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Research Finds C-Section Babies Are Less Healthy Than Babies Born Vaginally Because Of This Missing Component

by April 16, 2017

New research performed at the University of Alberta regarding the health of babies who were born by c section! The study was groundbreaking; and shocking nonetheless.

If you are unfamiliar with the term, a c-section is also known as a cesarean section. It is when the baby is delivered through a surgical incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. They are usually scheduled in advance but can be the only resort during an emergency birth. Sometimes a c-section is unavoidable, but according to this research, you might want to avoid it as much as possible.

There are several different reasons why a mother would have a scheduled c-section. They are usually performed on mothers who are carrying multiple babies. Of course, not all twins have had a Cesarean section, but they are very common. You would also have a c-section if your baby was experiencing a birth breach. This is when the baby is exiting the vagina bottom first, which can be extremely dangerous and deadly for the baby.

The research performed by scientists from the University of Alberta claims that babies that are born vaginally are more healthy and those of a c-section. The researchers say that the vaginal fluid is helpful to the baby’s health. They state that babies born vaginally have different bacteria in their lungs than children born of a c-section. When a child is born vaginally there are good bacteria that is ingested by the baby. Babies born of a c-section miss out on this bacteria entirely. The vaginal bacteria helps the body all throughout its life. Without it, the fetus will experience issues that cause the body to overreact to substances as it develops.

They researchers additionally stated that the children who were born of a c-section often lack the essential bacteria that helps the digestive system break down food. If you were born of a c-section it doesn’t mean you’re unhealthy. It’s just one more way that the natural way is proven to be healthier!

How to Get Rid of Phlegm and Mucus in Chest & Throat (Instant Result)

by April 16, 2017

With the arrival of spring, we have also greeted our allergies at the door. When it’s this time of the year it can feel like you’ll never get over this cold – and if you aren’t using these methods, you’re probably right.

When the pollen starts to fall you know it’s coming. That nasal like voice, the coughing, the sore throat; we’re all too familiar with it. No matter how hard you heave, it feels like you’re going to cough up a lung before any of that stubborn phlegm. While the phlegm is essential to your sinus health, it can also be an indicator of poor health. A persistent yellow or green phlegm can be a key sign of further infections. However, sometimes we accumulate too much mucus – which leaves us with a stopped up nose, sore throat, or chest congestion.

Mucus or phlegm is essential because it gathers up dirt and dust that comes in with each breath. This keeps it from entering your lungs and causing further issues. Excess mucus can be caused by an environment where dust is often stirred up, not drinking enough fluids, medications, or smoking.

One of the most effective natural ways to defend against all this excess mucus is steaming it out. When you’re suffering from a stuffy nose, take a steamy shower twice a day. The steam from the hot shower works by breaking down the mucus! Be sure to close the door, turn the heat up as high as you can stand it, and just breathe in.

Salt Water is also extremely useful when it comes to clearing congestion. The warm water is effective at soothing a sore throat, and the salt is effective in getting rid of any excess bacteria in your throat.

Mix one-fourth teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
Gargle with the solution.
Repeat this remedy several times a day.

If you’re looking to defend yourself against this season’s phlegm, just remember that there are better ways to do than buying some medications from Walmart. The best medications are always supplied to us by mother nature!

8 5-Minute Morning Rituals To Supercharge Your Mind, Body And Metabolism

by April 16, 2017

We are all seeking some type of enlightenment today. Whether we want to eliminate the stresses of the physical world or live in utter peace, there are many different ways to achieve such things.

There are many ways that a person can change the way their life is going. You can make physical changes such as moving, meeting new people, and working out. You can also change the direction your life is headed spiritually. Of course, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and our perception is our reality. So if we are able to master our own perception, we can control our outlook on everything we come into contact with. This is also extremely healthy for a person because it gives them the chance to let go of worldly things!

Many spiritual leaders, advisors, and activists talk about the morning rituals they would perform every morning before starting each day – this is what completely changed their perception on the evils of the world. Once we are able to control our perception, we can control our entire outlook on life! These 7-morning rituals were practiced by spiritual people from thousands of years ago – they worked then, and they work now! Give them a shot!


Many people who consider themselves to be spiritually enlightened and higher conscious start their days off by meditating. Meditating is something that has always been associated with the hippies, but it actually has been medicinally practiced as far as history goes back. Many people often believe that you must be some sort of guru to be able to obtain benefits from meditating, but that is just nonsense. Meditating is easy, enjoyable, and anyone can do it. Try meditating for 10 minutes every day before you wake up! This simple morning ritual can change your entire life.


Zazen is a fancy way of saying sitting meditation. This is a fantastic way to calm your mind down, and give you a realistic view of the world. Simply sit somewhere you’re relaxed, turn all the sounds off, and listen to yourself.


Writing your dreams down in a dream journal is one of the first things people do when they wake up. It can increase one’s ability to astral project and lucid dreaming, but writing has more effects than that. When you wake up in the morning and purge your thoughts onto paper you will have a clearer mind throughout the day it often works to write down the things that stress you, bother you, or upset you. Since they’re on the paper they are less likely to bother you internally throughout the day. Practicing writing can help one accept the reality, and change it if necessary.

Eat Breakfast

While this isn’t necessarily a ritual, eating breakfast has more positive effects than you think. “Studies have found that although people who skip breakfast eat slightly fewer calories during the day, they tend to have higher body mass index or BMI,” says Christy C. Tangney, Ph.D., a clinical dietitian at Rush University Medical Center and an expert on the effects of diet and nutrition on heart health.


Every day when you get out of bed to do a couple stretches and simple exercises. Doing this not only increases your physical health, but it will also make you feel a lot better – physically and mentally. Those who get up in the morning and do exercises feel better through the entirely of the day. You automatically start your day off positively, and you’ll be in better physical health.

Lemon Water

Not only will a mug of warm lemon water help you stay energized, but it will also speed up your metabolism, help balance you pH levels, and improve digestion!

Stop Sleeping in On Weekends 

When you sleep in on weekends you throw your body off for the rest of the week. When you get yourself in the habit of waking up early and then spoil it on the weekends you are just setting yourself up for “failure”. Get up at your usual time and have a more eventful weekend. This is potentially the reason why everybody hates Mondays! Because your body wants to sleep in, I mean why not? It did it for the rest of the weekend, why not today?


When you sleep your body can stiffen and slow down your lymph system and stall it. A good morning stretch can loosen the whole body and muscles and activate your organism. It will likewise increase blood flow and reduce stress and tension.


The Diet That Starves Cancer, Reverses Diabetes, and Makes You Lose Weight Fast

by April 16, 2017

There is one deadly disease that has plagued the public today; it has claimed millions of lives, dollars, and lifetimes of time. As we get farther down the road we are seeing that they way we’re treating cancer is obviously not the right approach, however, one doctor might have figured it all out.

There are so many foreign substances in our environment that we can’t properly identify which ones might be causing health issues. New studies show that cancer can be caused by a diet full of sugar. Research has even shown that reducing the amount of sugar you take in can also reduce your chances of acquiring cancer. The study was performed at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

“We determined that it was specifically fructose, in table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, ubiquitous within our food system, which was responsible for facilitating lung metastasis and 12-HETE production in breast tumors,” co-author Dr. Lorenzo Cohen, professor of Palliative, Rehabilitation, and Integrative Medicine, said.

According to the study, a diet that is high in sugar can greatly contribute to the progression and overall chances of getting cancer. Lead researcher, Fred Hatfield is shockingly suffering from malicious cancer when he discovered this news. He goes on to explain how it is insane that it took medical science this long to figure out that sugar causes cancer.

According to his study, one can simply lower their chances of acquiring cancer simply by eating healthier. Switching to a ketogenic diet can dramatically increase your chances of survival, according to the study. A ketogenic diet consists of a diet that is low carbs and high in fat. This type of diet has known benefits when it comes to treating not only cancer, but diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and epilepsy!

The modern day cancer treatments are nothing but ineffective. Cancer patients are loaded with expensive and poisonous drugs and chemicals, and for what? To have slowly declining health for the rest of your life and in return, you MIGHT beat your cancer. If you’re trying chemotherapy, you’re killing more healthy cells than cancer cells. In the particular situation, your body is relying on those last healthy cells – killing them might be detrimental to one’s health.

If you’re looking adjust your diet, which everyone should, you should first start by eliminating sodas. Soda uses all kinds of ingredients that are bad for you, but the primary ingredient in questioning is High fructose Corn Syrup. HFCS has been linked to cancer in several different instances too. If you’re looking to do everything you can to beat cancer naturally, cutting out sugar will greatly benefit your fight. Good luck to all!

If You Have a Double Chin That Won’t Go Away, These Simple Exercises Will Get Rid Of It Quickly

by April 15, 2017

We all want to stay looking good whether we will admit it o not. We often turn to things like surgery or expensive treatments which are things we should not be doing.

When it comes to double chins we may think there is nothing we can do, this is because almost all of the ‘get rid of your double chin quick’ products aren’t gonna be able to help you. They just don’t work. Double chins are usually caused by aging, weight gain, and genetics.

Now, I’m not saying if you have a double chin that you should give up. There are things that can help you. Exercise being one of the most effective at reducing and eliminating the double chin. This workout is simple and effective see how to do it in the video below.

If you follow the video above you will be working out your face and you will see results as your muscle tones. If you notice any sort of pain when doing this you need to stop and rewatch the video. This should not hurt at all, if you are in pain you are doing something wrong. Be sure to not skip to warm up part as it is very important!

Get started doing this tonight and do your best to tone those muscles! Your chin size will reduce quickly if you stick at it. This can and will make a huge difference in your appearance. Give yourself 90 days with this workout and then take a step back and look at your double chin free face!

Say Goodbye to Wrinkles and Sagging Facial Skin After Washing it With This Powerful Mixture!

by April 15, 2017

If you are dealing with things like wrinkles, saggy skin, or acne you know how embarrassing it can be. Maybe you’ve tried tons of over the counter things to eliminate this but they haven’t worked?

This remedy will do the trick! It will rejuvenate your skin and clean the pores of your face with ease. Because of its ingredients, this remedy has antibacterial properties so it is perfect for cleansing the skin. If you’re looking for the best remedy possible for acne, wrinkles, and saggy skin you have come to the right place. This is the remedy you need.

Remedy For Perfect Skin



  • Mix these two things together in a small bowl. You should have a paste when done.
  • Apply this paste to your skin and massage it in a circular motion gently.
  • Allow this to sit and work for ten to fifteen minutes before washing it off with warm water.

You will not have to bother with using any moisturizing creams after because the coconut oil itself will keep your skin hydrated. This remedy is one that has worked wonders on my face and will work wonders on yours. It will bring back your confidence and have you looking much younger in almost no time at all! Enjoy!

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