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Kill Sinus Infections in 20 Seconds With This Simple Method and This Common Household Ingredient!

by January 4, 2017

Sinus infections are awful and can leave us feeling near death in some cases. Luckily for us, there are several effective natural remedies that can have our sinuses cleared up in no time.

These natural remedies can provide the relief we need from things like sinus pain and pressure. The medical term for sinus infections is Sinusitis; this is used to describe the inflammation of the nasal cavities as well as the sinuses. This is a very serious issue that can make it difficult for the affected person to breathe. This is often an issue caused by an infection with a fungal, bacterial, allergic. or viral cause. This is something that can be very contagious for that reason and should not be taken lightly.

If you catch your sinus infection while it is still in its early stages you may be able to avoid having to take a round of antibiotics by treating it naturally. The first step you should take in treating your sinus infections is relaxation. You should not overexert yourself. You should make sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Nasal rinses and steams can help reduce the pain and increase the drainage, sleep with your head elevated to provide proper drainage.

Of course, if your symptoms are persistent or you have a fever of 100 degrees or more you should not hesitate to see a doctor. There are many signs to look for that will let you know when a doctor is necessary. If you begin noticing swelling or pain around your eyes, experience double vision, or a swollen forehead please see a professional. The best at home treatment I have found for a sinus infection is ACV and pressure points.

For fighting the sinus infection itself mix apple cider vinegar with warm water and honey. Drink the mixture five times a day for best results, this will break up congestion quickly and improve your sinus function. On top of this using pressure points can also relieve some of your sinus infection symptoms.

You see, there is a thin vertical bone in your nasal cavity called the vomer bone. If you move this bone back and forth you can help to drain your sinuses. This will relieve pain and inflammation. For more information on how to do this please watch the video below. In doing these few things you will notice improvement almost immediately.

Antibiotics Shown to Impair Memory, Stop Growth of New Brain Cells

by January 4, 2017

A new study has shown us something gut-wrenching about antibiotics. Antibiotics are strong enough to kill off gut bacteria and have also been able to halt the growth of new brain cells!

This pertains to brain cells located in the hippocampus which is a region of the brain responsible for our memory. In this recent study, researchers gave mice enough antibiotics to almost destroy every last one of their intestinal microbes. When these mice were compared to the control mice those who lost their healthy bacteria performed much worse in memory tests. The production of new brain cells stopped within the hippocampus.

During this time the team also noticed a lower level of white blood cells in the brain, blood, and bone marrow of these mice. This resulted in the team coming up with the conclusion that mice with low Ly6Chi were also displaying the same memory issues as the mice from the beginning of the study. Luckily these side effects can be reversed at least when it comes to mice. When the mice from the study we’re given a wheel to exercise on and probiotics they regained their memory. This alone should be reason enough to lay off of the antibiotics unless deemed necessary. We are putting ourselves at risk of antibiotic-resistant superbugs as well as memory loss.

When the mice from the study we’re given a wheel to exercise on and probiotics they regained their memory. This alone should be reason enough to lay off of the antibiotics unless deemed necessary. We are putting ourselves at risk of antibiotic-resistant superbugs as well as memory loss. When dealing with minor infections always try to go the natural route. For information on natural antibiotics please watch the videos below.

6 Foods You Had No Idea Were Destroying Your Hormones and Your Skin

by January 4, 2017

Waking up in the morning and having a huge zit on your face can be one of the worst things! It seems like we try everything to prevent and get rid of acne, but it never goes away. Studies have shown that these foods might be causing it.

Acne is the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a condition characterized by red pimples on the face. It is most common in teenagers, but we all experience it from one point to another. One huge zit can make you feel like you’re naked in public. A simple glance from someone can make you feel extremely insecure. But what causes acne? Acne occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Hair follicles are connected to oil glands. These glands secrete an oily substance (sebum) to lubricate your hair and skin. … The plugged pore may cause the follicle wall to bulge and produce a whitehead.

Acne is a simple and natural occurrence, but it can be difficult to treat. Have you tried medication after medication, and still no results? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Pharmacy companies often sell acne medication that does no good at all. Most acne medications on today’s market contain harsh chemicals. They are harmful to your body and have terrible side effects! Studies show that certain foods might be causing your acne problem. Avoid these foods and you might find yourself with clearer skin!

Acne can be caused by a multitude of things. Like I said before, acne is more common in teenagers. This is a direct effect of puberty. Puberty causes an imbalance of hormones due to different changes happening in the body. Changes in hormone levels can cause you to have acne. Often times acne from hormonal issues is more severe than average. It might even get infected and cause more serious health issues. Hormonal acne is a serious medical issue and needs to be handled properly.

If you want to have better skin, try skipping some of these foods. Researchers say that these common foods might be the cause of acne in most people.

  • Dairy – Milk actually doesn’t do a complexion well. Because of recent research on diet and acne, the American Academy of Dermatology now says there may be a link between milk consumption and breakouts.
  • Sugar – “Sugar can absolutely cause breakouts because it’s pro-inflammatory,” Lipman confirms. “Acne is considered an inflammatory condition and someone with acne-prone skin should follow an anti-inflammatory diet.”
  • Soy – If you break out around the mouth and along your jawline, tofu, and other soy foods could be to blame. And it’s all due to the natural plant estrogens found in soybeans. “Phytoestrogens mimic natural estrogen levels, and that throws off our hormones,” says esthetician Kimberly Yap Tan, founder of Skin Salvation, an acne clinic in San Francisco. Soy derivatives show up in everything from veggie burgers to energy bars, so read labels carefully.
  • Coffee – “There’s an organic acid inside coffee beans that raises cortisol levels,” Yap Tan says. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can act like an androgen, simultaneously stimulating sebaceous glands and inflammation. Switching to decaf won’t do anything since caffeine isn’t the trigger; your best bet, says Yap Tan, is to replace coffee with tea or yerba mate.
  • Bread – If you’re prone to acne, baguettes, croissants, and all that other good stuff may make the situation worse. “Wheat causes inflammation,” Lipman says. “And to get rid of acne, you want to reduce inflammation in your body.” Yap Tan points out that many commercially produced bread also have sugar, soybean oil, and dairy: “You could eat an English muffin and unknowingly consume three big triggers: dairy, soy, and sugar.”
  • Peanuts – Peanuts contain an androgen, which can make acne worse by increasing sebum production. “Peanuts will generally make people more oily,” Yap Tan notes. “I’ve had clients with white pustules around the nose, and it turned out they were eating more peanut butter than usual.” Acne-safe alternatives to peanuts include other nuts such as almonds and cashews, which don’t affect androgen levels.

6 Diseases Your Lack of Sleep Could Be Causing

by January 4, 2017

Sleep is a crucial period of time for all living creatures, and there are many different important processes that happen while we sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, you might suffer from one of these diseases.



Sleep may seem unnecessary, however it is very important. Many of the processes that take place during sleep are crucial to your health. Not getting enough sleep can put you at risk for many different diseases and disorders! John Steinbeck says, “it is a common experience that a problem dealt with at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.” John Steinbeck may be right too!

Sleep allows time for your brain to repair itself and the rest of your body. Studies show that people who have adequate amounts of sleep also have higher test scores. During sleep, your brain essentially ‘cleans house’. Sleep helps the brain reorganize and prepare for the next day. The physical healing of wounds is expedited by sleep, and sleep strengthens the immune system in general. Rats deprived of sleep in experiments show distinctly inferior healing capacities, develop skin lesions, lose body mass, and are unable to maintain a stable body temperature, ultimately dying of sepsis or just “exhaustion”. If you do not get a sufficient amount of sleep, you may suffer from complications like this mice.

  • Alzheimer’s – If you do not get enough sleep, your body can suffer in many different ways. For instance, A 2013 study performed at Johns Hopkins University showed that a lack of sleep could lead to Alzheimer’s disease! This is because sleep is needed to eliminate cerebral waste. A buildup of cerebral waste can present symptoms like those of Alzheimer’s. It can also speed up the progression of the disease.
  • Diabetes and Obesity –  Lack of sleep can have really negative effects on your immune system. During sleep, the immune system produces protective cytokines and infection-fighting antibodies and cells. This is necessary for the body to fight off pathogens and infection. When you are sleep deprived you can not build up forces to fight disease. Without sleep, you can experience increased risks of cardiovascular problems or diabetes. There is some evidence that sleep deprivation could lead to the pre-diabetic state,” says Mark Mahowald, MD, director of the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center in Hennepin County. According to Mahowald, the body’s reaction to sleep loss can resemble insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes. Insulin’s job is to help the body use glucose for energy. In insulin resistance, cells fail to use the hormone efficiently, resulting in high blood sugar.
  • Cardiovascular Disease – Not only can sleep depravation damage your cardiovascular health, it can also cause cardiovascular disease! After following 657 Russian men between the ages of 25 and 64 for 14 years, researchers found that nearly two-thirds of those who experienced a heart attack also had a sleep disorder. This study was performed at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology.
  • Depression – If you are deprived of sleep, you may suffer from depression. In fact, ¾ of clinically depressed people have severe issues with sleeping. Insomnia is a well-proven risk factor for suicide! It affects people of all ages and across all cultural differences.“In many cases, we often see insomnia and then, later on, depression follows,” said Dr. Peter Meerlo, a behavioral physiologist at the University of Groningen who focuses on the relationship between the brain and sleep. “This doesn’t in itself yet prove that there’s a causal relationship. It still may be that disrupted sleep and mood disturbances are both a result of some third underlying process, but the observed relationship has at least put the issue on the map.”
  • Ulcerative Colitis – Not getting enough sleep can cause inflammation in the digestive system. It can cause digestive issues like Ulcerative Colitis. While sleep deprivation did coexist with a greater number of ulcerative colitis cases, after a certain length of time the risks began to rise again. The findings resulted in a U-shaped curve where too little sleep each night — defined as less than six hours — and too much — more than nine hours — upped people’s risks. These risks were independent of other environmental factors, such as age and weight, and other habits, including smoking and drinking.
  • Cancer – A study in the International Journal of Cancer found a relationship between women’s irregular work schedules and the rate of breast cancer. Researchers compared 1200 women who had developed breast cancer between 2005 and 2008, with 1300 women who did not have a cancer diagnosis. They found that the rate of breast cancer was 30 percent higher for the women who had worked shifts. Women who had at least four years of night shift work, as well as those with fewer than three-night shifts per week (keeping them from ever fully adjusting to one schedule), were at highest risk. Shift work has also been shown to increase the incidence of certain cancers—for example, prostate cancer—in men.

Accordingly, sleep is crucial for your health. Without sleep, your body cannot repair itself. Sleep is a period of time where important processes take place in the body. If the body cannot fulfill these processes, you will experience very negative side effects. These side effects include diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. In extreme cases of sleep deprivation, you can experience an increased risk for cancer. Women are put at risk for breast cancer, while men are at risk for prostate cancer. It is always better safe than sorry! Allow your body to repair and prepare!

Could this Be the World’s #1 Food to Prevent Strokes, High Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol?

by January 3, 2017

Not everyone is completely familiar with date fruits. You might’ve seen them at your grandma’s house! Chances are, she also used dates for their amazing health benefits!

Dates are berries that grow on a date palm tree. Dates are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They have been taken advantage of medicinally since 6000 B.C. They originated from parts of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Dates have a high sugar content. They actually are about 80% glucose.  The health benefits of dates are plentiful.

Dates can relieve you of constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many more health issues. They are also good for those who need to gain weight too! They are rich in fiber. They also contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium! Health specialists are known to recommend eating one date per day. They say that it is necessary for a balanced diet. You can consume dates in several ways. You can mix them into a paste and mix with milk, yogurt, or bread! People say that it is delicious.

According to a modern medical survey, it is now accepted that dates are useful in preventing abdominal cancer. Many Muslims break their fast by eating dates and water according to their cultural traditions. Breaking fast by eating dates helps avoid overeating of food after the fast is finished. When the body begins to absorb the high nutritional value of the dates, feelings of hunger are pacified. Also, the nervous system can get a lot of help from consuming dates, since they have such significant amounts of potassium.


Dates have also shown to effectively lower bad cholesterol. Dates flush out your cardiovascular system of blockages and fatty substances. They are a good form of fiber. Fiber is one of the main ingredients that reduce bad cholesterol. Dates do lower bad cholesterol, but they aren’t the most potent choice for cholesterol. They contain fiber, but they mostly contain soluble fiber. This form of fiber does not prove to lower cholesterol.  Additionally, dates can be used to cure iron deficiency anemia. They are rich in Iron, the key nutrient anemia sufferers lack. They can also promote a healthier respiratory system! Other studies show that dates can be amazing for your brain. They found that dates have a sufficient amount of vitamin B6 to improve brain performance. Those who consume dates are likely to have better test scores, actually.

Dates are an amazing fruit. They are too often overlooked of their abundant health benefits! If you are looking to improve your overall health, try incorporating the date into your diet! Enjoy date jam on a piece of toast every morning! Try combining it with Turmeric tea. You should feel amazing in days!

Breaking Study: This Green Herb Could be the Cure to 5 Different Types of Cancer Including Ovarian, Liver, Lung and Melanoma

by January 3, 2017

Studies show that that this green herb could cure five different types of cancers! If you or a loved one suffers from Ovarian, Liver, Lung, or skin cancer, this is for you.

This green herb is known as Moringa, and Moringa oleifera. It is a fast-growing tree native to South Asia and now found throughout the tropics. Its leaves have been used as part of traditional medicine for centuries, and the Ayurvedic system of medicine associates it with the cure or prevention of about 300 diseases! Moringa is often referred to as the “Miracle Tree”. It has small, rounded leaves that are packed with an incredible amount of nutrition: protein, calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium… you name it, moringa’s got it. No wonder it’s been used medicinally (and as a food source) for at least 4,000 years.

Moringa is acclaimed for its cancer fighting abilities. It contains anti-cancer compounds. These compounds include Kaempferol, rhamnetin, and isoquercetin. Moringa has shown to effectively fight different cancers such as Ovarian Cancer, Liver Cancer, and Melanoma Skin Cancer in lab tests. Moringa fights free radicals that cause cell damage. It protects cells all throughout the body. It reduces inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes. Moringa effectively lower inflammation in the cells.

Moringa is also extremely beneficial to sufferers of diabetes. It is an effective method to significantly improve your diabetes symptoms. It is effective in reducing lipid and glucose levels! It also regulates oxidative stress, which means it lowers blood sugar and cholesterol. This improves protection from cell damage also! It works in the same way to protect the cardiovascular system. It controls levels of lipids in the blood. It prevents the formation of plaque! Moringa really is a miracle tree. It could be the answer to many modern diseases. Be sure to incorporate Moringa in your regular vitamin intake routine. It will make you feel amazing!

Here are the 36 anti-inflammatory compounds in moringa:

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