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America’s #1 GMO Cookie that Causes Fatty Liver and Cancer

by December 23, 2016

Oreo’s have been around for years, and they still remain to be one of the public’s favorites. But who knew they have been fattening up our livers, and could be causing the growth of cancerous cells within?

If Oreo’s are your favorite, this is bad news to you. Put them down immediately!

Oreo’s come in 22 different varieties. They were introduced over 100 years ago! More than 70 million Oreos are sold every day around the world. The most known version of Oreos is a classic chocolate cookie with cream in the middle. The first oreo was sold on March 6, 1912. It was sold to a grocer in New Jersey. The modern oreo design was developed by William A. Turnier, and I’m sure he would be very disappointed in the modern day production of the cookie. They contain toxic ingredients that could be cancer causing and be terrible for your liver.

The study was done at Connecticut College by students and their professor. They studied Oreo cookies and their reactions to our bodies. Shockingly, when given to lab rats they produced the same reaction as when given cocaine.

Professor Joseph Schroeder says, “Our research supports the theory that high-fat/high-sugar foods stimulate the brain in the same way that drugs do. It may explain why some people can’t resist these foods despite the fact that they know they are bad for them.”  Similarly to drugs, the Oreos stimulate the happy and feel good chemicals in the brain.  The ingredients listed on the label are shocking. They all are pretty much horrible for you.

Read them for yourself:


High Fructose Corn Syrup is the main addictive ingredient in Oreos. Researchers have found it to be at least as addictive as cocaine. It works as a sweetener, and it is cheaper to produce than sugar. It leads to conditions such as obesity, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease. Another horrible ingredient in Oreo’s is Soy Lecithin. The problem with this is that 93% of soy crops are genetically modified. In a Russian study, it was shown that GMO soybeans are linked to infant mortality.

Most people are already discouraged of Oreos, but there is more. They also contain a substance known as Vanillin. This is a substitute for vanilla. It provides no nutrition whatsoever, and it does cause allergic reactions, digestive disorders, and migraines. Calcium phosphate in Oreo’s was studied by researchers and was shown to pose health risks. It tested to damage blood vessels! Oreo’s should be discontinued after this. They are feeding us poison. Most chillingly, children love Oreo’s. Nobody should be ingesting these horrible cookies, but children definitely shouldn’t. Together we can put an end to companies like Oreo!

Lemon + Salt + Pepper = Powerful Medicine For 9 Problems

by December 23, 2016

The healing abilities of natural herbs, and plants has been taken advantage of for thousands of years, and we still continue to learn new recipes and remedies. You can find cures for almost anything with something natural, but they can cure almost all of the common colds and issues we face every day. For example, lemon, salt, and pepper can cure pretty much all of it by themselves!

Lemon, pepper, and salt have tons of powerful healing abilities. Lemon alone is a super-food. They are often referred to as the “Alkalizing Powerfood”. Lemons help in the formation of alkaline in the body. They are great for balancing out a highly acidic condition in the body. When life gives you lemons, cure everything. They are also rich in vitamin C. This helps work against infections like the flu. Additionally, lemons are amazing for your liver. They actually stimulate it. The lemon juice also helps dissolve bile in the liver, while removing toxins from the body.

Getting to the other ingredients, salt and pepper have amazing healing abilities also. Salt can be used to stabilize an irregular heartbeat! This is vital in the extraction of excess acidity in the body. It can also clear your lungs from phlegm. Although too much salt is dangerous, in moderation, you can expect to see some amazing changes to your health. Always keep your daily salt intake under 2,400Mg a day.

Black pepper is derived from a flowering vine that is cultivated for its fruit – Peppercorn. It is usually dried and used as a spice.  Peppercorn can treat illnesses ranging from diarrhea and stomach aches to toothaches and decay. Salt and pepper together are usually a subtle hint of taste, but who knew they packed so many healing benefits?

Here are 9 benefits and recipes using salt, pepper, or Lemon:

  • Stuffy Nose – This recipe contains black pepper, cinnamon, cumin, and cardamom. Mix equal parts of all ingredients and smell the mixture. It should relieve your stuffy nose in minutes!
  • Canker Sores – Take a cup of warm water and add a tablespoon of salt. Swish it I your mouth after each meal, and say goodbye to canker sores!
  • Sore Throat – Juice 3 lemons and mix it with a tablespoon of honey, tablespoon of black pepper, and 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water. Like the remedy for canker sores, gargle this mixture after every meal, or three times a day.
  • A toothache – Mix half a teaspoon of ground pepper and clove oil. Apply this mixture to the affected area and experience a relief in pain.
  • Remove Gallstones – Gallstones are a deposit of digestive fluids in your gallbladder. They can be very painful and disrupt the digestive tract. Mix 3 parts of olive oil, 1 part lemon, and 1 part pepper to get rid of those gallstones.
  • Weight Loss – Mix 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, and ¼ tablespoon of black pepper in warm water. This will speed up your metabolism and increase weight loss.
  • Asthma Attacks – Take 2 clove buds, 10 grains of pepper, and 15 basil leaves and boil them in water! In 15 minutes, strain the mixture and put in a sealed container. Add 2 tbsp of honey to help it cool.
  • Nosebleeds – dip a cotton ball into lemon juice and put it in the bleeding nostril. You can tilt your head to stop the dripping of blood into your throat.
  • Nausea – Black pepper and lemon can really work to soothe an upset stomach. Mix 1 tablespoon of Black Pepper, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into the warm water. Drink the solution slowly and it will alleviate nausea.

Shocking: Tests Confirm Vaccines Are Contaminated With Monsanto’s Herbicide

by December 23, 2016

It hasn’t been long since Monsanto was first exposed to their poisoning herbicides. Along with that is the exposure of dangerous chemicals in vaccines.

Who knew that they were connected? They are! A test confirmed that vaccines are contaminated with Monsanto’s herbicide.

Monsanto uses a weed killer that is mass produced, and recently traces of it have been found in vaccines. This chemical is used to literally kill living organisms, and it is being injected into us. This is a major sign of negligence from the big Pharma, and it can not go without consequence. It is purely wrong. Moms Across America is an Anti-chemical group that campaigns across America. Recently, they sent 5 childhood vaccines to be tested for the primary chemical found in the weed killer – Glyphosate. The results they received were chilling and eye opening…

The Results:

Earlier this year, Moms Across America sent 5 childhood vaccines to an independent lab to be screened for glyphosate. All 5 tested positive for glyphosate, with the MMR vaccine showing levels 25X higher than the other vaccines.

Further, more accurate tests are urgently needed by the FDA and CDC to confirm exact amounts. However, any amount is unacceptable. Action must be taken to protect our infants and children.

Similarly, results were also published in 5 peer-reviewed articles by researcher Anthony Samsel. Like the study done by Moms Across America, his articles were on the continence of Glyphosate in vaccines. The same chemical in Roundup Weed Killer. The results of the study about the infected vaccines are yet to be published. However, the chemical was classified by the World Health Organization as “probably carcinogenic to humans”. That sounds assuring. Something has to be done about this, and Moms Across America and Samsel do not agree. They both wrote a letter on the issue to authorities of some sort. Samsel wrote his letter to congress.

It states:

“I have run numerous groups of vaccines and identified several vectors of contamination. These include the excipient gelatins, egg protein and or similar substrates used to grow vaccines. I have found gelatins and egg proteins contaminated with Glyphosate-based herbicides from animals fed a glyphosate-contaminated diet. This contamination carries into thousands of consumer products i.e. vitamins, protein powders, wine, beer and other consumables which use gelatins as part of the product or in fining and processing.”

They did not reply.

Moms across America sent letters to the FDA, CDC, NIH, EPA, California US senator Barbara Boxer and the California Department of Public Health. They urged more tests on the chemical and revoking the herbicide license. Additionally, consumer activist known for extraordinary work on environmental contamination posted on her facebook page about the issue. Julia Roberts actually played her role in a featured film. Her post said:

Not sure what to make of this yet… but it should piss you off. .. Wondering if glyphosate could be contaminating not only our water, urine, breast milk, food, soil, beer, and wine, but our vaccines as well.” Moms Across America ran some tests…Glyphosate, a chemical ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup and hundreds of other herbicides, has been found in vaccines.”

Who do you think should be held accountable for this? What do you think the consequences should be? Obviously, this is a crime against humanity! Our children are being injected with poison, and all we are told this is necessary for them to be able to fight disease? It almosts looks as if this could be a method of depopulation. Wake up America, and stand up for our rights. Stand up to the injection of poison in our children.

Poor Blood Circulation, Cold Hands and Legs? Here is What You Can Do to Solve This Problem

by December 23, 2016

This is something that can be caused by many different factors, and should be addressed as soon as possible. Poor circulation can be very serious.

Symptoms for this type of thing appear gradually most of the time. Poor circulation can be caused by things like smoking, laziness, hypertension, blood clots, atherosclerosis, and drug abuse of course. If you are suffering from poor circulation the first step to improving circulation is to drink more water.

I cannot stress this enough. You need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This will help to improve the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to your organs and tissue. It will boost your digestion and successfully treat your poor blood circulation issue.

The next step will be looking at the things you eat. Do you eat foods that promote blood circulation or foods that can slow it down? You should be consuming ginger regularly. This is because it is known to prevent cardiovascular diseases and the formation of blood clots.

You should eat more of the following foods as well:

  • Garlic
  • Dark chocolate
  • Watermelon
  • Ginko Biloba
  • Salmon
  • Oranges
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Horse chestnuts
  • Thyme oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Fish oil

By doing this you will improve your blood circulation and promote a healthier body overall. The list of foods above can help with much more than blood circulation so if you implement them into your diet you may very well be able to fix other issues within your body you were not even aware of.

You will also need to be more active. I’m not saying you should go exercise for hours on end but a short walk once or twice a day can actually work wonders. Be active (at least a little), eat correctly, and make sure you’re getting the proper amount of water. It is that easy!

Honey And Cinnamon: The Magical Cure That Fights Cancer, Arthritis, Gallstones and More!

by December 22, 2016

Doctors have been baffled by the results of this home made the remedy. It has shown to be a cure for almost all of the most common disorders and diseases. It contains natural ingredients that possess super curing abilities!

It has been shown to cure cancer, arthritis, gallstones, and much more. Learn how you may be able to use this remedy to your own benefit.

Traditional Chinese medicine has used the combination of honey and cinnamon for centuries. They both have incredible healing abilities and are excellent for your body. They are two of the oldest known natural ingredients in history. Cinnamon essential oils and enzymes produce hydrogen peroxide, which is found in honey. The two ingredients are anti-microbial and have the ability to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi.

This powerful mixture is known to cure heart disease. You can make a paste out of honey and cinnamon powder. Combine it with bread and eat it regularly for breakfast. It will reduce the level of cholesterol in your arteries and prevent the risk of heart attack. If you often have colds, mix honey 1 tbsp and cinnamon ¼ tsp. take this for 3 days and cure the cold, cough and also nose congestion.

The healing property of honey is due to the fact that it offers antibacterial activity, maintains a moist wound condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. Its immunomodulatory property is relevant to wound repair too. The first written reference to honey, a Sumerian tablet writing, dating back to 2100-2000 BC, mentions honey’s use as a drug and an ointment. Aristotle (384-322 BC), when discussing different kinds of honey, referred to pale honey as being “good as a salve for sore eyes and wounds”.

Cinnamon alone has several different benefits. It is packed full of progressive medicinal properties. Cinnamon has been consumed since 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt, where it was very highly prized (almost considered to be a panacea). In medieval times doctors used cinnamon to treat conditions such as coughing, arthritis, and sore throats.

The mixture can also treat the flu, stomach ache, cholesterol, and increases weight loss. It increases immunity and can be used to defeat acne. To make the mixture, add honey to a pot and make it boil. Add cinnamon and let it thicken! Enjoy one spoon full with every meal.

Mammograms Increase Risk of Breast Cancer, Here Are the Safe Alternatives for Breast Exams

by December 22, 2016

Did you know there is a much safer alternative to the mammogram?  Mammograms are actually not considered safe or effective.

Thermogram testing is a safe alternative when it comes to your breast health. It has been said that mammograms actually promote the growth of cancer cells when considering the large amount of radiation involved in their procedure. One single mammogram can expose you to the same amount of radiation as one thousand chest x-rays!

According to Dr. Samuel Epstein the breast (premenopause) is overly sensitive to radiation. Each exposure increases the breast cancer risk by at least one percent. One study from September of 2010 in the New England Journal of Medicine actually found that mammograms only reduced the death rates from cancer by .4 deaths for every 1,000 women who partook in annual testing.

Thermogramming is not often suggested by doctors, but is a much better alternative. It is a scan for heat levels in the body that detects inflammation. It is very safe and does not even pose a threat to pregnant women. Thermograms are also much more effective when it comes to differentiating between real cancer and false positive scans. This cutting back on the unnecessary treatment of cancer.

According to Dr. Mercola:

Certain Risk Factors, i.e. Dense Breasts and Genetics, Make Mammograms Even Riskier:

Under normal circumstances, the Swiss Medical Board reported that for every breast-cancer death prevented in US women over a 10-year course of annual screening beginning at 50 years of age:5

  • 490 to 670 women are likely to have a false positive mammogram with repeat examination
  • 70 to 100, an unnecessary biopsy
  • Three to 14, an over-diagnosed breast cancer that would never have become clinically apparent

This lack of clear benefit, and evidence of apparent harm, was enough for them to recommend abolishing mammography-screening programs. You might be surprised to learn, however, that for some women the effectiveness of mammograms is even less… or poses an even greater risk of harm. Up to 50 percent of women have dense breast tissue, which makes mammograms very difficult to decipher. Dense breast tissue and cancer both appear white on an X-ray, making it nearly impossible for a radiologist to detect cancer in these women. It’s like trying to find a snowflake in a blizzard.

Breast density laws have now been passed in California, Connecticut, New York, Virginia, and Texas, making it mandatory for radiologists to inform their patients who have dense breast tissue that mammograms are basically useless for them. A law is now being considered at a federal level as well.

Some radiologists already provide density information to their patients, and encourage them to utilize other options like thermography, ultrasound, and/or MRI. I believe it reasonable for a woman to trust that her radiologist is not withholding vital breast density information. Unfortunately, many have kept this potentially lifesaving data from women for decades, and our government agencies have failed to protect them from this unethical, albeit profitable practice.

Another at-risk group are women with BRCA 1/2 mutation, which is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Results published in BMJ in 2012 showed that women carrying this mutation are particularly vulnerable to radiation-induced cancer.6Women carrying this mutation who were exposed to diagnostic radiation before the age of 30 were twice as likely to develop breast cancer, compared to those who did not have the mutated gene.

They also found that the radiation-induced cancer was dose-responsive, meaning the greater the dose, the higher the risk of cancer developing. The authors concluded that: “The results of this study support the use of non-ionizing radiation imaging techniques (such as magnetic resonance imaging) as the main tool for surveillance in young women with BRCA1/2 mutations.” Despite these findings, the National Cancer Institute reports that some expert groups recommend women with BRCA 1/2 mutation have a mammogram every year starting as young as age 257 – the exact scenario that the BMJ study found may double their breast cancer risk!

This means of testing is not usually covered by insurance providers but is worth paying for out of pocket when considering the alternative option. It costs about 250 dollars and will help you in many ways. Please take the time to watch the video below and consider thermogram testing.

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