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Drink This Cucumber-Based Drink at Night For 5 Weeks and Drop Up to 15 Pounds!

by April 26, 2017

Now that in today’s society we are all learning about how toxic the food we’re eating is, many Americans are switching to a more natural and healthy diet. If you’re interested in doing this, this is the best juice to start off with.

The world of food has been manipulated and abused for profiting. The CEO’s of major food companies are making billions off of our unhealthy eating. They put toxic ingredients in our food to save pennies and we’re not even told about it. That’s not all either; major food corporations also put ingredients in their products that are slightly addictive so that we eek coming back for more. It’s causing us to be extremely unhealthy and gain massive amounts of weight. No wonder America leads in obesity.

If you are looking to lose a little weight, this natural remedy will be of great help to you. It is packed full of natural ingredients that are amazing for your body, and they stimulate weight loss! It’s a basic and easy recipe to follow too! It consists of cucumbers, lemons, and ginger! These natural fruits and veggies are fantastic for detoxifying your body and giving you a refreshed start!

Here is the recipe:


  • 1 cucumber
  • a bunch of parsley or cilantro
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tbsp grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp aloe vera juice
  • 1/2 glass water

Juice the listed ingredients and consume the drink before going to bed. You can continue it for a month and then take a break of one week. If you need, you can start the cycle again.

A Natural Home Remedy to Increase Breast Size

by April 26, 2017

Are you a member of the itty bitty titty committee? For some people that is perfectly fine and others are insecure about their breast size.

If you want to enhance the size of your ta-tas you can do so without surgery. This natural solution can make your breasts bigger without having to do anything drastic. You see there are a lot of different things that can cause small breasts, for example, hormonal issues, poor diet, genetics, stress, and vitamin deficiencies. No matter the cause this remedy will be able to help you. It is easy to make and will have your breasts growing in no time.

Natural Breast Enhancing Remedy



  • Mix all of these things well and then massage your breasts with it for about ten whole minutes.
  • Do this daily for one whole month and you will notice a huge difference.
  • During this time it is important to stay relaxed and avoid stress.

While this may sound a bit outlandish to most people it works wonders. If you think your breasts are too small give this remedy a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Enjoy!

3 Non-Toxic Ways to Kill Mold In Your Home!

by April 26, 2017

You might have recently noticed that some mold has popped up in the corner of the bathroom, or even the kitchen. Don’t worry, this happens all the time, but you do need to get rid of it as soon as possible!

No matter what, you need to reduce the amount of mold that is in the air you’re breathing. Mold can be detrimental to your health and ignore it will only cause it to grow. Some studies have even linked spores of mold to depression and even death! According to many different studies, humans breathe in incredibly high amounts of mold from environmental air.

So this leaves the underlying question; what are you supposed to do if you spot mold in your house? Well, there are many different ways to kill the mold, but not all of them are a healthy decision. For example, flooding the kitchen in bleach is honestly just going to kill a couple thousand brain cells. You should actually try to eliminate the mold naturally. Killing mold naturally will not only work out better for your health, it is actually the most effective way of getting rid of it.

Tea Tree Oil 

If you’re going to eliminate the mold naturally, tea tree oil is going to be your best friend. Tea tree oil is an amazing natural ingredient that is derived from the melaleuca tree. It is one of the best natural ingredients to use for cleaning. It has a strong, medicinal odor, so use it sparingly! You only have to use a small amount of killing the mold that is invading the kitchen cabinets.

All you have to do is mix two teaspoons of tea tree oil with 2 cups of water. Mist the spray on the affected area, and cover all the mold. The concoction will solve all of your mold problems immediately! You might even feel better because the mold is disappearing!

Grapefruit Seed Extract 

The advantage of using grapefruit seed extract instead of tea tree oil for killing mold is that it is odorless.

10 drops grapefruit seed extract
1 cup water

Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. Do not rinse. Makes about 2 cups, lasts indefinitely.

Vinegar Spray 

Straight vinegar reportedly kills 82 percent of mold. Pour some white distilled vinegar straight into a spray bottle, spray on the moldy area, and let set without rinsing if you can put up with the smell. It will dissipate in a few hours. If you don’t like the smell of vinegar, you can add essential oils for a more mellow scent.

4 Leftovers You Do Not Want to Reheat! Especially Number 4!

by April 26, 2017

The leftover spaghetti in the fridge would certainly be easier to warm up rather than cooking a new meal, however it might not be the healthiest decision.

Yes, it is really convenient to warm up leftovers from the past two nights, but it can also cause some health issues. However, not all leftover food is spoiled, some of it is. It sucks to throw out expensive food that was fresh a day ago, but it is necessary to remain healthy. These are the foods that you never want to reheat!


You never want to reheat vegetables after about a day. Celery, lettuce, beets, and spinach all have stored accumulated nitrates that can be detrimental to your health. It can cause a rare blood disorder in children called methemoglobinemia. If you are trying to save vegetables for longer than a day, they need to be frozen. Otherwise, throw them out!

Vegetable oil

of course, you aren’t going to heat up vegetable oil and dig in, however, you might reheat meats and other foods that were cooked in it. In fact, reheating vegetable oil has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and an increased risk of cancer!


Chicken is known to be the perfect living environment for many different bacteria. It also contains lots of proteins that can take a violent turn when reheated. If you are reheating chicken make sure that it is hot all the way to the core.


This is one of the biggies. You never need to reheat rice. Uncooked rice has spores of harmful bacteria that can survive the first cooking process. If it is then stored at room temperature, the spores can double and even multiply. They can also cause a world of digestive issues! If you have to reheat rice, add some water and cook it on the stove again. Make sure it is thoroughly hot all the way through.

Food is expensive these days, no doubt. It seems like it is harmless and cost efficient to be reheating your leftovers. While it is, you have to be careful what you’re reheating. To avoid the risks, cook as much fresh food as you can!

Feeling Tired Lately? It Might Be Time For A Kidney Detox Juice

by April 26, 2017

There are all kinds of detoxifying remedies that will boost your overall health, but not all of them might be right for you. However, if you’re feeling extra tired lately, a kidney detox might be essential to your overall recovery process.

If your kidneys aren’t functioning properly you will experience a world of health complications. Signs that you need to detoxify your kidneys are usually nausea, fatigue, dizziness, depression, moodiness, fatigue, gas, insomnia, and thirst. If you combine all of these symptoms it appears that you are just feeling a bit under the weather. However, it may clear up for small amounts of time, if it consists you should try cleansing your kidneys!

If your kidneys are functioning poorly, you have a much bigger risk to form kidney stones. If your kidneys are producing stones, it is likely that they will pass during the kidney detox – so beware. Passing kidney stones does not feel good at all; in fact, it feels like an infinite hell. However, you have to get them out somehow!

If you have experienced any of these symptoms, it is likely you would benefit from a kidney detox. This recipe is perfect for your kidneys restoration! It consists of watermelon and lime. We all know watermelon is 90% water and that aids in flushing out stones and plaque. However, the lime is the carrier of the key ingredient – citric acid. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin’s Health Information Center found that citric acid is able to help people dealing with calcium kidney stones.

All you have to do is blend two cups of watermelon along with the juice of one peeled lime! It tastes great, and I would recommend drinking it in the morning time on an empty stomach!

The Cheapest Way to Clean Your Tap Water of Fluoride, Aluminum, Lead, Chlorine, and Lithium.

by April 26, 2017

Exposure to fluoride can cause a whole new world of side effects for any person who consumes even the littlest amount. Fluoride is flooded into our bodies through our public water systems, and now there is a way that you can purify it without going broke.

Fluoride exposure is no joke. Yes, it’s a common ingredient in toothpaste, but municipalities have fluoridated everyone’s water! While you would have to ingest a reasonable amount of fluoride to acquire some of the major symptoms, even the smallest amounts of fluoride can devastate your overall health. Fluoride has been linked to weakening the skeletal system and causing arthritis. Because your liver is not able to process fluoride, it is passed along into the bloodstream, and it destroys your calcium levels. Thus, leaving you with much weaker bones.

If you have ever sought to purify your water of fluoride, chlorine, and other toxic chemicals, you probably discovered that it isn’t bank account friendly – fluoride purifiers can be pretty expensive. However, nobody ever needed one in the first place. There is one natural ingredient that can purify your water of these toxic chemicals as a whole, without breaking your budget. What is it? Well, Cilantro of course.

Cilantro has amazing detoxifying abilities. One study explored cilantro’s ability to cleanse heavy metals from water. According to the study, cilantro water cleansing might be a much cheaper alternative to water purifiers. Scientists theorize that the outer wall of the cilantro cell is fantastic at absorbing heavy metals. Not only is your water being purified, but it also isn’t running through a plastic container to do so.

Wondering What to Do Next?

If you’re looking to purify your water using cilantro all you have to do is follow these simple steps. Fill a tube with ground and dried cilantro. When the water runs through the tube it cleanses the water of all the heavy metals, chlorine, and fluoride!

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