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Alkaline Water Kills Cancer Cells and Heals Your Body! Learn How To Make It…

by April 24, 2017

There are many deadly diseases that have plagued the modern day world, and cancer might just be the worst. However, there might be a simple cure for this highly lethal disease.

Cancer is much more than a serious disease. It is essentially an epidemic. There were over one million cases of cancer diagnosed in 2016, and over 500,00 died in the battle. If it doesn’t strike terror on you, it’s a loved one. Nonetheless, cancer demands to be taken seriously. For big corporations and CEO’s cancer has become nothing more than a money maker, but you might be able to beat the terrible disease just by using water.

Not just any regular water, alkaline water. Yes, it can be used to treat cancer! Alkaline water is less acidic than tap water. It typically tests at a 7.0 or less. It offers more key nutrients such as calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Here’s how to make it.

  • 1 tbsp Himalayan salt
  • 2 liters filtered water
  • 1 organic lemon, sliced into small pieces

Take a glass jar and fill it with water, then add the lemon pieces and salt. Keep the jar at room temperature overnight. Consume 3 glasses of alkaline water every morning on an empty stomach.

10 Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics Known to Mankind

by April 24, 2017

Antibiotics are awesome when it comes to fighting a cold. They are the perfect boost for your immune system, however, the modern pharma industry has more than manipulated them.

The amazing benefits of antibiotics were first discovered in 1928 following the discovery of penicillin. Penicillin was the solution to thousands of bacterial diseases and is still used in modern day treatment today. However, if you’re wanting to gain the benefits of antibiotics, you’re going to have to do it naturally. The pharmaceutical industry has taken natural antibiotics and abused them into money-making drugs.

Pharmaceutical antibiotics have been proven to increase a person’s risk of infection because they weaken the immune system. Peter J. D’Adamo, ND, is a naturopathic physician and author on natural human nutrition and health. He explains, “When you allow your body to go to war on its own terms, without antibiotic intervention, it develops not only a memory of specific antibodies to the current infection and any similar to it but also the ability to fight more effectively the next time it is challenged or attacked.”

If you are interested in including antibiotics into your diet, you need to do it naturally. These are the top 10 best natural antibiotics for your body.


  • Oregano Oil – oregano oil can be used for many different health issues. There are 40 different oregano species, but the most beneficial one is called origanum capita thus. It can be used to treat foot or nail fungus, parasites, and sinus infections.
  • Cayenne pepper – Cayenne pepper is extremely beneficial. Although a bit spicy, it actually helps you in a lot of ways. It is widely known for its treatment for vulvovaginitis. One study found that cayenne pepper exerts considerable antifungal and antibiotic properties in this condition.
  • Colloidal Silver – Not as popular as the others, but collodion silver is not one to leave off the list. In fact, it has been used for centuries! It can be used for treating swimmer’s ear and digestive issues.
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) – GSE is a highly effective natural antibiotic in fighting off tons of infectious agents. One study proved that it was not only comparable to pharma antibiotics but even better.
  • Garlic – We all know garlic is amazing. Garlic can be used to treat virtually every health issue a person can experience. It is a natural astringent, fights parasites, promotes healthy cardiovascular function, and even guards DNA damage!
  • Ginger – Also very popular, is our best friend ginger. It is a powerful antibiotic and antiviral root. It can be a complete cure to many digestive issues such as ulcerative colitis.
  • Olive Leaf Extract Olive oil extract is best known for its ability to reduce a fever. Researchers from the Netherlands learned that enolic acid, a compound found in ginger, can not only fight bacteria but prevent viruses and fungus infections too!
  • Turmeric – turmeric is an ancient spice derived from India. It has been used for thousands of years and can replace tons of medications. Dr. Kelley Brogan, MD, states, “This wonder-spice is a mainstay of my anti-inflammatory work with patients in my practice where I use liposomal preparations of curcumin, the natural phenols responsible for turmeric’s yellow color when I suspect their symptoms stem from a challenged immune system.”
  • Manuka Honey – honey is great for tons of different health problems. It is effective in fighting off over 250 different types of bacteria. In 2007 the FDA even approved manuka honey wound bandages!
  • Pau d’Arco – You’ve probably never heard of this guy, but he’s no underdog. In fact, this spice has been sued medicinally for centuries. The Brazilian Journal of Biology found in 2010 found that Tabebuia avellane DAE, one tree species that is the source of the Pau d’arco herb, does indeed exert an inhibitory effect on yeasts.

How to Remove Unwanted Hair Forever in Just 5 Minutes

by April 24, 2017

As human beings, we all deal with body hair in places that we may not want it. We all get to choose how to deal with that body hair.

When it comes to unwanted hair on the face, back, and feet I have found that this remedy works much better than most. You see I use to deal with unwanted facial hair daily, while it was just a bit of peach fuzz it made a huge impact on my self-esteem. Thanks to this remedy I will never have to deal with it again.

While there are tons of hair removal products on the market I always opt for safe natural alternatives. This remedy is cheap, easy to make, and will do the trick. You won’t be dealing with unwanted hair ever again after this.

Unwanted Hair Removal



  • Mix equal parts of these things together along with the egg whites making a paste.
  • Apply this to your face and allow it to sit for twenty minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water and a wet rag.
  • You should notice the hairs coming off with the paste.

This is without a doubt my favorite remedy. Now, in some cases, you will have to redo this method a few times before seeing results but for most, it has been quite successful. Enjoy!

If You Mix Salt and Olive oil, You Won’t Feel Pain For the Next 5 Years!

by April 24, 2017

As time goes on, you’ll start to notice that you’re hurting in places that you never used to. Not only that, but it’s a lot more frequent than ever. Well, you can’t stop aging, but this mixture will cure your pain for sure.

Not only will this mixture cure your pain, it will cure your pain for the next 5 years – seriously. Of course, you could just pop another Tylenol which destroys your liver, or a pharmaceutical pain medication that is addicting and disables your motoring skills… I think not.

Of course, it’s always a better route to use natural ingredients for medicine! The mixture consists of two simple ingredients: salt and olive oil. You will need 10 tablespoons of salt, and 20 tablespoons of olive oil.

Mix the ingredients together in a glass container. Seal it closed, and leave it for a couple days. Afterward, you’ll be left with a light mixture. Every morning should apply, with a vigorous massage, to the cervical vertebrae in places where you feel pain. Initially massage 2-3 minutes, every day increasing for 2-3 minutes, ending up with massaging of 20 minutes.

After the end of the massage, damp your neck with a warm cloth. This procedure may cause minor skin irritation. Therefore, after the end of the massage, wipe the skin with a dry cloth and sprinkle with children’s powder. As a result of 10-day courses of treatment, it stimulates blood circulation and improves muscle regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue. After 8-10 days of the procedure, radical changes are visible.

This remedy uses two of the best natural ingredients out there. Olive oil and salt are two of the leading natural ingredients for pain management. In fact, they are the perfect way to begin a process of fully natural medicating.

Baking Soda and Honey: Remedy That Destroys Even the Most Severe Disease

by April 23, 2017

In the modern day society, you would expect us to be the healthiest we have ever been. However, this is not the case at all. In fact, we might be the most unhealthy generations ever to exist on planet earth.

Today we have made extraordinary advances in medical science, food science, and pretty much every science there is. We know how our bodies work all the way down to the cellular level. So why are we so unhealthy? Well, it’s because of the way we treat our health issues. In the modern day world, we have conquered the knowing; we know what causes disease and what cures them. However, the big pharma isn’t interested in curing any health issues. They’re just interested in making money off of them. Consequently, the public’s health is rapidly declining.

Our health is declining due to the tons of medications and chemicals that are pumped through our body. For goodness sake, our water is packed full of fluoride, a dangerous neurotoxin. No wonder we are so unhealthy. Like many other people, including myself, you’re probably wondering how to reverse the role of the pharmaceutical industry so that you can lead a full, long, healthy life. Well, the first step to doing this is taking advantage of natural ingredients. For starters, baking soda and honey are going to be your best friends.

Baking soda is one of the oldest natural remedies there are. Everyone’s grandma took advantage of this highly abrasive cleaner, but it is also beneficial to your health. It can be used as a natural deodorant, to relieve insect bites, heartburn, ulcer pain, indigestion, and even an exfoliator! However, the benefits of baking soda are only doubled when in combination with raw honey.

Raw honey is an excellent source of natural antioxidants. It contains antioxidants called phenolic compounds. They help protect your body from cell damage due to free radicals. Honey can additionally be used to heal wounds. It is an extremely effective germ killer because of its antibacterial properties.

If you’re looking to gain the benefits of baking soda and honey, try this amazing recipe. It can be used for tons of different things! Taking this natural remedy will heal your body every single day.


  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 4 tablespoons of raw honey.


  • Mix baking soda with honey in small pot, cook on low for 5-10 minutes.
  • Do not refrigerate.
  • Take 1 tsp of the mixture 1-3 times each day, for 30-60 days.
  • Be careful to never take it closer than an hour to mealtime

A Natural Bowel and Liver Cleaner: Remove Pounds of Toxins From Your Body in Just 1 Week!

by April 23, 2017

If you’re looking to increase your overall health, quality of life, and mood, you should definitely start by cleansing the most important parts of the body – the colon and the liver. These organs are responsible for cleaning out all the bad stuff and if they’re not performing correctly, you can experience a world of health effects.

These organs are responsible for cleaning out all the bad stuff and if they’re not performing correctly, you can experience a world of health effects.

The colon is crucial to your overall health. It is also known as the larger intestines, or bowels. Being part of the digestive tract, it is responsible for sorting the differences between nutrients we need and the garbage we need to get rid of. With all the artificial ingredients and genetically modified foods, it’s job has increasingly gotten harder. If you want to improve your overall health, you’re going to want to start by detoxing the liver and the colon.

Just like the colon, the liver is extremely important in removing the toxins from your body. The liver detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. Without the liver, we’d be screwed. It also makes the essential proteins and enzymes that are necessary for breaking down food and fighting diseases. These two organs are essential in a healthy body. If you want to improve your overall health, you have to start with these two. That’s why this detoxifying remedy is the one for you.

The ingredients in this recipe are known for boosting the immune system, metabolism, and the endocrine system. It detoxifies your entire body, but it especially works wonders on the liver and the colon. It can prevent digestive diseases, remove water retention, and it is even packed full of vitamins and nutrients. You’ll never feel better. Here’s the recipe!

  • ½ a cup of fresh apple juice
  • 2 tablespoons of lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger juice
  • ½ a teaspoon of sea salt
  • ½ a glass of filtered water

Boil the water first and leave it to cool down a bit, then add the salt and stir until it dissolves. Next, add the apple juice, lemon, and ginger and take the mixture 3 times a day (before breakfast, lunch and before going to bed). Repeat the process every day for a week to keep your colon clean and healthy.

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