


  1. Ginseng

One of the well-known causes of hormone imbalance is an abundance of stress in our lives. Ginseng helps to strengthen the immune system and relieve stress, alleviating the impact on our hormones. It also supports both the pituitary and adrenal glands.

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