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Your Body is Acidic. Here is what you NEED to Do (The Real Truth Behind Cancer that You Will Never Hear From Your Doctor)!

by February 27, 2016

While it is true that cancer cells may have DNA damage, it is highly unlikely that DNA damage can cause any cell to become cancerous.  In fact, the DNA damage is a result of the true cause cancer.

So let us discuss what really causes cancer. There have been many discoveries about cancer in the past 125 years. For example, William Russell (1852-1940), in 1890, discovered that there are microbes inside and outside of cancer cells. Later it was discovered that the microbes inside cancer cells were “pleomorphic,” that is, they changed shapes and sizes depending on the pH inside the cancer cells.

In 1931, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Otto Warburg for his discovery in determining that the defining characteristic of cancer cells was low “ATP energy” (ATP is made inside the mitochondria of cells and is called “adenosine triphosphate”).

In 1930, it was proven that if the microbes inside the cancer cells are killed, the cancer cells will REVERT into normal cells.  This discovery was made by Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist who developed the use of “harmonic frequencies” to vibrate the microbes until they “exploded” and died. Rather than winning a Nobel Prize for his discovery, Dr. Rife’s lab and inventory were destroyed by the combined consensus of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medical Association (AMA).

So why was Dr. Rife shut down?  It was because his discoveries led to a 100% cure rate amongst his cancer patients. See might seem strange to most readers.  Why would a cancer researcher be shut down for curing cancer? It is assumed that conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry are diligently looking for the cures for cancer.  Nothing could be further from the truth. What they are looking for are massive, massive profits selling their patented chemicals (i.e. drugs).Curing cancer is not on their agenda since that would cut into their profits.

So what exactly is the purpose of the Food and Drug Administration?  The FDA is the “private police force” of the pharmaceutical industry.  Their primary objective is to make sure that the profits of the pharmaceutical industry are protected, even if that means shutting down those who know how to cure cancer, such as Dr. Rife.

It is all about patents.  Drugs made by the pharmaceutical industry can be patented.  Frequency wave forms and molecules in Mother Nature cannot.

Patents are the main drivers of the war against natural medicine by the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA and the AMA.  They are all “in bed” together.

The media is also part of this conspiracy.  Medical doctors are intentionally glorified on television shows and advertisements manipulating the unwell to head for the doctor’s office.

The modus operandi of the media can be summarized by a person who was an expert in understanding propaganda techniques, namely Stalin.

“No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.”

~ Alan Bullock, in Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives

When a person is diagnosed with cancer, they cannot run fast enough to their nearest oncologist.  The media has done their job well.So, even though researchers seeking natural cures for cancer today know much more about the disease than in the 1930’s, very few patients start their treatment with natural medicine.

The scientists at the Independent Cancer Research Foundation (ICRF) – a non-profit foundation investigating natural medicine – are the ones who discovered how the microbes inside cancer cells were partially blocking the ATP energy, as discussed below.With this knowledge, they developed more than 25 natural cancer treatments targeting and killing the microbes inside cancer cells (as Dr. Royal Rife did), thus reverting them into normal cells.

They also use a new technological device, inspired by Dr. Rife’s equipment, which kills the microbes inside the cancer cells, known as the “High RF Frequency Device” according to the Cancer Tutor website (  The Cancer Tutor website is the main ICRF website.

How Microbes Inside Cancer Cells Cause Cancer

So, let’s talk about how microbes inside the cancer cells partially block the production of ATP energy.  This is the key to understanding many new cancer treatments.First of all, let us look at what causes the ATP energy to be created in a healthy cell.

  • Step 1: In a normal cell, glucose receptors allow glucose inside the cell.
  • Step 2: In a 10-step chemical chain reaction this glucose is converted into pyruvate.
  • Step 3: The pyruvate enters into the cell’s mitochondria (every cell has thousands of mitochondria).
  • Step 4: The pyruvate is at the beginning of a chain reaction called the “Citric Acid Cycle” or “Krebs Cycle.”
  • Step 5: About half-way through the Citric Acid Cycle, a second chemical chain reaction begins called the “Electron Transport Chain.”

These two cycles create most of the ATP energy in the cells.

Here is the key.  Cancer cells have more glucose receptors than normal cells and 15 times more glucose than normal cells, though the microbes intercept most of the glucose.  So, even though a cancer cell has far more glucose than a normal cell, less of this glucose gets inside its mitochondria than in a normal cell.Thus, a cancer cell has lower ATP energy because it has less pyruvate and it has less pyruvate because it has less available glucose.

Does DNA Damage Cause Cancer?

So let us talk about why cancer cells may have DNA damage.  The Virginia Livingston team of natural medicine cancer researchers discovered that one or more of the microbes inside the cancer cell penetrate  the cell nucleus (where the DNA is located).

The DNA of the cancer microbes may “mix” with the DNA of the cell and modify the DNA of the cancer cell, causing DNA damage.  This is the basis of “gene therapy” in conventional medicine.

But DNA damage is not what causes the cell to be cancerous.  It is only a symptom of the presence of the microbes.

Cancer researchers, such as the American Cancer Society, are trying to fix the DNA damage.  This is a total waste of time!  But it convinces the general public that they are “looking for” a cure for cancer, when in fact they have no intention of “curing” cancer.  Had they hired one of the ICRF cancer researchers they could have 25 cures for cancer in one week!

Many of the conventional cancer “research” organizations do a good job of pretending to look for cures for cancer, but in fact they have no interest in curing cancer at all.

This is the key: by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells, Dr. Rife was able to prevent the microbes from blocking the ATP energy.  Once the microbes were dead, the cancerous cells were able to access their ATP energy and “reverted” into normal cells again!

The ICRF researcher who discovered how microbes block the ATP energy also developed about 25 different ways to kill these microbes while they are inside the cancer cells (the microbe is actually a bacteria – Helicobacter Pylori) thereby reverting the cancer cells into normal cells.

Here is one example of how the bacteria inside the cancer cell are killed.  Let us consider the “honey and turmeric” protocol, which is part of the Dirt Cheap Protocol (that is its real name because so many cancer patients cannot afford some of the natural cancer treatments) on the Cancer Tutor website.

Cancer cells have more glucose receptors than normal cells and thus are attracted to honey.  To some degree, honey can kill the microbes inside the cancer cells, but it is far more effective to mix the honey with turmeric (or some other herb which kills microbes) to eradicate these microbes. Therefore honey becomes a “Trojan Horse” to get the turmeric inside.

Three different studies show that turmeric is the most effective herb at eliminating Helicobacter Pylori and the cells are reverted into normal cells.The Dirt Cheap Protocol includes over a dozen other techniques that are synergistic with honey and turmeri4c because they are also designed to target and kill the microbes inside the cancer cells.The Dirt Cheap Protocol9 can be found on the Cancer Tutor website ( along with several other natural cancer treatments.

In addition, the Royal Rife technology, which also reverts cancer cells into normal cells, has been replicated and improved upon.  On the Cancer Tutor website, the “High RF Frequency Protocol” is automated and performs everything the original Rife frequency generators did and much more.

In conclusion, natural medicine researchers use traditional methods (e.g. carrot juice with a little beet juice mixed in) as well as state-of-the-art technologies as a cure for cancer.

There are many natural medicine cancer clinics, some run by medical doctors who switched to natural medicine.

Further information can be found on the Cancer Tutor website.

How to Detox Your Armpits and Why You Need To

by February 26, 2016

Often when we think of detox, we thinking about detoxing the body as a whole; but with breast cancer numbers rising armpit detoxing is absolutely necessary. Everyday when you wake up what do you do?

The first thing I do is brush my teeth, take a shower, and then put on ANTIPERSPIRANT. But, the fact is antiperspirant is filled with nasty chemicals such as; parabens, propylene glycol, triclosan, aluminum chlorohydrate, TEA, DEA, FD&C colors, and quaternium 18, as well as many more. Many of these chemicals increase the risk of breast cancer by mimicking estrogen.

“Parabens are used as preservatives in thousands of cosmetic, food, and pharmaceutical products, but this is the first study to show their accumulation in human tissues. It demonstrates that if people are exposed to these chemicals, then the chemicals will accumulate in their bodies.”– claims Dr. Darbre.

Under the armpit is a prime spot where chemicals can easily be absorbed into the blood stream, and on top of that there are lymph nodes in your armpits and around the neck. The lymph nodes play an important role in fighting off diseases when we jam them full of chemicals it causes a hormonal imbalance that can impact your immune response in a big way.

After many years of constant use of deodorants, perfumes, and antiperspirants there is quite a bit of backlog. This is where the detox comes in to play. It will help pull out the chemicals stuck in the skin and tissue of the armpits, and it will prevent an uncomfortable reaction that often play hand in hand with the switch to a more neutral deodorant.

Remember sweating is a perfectly normal, and important function of the body. It is extremely important to keep the pores of your body unclogged. Use this armpit detox to assist your body in the unclogging of the pores, and pull out the stored toxins.

Armpit Detox:

6 drops Rosemary essential oil
2 Tbsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp Bentonite Clay
10 Drops Cilantro essential oil


In a GLASS bowl, mix the clay with the vinegar and then add in the essential oil.

How to Use:

Spread a thin layer of the prepared mixture on your armpit and leave it for 5 minutes. Then, rinse it well.

You should repeat on a daily basis until body odor subsides and your natural deodorant is no longer irritating.

It is also important to drink plenty of water during this detoxifying procedure.


They Couldn’t Figure Out Why Her Breath Was So Bad, Until Her Doctor Found THIS!

by February 26, 2016

Your dental hygiene is pristine, you do all that you have always been told to do; you brush, gargle, and floss as well as go to your regular dental visits. Bu, you still are finding that you have horrible breath, and you cannot figure out why!

It turns out that your problems may be running a bit deeper, in the forms of tonsil stones. Did you know that as many as a quarter of the population has them, and they are pretty horrid.

Your tonsils are glandular structures where bacteria and other materials can become trapped. When this happens, the debris become concentrated in white formations that occur in the pockets. Trapped debris harden, and become calcified.

This is most common in people with chronic inflammation or repeated bouts of tonsillitis. Depending on how large this accumulation of calcified materials is, you will experience a great deal of pain and discomfort in your throat.

Common Symptoms:

Bad Breath

Metallic Taste

Excessive Coughing


Sore Throat

White Debris in the back of the Throat

Hard time Swallowing

Swollen Tonsils

Ear Pain

  • Kids are less likely to develop tonsil stones compared to adults.


Remove bacteria build up on the tongue upon finishing brushing the teeth.

Brush your teeth regularly, this way you can ensure you get the food debris trapped between the teeth.

Oil Pulling! Oil pulling is a wonderful method of removing bacteria from the mouth. Simply place some oil in your mouth; I love to use coconut oil. Swish it around for 10 minutes, and spit it into a trash can.

Gargle with warmed salt water.

Increase your water intake!

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol as much as you can. Alcoholic beverages can leave the mouth dry.



How to Use Tapping or EFT to Relieve Energy Blocks

by February 26, 2016

There are many things that a person thinks of when they think of natural or homeopathic remedies, but one of the best is often overlooked; known as the emotional freedom technique, EFT for short.

The Emotional Freedom Technique is a universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. The basic idea is, no matter what in your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way. This is even the case for physical issues, chronic pain, or diagnosed conditions. Emotional stress can impede the natural healing potential of the human body. EFT works by releasing blockages within the energy system which are the source of emotional intensity and discomfort.

EFT is a form of acupressure, it bases itself on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for well over five thousand years, but without the use of needles. In the place of needles is a simple tapping with the fingertips, used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about a specific problem; whether it be a traumatic event, addiction, pain, etc. while voicing positive affirmations.

The basic tapping process is easy to learn, can be done anytime/anywhere, and can be used to provide impressive DIY results. It is very portable and learnable by almost anyone, in some studies, even children have produced beginner’s benefits with it.

EFT Tapping

The basic sequence is straightforward and generally takes patients only a few moments to learn. It is all in the fingertips; there are a number of acupuncture meridians on your fingertips. Traditional EFT will have you tapping with your index and middle finger and with only one hand. Most of the tapping points exist on either side of the body so it does not matter if you switch sides during the tapping. It is also important to remember to remove your watch and bracelets, they will interfere with your use of wrist meridian tapping.

Tap with solid motions, but never hurt yourself!

Why Choose This Form Of Therapy?

It is a very positive and proactive experience.

It often works where nothing else seems to.

It usually holds rapid, long lasting relief from symptoms.

Easily self-applied.

No harmful drugs or equipment needed.

Tapping Points:


Top of the head, down the center of the skull.

Eyebrow, just above and to the side of the nose.

Side of the eye, on the bone bordering the outside corner of the eye.

Under the Eye, on the bone under the eye an inch below the pupil

Under the nose, on the small area between the bottom of the nose and the top of the upper lip.

Chin, midway between the point of the chin and the bottom of the lower lip.

Collar Bone

Under the Arm, 4 inches below the armpit

Wrists, on the inside of the wrists.

How To Restore Your Hair Color Naturally (1 Mix)

by February 25, 2016

Gray hair is the ultimate sign of the aging process, and about half of 50-year-olds are at least 50% gray. People have tried to cover their grays by using expensive hair dyes, but it is not the easiest battle out there, as gray hair is quite a tough opponent. Right? Maybe not.

Regular consumption of young wheatgrass has proven to bring back one’s natural hair color, so it is good to know that you can enjoy shiny and natural color even in your senior years.

And that is not the only benefit provided by the consumption of this miraculous grass. Wheatgrass will slow the entire aging process. It will rejuvenate your skin, detoxify your body, tighten loose and saggy skin, and even fight cancer.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) associates hair pigmentation with the quality of the blood and the strength of your kidneys. According to TCM, gray hair indicates weak kidneys and blood more than it means you are getting old.

Wheatgrass (from triticum aestivium) is 70% chlorophyll, which makes it efficient in restoring the health of your kidneys and blood.

Chlorophyll strengthens, oxygenates and improves your blood. It is similar to hemoglobin, the compound that brings oxygen to the blood. Once you consume chlorophyll, it transforms into blood. It transports nutrients, including oxygen, to the cells, tissues and organs, which gives it rejuvenating, protecting and strengthening power.

Dr Bernard Jensen, a world famous nutritionist, revealed that wheatgrass juice and other green juices are the best natural agents to improve the structure of your blood.

In his book, Health Magic Through Chlorophyll From Living Plant Life, he thoroughly explains the way in which he could boost red blood cell count within a few days. All he did was soak his patients in a chlorophyll-water bath. Wheatgrass and other green juices have proven to be even more efficient in boosting red blood cell count.

Beyond Beautification and into Total Body Health

Wheatgrass contains many nutrients that reinforce and rejuvenate our body. In addition to its high content of chlorophyll, wheatgrass contains 17 essential amino acids, 90 minerals, 13 vitamins and 80 enzymes. Dr Earp-Thomas, a prominent research scientist, said,”15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery and so forth.”

Wheatgrass provides an impenetrable defense against many disease. As an all-natural and powerful detoxifying agent, wheatgrass protects the liver and cleanses the blood by neutralizing substances like cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury, and polyvinyl chloride.

Fact: Cancer cells cannot develop in oxygen-rich environments!

Detoxification is the first step. Wheatgrass is anti-cancer agent with the ability to help halt tumor growth.

It is a rich source of liquid oxygen, so by boosting the production of red blood cells and increasing the oxygen level in the blood, wheatgrass actually fights cancer, because cancer cells cannot survive in alkaline environments.

The journal Mutation Research published a study in which chlorophyll was claimed to be more potent than beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E. The anti-cancer effect of chlorophyll is more powerful than any other nutrient. Wheatgrass provides total body nutrition in a single gulp!

New alternative health breakthroughs appear every single day. There is strong evidence that this anti-aging cure can heal a variety of diseases. It can relieve pain, reverse the aging process and improve overall health. These natural alternatives are inexpensive or free, but unfortunately they are rarely reported by the mass media. Moreover, some of these solutions are even banned and suppressed.


4 Natural Remedies To Cure Receding Gums

by February 23, 2016

Receding gums can be quite alarming. Not only are they painful, they can also lead to pockets, or gaps, between your teeth and gum line, allowing the build up of harmful bacteria.

According to WebMD, this can lead to severe damage of supporting tissue and bone structure of your teeth as well as eventual tooth loss.

So what causes gums to recede?

Believe it or not, a study published in the Journal of Periodontology Online found that one of the causes is actually being a little too zealous with your teeth cleaning routine.

Another cause is genetics. According to WebMD, 30% of the population is predisposed to gum disease. If you’re among that number, you’ll always be at an increased risk, no matter how well you clean.


Another cause of receding gums, perhaps unsurprisingly, is smoking. According to Simple Steps Dental, smoking is one of the biggest factors in the development of a variety of gum problems, including receding gums.

So what can you do about receding gums? Do you simply have to grin and bear it?

Thankfully, no!

There are several natural remedies out there that have been found to combat receding gums. Note that these remedies are of course most useful if the problem is discovered before it gets to the point where surgery is necessary. Things get messy from there – gum tissue grafts and all sorts of expensive stuff.

With that being said, if you’ve just begun to notice some of the issues associated with a receding gum line (such as bleeding after brushing or flossing, swollen gums, bad breath and pain at the gum line) there may still be time to try out some of the following remedies for relief and healing:

Green Tea



A Japanese study published by the American Dental Association found regular consumption of green tea to be helpful in the promotion of healthy teeth and gums.

The study found a decrease in three indicators of periodontal disease – periodontal pocket depth, attachment loss of gum tissue and bleeding – when green tea was consumed each day by study participants.

Aloe Vera


Yet another use for what must be one of the most magical plants in existence? You bet.

A study published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology names aloe as a “soothing healer to periodontal disease.” The study evaluated 15 subjects and found that when aloe vera gel was administered orally, the severity of various gum diseases was reduced.

That doesn’t mean you have to break open leaves and lather the suspicious-looking gel all over your gums. There are various aloe vera products available like toothpaste, mouthwash and juice.




WholeHealthMD cites eucalyptus as an anti-inflammatory substance great for fighting gum disease. This could be due to its germ-fighting abilities; it kills the bacteria that parties in your mouth when gum recession occurs. recommends mixing the following two ingredients to create a mouthwash, for battling gum recession:

  • 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus oil
  • 1 cup of warm water

Vitamin C


According to, Vitamin C has been used for centuries to stop gum swelling, bleeding and recession. This is backed up by information from, which cites a 14-week study done at the University of California San Francisco, which found the severity of bleeding gums to increase when Vitamin C intake decreased, and vice versa.

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