Healthy Lavender Lemonade That Gets Rid of Anxiety Better Than Xanax by Marshall March 24, 2016 Plain old lemonade is delicious, but there is nothing special about it. Flavoring your lemonade with...
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Sleeping Naked by Marshall March 23, 2016 Studies show only 10% of people sleep in the nude, and this is surprising especially with all the wo...
Harvard Scientist Urges People to Stop Drinking “Low-Fat” Milk Immediately by Marshall March 23, 2016 Could vegans be right after all? Harvard research specialists have started to argue that while raw,...
3 Things Your Blood Type Says About Your Health by Marshall March 22, 2016 Did you know that your blood type not only distinguishes you from other human beings, but that your...
Say Goodbye to Facial Hair for Good With THESE Simple Homemade Recipes by Marshall March 21, 2016 For a woman it seems that money Is no object when it comes to beauty, but why spend a ton of money w...
It’s All In The Palm Of Your Hand: Push These Points To Eliminate Your Pain by Marshall March 19, 2016 Imagine if you could solve all your bodily aches just at the touch of a palm. All your aches and pai...