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Why THIS Is The HEALTHIEST Beverage You Can Drink: A Harvard MD Explains!

by April 18, 2017

I don’t know about you, but I can not start my day without a cup of coffee. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone either. In fact, 54% of Americans drink coffee every morning. Coffee not only tastes good but did you know it was actually good for you?

Coffee is amazing. It tastes good, it gives us energy, and it also has a ton of health benefits. According to a study published in the Journal of Pain in March 2007, those who drink coffee everyday experience a reduction in pain. Two cups of coffee can cut post-workout muscle pain by up to 48%! It additionally protects the liver from cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis of the liver is an extremely serious condition, and it often results in death. According to a study published in the journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a cup of brewed coffee represents a contribution of up to 1.8 grams of fiber of the recommended 20-38 grams! Coffee really is amazing. There has been extensive research performed comparing non-coffee drinkers and coffee drinkers.

One study shows that coffee drinkers are less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, and dementia. They also have fewer cases of cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes. “There is certainly much more good news than bad news, in terms of coffee and health,” says Frank Hu, MD, MPH, PhD, nutrition and epidemiology professor at the Harvard School of Public Health. His team reviewed nine studies of coffee and type 2 diabetes. The study consisted of over 193,000 people who said they drank six or seven cups daily.

The study found that the people who drank coffee every day had a 35% less likely to have type 2 diabetes. There was a 28% lower risk for type 2 diabetes. The findings held regardless of sex, weight, and geographical locations. Technically, coffee drinkers are technically healthier!

Signs Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency You Should Never Ignore

by April 18, 2017

Vitamin B12 is something that plays a major role in the metabolism of each of out body cells. If we aren’t getting the right amount it can cause severe issues.

Vitamin B12 is often overlooked and it should not be. It is imperative that you know about vitamin B12 and the signs of being deficient in it. You need to know these things so that you can treat the issue as it arises because time is of the essence when it comes to this sort of thing.

When it comes to vitamin B12 deficiency you need to look for these signs:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Paraesthesia
  • Pale skin
  • Unexplainable fatigue
  • Eye problems

B12 is important because it helps us in more ways that we would think. It is known to help prevent issues like heart disease and nerve damage. Vitamin B12 supports energy and helps with digestion on all levels. It is even something that has been recommended for people suffering from osteoporosis because of how amazing it is for bone growth. This is really the most amazing supplement when it comes to bone health.

If you are not getting the right amount of vitamin B12 you could end up dealing with a number of brain issues as well as problems sleeping and it can increase your risks of developing cancer. We all need to do our best to ensure we are taking proper care of our bodies. Vitamin B12 is not something we can go without.

You can take a supplement or you could get what you need by eating the right foods. All of the foods listed below are good sources of vitamin B12. If you’re not eating them already you should consider it and of course, if these foods are not for you there are plenty of supplements available as I mentioned above.

  • Liver
  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Milk
  • Soy products
  • Tofu
  • Fortified cereals
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Crab

If you are experiencing any of the signs above you may seriously need to up your intake of vitamin b12. For more information on this and how to overcome vitamin B12 deficiency naturally please take the time to watch the video below. Why not give vitamin b12 a try? It could make your life a whole lot better!


If Your Kidneys Are in Danger, The Body Will Give You These 10 Signs!

by April 18, 2017

Our kidneys are responsible for a whole lot of important things that go on inside our bodies. Without them, we would not be able to function properly.

You see, If your kidneys for some reason become unable to function your body will no longer be able to get rid of excess fluids and you will become swollen and bloated. This is a major issue that if left alone could be life threatening. Our kidneys are responsible for cleansing, detoxing, and filtering about 150 quarts of blood each and every day. Kidney failure WILL kill you.

If you notice any of the following signs you need to see a doctor immediately. This is no laughing matter, any major organ issue is something that should be taken seriously. Do not ignore these signs!

1. Dizziness

If you become dizzy it could be a sign of anemia or kidney failure. This is because the oxygen flow to your brain has become strained making you lightheaded and such.

2. Trouble Concentrating

This is also because of the lack of oxygen when it comes to kidney failure. It can appear in the form of trouble remembering things as well.

3. Metallic Taste

The waste building up in your blood will change the way your taste buds will react to things. This has been known to make lots of things taste like metal in a sense.

4. Pain

If you experience pain in the upper back this could mean you are having an issue with your kidneys.

5. Shortness of Breath

If the body is not getting enough oxygen it is because of the low number of red blood cells that work to deliver oxygen to all the parts of the body.

6. Skin Rashes

As the waste piles up inside you, it will make your skin look and feel unhealthy, to say the least.

7. Fatigue

If the red blood cell number is lowered because of a kidney issue then fatigue will occur. It will have an impact on your brain and muscles. This is because of the lack of erythropoietin.

8. Swelling

As mentioned above if you cannot get rid of excess fluids you will become bloated and swollen.

9. Changes in Urine

You may experience trouble urinating, pressure while going, dark urine, or foamy urine.

10. Constant Thirst

If you are always thirsty and cannot seem to quench it, you could very well be dealing with kidney damage.

When it comes to reversing the damage that has been done to our kidneys if we catch the issue in time we can get things done by simply changing our diet. You will need to restrict protein, drink pure clean water, and restrict your intake of fructose. When it comes to things like this you should always go the extra mile to make sure you are maintaining your health properly.

For more information on this please take the time to watch the video below. If you pay attention to the signs and get things done when you notice an issue you should be just fine. Stay healthy!

13 Things That Happen to Your Body When you Eat Ginger

by April 18, 2017

Ginger is amazing for your body. It has tons of benefits and can revolutionize your health. It also tastes great! It’s the perfect ingredient for any dish – and it can double as medicine. Who doesn’t love ginger?

Ginger has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Probably since it’s discovery. It is an amazing medication for basically any health ailment. In India, a household favorite is ginger infused chai tea. Ginger is utilized in its every form there! Ayurveda medicine has had its spotlight on ginger for thousands of years because this is what happens to your body when you eat ginger.

It reduces your risk of heart disease – Ginger is amazing for your heart. Researchers found that 2 grams of ginger every day lowers your blood sugar and led to a 10% overall reduction in a period of 12 weeks.

It reduces muscle aches and pains – Ginger is great for a post workout supplement, because it aids the muscles greatly. It helps them recover from a harsh workout or a hard day at work! After you start eating ginger you’ll soon notice that you are less achy.

It is an anti-inflammatory – Arthritis claims more sufferers every day in America. It is inflammation based, and ginger can help a ton. Ginger has so many anti-inflammatory compounds, just 2 grams per day can relieve you of all arthritis symptoms.

It prevents Cancer – There have been several studies on the anticancer effects of ginger. Researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger can destroy ovarian cancer cells even faster than chemotherapy.

Your Stomach will Feel at Ease – Ginger is a classic folk remedy for an upset stomach. The properties in ginger are excellent for treating gastrointestinal issues. It also reduces flatulence!

Relief of Migraine Headaches – It is said that eating ginger every day will counteract the anti-inflammatory conditions that lead to a migraine headache.

You’ll lose Weight – After eating ginger, it will stimulate your metabolism. You’ll start burning calories really fast. A study from Columbia University reveals that it’s easier to resist hunger if you eat or drink ginger in the morning. According to the study, you burn about 43 calories eating ginger.

You’ll have increased blood flow – Because of gingers anti-inflammatory properties, it helps your blood vessels circulate blood. If you’re feeling cold, boil it into an herbal drink and you’ll soon feel warm.

No More Cramps – Ginger is a natural pain reliever, and it additionally treats menstrual cramps. It has been used for this for thousands of years. In one study, 150 women consumed one gram of ginger powder every day on the first three days of their period. The ginger was found to have the same effect as the conventional drug ibuprofen.

You’ll have fewer colds – Ginger is fantastic at fighting off the common cold. It is full of antioxidants, and we’ve already discussed it’s anti-inflammatory properties. One of the most powerful being gingerol, you’’ even experience a reduction in overall infections.

It relieves nausea – Ginger is excellent at relieving nausea, especially morning sickness from pregnancy. It has also been praised for its postoperative nausea effects.

It’s an aphrodisiac – Ginger is a known aphrodisiac because it warms up the body – including the sexual organs. Eating ginger before a romantic night might spice things up in the bedroom. See what I did there?

It’s a cough suppressant – Ginger is known for taming that hard to get rid of a cough. It can soothe coughs so well because of the antioxidant Gingerol like we talked about earlier.

How to Start Eating Mindfully

by April 18, 2017

One of the oldest cures for everything is mindfulness. It is effective in treating almost everything and can change your life completely. If you’re seeking mindfulness, here is just one more way you can achieve it; eating mindfully.

Mindfulness is a term that has existed for many years. It refers to the act of simple thinking. It is a psychological state of awareness. When you are mindful you are aware of the things that truly matter – life. You do not get caught up in worldly stress, problems, or anxieties. Mindfulness has tons of benefits too. Aside from not being stressed, sad, or mad, you can additionally gain physical benefits from it. It has been proven to increase a person’s focus, to decrease a person’s emotional reactivity, increased relationship satisfaction, and can even increase one’s immune function. Mindfulness is amazing, and every person should pursue it and it’s amazing benefits.

If you’re looking to increase your overall mindfulness you can do it in several different ways. Meditating is a great way to begin. Begin every morning with a ten minute meditation period. Focus on your breathing, and if you have to think of something, think of good things. It can do a lot more than you think. However, you can also eat mindfully. I know it sounds crazy, but it also works.

Mindful eating is basically meditation while you eat. I know it sounds crazy, but just give me a minute. This act of meditation during your meal gives you the awareness of what you’re putting in your body. It will cause you to lean towards healthier food. You start to realize how much better you feel when you eat healthy foods. It will additionally cause you to control portion sizes because you will be aware of when you are full.

If you’re looking to increase your mindfulness while eating you can do it by following these guidelines. They are easy to do but do require consistency and dedication. You won’t see any benefits from this the first time, but give it a little bit and you’ll soon feel amazing. You are what you eat, right?

Dedicate Time to Eat – Eating at specific times throughout the day can force your digestive system and metabolism to be on a set schedule. This will result in better meals, sleep, and day to day performance.

Express Gratitude – Think about how thankful you are to be eating this meal; many other people in the world do not have that simple luxury.

Feel – Pay attention to how the food makes you feel. If it’s greasy food it will probably make your stomach feel queasy. Even if you haven’t eaten it yet, thinking about greasy food is certainly dissatisfactory.

Taste – Taste the ingredients you’re putting in your body. Taste each and every different molecule of your food.

Black Pepper Essential Oil: Gets Rid of Anxiety, Cigarette Cravings and Arthritis

by April 18, 2017

Black pepper is amazing in basically every food. It adds that extra little spice that every dish needs, but did you know it’s extremely healthy for you?

It’s true, black pepper is amazingly healthy for your body. Whether you’re dousing your salad in it, inhaling the aromatic goodness, or applying it topically, you are sure to get some kind of benefits from black pepper! It is good for so many things, and it tastes great. If you suffer from arthritis, anxiety, digestive issues, or sinus issues, black pepper is the one for you. It can help all of those health ailments and more. One of the most amazing benefits of black pepper is that it can cure a cigarette addiction.

Black pepper has been proven to reduce cigarette cravings and anxiety. It is the perfect natural ingredient to help you stop smoking! This was investigated in a 1994 study published in the Drug and Alcohol Dependence Journal. They found that black pepper essential oil can reduce cigarette cravings and certain withdrawal symptoms! 48 smokers participated in the study. One group puffed on a device that delivered vapor from black pepper essential oil, while the second group puffed on a device with a menthol cartridge, and the third had an empty cartridge.

After puffing on the devices reported cravings for cigarettes were significantly reduced in the black pepper group after the session! This is truly amazing because cigarettes are claiming more and more lives every day. This isn’t the only thing black pepper can do either. It is also an excellent detoxifier! It creates a warming sensation when applied topically which increases sweating. It is also a fantastic diuretic and increases urination. It decreases the number of excess fluids and water your body is retaining.

Black pepper has already won me over. The fact that it can reduce cigarette cravings is more than enough to get its medicinal credit. However, that’s not all. It can also reduce arthritis significantly. It has warming anti-inflammatory properties that reduce muscle and joint pain significantly. It is said that black pepper essential oil works to reduce muscle injuries, the effects of tendonitis, and arthritis and rheumatism.

No matter what issue you’re suffering with, black pepper is sure to give you some kind of result. It can additionally be used as an appetite stimulant, IBS relief, lower cholesterol, anti-cancer activity, antiviral properties, encourages circulation, and it can even be used as a food preservative. Black pepper is amazing! How are you going to use it?

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