Coconut Oil Can Help You Look 10 Years Younger If You Use It For 2 Weeks In This Way
When discussing the subject of health and beauty, coconut oil is definitely something worth having in your cabinet. Many people are completely unaware of this, and do not understand how to use coconut oil in a way that would benefit them greatly.
Skin Care Before Bedtime
Apply coconut oil directly on your face before going to bed. This all natural ingredient will soften, clean, and energize your skin while you sleep. This oil is so powerful that it can enter the deepest layers of your skin which in turn will not only moisturize but will also help to prevent wrinkles while purifying your skin in the process.
Coconut Oil to Prevent, and Correct Dark Under Eye Circles
Containing vitamin E, as well as antioxidants, coconut oil heals and repairs damaged skin cells. It also is anti-inflammatory, meaning that it reduces redness and swelling. It also moisturizes the skin around your eyes which prevents dryness and wrinkling. These combined benefits make coconut oil a must have for treating dark under eye circles. Using coconut oil for your dark under eye circles is easy too! Just apply to your under eye area after cleansing, around the time you are going to go to bed. Massage gently in counter clockwise motions for a few minutes. Leave on throughout the night. When you wake up rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry. Repeat nightly for a week to notice the effectiveness.
Using Coconut Oil for Luscious Lashes
After removing your makeup for the day, gently rub coconut oil into your lashes. This method repairs the damage caused by commercial makeup products, and also helps your lashes to grow full and long!
Chemical Free Shaving Cream
Coconut oil actually thins as it breaks down by the warmth of your hands, and in this process you use a very small amount because a little goes a long way. On top of that, the moisture that it provides doesn’t gunk up on the blades of your razor, so you don’t have to continue to cleanse your razor of chemical globs. You end up with a closer shave that leaves you moisturized. Your skin will feel so soft you will have to wonder to yourself how you could have such soft skin after shaving. To top it off, since coconut oil is chemical free it leaves your skin irritation free….feeling better than before you shaved rather than covered in razor bumps and redness.
Cuticle Softening
You can massage coconut oil into your cuticles and the result is softer cuticles that are easier to manage!
Varicose Veins
Coconut oil has the ability to heal capillaries and restore normal skin color as it penetrates deeply. All you have to do is warm the oil and then massage it into the areas of your spider veins. Focus the strokes toward the direction of your heart for improved blood circulation. Use twice daily until the spider veins are gone.
Cellulite Cure
Using coconut oil for cellulite is effective because it stimulates blood and lymphatic flow which will reduce the appearance of cellulite on various areas of your body. To get started you will need to drink 8 ounces of water or even two to rid your body of toxins. Follow this with a hot shower to open your pores. Pat your body dry, and grab a dry brush. Take the brush and add organic coconut oil to the affected areas. Massage in a vigorous circular motion towards the heart. This increases the circulation under your skin while removing the dead cells that may prevent the oil from absorbing. Get back in the shower after administering the oil to the area for ten minutes. As a recommendation, spraying olive oil to the treated area will also soften your skin.