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What is The Right Position to Sleep For Each of These Health Problems?

by April 22, 2017

Sleep is something that plays a huge role in our lives whether we realize it or not. When it comes to our health the way we sleep can be holding us back in a sense.

It is important that you are getting the right amount of sleep and sleeping in the right position if you want to improve your overall health. Depending on what you’re dealing with you may be sleeping completely wrong. How do you sleep at night?

How you should be sleeping depending on your health:

1. Shoulder Pain

If you are experiencing shoulder pain you should sleep on the pain-free side with you legs bent slightly. If you would like you could grasp a pillow to your chest and another between your knees.

2. Headaches

If you are someone who deals with headaches often you should sleep on your back surrounding your head with pillows, this will prevent you from turning over. This will eliminate headaches.

3. PMS Pain

If you are dealing with PMS symptoms you should place a pillow under your knees and sleep lying on your back. This will relieve some of the pain.

4. Back Pain

You should sleep with a posture that works for you. Laying on your back is best I have found. Roll up a towel and place it under the curve of your back and a pillow under your knees. This should help a lot.

There are tons of different sleeping positions for different health issues. If you want to learn more check out the video below. Will you be sleeping differently tonight?

Doctors Warn People to Stop Using E-Cigs Because They Are Linked to A New Disease Popcorn Lung

by April 22, 2017

Lots of people have been on the fence about the safety of vaping. While it is marketed as a safer alternative to smoking real cigarettes, is it?

One study carried out by researchers at Harvard has shown an alarming link to a very serious lung disease. That meaning no they are not safer. This is cause for a deep sense of concern, to say the least. Popcorn lung is a severe form of bronchitis that is usually found in microwave popcorn factory workers, hence the name.

The reason behind this was the chemical known as Diacetyl which happens to be something used in most E-cigs today. It is important to pay attention to what you are feeling if you are an E-cig smoker you should be looking for things like Wheezing, dry cough, weight loss, fever, night sweats, and an abnormal shortness of breath.

The bronchial symptoms of POPCORN LUNG include:

  • Wheezing
  • Dry cough
  • Abnormal shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Weight loss
  • Night sweats
  • Fever
  • Fatigue

Popcorn lung is irreversible and in most cases is life-threatening. Please take the time to watch the video below for more information. We should all be aware of what we are putting into our bodies.

These 10 Medications Destroy Your Kidneys, but Doctors Still Prescribe Them!

by April 22, 2017

We often place far too much trust in our doctors. This is extremely dangerous.

We all tend to take pills whenever were in pain or dealing with anything out of the normal. This is not something we should be doing. We rely on medication for simple issues when the side effects outweigh the benefits we are getting. These medications often offer short-term help and cause long term problems.

Below I am going to list the most common medications that you should completely eliminate from your life. There are lots of studies showing how natural remedies are extremely useful and side effect free for the most part. These medications are often used for tons of different issues but are destroying your kidneys.

1. Antibiotics

2. Analgesics

3. COX-2

4. Heartburn Drugs in the Proton Pump Inhibitor Class

5. Antiviral Drugs

6. High Blood Pressure Drugs

7. Arthritis Medications

8. Lithium

9. Anticonvulsants

10. Chemotherapy Drugs

You owe it to your body to stop taking the poisonous easy route. In almost all cases going with the natural option will have you feeling much better for longer than the conventional medical methods. For more information on the specifics of the drugs mentioned above and how they affect your kidneys please take the time to watch the video below.

Pour Hot Water On Your Apples and See If This Common Cancer-Causing Wax Appears

by April 21, 2017

Fruits are delicious, sweet, and healthy. You can gain so many benefits from fruit because they are packed full of vitamins and antioxidants. However, like many other foods, they have also been abused by corporate greed.

CEO’s are the last person that you want to trust with your food. They’re only interested in one thing – money. Because of their primary profiteering concerns, they very seldom take our health into consideration. Fruit manufacturers are known to remove the natural wax that surrounds fruits such as apples. They reportedly do this because it makes the fruit last longer. However, there is little proof that this actually works. In fact, many people believe they do this because it makes the fruit shinier, and appealing to consumers.

The wax that they cover the fruit with is petroleum based and toxic for your health. They say that the wax keeps out fungus and bacteria, but it isn’t exactly the truth. The ingredients in the wax are startling. It can even be life threatening! If you’re concerned about the legitimacy of your fruit, all you have to do is pour hot water over them. The wax will appear immediately. It appears as a wax-like, white film over the fruit.

The wax coating is composed fungicides and preservatives, artificial dyes, and coloring that make the fruit look more appealing. When you are deciding which fruit to buy, go for the most organic brand you can. The smaller the brand, the better.

Say Goodbye to Vertigo, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Thyroid Problems and Much More!

by April 21, 2017

Of course, the society we live in nowadays is highly toxic in general, we are using poison as nutrients and not thinking twice about it. This sort of thing can and does cause many different illnesses and diseases.

When you find yourself dealing with any of the issues listed in the title above you have a wide range of conventional drugs you could turn to, however, conventional drugs are not always the right answer. When it comes to these things natural options are without a doubt the best way to go.

For things like lupus, vertigo, arthritis, and such I have found that turning to something known as Thyme. Thyme is high in minerals such as iron, potassium, and calcium. This amazing plant can do anything from regulating one’s blood pressure to treating asthma. If you want to use Thyme to help increase your health please give the drink below a try.

Thyme Tea


  • Fresh Thyme, roughly a handful or two
  • 1 1/2 cups of water
  • Honey (for taste)


  • Wash the Thyme and put it into a bowl.
  • Boil the water and pour it over the Thyme.
  • Leave it for a few minutes and then strain it getting rid of the solid parts.
  • If you would like to then add in some honey and drink up!
  • You will need to ingest this once a day in order to get all the benefits.

For more on Thyme and what it can do for you please take the time to watch the video below. You will be in better health in almost no time at all. This drink is effective and easy to make.

12 Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries

by April 21, 2017

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. It’s a serious issue, but it can be prevented! If you eat these foods you are guaranteed to have clean arteries and a healthy heart!

Our blood vessels, arteries, and capillaries transport blood all throughout our body. It’s needless to say that we need to keep our heart health in check, but in today’s society of fatty foods and artificial preservatives, it’s a little hard to keep your heart healthy. If you become a victim of all the unhealthy and artificial food in today’s society you will quickly find yourself with clogged up arteries – which is no good. However, if you’re worried about your heart health, or you’re looking to prevent any future heart issues, eating these 12 foods will definitely clear up any deposits in your arteries.

Salmon – Salmon is amazing for the heart because it contains tons of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3’s have been proven to lower the risk of arrhythmia and atherosclerosis. The American Heart Foundation found that they also reduce the number of triglycerides in your blood! They recommend eating fish at least twice a week!

Oatmeal – Oatmeal is great for the heart. It is packed full of soluble fiber and whole grains. It can additionally lower your LDL level or bad cholesterol.

Blueberries – According to a 2013 study, blueberries are amazing for the heart. They found that women aged 24 to 42 who ate more than three servings of blueberries per day had a 32% lower risk for heart disease.

Dark Chocolate – We should all love chocolate, and if you don’t, I don’t trust you. Chocolate is usually sugary and fatty, however dark chocolate has proven to be great for our health. One 2012 study found that daily dark chocolate consumption could reduce nonfatal heart attacks and strokes!

Citrus fruits – oranges, lemons, limes, all that citrusy goodness is great for the old’ pumper. In fact, women who consume high amounts of flavonoids found in oranges and grapefruits have a 19% lower risk of ischemic stroke. This is a stroke that is caused by a clot. Citrus fruits are also high in vitamin C which is great for heart health!

Soy – Soy products are great for heart health, but it can be rather risky choosing which ones considering over 90% of soy products are genetically modified. However, if you’re able to get your hands on some raw soy, you will experience a reduction in blood pressure and LDL levels!

Potatoes – Everybody loves a potato – no matter what form it is taking on. Not only are they tasty, but they are also great for your heart. They’re rich in potassium which is known for reducing high blood pressure. They are additionally high in fiber which can lower your risk of accumulating heart disease.

Tomatoes – tomatoes have a high content of a super powerful antioxidant called Lycopene. Lycopene helps get rid of bad cholesterol, open blood vessels backup, and lower the risk of heart disease!

Pistachios – pistachios are probably everyone’s favorite nut – I mean, they’re amazing. They are also great for your heart. Researchers from the Pennsylvania State University recently studied the effects of two pistachio diets on LDL-cholesterol. They found that pistachios were effective in reducing LDL levels by 13%.

Peanut Butter – the Harvard health publications found that peanut butter is amazing for your heart too. It is high in fiber, potassium, minerals, and antioxidants. There have been several studies that have proven that people who eat peanut butter regularly are less likely to accumulate heart disease.

Legumes – Beans, lentils, and peas are great for the heart because they are so high in protein. One study found that people who ate legumes at least 4 times a week had a 22% decreased risk of getting heart disease.

Coconut Oil – coconut oil has been found to improve cholesterol levels. The saturated fats in coconut oil increase good cholesterol while reducing the bad. In one study, 40 women experienced a reduction in Ldl levels due to coconut oil.

We only get one body; take care of it! Our health is in great jeopardy in today’s greedy corporate society. Be careful what you put into your body. More importantly, if you put good stuff in, good stuff comes out! Start with your heart.

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