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This Carrot Salad With Turmeric Sauce Will Make Your Skin Glow

by August 12, 2017

Turmeric has been recognized for its incredible healing benefits for hundreds of years. Packed with vitamins A and E, and possessing incredible anti-inflammatory properties, the spice has been used in both Chinese and Indian medicine for everything from boosting brain function to lowering heart disease.

One lesser known property of the spice is its ability to bring out a natural glow and luster in our skin. While the spice can be made into a salve or face mask, you can also enjoy its many benefits by including turmeric in your diet.

Perfect for the summer months, this nutritious salad is light and easy to make! Blending the tastes of carrot and almonds with the peppery flavor of turmeric, it is a delicious and refreshing combination. If you enjoy the sauce, it can also be made to use on a number of different dishes making it highly versatile and a great staple for a healthy diet.

Vibrant Glow Carrot Salad with Turmeric Sauce

You Will Need:

  • 3 large carrots
  • ½ cup raw almonds
  • ½ cup raisins
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 teaspoon powdered turmeric or 1 tablespoon fresh turmeric minced
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Place the almond butter, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, water, garlic, turmeric, honey and salt in a blender and blend until smooth. Alternatively, place the ingredients in a bowl and whisk until smooth.
  2. Grate or spiralize the carrots.
  3. Place the carrots, almonds, and raisins in a bowl. Top with your freshly made creamy turmeric sauce. Toss until mixed.
  4. Serve fresh. Refrigerate to store.

Inspired by an article wrote by Mindbodygreen

Starbucks Is Putting Meat in Its Coffee (Beef, to Be Precise)

by August 12, 2017

Business has taken an unexpected turn in the modern day times. It is obvious that business is either struggling to keep up with the demands of a massive population or taking advantage and getting rich off of it.

Business has always been a great thing, and very necessary. It allows us to have the things we want and it enables a healthy supply and demand economy. However, when there are 7 billion people supplying and demanding it makes things a bit more complicated – or a lot. Companies have taken one of two routes: Either they have grown tremendously and they abuse the public for their own personal gain, or they have run out of elaborate ideas and new products to keep up with the ever so vast demand of the public. There is much more competition because there are so many different businesses in the same field. This causes companies to struggle at keeping the attention of the public.

Because advertising is such a huge business nowadays, companies are constantly coming out with new products, editions, and anything new and able to catch the attention of the public. This makes it impossible to stay on top of the business food chain in whatever field you practice, and companies these days are coming out with insane new products to gain fame and attention. Starbucks, for example, has taken things to extraordinary measures with their latest barista buy.

Starbucks is known for releasing new drinks and cold treats regularly, especially seasonal ones. However, it looks as if they’re struggling to come up with an idea for a comeback, and you’ll see why when you meet their newest drink. Businesses have become so consumed with being the latest trend it has led Starbucks to slip a piece of beef jerky in their coffee drinks.

Starbucks describes the drink as, “Freshly ground Congo coffee, slow-steeped as a cold brew and served on draft through a nitro tap, then infused with a sweet and savory malted fennel black pepper syrup. The beverage is topped with a layer of honey cold foam and finished with a sprinkling of cracked pink peppercorn.” Sounds pretty yummy right? Elaborate to say the least. But it gets so much worse.

In addition to this delightful sounding coffee beverage, it comes with a bamboo skewer of natural grass fed beef jerky a’top. Disgusting! Starbucks says that the drink was created to honor coffee growers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, who has recently suffered long periods of coffee crop destroying warfare.

Starbucks already leads trend so tremendously that they can charge $8 dollars for a cup of coffee. Now they’re slipping beef in our coffee, and the bad part is that people will buy it. This is so gross!

10 Signs You’re Getting Too Much Estrogen & 5 Foods To Help Balance It

by August 12, 2017

Our bodies are complex machines that require attention and maintenance. Although most of the maintenance needed is involuntarily done, you still have to pay attention.

Our bodies are very similar to machines because of how well each different part of the body works together. Each different organ, tissue, cell, neuron, impulse, and blood vein work together to make you who you are. There are so many different organs and organ systems in our bodies, and when one little thing goes wrong it can throw off the entire process, or machine. Hormone levels are a prime example of a little thing that can cause enormous issues.

When our hormones are perfectly balanced our bodies are working at their peak performance. Everything is in order and functioning properly, but things change when our hormone levels go crazy. Estrogen is a female hormone that regulates a woman’s menstrual cycle. When estrogen levels are too high you can experience symptoms of Estrogen Dominance. Estrogen dominance is a hormonal condition that can cause several undesirable symptoms in both men and women—and lead to serious health complications later in life if ignored.

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance –

Swollen and tender breasts –

Breasts are very sensitive to hormone changes.

Rapid Weight Gain –

Too much estrogen can cause you to bloat and gain weight really fast, and out of nowhere.

Irregular Period –

High estrogen levels can cause irregular periods and increase your menstrual symptoms.

Mood Swings –

Estrogen can also affect your emotional states. It can cause your mood to fluctuate rapidly.

Heavy Periods –

Too much estrogen can cause you to have a heavier flow too.

You get Frequent Headaches –

Estrogen dominance can be a key factor in frequent headaches.

Lower Sex Drive

Hands and Feet are Always Cold

Trouble Sleeping –

Insomnia and trouble sleeping are a major sign of estrogen dominance. It is one of the most common symptoms.

There are foods that you can eat to reduce the amount of estrogen your body is producing. There are natural ingredients that are known to regulate our bodies hormones. Like I said before, regulating your hormones can always do some good because our bodies perform at their peak when our hormones are perfectly balanced. Here are six foods that can help reduce the amount of estrogen your body is producing.

Cruciferous Veggies –

Cruciferous veggies are rich nutrients and minerals, especially one known as indole-3-carbinols or I3C. I3C converts into diindolylmethane in the body which helps eliminate any extra estrogen.

Rosemary –

Rosemary is rich in antioxidants that balance your hormones.

Isoflavones –

Isoflavones are antioxidants that increase good estrogen in the body. Herbs like Trifolium pratense can be used to increase phytoestrogens.

Activated Folic Acid –

Folic acid converts estrogen into a healthy form that decreases to risk of certain cancers. It can also be found dark leafy greens.

Flaxseed –

Flaxseed contains lignans that help rid the body of excess estrogens.

Take Vitamin D3 –

Vitamin D almost acts like a hormone inside the body and has important implications for keeping inflammation levels low.

Silent Killer Hidden in Your Kitchen Pantry: MSG

by August 11, 2017

In order to be healthy and achieve longevity, you have to eat healthily. You especially have to avoid dangerous chemicals that hide in some of the most common foods.

Food companies take no regard for your health. In the modern day, time food companies are known to sneak toxic ingredients in their products to make it taste better and cheaper to produce. One of the most harmful is MSG (Monosodium Glutamate).

MSG is a widespread and silent killer. It is more dangerous than many different street drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. The scariest part about MSG is that it is in so many different things, and it is extremely likely that it’s in your kitchen cabinet at this very second. Monosodium Glutamate is used as a flavor enhancer, most popularly in Chinese food. There are thousands of foods in our supermarkets that contain this lethal killer, and our families eat it regularly. The majority of the food we eat today is fast food or processed supermarket food. These foods are infamous for containing MSG, an even worse they use alias’ for the name so you can’t detect it.

The flavor enhancer has been found to have incredibly harmful side effects on the body. Today our health is steadily decreasing due to the food and medications we are consuming. MSG is one of the most popularly used flavor enhancements because it is cheap. You can find it in canned soups, crackers, meats, and salad dressings. You can even find MSg in baby food, infant formula, and school lunches.

Monosodium Glutamate is used to enhance the flavors of foods, but not in the same way as typical seasoning like salt. No, MSG is a whole different rodeo. MSG literally enhances the flavors, which masks the true characteristics of the food, making them taste better, look better, and appear fresher. It is all just a business scheme and were paying the ultimate price; our health. I guess you could say processed foods literally cost you an arm and a leg!

Ajinomoto is the world’s largest producer of MSG. They are interestingly also a drug manufacturer… That’s a bit weird, right? MSG didn’t become widespread in the United States until after World War II. It was discovered by American soldiers who realized Japanese rations tasted better than the US. Side effects of the chemical are hefty too. Dr. Russell Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon and author of ‘Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills.’ He explains how MSG could cause great harm to your brain in a range of degrees. It also said that it triggers or worsens learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Dr. Blaylock points out that numerous glutamate receptors have been found both within your heart’s electrical conduction system and the heart muscle itself. This could explain the sudden deaths seen among young athletes and should serve as a huge warning to anyone who consumes MSG.

Dr. Blaylock states:

“When magnesium stores are low, as we see in athletes, the glutamate receptors are so sensitive that even low levels of these excitotoxins can result in cardiac arrhythmias and death.”

Food companies will use different names to hide this chemical in your food. There are over 40 labeled ingredients that contain glutamic acid, but the names do not give it a way. They are not required by the FDA to list these ingredients, they just have to list Monosodium Glutamate. Here are the hidden alias chemicals below. If you see these ingredients, do not consume it!

Glutamate (E 620)

Monosodium Glutamate (E 621)

Monopotassium Glutamate (E 622)

Calcium Glutamate (E 623)

Monoammonium Glutamate (E 624)

Magnesium Glutamate (E 625)

Natrium Glutamate

Yeast Extract

Anything hydrolyzed

Any hydrolyzed protein

Calcium Caseinate

Sodium Caseinate

Yeast Food

Yeast Nutrient

Autolyzed Yeast


Textured Protein

Soy Protein Isolate

Whey Protein Isolate

Anything : protein



Names of ingredients that often contain or produce processed free glutamic acid

Carrageenan (E 407)

Bouillon and broth


Any flavors or flavoring


Citric acid, Citrate (E 330)

Anything ultra-pasteurized

Barley malt

Pectin (E 440)


Anything enzyme modified

Anything containing enzymes

Malt extract

Soy sauce

Soy sauce extract

Anything protein fortified


The Magic Trick Using Tea Bags That Your Dentist Hides From You

by August 11, 2017

We throw out so many different things in our daily life that could be more than utilized for a second time. We are a wasteful society, thankfully there is a growing awareness of recycling.

Recycling isn’t just good for the Earth, it benefits you too! There are so many different things we throw out that we could use in so many different scenarios. Tea bags are one of the most useful things that we throw out to the trash every day. Tea bags are worth so much more than just brewing up some tea. They contain medicinal and cleansing properties that can be used in many different forms of beauty, healthcare, and even pain management.

Tea bags are a foe of any dentist out there because of how effectively it can treat an abscessed tooth. A typical doctor would normally schedule you in for a risky root extraction or root canal, followed by multiple rounds of antibiotics and prescription pain medication. They make thousands of dollars off of this and you go through excruciating pain. Why go through all of this and pay thousands of dollars if you could’ve just avoided it all with a simple tea bag, costing a whopping 25 cents.

A simple black tea bag can be an effective natural treatment for an abscessed tooth because its properties fight infection and reduce pain and inflammation. It’s an easy natural remedy to perform, and anyone can do it. The best part about it is that you avoid spending thousands of dollars and instead pay about one! Here’s what to do:

How to Use a Black Tea Bag to Relieve Pain and Reduce Infection

  • Simply wedge a warm, wet tea bag against the gum and surround the tooth.
  • Keep the tea bag in place for 20-30 minutes
  • Repeat the procedure every two hours during the day.
  • Do not sleep with a tea bag in your mouth; it is a choking risk.

If you have ever experienced an abscessed tooth, you know how painful it can be. This black tea home remedy begins to eliminate the infection while quickly relieving the pain and inflammation.

How Mold Toxicity Causes Mental Illness

by August 11, 2017

Many of the common health issues we suffer from today shouldn’t be so common. Many of them are caused by external things that could’ve been avoided, especially when it comes to mold.

Many people are completely unaware of the terrible effects mold can have on your body. It’s extremely dangerous – and it is much more than a consequence of skipping bathroom cleaning day! Mold is one of the many biotoxins found in water damaged buildings, bathrooms, or other wet areas. Exposure to mold can cause illness much more complex than most clinicians and patients assume.

We are all aware that we need to stay active, eat healthy, sleep correctly, and refrain from stress in order to be healthy. However, there are other external household things that could pose a threat to your health; like mold. Many people are aware that mold can make you sick, but new research shows that it can cause mental illness and psychiatric symptoms! Crazy, right? What if your depression is simply stemmed from the mold in the walls of your home. That would be amazing.

Toxic mold illness is extremely common and underdiagnosed. Mold toxicity can manifest in many different forms, including psychiatric issues! Symptoms such as depression, anxiety, attentional problems, brain fog, and insomnia have been associated with mold toxicity. Not everyone is susceptible to this, however. Vulnerability to mold toxicity is only present in 25% of the population, meaning that a whole family can live in a mold infested house and only one person gets sick. However, we should all be sure to prevent mold from forming in our house and be aware of the symptoms just in case.

Dry walls are commonly infested with toxic mold because they are well insulated. It is the perfect medium for mold growth, especially modern day homes that are energy efficient. Energy efficient homes are more prone to mold because they use heavy and additional insulation that traps toxic mold gasses, accelerating their growth and potentness. There are companies that can inspect your home for mold and perform mold remediation. A cheaper method can be purchased from ImmunoLytics, by setting out plates and sending them back for testing.

There are many different symptoms associated with toxic mold illness. It is often misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mast cell activation disorder, histamine intolerance, IBS, leaky gut, multiple sclerosis, and even post treatment Lyme syndromes. Man, that was a mouth full, there are probably thousands of people who are misdiagnosed.

Common Symptoms of Toxic Mold Illness Include:


  1. Weakness
  2. Aches
  3. Muscle Cramps
  4. Unusual Pain
  5. Ice Pick Pain
  6. Headache
  7. Light Sensitivity
  8. Red Eyes
  9. Blurred Vision
  10. Tearing
  11. Sinus Problems
  12. Cough
  13. Shortness of Breath
  14. Abdominal Pain
  15. Diarrhea
  16. Joint Pain
  17. Morning Stiffness
  18. Memory Issues
  19. Focus/Concentration Issues
  20. Word Recollection Issues
  21. Decreased Learning of New Knowledge
  22. Confusion
  23. Disorientation
  24. Skin Sensitivity
  25. Mood Swings
  26. Appetite Swings
  27. Sweats (especially night sweats)
  28. Temperature Regulation or Dysregulation Problems
  29. Excessive Thirst
  30. Increased Urination
  31. Static Shocks
  32. Numbness
  33. Tingling
  34. Vertigo
  35. Metallic Taste
  36. Tremors

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