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Pepsi Putting Aspartame Back into Diet Drinks 1yr After Removing Controversial Sweetener

by June 27, 2016

By now it should be no secret that aspartame is not a healthy substance, it does a lot of harm to the body and nothing good. Due to popular demand, the chemical was removed from PepsiCo Diet drinks, but one year later it is being added back in.

Pepsi removed the sweetener “in response to consumer demand” in April 2015 to appeal to customers who were concerned that aspartame carries health risks.

Unfortunately, some older consumers were reportedly unhappy about the change in flavor. Aspartame provides a taste that is around 200 times sweeter than sugar.

Therefore, despite the harmful side effects, Pepsi Max will be reintroduced to the United States market in September as Pepsi Zero Sugar and will contain aspartame.

“Consumers want choice in diet colas, so we’re refreshing our U.S. lineup to provide three options that meet differing needs and taste preferences,” a Pepsi representative said in a statement.

It is a sad truth that some people do not care about what they put in their bodies.

7 Foods to Avoid if You Have a Thyroid Disorder

by June 27, 2016

Having issues with your thyroid is a very big deal. Your thyroid has a major influence on just about all of the metabolic processes in one’s body, this can cause some awful problems.

Thyroid disorder can be a slight enlargement of the thyroid or even something as life threatening as cancer. The most frequent issues with one’s thyroid are caused by a distressed production of thyroid hormones.

A thyroid disorder can cause a wide range of things such as:

  • restlessness
  • weight loss
  • weight gain
  • fatigue
  • dizziness

If for some reason you’re producing too many thyroid hormones you could come down with another dangerous thyroid issue known as Hyperthyroidism. Do you suffer from a thyroid problem?


Here are the seven foods you should avoid if you have a thyroid disorder:

  • Sugar-  Avoiding foods with excess sugar will help keep you from packing on extra weight.
  • Fried foods- These foods can prevent your body from being able to absorb thyroid hormone replacement medicines so we need to stay as far away from them as possible.
  • Coffee- Excessive caffeine can cause problems with your adrenal glands so cutting back will do you a huge favor.
  • Cruciferous Veggies- Things like broccoli could reduce the production of your thyroid hormones and we don’t want that.
  • Gluten- Gluten can cause the body’s immune system to attack it and the enzymes you get from your thyroid which will leave you in even worse condition.
  • Soy- This in general, can worsen your symptoms if you must have it stick to tempeh.
  • Processed foods- These foods usually have large amounts of sodium which are not good since most people who suffer from thyroid disorders also have high blood pressure and those who do not have an increased risk.

Mother Lost 4-Month-Old After 16 Vaccinations in 3 Visits

by June 27, 2016

Happy healthy baby Ja’Liyah Cortize Turner was born on the 29th of November in 2013. Just like many other babies, she was started on a strict schedule for her vaccinations, unfortunately for her it did not go as expected.

At her two month visit, this sweet child received eight vaccinations that caused her to come down with an abnormally high fever forcing her mother to take her to the emergency room. Doctors told the concerned mother that everything was normal and she should not even worry about it! After some time passed the four-month visit came.


This young child was given seven different vaccines for things like:

  • DTaP
  • Polio
  • Hib
  • PCV
  • Oral Rotavirus

Once again Ja’Liyah came down with a severe fever and was back in the emergency room. The staff there again told the concerned mother that everything was fine and perfectly normal. After being sent home from the ER, the baby died four days later.

Quavia (Mother of the child) tried to wake the baby up but was unable to. She called 911 and her baby was taken to the hospital while her family hoped that things would be alright. The family was quickly made aware that Ja’Liyah did not make it and had passed on.

“I remember just screaming, ‘my baby gone, she gone’… She wasn’t facing me, she was facing the wall. She had what looked like a mixture of thick fluids and a small amount of blood coming from her mouth and nose and even her ears she had stuff coming out of them. I was wiping her while my husband was holding her and doing CPR. We were trying to clean her but it just kept coming out,” she writes.

According to the autopsy, the baby was healthy and perfect even yet somehow she died? Quavia has shared her daughters’ story with many people and as it seems the most ignored part of her daughters’ information was her vaccinations and emergency hospital visits, the signs were there and they were ignored! The cause of death has been ruled as “Unknown, Undetermined.”


If you take the time to look at the possible side effects of the vaccines this baby and most babies take you will notice quickly why this sweet child didn’t make it:

  • Polio (IPV) (side effects include anaphylactic shock and fever)
  • DTaP (side effects include convulsions and siezures)
  • Hib (side effects include vomiting and convulsions)
  • PCV (side effects include fever, problems moving limbs, death)

Information released in the past few years has also shown that African American individuals are more vulnerable to injury from these vaccines that paired with too many vaccines at one time can increase the chances of the child having SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome.) Please take things like this into consideration when vaccinating your children, know what you’re doing before you do it.

For the full story click here.

Not lovin’ it: McDonald’s to close over 500 restaurants worldwide to stay afloat

by June 27, 2016

McDonald’s will shut down 500 stores this year in an effort to boost profits. Even as the world’s biggest fast food chain moves its headquarters to a $250 million 608,000-square foot complex in Chicago’s West Side in the spring of 2018; 500 will weaker-performing locations will close.

McDonald’s spokeswoman Becca Hary confirmed the announcement, released just days after it withdrew its branches from Middle Eastern and three Latic American, countries, in an email to The Street:

“It’s important to note that while we will have a net reduction in restaurants [in the US], the impact is minimal in comparison to the 14,000 restaurants we operate across the US. We consistently review our restaurant portfolio and make strategic decisions to better position our business for the future.”

In 2015, McDonald’s closed 700 underperforming restaurants in Japan, the US and China, 350 more than it had planned, due to a significant decline in global sales. McDonald’s Ceo Steve Easterbrook had informed the Wall Street Journal last year that big changes were required in order to improve the company’s financial struggles.

“I think there is a hunger and an interest in our business to embrace change. McDonald’s management team is keenly focused on acting more quickly to better address today’s consumer needs, expectations and the competitive marketplace.”

In 2016, McDonald’s has pledged its capital expenditure at $2 billion, with half allocated to reinvestment in its best locations and the other half to open 1000 new restaurants.

According to the Washington Post:

“Each time McDonald’s has announced how much money it’s making, the company has been forced to share an embarrassing truth: Americans are eating less and less of its hamburgers, chicken nuggets, and French fries. The routine became so consistently depressing that McDonald’s decided to quit sharing monthly performance data altogether in March.”

German City is the First to ban single-Use Coffee Pods!

by June 26, 2016

I’m sure if you haven’t used these before you know someone who has. These adorable little coffee pods made by companies like Keurig are actually not a good thing!


These pods are extremely popular and are supposed to be made out of recyclable materials, but the problem is that while they technically are, these pods are made of plastic and aluminum making them unable for plants to properly recycle. Plus they are extremely detrimental to health!

A city in Germany known as Hamburg has banned the use of the pods in all government ran buildings there. Hamburg is the first city to ever do this in the whole world! The founder of Keurig and creator of the K-cup (John Sylvan) has even said that sometimes he feels bad that he created them and that they will never be fully recyclable. Sounds like we all need to get on board with Hamburg! For more on the matter watch the video below!

These Politicians Support GMOs, but Eat Organic at Home

by June 25, 2016

As I’m sure you have heard GMOs are taking over! They seem to be everywhere we turn, whether we like it or not.


About 80% of our food products here in the United States contain GMO ingredients, things that other countries have been smart enough to ban because they are not good for peoples’ health.

This high content of GMOs was made possible because of the support companies have gotten from major politicians who have been able to silence the media. Only a few larger politicians have actually stood up against these agrochemical giants (like Monsanto for example). This large group of people pushing GMOs onto the public don’t seem to like these GMOs themselves as it turns out they actually eat organic food at home!

Hillary Clinton recently stood up for the industry of Biotech and said that GMOs should be re-branded so that people would not fear them anymore. What she was trying to say is that the companies shouldn’t have to label their products as GMOs, how absurd is that? Her husband Bill is also known for appointing Michael Taylor (former Monsanto attorney) to be head of the FDA!

This is what allowed Michael Taylor to approve the highly dangerous and controversial chemical rBGH which is used for milk-producing livestock. Who also along with Hillary and Bill dine on organic foods.

It is also known that Romney and Obama are strong supporters of GMOs and Monsanto itself all eat organic. Romney is known to eat organic right down to his peanut butter! The Obama’s even spend time growing organic food in the white house garden that they enjoy eating regularly. Remember when Obama promised to label GMOs appropriately? What happened there….?

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