8 Steps That Will Literally Force Your Body to Convert Fat Into Energy
Ketosis is a process in which your body produces ketone bodies out of fat and uses them for energy. You can promote this type of thing in a number of ways.
When this happens your body will be using these ketones as its main source of energy. This is something that can be extremely beneficial for weight loss and even those who are suffering from neurological disorders. Achieving a state of ketosis is not as easy as it may sound and will require a bit of work on your part. Here are eight ways to promote ketosis.
Add Coconut Oil To Your Diet
Consuming coconut oil can help promote ketosis because it contains medium-chain triglycerides. These are rapidly absorbed and generally go directly to the liver. Once in the liver they are used for energy or converted into ketones. Consuming coconut oil is actually considered one of the best ways to increase ketone levels in people who are dealing with diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Cut Down On The Carb Consumption
Eating a diet that consists of low carbs is probably the most important factor when trying to achieve ketosis.
Be More Active
Being more active can help you when trying to achieve ketosis. You see this is because when you exercise you are depleting your body of its stored glycogen. When you’re maintaining a low carb diet the lack of glycogen causes your liver to produce more ketones.
Try A Short Fast Or A Fat Fast
Many people actually go into a mild ketosis between dinner and breakfast. Taking time between meals for a few hours is a good way to promote ketosis. Short regular fasts will help in many ways. For more information on fat fasting which is consuming about a thousand calories, a day mostly consisting of fats click here.
Increase Your Healthy Fat Intake
Eating more healthy fats will boost your ketone levels as well. Fat makes up a very large part of the ketogenic diet. Good fats include things like:
- Avocado oil
- Olive oil
- Coconut oil
- Tallow
Just be sure that if your intentions with this revolve around weight loss to watch how many calories you ingest each day.
Test Your Ketone Levels And Adjust Your Diet When Needed
Doing this will allow you to track your progress when it comes to your ketone levels. You can measure these in your urine, blood, and breath. However, you will need a meter for this that specifically measures ketone levels.
Maintain Proper Protein Intake
Taking in the proper amount of protein while not getting an excessive amount is very important when it comes to ketosis. Cutting back on protein in order to increase ketone production is not healthy and should not be done in most cases. You will need to make sure you are still consuming enough protein to supply your liver with amino acids. You must take in a proper amount of protein in order to preserve muscle mass.
Eat You Meals Slowly
Try eating slower, the slower you eat the less it will take to fill you up. This will result in your not eating as much. If we eat our meals quickly we do not have time to realize when we are full until after. This also helps with digestion in a big way.