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70-Year-Old Man is Beating Stage IV Colon Cancer Using This Tea Recipe

by May 17, 2016

A few days before his 70th birthday in 2013, John Tanzi was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer. His doctors told him that he only had a few months to live. Having seen some of his friends go through the pain and misery of chemotherapy, only to end up dying in the end, he decided that he was going to take a different approach.

The first thing John did was completely overhaul his diet. He cut out meat, refined sugar and dairy products based on the recommendations of and their “cancer diet”. As he continued to research his condition and possible treatments, John discovered a 250mg gel capsule form of Essiac tea. He combined the Essiac tea capsules with a beta glucan capsule for every 50 pounds of body weight, and to this day is still beating his doctor’s initial diagnosis.

Life Extension Magazine wrote: “Beta glucans have been used as an immunoadjuvant therapy (an immune system stimulant) for cancer since 1980, mostly in Japan.” The most common source of beta glucans in nature are shiitake mushrooms, which have been called an “anti-cancer superfood”. Shiitake mushrooms contain a specific beta glucan known as lentinan – which has been shown to shrink tumors and stop tumor development.

John advises other cancer patients to look for what is right for them, choose natural alternatives to cancer treatments, and most importantly to change their lifestyles. John’s facebook page “Holistic Cancer and Health Chat Room” is a free source of information for cancer patients, and provides information and support for anyone looking for advice.

Healthy Food House

The Most Dangerous Consequences of the S-A-D Diet

by May 17, 2016

Decades ago, the food available was mostly fresh and locally grown; today, the majority of foods consumed are highly processed, high in sugar and fat. The truth is, we are literally eating ourselves to death.

First off, what is the SAD diet? Standard. American. Diet.

Obesity rates have skyrocketed, and one in five American deaths are now associated with obesity. Obesity related deaths include those from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, dementia, and depression, and nearly all have metabolic dysfunction as a common underlying factor.

The United States is the unhealthiest nation in the world. 64.5% of all Americans are either overweight or obese. And even without a chart, graph or article to tell you this all you have to do is look around to see that we are an overweight nation.

How did we get to this SAD condition? The answer is easy, we eat entirely too much, and too much of the wrong foods. As a nation, we have become hooked on fast foods. Most people tell themselves that they do not have time to prepare and eat decent meals. When we cook It is too tempting to just open a box and microwave something. Or we say we are too tired and just do not feel like cooking. And…hey we deserve a break today, don’t we?

What do you consider a break? Heart disease, diabetes, or cancer? We are at the mercy of the food industry, which spends nearly $10 billion a year advertising junk food and fast food. When you think about it, you do deserve a break, and not just today. Our bodies deserve a permanent break from the food that we are killing ourselves with. Foods such as:

  • Low nutrient
  • Manufactured trans fats in the form of hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils
  • Sugar in all its forms
  • Refined flour
  • Excessive amounts of meat and dairy

And not just fast foods and junk foods, but processed foods or what most people call convenience foods. Things like Double cheeseburgers, fries, and colas things that you can drive and get just around almost any corner.

I think it is time for a food revolution! It is the time and day for change, I feel it! Change is right around the corner, and if you cared anything about your health you will join me! No more junk food, convenience food, or highly processed junk. Let’s make a deal to get rid of it forever, if you don’t put your money towards it, it will go away. Change can happen, but every single person has to be on board for it.

11 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick And Fat

by May 17, 2016

By now we all know that water is life, your whole body needs it to survive. We all know this, but too it is too often that I hear people say how much they do not like it and refuse to drink it.

Dehydration actually sets in just before you start feeling thirsty? The average person needs 2-3 liters of water a day to stay healthy; depending on sex, age, and build. When your water intake is low your skin, digestive system, bladder, and kidneys take the hit. You will start feeling more fatigued and will notice more headaches.

Another important thing to remember when you think that you are getting an adequate supply of water with your liquids is that soda, tea, and juice are not replenishing your body’s supplies of water. The sodium and sugar create an adverse effect making you thirsty.


All About Retrograde Ejaculation

by May 15, 2016

Retrograde ejaculation can be a stressful situation, even more so for couples trying to conceive. It is an embarrassing but not life threatening condition.

Retrograde ejaculation is when during orgasm, sperms are released from the testicles and travel through the vas deferens into the prostate, where they mix with fluid in the prostate. Just before ejaculation, semen enters the bladder instead of going out through the urethra during ejaculation.

Retrograde Ejaculation Causes

  • Retrograde ejaculation may be a stressful situation, especially for couples trying to conceive. There are several causes for retrograde ejaculation,
  • Surgery involving the neck of the bladder or the prostate is often associated with the complication of retrograde ejaculation
  • Prostate enlargement, hypertension or psychological disturbances have been closely linked to retrograde ejaculation
  • Certain drugs used for controlling hypertension or cardiovascular disorders have been associated with retrograde ejaculation.
  • Damage to the nerve supply to the neck of the bladder, in patients with spinal cord injury, diabetes or sclerosis is also another factor.
  • Radiation therapy for treatment of cancer in the pelvic region is often associated with dry orgasm or retrograde ejaculation.

Is it reversible?

The reversibility of the condition depends upon the underlying cause for the condition. If retrograde ejaculation is caused due to certain drugs or medication, speak to your doctor and try to select an alternative that is not associated with a complication.

Certain causes of the condition can be reversible. It should be noted that it in no way shape or for effects or hurts the individual. Complications can occur when a couple is trying to conceive.

Natural Remedies

Herbs like Perennial, Shatavari, Gokharu, Musli, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha have been found to be effective in the treatment of retrograde ejaculation. These herbs are a part of the Ayurvedic system of Medicine, and it is important to consult a trained ayurvedic doctor before using these herbs

Homeopathy also provides so drugs for the treatment of retrograde ejaculation. Gelsemium, Rhus Tox and Bryonia are some of the drugs that can help in strengthening the contraction of muscles on the neck of the bladder and treat the condition. Certain drugs that help strengthen the nerves like Argentium Nitrium, and Arsenic Album can also prove beneficial in the treatment of retrograde ejaculation.

Stress and depression are often associated with retrograde ejaculation. Meditation and yoga are very beneficial in reducing stress and aid in improving the condition.

How to Use Egg Shells to Heal your Cavities

by May 15, 2016

Did you know, you can do so much more with your used egg shells than throwing them away? Cavities are no fun at all, so let’s get rid of them using those egg shells that you would normally throw away!

As soon as we can see cavities forming we head for the closest dentists to a filling. What you didn’t know is that along with that filling came either a mouth full of mercury, yes mercury which can cause horrible damage to our brains or our nervous systems, or the white fillings that release estrogen which can lead to hormonal problems.

The solution to all this is to regrow our teeth, and yes this is possible. Our bodies are made to naturally heal themselves, but again we fill ourselves with chemicals and medications, and we halt our body’s efforts.

Egg shells can be the answers to all your cavity problems. Egg shells are high in Calcium and 27 other minerals that can help regrow our teeth. The composition of an egg shell is quite similar to our teeth and our bones.

The secret to this remedy is not some concoction, it is to simply eat the shell. You can blend it into your morning smoothie or juice, or you can grind it into dust and cook it in with your normal food. Buy Organic eggs, just like with our produce, we want the best for our bodies. We do not want non-organic shells that will reverse our efforts. Before consumption boil the shells in water for five-7 minutes to kill any bacteria or pathogens.

Another tip comes in the form of Confrey Root. You can buy fresh or dried comfrey root if using dried simply boil the root in water to rehydrate it and blend it with a few spoonful’s of water. Swish the mixture around your mouth for 15-20 minutes and spit out.

Only use the comfrey until your teeth are regrown, it can be very harsh on the liver so if you have any liver problems, just skip it.

You should start to see things progress in a few weeks, but it will take one- two months for the cavity to be completely healed.

3 Millenniums of Women’s Beauty Standards in a 3-Min Video

by May 15, 2016

Through the decades, beauty has jumped from one social norm to the other, one year one beauty train would be characterized as beautiful and the next it would be something completely different. But, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder!

What is beautiful to you? What makes you consider another human being to be ugly? Our youth is growing up in an extremely sexualized world, which is full of vanity. It truly is a shame that our children will grow up striving to be to achieve a particular look and ridiculed if they do not achieve it.

“If tomorrow, women woke up and decided they really liked their bodies, just think about how many industries would go out of business,” – Unknown

Every culture has had their own idea of beauty since the beginning of time. But, over the past 100 years beauty has been defined primarily by the use of women in popular magazines and newspapers. Changes in beauty are shown in images of idolized women, who shape what it means to be beautiful. From the face to the waist, to other emphasized parts of the female body. What is beautiful one day will not be beautiful the next.

In the video, a cast of models shows what beauty was like through various historical periods. But the truth is we need to learn to look within for beauty, observe the heart more than you observe the physical characteristics of the female/human body. Remember beauty is only skin deep. Sometimes you will miss out on a good thing, or hurt a good person simply because they do not meet your standards of beauty. But, everyone is beautiful in their own way!

“For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.” Sam Levenson.

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