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The Herbs You Need To Heal From Insomnia To Inflammation

by August 11, 2017

Herbs and spices have been used for thousands of years before the Big Pharma was even heard of. Prescription medications were invented as a business method, not a healing method.

Tylenol and Excedrin will relieve you of a headache and possibly reduce your fever. However pharmaceuticals might temporarily alleviate immediate symptoms, they never improve your health in the long run. The only real way to heal yourself and increase your overall health is by using natural herbs and spices. Natural herbs have been used to combat every health issue humans suffer from, ranging from a headache to multiple sclerosis. Herbs are the healing route we all need to take, But where do we start?

There are a vast amount of natural herbs we can use to heal ourselves. There are different types of herbs that treat specific problems, symptoms, health issues, and then there are ones that just aid your body and increase your overall health. The two main types of herbs are functional and adaptogenic herbs. Adaptogenic herbs support your adrenal glands to support your regular immune system. Functional herbs are used to target a specific symptom, like a headache.

Function Herbs and Spices

Echinacea – Echinacea root has been used for hundreds of years to treat a multitude of different illnesses. It can be used to treat scarlet fever, syphilis, malaria, blood poisoning, and diphtheria. Other common uses for this herb is relieving pain, regulating hormones, reducing inflammation, and fighting viruses.

Valerian – Valerian root is a common herb that is used to treat insomnia and anxiety, due to its therapeutic effects. It works similar to common anti anxiety medications like Xanax or Valium. These drugs work by increasing the amount of GABA in your brain, as does valerian root.

Turmeric – Turmeric is an extremely popular spice, especially in Eastern civilizations. Its main compound, known as curcumin, has extensive medicinal properties. It has been found to fight symptoms of depression, IBS, Osteoarthritis, and it can even kill cancer cells.

Ginkgo Biloba – Ginkgo Biloba is a trending natural remedy because research shows it can improve cognition and blood circulation. Improved blood circulation is great for your body alone, and might even take care of issues you didn’t even know were related.

Milk Thistle – Milk thistle is used to treat liver issues, lowered kidney function, and protect the liver from toxins. It has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can treat major diseases more effectively than pharmaceuticals.

Adaptogenic Herbs and Spices

Ashwagandha – The root of Ashwagandha is also known as Indian Ginseng. It can be used to treat arthritis, tumors, asthma, leucoderma, bronchitis, backache, fibromyalgia, menstrual problems, and chronic liver disease.

Siberian Ginseng – Siberian Ginseng contains different active compounds that American and Asian ginseng lack. It can be used to prevent colds and flu, increase energy, longevity, stamina, and vitality.

Holy Basil – Holy basil doesn’t just get its fancy name from anywhere; it’s historic for the amazing effects it has on the body. Research shows that taking 500 mg of Holy Basil leaf extract twice daily after meals for 60 days reduced anxiety and associated stress and depression in people with anxiety.

Macca – Macca is a popular herb that can give you a sufficient boost in energy. It has been found to fight anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, improved stamina, and enhances athletic problems.


8 Easy Steps That Boost Your Metabolism

by August 9, 2017

Weight loss efforts can be a full-time job, focusing on the foods you are consuming, how to fit exercise into your daily schedule and what supplements and weight loss products are worth your hard-earned dollars. The truth is that you already have the key to boosting your weight loss efforts, and it is part of the regular function of your body.

Your metabolism works to convert the foods and beverages that you consume into energy, even when your body is completely at risk. While this occurs in every one of our bodies, the rate at which your body carries out this function differs, impacting the use of calories and the storage of body fat. The more efficient this process is carried out, the quicker your body will consume calories, burning body fat and promoting weight loss.

Here are 8 Tips to Help You Boost Your Metabolism:

  1. Hit the Gym: Working out helps to get the blood pumping throughout your body, in turn boosting your metabolism. Find something you enjoy, the type of exercise isn’t important, just that you get moving.


  1. Be an Early Riser: When you wake up with the rising of the sun this allows your body to tune into the natural queues for your internal clock. In this way, sunlight will work to boost your metabolism at the best moments in order to benefit the most out of your energy consumption.


  1. Enjoy Spicy Foods: Peppers, a regular ingredient in spicy foods, contains a substance called capsaicin. Studies have found that capsaicin works to burn approximately 10 additional calories with every meal. While this isn’t much, it does add up!


  1. Drink More Water: Your body uses water as fuel in order to burn calories within the body. Increasing your water intake will help to optimize this process. Interested in adding an extra boost? Drink green tea!


  1. Eat Healthy: Rather than eating a couple large meals, stick to eating multiple smaller meals throughout the day. Choose healthier options, stick to healthy carbohydrates and make sure that your meals are balanced.


  1. Enjoy Metabolism-Friendly Foods: There are a number of foods that work to optimize the body’s metabolism including avocado, celery, spinach, almonds, walnuts, and turmeric.


  1. Reduce Stress: Stress has been found to slow down your metabolism. If you are looking to increase your weight loss, take steps to manage your stress in a healthy way.


  1. Eat Organic: Processed foods include a number of chemicals such as antibiotics and growth hormones which negatively impact the metabolism and put your health at risk. Choosing organic foods will allow you to limit these chemicals in your diet.

9 Signs That Your Body Is Crying for Help

by August 9, 2017

Our bodies are unique and elaborate machines that require maintenance just like any other. Just like a modern day machine, your body will let you know when things aren’t going right.

There are many things that can go wrong with a mechanical engine because of all of the elaborate parts and components. If one simple component in the machine goes wrong, it can and will throw the entire machine into a mess. In this way, our bodies are very similar to machines. If one part of our body is malfunctioning it can throw off the entire bodily process. Thankfully, our body will let us know when it needs some assistance.

If you experience any of these health issues and symptoms you might need to do some regular maintenance. Each of these symptoms might seem like a minuscule problem, but they are small problems that lead to big ones. Ignoring them will only result in worsened health and increased symptoms.

Insomnia, Irritability, and Leg Cramps  

Tossing and turning all over the bed during the night is annoying and depressing. Insufficient sleep is extremely unhealthy for your body, and if you just absolutely can not fall asleep you might need to adjust your magnesium and potassium levels.

Dry Skin

We all get dry skin from time to time, but it’s not an entirely normal thing if it is consistent. Dry skin is a sign of vitamin E deficiency! Eat more vegetables, oil, nuts, and fish.

Sweet Tooth

Sweet tooths are normal from time to time, but if you are waking up for a midnight cookie every night, it is not. It could be caused by stress, depression, and anxiety.

Ice Cravings

Have you ever had the desire to have crushed ice and shaved ice? Craving ice and frozen drinks can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.

Bleeding Gum

Many people think bleeding gums just means you need to brush more, but this is false. Bleeding gums is a telltale sign of vitamin C deficiency.

Fragile Nails and Hair

Fragile nails and hair can indicate a vitamin B deficiency. You can get vitamin B from drinking more milk, nori seaweeds, and mushrooms.

Ring Around Irises

Rings around the colored part of your eye or Iris is not a good sign. This is a sign of high cholesterol levels, and you should consult a doctor about this.

Greek Foot

Greek foot or Morton’s toe could be caused by calluses or discomfort on the ball of your foot at the base of the second toe. It also makes your shoes uncomfortable

Constipation or Diarrhea

Both of these conditions can be indicative of a gut issue. Experiencing either of these regularly it is likely because your gut bacteria is unbalanced.

Add These 6 Vitamins to Your Diet to Boost Hair Growth

by August 9, 2017

Hair loss suffers in the United States spend more than $3.5 billion each year on products and procedures in order to treat their hair loss. The experience of going through hair loss can be devastating, causing those who suffer to struggle with their self-perception and self-confidence. While some challenges in life can be concealed, the appearance of your hair is such an obvious and visible part of your appearance.

The American Hair Loss Association reveals that 99% of all products that are marketed to Americans in the hair loss treatment industry has been found to be ineffective for the majority of people who use them. This can leave sufferers wondering if they are facing a hopeless situation, however, there are natural remedies available!

Vitamin deficiencies play a significant role in hair loss, and as such, increasing your intake of specific vitamins can work to fix the root of the problem, fight the oxidative stress that increases with age, adding to hair loss problems and regulating the body’s hormone levels.

Here are 6 Vitamins that will Help to Boost Hair Growth:

  1. Vitamin C: High in antioxidants, vitamin C works to neutralize free radicals in the body slowing the progressive deterioration that leads to graying and thinning hair. It is also necessary for the product of the protein collagen, which acts as a building block in the growth of healthy hair. Foods high in vitamin C include sweet potatoes, orange and yellow vegetables, spinach, tomatoes, citrus fruit, cauliflower, berries, potatoes, and broccoli.


  1. Vitamin E: Working to protect the hair from sun damage and oxidative stress, vitamin E is a key vitamin to protect the health of your hair when it is exposed to harsh UV rays. It is also an antioxidant, working to protect your body against free radicals and reducing the signs of aging such as graying hair. Foods that will work to boost your vitamin E levels include broccoli, seeds, nuts and green leafy vegetables.


  1. Vitamin A: This vitamin is responsible for the production of a natural oil called sebum, which works to keep your skin and hair moisturized. This helps to keep the hair from becoming dried out, leaving it soft and silky. Sources of Vitamin A include oranges, broccoli, eggs, yellow fruits and vegetables, fortified cereals and milk, cod liver oil and dark green leafy vegetables.


  1. Omega-3 and Fish Oil: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils work to nourish the hair, reduce inflammation of the scalp that can lead to hair loss and assist in thickening the hair. Food high in Omega-3 include white fish, mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, help seeds, walnuts and egg yolks.


  1. Vitamin D: A connection has been found between a deficiency in vitamin D and hair loss or alopecia. A key component in both cell growth and differentiation, you can boost your vitamin D levels by simply increasing your exposure to sunlight. Food sources of the vitamin include egg yolks, cheese, fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, and beef liver.


  1. Vitamin B: A deficiency in the B vitamin biotin has been associated with hair loss, while a deficiency in B12 has been found to be responsible for premature graying. To increase your levels of B vitamins, include milk, eggs, fortified cereals, shellfish, poultry and organ meats.

The Hormone That Makes You Live Longer, Boosts Your Immune System And Activates Weight Loss

by August 9, 2017

We suffer from so many different diseases today, and because of corruption, pharmaceutical and medical research facilities are only trying to get richer. However, there are some researchers out there who are researching for the better good, not money.

Researchers have been performing extensive research on hormones and they might have found a new use for a thymus gland managing hormone. The hormone is known as fibroblast growth factor 21, or FGF21. In the study conducted at the Yale School of Medicine, researchers were able to extend the life of mice by simply increasing amounts of FGF21. Increased supply of FGF21 could even boost the immune system of the elderly.

The thymus is a lymphoid organ in the immune system that develops T cells, infection fighting agents. We need these t cells in order to maintain a healthy immune system. This isn’t the only discovered use of FGF21. It can also be used as an endocrine hormone that manages metabolism, weight loss, and glucose levels. The research found that FGF21 has the power to suppress appetite as a form of calorie intake management. It is also possible that it could protect against obesity and play a role in future treatments.

Researchers from Yale studied mice who had high levels of the hormone. After experimenting on the hormone to remove its function, they watched as the amount of FGF21 decreased.  Lower levels of this hormone resulted in a decrease in the fat and function of the thymus

“We found that FGF21 levels in thymic epithelial cells are several folds higher than in the liver — therefore FGF21 acts within the thymus to promote T cell production,” Vishwa Deep Dixit, a professor of comparative medicine and immunobiology at Yale and an author of the study, said in the press release. “Elevating the levels of FGF21 in the elderly or in cancer patients who undergo bone marrow transplantation may be an additional strategy to increase T cell production and thus bolster immune function.”

Researchers plan on performing further investigations of the functions of FGF21, and they also want to research more on its effect on aging!

Flesh-Eating Bugs Seriously Messed Up This Teen’s Legs After a Casual Beach Dip

by August 8, 2017

Australia is famous for having all sorts of different animals that will likely kill you if you cross their path. It can be a scary place to be outdoors, and I’m sure this sixteen-year-old will agree.

Can you imagine if you were to go for a quick dip in the ocean on a sunny, nice beachside day, only to discover that your ankles have been butchered and won’t stop bleeding? That is exactly what happened to sixteen-year-old Sam Kanizay on a sunny Saturday beach day in Melbourne, Australia.

After a challenging football game, sixteen-year-old Sam decided to ice his legs in the cold ocean water. Something anyone would perceive to be harmless, but he soon discovered he had made a tremendous mistake.

“When he got out, he described having sand on his legs, so he went back in the water,” his dad Jarrod Kanizay told AAP. “He went back to his shoes and what he found was blood on his legs… They ate through Sam’s skin and made it bleed profusely.”

Sam was not sure what to make of the incident either “My first instinct was that I must have stepped on a rock,” he told Carolyn Webb at The Age. “But I realized that couldn’t have been it because it was evenly distributed over my whole ankle and foot.” Experts believe that he was unaware of the biting because of the cold water temperatures, which had gotten down to 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Sam’s family was unable to get his ankles to stop bleeding, and they immediately took him to the hospital.

“As soon as we wiped them [his legs] down, they kept bleeding,” Jarrod told reporters.

“There was a massive pool of blood on the floor [at the hospital].”

You can see photos of Sam’s legs below. Warning, it is a bit graphic!

One video was taken by a Melbourne radio station, 3AW, showing that sea lice were taken from the beach the night of Sam’s accident. The sea lice are terrifying, but they are unsure whether or not his attack was sea fleas… However, Michael Keough told The Age that he does believe it is possible.

According to Keough, “They’re scavengers who’ll clean up dead fish and feed on living tissue,” he said.  “They’re mostly less than a centimeter long, and so the bites they make are pretty small, and so that’s more consistent with pinprick size marks.” But another marine expert, Michael Brown, told Sunrise he believed they might be “jellyfish larvae”. “I’ve been doing this for coming on 20 years now and I’ve never seen anything like this,” he said.

Interestingly, Sam seems to be unaffected by his attack. He told Ryan Tennison from the Herald Sun, “I may ice my legs in the pool from now on but I’ll definitely go out swimming there again,” he told Ryan Tennison at the Herald Sun. “Plenty of people go for a swim in there so it’s probably just a one-off thing.”

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