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81 Percent of Dollar Store Products Tested Contain Chemicals Linked To Learning Disabilities, Cancer and Serious Illnesses

by May 1, 2017

There is no doubting the convenience of a dollar store. I mean, you can get almost everything you need in there, all for a dollar each. However, it might not be as good of an investment as you think.

The dollar store offers food, drinks, household cleaning products, decor, and pretty much everything else you would need. The best part is that you can get it all for a dollar each. However, it isn’t as cheap as you think. While it does cost a flat dollar, you’re compromising your health to save a dollar or two. In fact, HealthyStuff and the Campaign for healthier Solutions released a report regarding the products that the dollar store sells. The report consisted of a list of toxic ingredients found in dollar store products. The report is titled A Day Late and a Dollar Short.

The tests were performed on a number of dollar store products. They tested over 160 different things including jewelry, toys, school supplies, and other household items. The tests confirmed that there was over 81% (133 of 164 items) contained at least one hazardous chemical above levels of concern. They also sent a letter to 4 CEO’s of dollar store chains. These included dollar tree, dollar general, and family dollar. The letter urged them to stop poisoning low-income families with the sale of hazardous chemicals. These chains bring in more than $30 billion in revenue.

“People struggling to make ends meet are confined to shopping at the Dollar stores,” said Jose T. Bravo, National Coordinator for the Campaign for Healthier Solutions. “We are already disproportionately affected by pollution and lack of adequate medical care, and now we know we’re filling our homes and our bodies with chemicals released from Dollar store products. This needs to stop. ”

“We’ve tested 1,000’s of products from dozens of retailers over the last ten years, said Jeff Gearhart, HealthyStuff Research Director. “And on average the dollar store products are some of the poorest performings from a chemical hazard perspective. I am particularly concerned about the comparatively high percentage of products containing hazardous plasticizers. ”

The chemicals found in the dollar store products were linked to reduced fertility, health issues, diabetes, learning disabilities, asthma, and cancer. Although the price is convenient, it is a much better idea to pay the extra dollar or two for organic food. You’ll feel better, look better, and function better.

Massive 10-Year Study Has Linked Diet Soda to Heart Attacks and Strokes

by May 1, 2017

You have a hard time quitting soda, right? You try to switch to diet as a means to cut back but is that really what you should be doing?

Truth is that diet sodas are not good for us either! One study carried out by the University of Iowa has shown that the chemical artificial sweeteners they use (Aspartame) to make these are linked with an increased risk of heart disease. Head researcher on this study was Dr. Ankur Vyas and the study contained about 60,000 women over a nine-year period.

In this, it was found that participants who indulged in two or more cans of diet soda a day were 30% more likely to suffer some sort of cardiovascular event and 50% more likely to die of a heart-related disease than someone who did not drink these diet sodas at all. This is easily one of the largest studies that have been done on this topic. The more diet soda you drink the higher your risks.

These findings are something we should consider eye-opening, to say the least. Tons of people consume diet drinks each day and some much more than two cans this could be detrimental to overall public health. In this study, their participants were split into four groups the groups being broken down into two or more diet drinks a day. five to seven diet drinks per week, one to four diet drinks per week, and zero to three diet drinks per month.

The health records of each woman were analyzed after almost ten years and the results definitely speak for themselves. These are things that should be more than enough cause for worry. The money that goes into making diet soda seem healthy is proof that these companies are only concerned with adding more cash to their pockets.

These corporations will do whatever it takes to increase profit and yes, that includes killing us off slowly. Please pay attention to what you put in your body. For more information on this please take the time to watch the video below.

What Happens to Your Kidneys When You Ingest Baking Soda

by April 30, 2017

Baking soda is something you can find in almost every home across the US. It is a fine powder that we use for just about everything.

While it is used for cleaning and other things of the sort, it is also used for medical reasons. People use baking soda to raise their pH level, treat allergic reactions to things like poison ivy, remove splinters, and even stop the progression of kidney failure. Yes, you read that right baking soda can be used to help stop the progression of kidney failure. If you are looking to improve your kidney health this is the remedy for you.

Baking Soda Kidney Health Remedy



  • This will take a few days to carry out and on each day things will be a little different so pay close attention.
  • On the first day simply place a teaspoon of baking soda under your tongue and let it dissolve.
  • On the second day mix a teaspoon of baking soda with half of a teaspoon of salt and put it in some water.
  • Drink this once a day for three days.

According to a few studies, a daily dose of baking soda is very needed especially when you are dealing with kidney damage. Why not give this remedy a try? The only thing you have to lose is your kidney damage and that would be a great thing to lose!

The Secret to Relieving Back Pain is In Your Feet! Do These 7 Exercises in Just 15 Minutes

by April 30, 2017

Our feet are just as all of the other parts of our body, yet for some reason we often neglect them. We tend to forget how important they really are.

Our feet work harder than any other part of our external body. They are easily our foundation, without them, we would not get anywhere. Our feel are constantly supporting our body weight and when we don’t take proper care of them we may end up being in pain.

This could cause hip pain, knee pain, and back pain. If you are dealing with pain in any of these areas you may not be taking proper care of your feet. Try the exercises below to reduce your pain and keep your feet healthy.

Toe Walking

This is one of the most effective exercises when it comes to strengthening the muscles in your toes. You will need to begin by standing on your tiptoes as best you can and walk forward for about thirty seconds. Rest for twenty seconds and then repeat. Do this at least five times.

Toe Pressing

This is one I actually suggest doing early on it os a good way to promote relaxation and will make your toes feel pretty darn good. All you need to do is bend the knees while standing, grip the floor with your toes and hold this position for five while seconds. Release and repeat. Do this ten times.

Resisted Flexion

For this one, you will need to sit on the floor with your feet straight out in front of you. Wrap an exercise band around a chair and then put the band on your feet. Slide back while sitting on the floor, do this until you feel the tension in the band. Bend the foot backward and hold this position for ten seconds. Do this ten times.

Toe Pencil Pickups

This is exactly what it sounds like. Stand in front of a pencil on the ground and pick it up using only your toes. Do this ten times.

Ankle Circles

You will need to put your back on the floor for this one and extend one leg to your head. Rotate your ankle clockwise for twenty seconds and then do the same with the other ankle. Repeat this about ten times with each ankle.

Toe Extension

Wrap all five of your toes on one foot with an exercise band and expand your toes, hold this position for ten seconds and repeat ten times for each foot.

Calf Raises

Stand beside a counter or something you can fall against if need be. Balance on one foot and rise up to your toes. Hold this position for fifteen seconds ten times and repeat with the other leg as well.

These exercises will take less than fifteen whole minutes and will have you feeling better in no time. Do these every other day and you will notice a huge difference in your pain levels. Enjoy!

Deadly Dog Disease Sweeping the Country: Pet Owners Warned To Be Vigilant

by April 30, 2017

There is a deadly disease that is sweeping across the United States – but it isn’t humans that are infected – it’s dogs.

Man’s best friend has a new disease to worry about, and it is far worse than Lyme disease. This disease is deadly in almost all cases, and there is no way to prevent it. It is so rare that many people have never even heard of the disease. It is called the Alabama Rot, and it was first discovered in the United Kingdom five years ago. Since then it has taken the lives of dozens of dogs. It originated in the USA in Greyhounds in 1980.

This deadly dog nightmare is officially named CRGV, and just like the name suggests, it can literally make your canine buddies flesh rot off. Without immediate treatment, dogs will develop an intense fever, and will eventually die. Because it rots the flesh, the dog will have kidney failure, loss of appetite, tiredness, and vomiting. The United kingdom and Ireland have seen 94 cases in total since 2012. They have not yet discovered the cause of the deadly disease, so it is hard to prevent it.

However, veterinarian professionals recommend not taking your dogs for walks in muddy, wooded areas. It is particularly important to avoid doing this if there has been heavy rain lately. They also say to wash your dog’s paws and legs thoroughly when you return from a walk. They believe that toxins produced by bacteria are the cause of the disease, but it is not confirmed.

We care so much about our four-legged friend, so it is important to stay informed. There are many diseases that man’s best friend can suffer from, and only you can protect them! We are still waiting on more tests to be done on this deadly disease, but until then, keep your doggies safe.

5 Things You Should Never Do After Eating

by April 30, 2017

We all have a routine throughout the day. After dinner especially! What do you usually do after dinner? Whether you eat desert, smoke a cigarette, or take a nap, each one of these things can affect us differently.


There is something so satisfying about sleeping after a good meal, but it can affect our bodies in many different ways. When you lie down after a meal, the acid present in the stomach will enter your food pipes and burn them. It can also cause heartburn, which never feels very good.


You should never go for a walk after a long meal because it causes acid reflux and indigestion. However, it is considered healthy to take a ten-minute walk after half an hour of eating, because it helps to burn calories in a good way.

Drinking Tea


While tea does provide some benefits to the human body, it isn’t recommended to drink a glass of tea after a meal. This is because tea has certain elements which bind with iron present in the plant foods we are eating. As a result, it is never digested into our bodies. Women and children require a higher amount of iron, so it is especially recommended that they do not drink tea after a meal.


We all know that smoking is horrible for us. There are dozens of carcinogenic ingredients in cigarettes, they cause tons of health issues, and they smell bad. However, smoking is one of the first things a smoker does after they eat. While you shouldn’t smoke it all, you definitely shouldn’t do it after you eat! There are over 60 different types of cancer causing chemicals in cigarettes that can also make you nauseous or cause nicotine poisoning after a meal. 


Your body has to be able to maintain an internal temperature to digest food. However, when you take a shower all the heat is used in maintaining the body temperature, instead of digesting the food. If you need to shower after a meal, it is recommended that you wait at least thirty minutes.

One of the best things you can do after a meal is read a book, watch tv, or just chillax. Wait at least thirty minutes before engaging in any physical activity. Just relax and let your body do what it does best.

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