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Scientists Discover That Water Has Memory. This Video Blows My Mind!

by December 19, 2016

Water is something we consider essential to feeding, and nourishing our bodies. But could there be more to it than that?

The human body itself is made up of over seventy percent water. Scientists have recently uncovered something quite interesting, water has a memory. Sure. it sounds a little far fetched but it is true. The water inside of you has a memory as well as your tears. Rain even has a story to tell, water may just be much bigger than we thought.

Sure it is something we need to live but it is also quite interesting in many ways. Individual drops of water differ from one another just as well as human beings do. For more information on this and an explanation for this crazy finding please watch the video below.

15 Signs Showing That Your Blood Sugar Is Very High

by December 19, 2016

Your blood sugar level indicated the amount of glucose in your blood. Glucose is a type of sugar and is the main energy source for our bodies.

High blood sugar is also known as hyperglycemia this can occur when your body has an issue processing the glucose properly. This condition is something that can last a very long time. It can damage many different body parts permanently.

Body parts including:

  • Blood vessels
  • Kidneys
  • Nerves
  • Eyes

The reasons for an increase in this type of issue when it comes to diabetics depends on several different factors. Things like missing a dose of medication, stress, dehydration, common cold and over snacking.

The signs of high blood sugar are as follows:

  1. Blurred vision
  2. Frequent urination
  3. Dry mouth
  4. Impotence
  5. Issues concentrating
  6. Stomach issues
  7. Infections
  8. Slow healing of wounds
  9. Extreme tiredness
  10. Fatigue
  11. Increased thirst
  12. Itchy skin
  13. Dry skin
  14. Weight gain
  15. Nerve issues

Doesn’t sound fun at all does it? Luckily for us, there are measures we can take to prevent high blood sugar issues. You can reduce your blood sugar levels with glycemic foods. Low GI foods should be consumed on a daily basis.

Low GI foods include things like one egg, one cup of broccoli, one cup of walnuts, one turkey sausage, and so forth. The right foods can be pretty amazing in the correct amounts. For a list of low GI foods and more information on this issue please watch the videos below. If you want to avoid high blood pressure or reduce your already high blood pressure then I highly suggest adding more of these low GI foods to your diet.

This Powerful Homemade Toothpaste Heals Cavities, Gum Disease, And Whitens Teeth!

by December 19, 2016

One of the most important parts of our bodies is our teeth! They are there forever, and we only get one pair. With all the junk food we eat these days, it is very important to keep our teeth healthy so that we don’t suffer from tooth decay or gum diseases.

There are literally thousands of toothpaste out there, they all claim to be the same too. They claim to whiten your teeth in 30 days, and to prevent gum disease, etc. But, they usually all contain the same toxic ingredients! Fluoride is an excellent example.

Fluoride is one of the most used ingredients in toothpaste, and it is purely toxic. For example, Harvard University did a study on fluoride and brain function, and the results were pretty startling. They showed that an adverse side effect of fluoride is a lowered IQ level. So basically, the toothpaste advertisers are offering us whiter teeth in exchange for our brain cells. No, thank you!

Thankfully, there are many natural ingredients to create a home remedy for toothpaste. This home remedy for toothpaste is completely natural, and is completely effective in whitening teeth and lowering risk for gum diseases! This remedy contains baking soda, coconut oil, and neem powder. Baking soda is an excellent ingredient for your teeth because it works to clean teeth. According to The Journal of Clinical Dentistry in June 2008, brushing your teeth with baking soda products was proven to be more effective than using products without it. Baking soda is more affordable and more effective. Why would we brush our teeth with anything else?

Moving onto the Coconut Oil, it has also shown to be exceptionally effective in dental health. Coconut oil has been used to clean teeth for centuries, dating back to ancient India! Coconut oil works by detoxifying the oral cavity in a similar way to dish liquid cleaning dishes. It literally sucks the dirt and toxins out of your mouth. It creates a clean, antiseptic oral environment for your teeth.

The last primary ingredient in this amazing and natural toothpaste is Neem Powder. Neem is a leafy tree also known as the “Indian Lilac”. It is commonly used in Indian traditional medicine. It has more than 140 active compounds within! It is known to produce a more healthy immune system, treat ulcers, and prevent tooth decay! Researchers published in the Journal of Ayurveda Integrative Medicine that just chewing on a stick from the tree can help prevent tooth decay while inducing a more sterile environment for your teeth to live in. This ingredient really is amazing and should be exalted for its medicinal uses.

Here are the ingredients you will need to create this natural toothpaste:

  • 3 tablespoons baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon neem powder
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon xylitol (for taste)
  • 15 drops of mint essential oil/aroma


You should mix all ingredients in a suitable container, in order to prepare a paste. As coconut oil may harden depending on the outside temperature, store the paste in a glass jar. Use this natural toothpaste just like you would ordinary toothpaste. Use it three times a day, and you will experience healthier gums, whitened teeth, and healed cavities! Yes, you heard me right, It can heal cavities. Enjoy!

Healing Benefits Of The Banana Flower

by December 19, 2016

Did you know banana flowers were extremely beneficial to our health? Well, they are!

Banana flower also known as banana blossom should be something we include in our diet as often as possible. It comes from the banana tree as I am sure you assumed, and can work wonders for things like:

  • Healing ulcers
  • Healing anemia
  • Regulating your menstruation cycle
  • Reducing constipation issues
  • Lower hypertension issues
  • Improve kidney function
  • Strengthen your uterus
  •  Increase breast milk supply

So you see eating this ‘flower’ can improve your health on a major level. This flower has a dark purple-red blossom and has a quite bitter taste. It is rich in things like vitamin C and vitamin A. It is considered a vegetable and is known for pain reduction. The leaves from this ‘flower’ can be eaten raw or cooked depending on personal preference.

You can use this flower to cure infections as it is known to prevent the pathogenic growth of bacteria and potentially cure the wound as well. The banana flower is a good source of fiber and can work as an anti-depressant in some cases. You should definitely pick up some banana flower as soon as possible and add it into your diet. It can seem hard to prepare at times, but if you follow the recipes below you shouldn’t have much trouble at all, Enjoy!

Banana Flower Curry:


  • 4 tablespoons of whatever kind of oil you prefer
  • Mustard seeds
  • Sliced green chillies
  • Onions
  • Banana Flower
  • Salt
  • Hing
  • Curry leaves
  • Coriander
  • Turmeric
  • Water
  • Crushed coconut


  1. Put the oil, mustard seeds, chilies, and onions into a pan and fry them well.
  2. Add in the banana flower, salt, hing, curry leaves, coriander, and turmeric.
  3. Add water and stir then cover with a lid.
  4. Give it about 20 minutes and then add in the crushed coconut. Stir well
  5. Then allow it to cook for 20 more minutes and eat up!

For more recipes and information on banana flower please watch the videos below.

By Eating 2 Bananas Daily In A Month, This Will Happen

by December 18, 2016

Banana’s are an amazing fruit all around! They taste amazing and they have an abundance of health benefits! Studies show that if you eat two bananas a day, this will happen to you!

Bananas pack a powerful punch when it comes to defeating disease. They contain tons of vitamins and antioxidants. Bananas can promote a healthy cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune system, and increase athletic performance.

Here is a list of the best antioxidants and vitamins that are in this delicious fruit:

  • Potassium: 9% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin B6: 33% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin C: 11% of the RDI.
  • Magnesium: 8% of the RDI.
  • Copper: 10% of the RDI.
  • Manganese: 14% of the RDI.
  • Net carbs: 24 grams.
  • Fiber: 3.1 grams.
  • Protein: 1.3 grams.
  • Fat: 0.4 grams.

When is the perfect time to eat a banana? When it is newly ripe or just before ripening? Studies show that bananas that are ripe or extra ripe contain more TNF. TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) is a substance that is proven to reduce the size of, or eliminate, tumors. TNF destroys cancer cells! The brown spots on bananas are a chemical reaction that creates TNF. TNF is a cytokine that assists cell-to-cell communication in immune responses and directs cell movement towards inflammation and infection sites. It interferes with the growth and spread of tumor cells and triggers apoptosis (cell death). Researchers pinpointed that TNF produced by ripe bananas is as effective of an anti-cancer agent as lentinan, an immunostimulant injected intravenously to stimulate white blood cell production. One ripe banana a day may just help keep the oncologist away!

Eating bananas every day for a month will not only reduce your chances of cancer, it will help you build more lean muscle. Bananas contain Magnesium, an ingredient that is crucial to muscle growth. Daily consumption of bananas for a month will also make you feel happier! because they contain vitamin b9, aka folate, a nutrient that may fight depression by boosting a substrate that has antidepressant properties. In other words, Serotonin enters the brain faster. Because of this, you will also experience relief of stress and anxiety! Our trusty yellow fruit also makes us sleep better! Bananas contain an abundance of Tryptophan, a chemical that promotes relaxation and regulates sleep.

I stick with my original statement; Bananas are amazing all around! If you are looking to improve your health and build muscle at the same time, try eating a banana every day! If you do not particularly favor the taste of a banana, try mixing it into a smoothie with other fruits! Smoothies are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and they taste amazing too!

The Agriculture Industry is Mutilating Cows by Drilling Holes in Them

by December 18, 2016

The agricultural industry in our nation is in dire need of reform. Cows are one of the primary pieces of this industry, and they are often neglected as living animals.

A new process introduced into the agricultural industry has to be put to a stop. The process is called Fistulation and is no more than abuse.

The process was introduced to the industry in an attempt for a better understanding of the digestive systems of cows. Many people claim that the process is harmless, and induces no pain or stress on the animals. However, it is obvious that it is abuse. Fistulation is a term derived from Fistula. A fistula is an abnormal or surgically made passage between a hollow or tubular organ and the body surface. Yes, you read that right. A fistulated cow has a portion of its stomach removed and they place a ring on the opening. The ring can be closed with a large plug. The cow heals around the ring, and it continues to digest food as if the opening wasn’t there. Watch the video below to see the process of fistulation. 

By creating this opening in the cow’s stomach, scientists are able to see the process of digestion. They can also learn more about what kind of bacteria is stored inside the stomach of the cow. The industry claims that to fistulation process is for health benefits only, while the process is literally mutilating living animals. It is undoubtedly that the process causes an immense amount of pain and discomfort for the animal. They claim that fistulation is healthier for the cows by allowing for the transfer of microbes from one cow to another. Here are some disturbing images of fistulated cows.


A Fistulated Cow


Inside the fistulation of a cow


Someone wrist deep inside a living cows stomach



Bottom line, Fistulation to cows is wrong. People need to take a stand against our agricultural industry and promote reform. Some people disagree, saying that fistulation is not abuse, and it is for health purposes only. Would you let someone tear a hole into your stomach in order to see how your digestion process works? I wouldn’t. What do you think about fistulation?

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