Studies show that if you do these 5 exercises right after getting out of the bed, you will burn fat all day long! After all, everyone is looking to shed a pound or two these days! Learn how below.
These days it is not uncommon to want to shed a few pounds! Losing stubborn belly fat can be extremely difficult though. You might be doing everything right – exercising, cardio, eating a good diet, and staying hydrated – and still no results. There are many different components of your body that can hinder weight loss. But if you feel like you have tried everything and still can not lose the weight, try these yoga poses. Studies show that doing them first thing in the morning will make you lose weight all day long! It’s all about stimulating the right muscles in the right way.
Yoga not only helps decrease excess belly fat, but it also allows you to control your body and mind like you never have before! Try these 5 yoga poses for losing extra belly fat. Be sure to try these methods before investing in dangerous and addictive diet pills.
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

This is a great pose for warming up in the morning. It improves the circulation of blood, thereby ensuring that your body is ready for the other poses in store. Wanna know how to do it? Here you go!
- Stand with your feet flat, heels slightly spread out, and the big toes of your feet in contact with each other. Keep the spine erect with hands on both sides and palms facing your body.
- Stretch your hands to the front and bring the palms close to each other.
- Inhaling deeply, stretch your spine. Raising your folded hands up above your head, stretch as much as you can.
- Try lifting your ankles and standing on your toes, with the eyes facing the ceiling. If you cannot stand on your toes, you can keep your feet flat on the ground, while your eyes face the ceiling.
- Breathe normally and hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds.
- Inhale deeply, and while exhaling, slowly relax and bring your feet back to the floor.
- Repeat the asana 10 times, increasing the count gradually. Relax for 10 seconds before you attempt the next repetition. The picture given above is a variation for beginners.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar is a confluence of twelve yoga positions, each of which has a major impact on the entire body. The forward and backward bends allow stretches, while the deep breathing performed during the act helps in detoxification. Practice Surya Namaskar daily in the morning, facing the sun, for reaping the maximum benefits.
- Stand with both your feet together, expand your chest, and relax your shoulders.
- As you inhale, lift both your arms from the sides. And as you exhale, bring your arms to the front of your chest and keep them in the prayer position.
- Inhale, raise your hands, and stretch backwards.
- Exhale, bend forward, and try to touch your knees with your forehead.
- Bending your left knee, stretch your right leg backward, with your palms placed on the floor.
- Hold your breath and stretch your left leg as well. This is called the plank posture.
- Come down to the floor holding your spine out. Here, your knees, chest, and chin must be in contact with the floor.
- Inhale, stretch forward, and bend backwards.
- Keeping your hands fixed on the floor, exhale and lean forward.
- As you inhale, bring your right leg forward, in between your elbows and stretch upwards.
- Bring your left leg forward and inhale deeply.
- Stretch back from the waist.
- Return to the initial position.
Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend)

- Stand in the Tadasana pose, with your hands on either side of the body while your feet rest together, with the heels touching each other.
- Keep your spine erect.
- Inhaling deeply, lift your hand upwards.
- As you exhale, bend forward such that your body is parallel to the floor.
- Inhale, then exhale, and bend forward completely, with your body falling away from the hips.
- Try to touch the floor, with palms straight on the floor, and without bending your knees. Beginners can try touching the toes or just the ankles to start with, working your way to the floor.
- Holding your breath, tuck your tummy in, and hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds.
- Exhale, leave your toes, and lift your body to come back to the Tadasana pose.
- Repeat the asana 10 times, leaving an interval of 10 seconds between two repetitions.
Pachimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Along with acting as a tummy toning pose, the forward bend also offers an admirable level of stretch to the hamstrings, thighs, as well as hips. It is also ideal for those who are prone to digestive disorders.
- Sit on the floor in Sukhasana or Padmasana.
- Keep your spine erect, and stretch your legs out to your front. Your feet should point to the ceiling.
- Inhaling deeply, stretch your hands above your head without bending your elbows. Your
- gaze should follow your hands. Stretch your spine to the maximum.
- Exhale, and bend forward from your thighs. Bring your hands down and try to touch your toes. Your head should rest on your knees. Beginners can try touching their ankles or just thighs as a starter.
- Once you touch your toes, hold them and try pulling them backward till you experience the
- stretch on your hamstrings.
- Breathing in, hold your tummy, and try to retain the position for 60 to 90 seconds initially.
- Slowly, increase the time of holding the position for five minutes, or if possible, more.
- Exhaling, bring your body upward, relieving your toes from your fingers to come back to the Sukhasana or Padmasana pose.
- Repeat the asana 10 times to begin with, working up to 25 times or more.
Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

- Lie down in the supine position (face upwards) with your arms beside your body and feet stretched out, heels touching each other.
- Bend your knees.
- Take in a deep breath, and as you exhale, gradually bring the bent knees towards your chest, with the thighs applying pressure on the abdomen. Hold the knees properly in place by clasping your hands underneath the thighs.
- Inhale again, and as you exhale, lift your head, allowing your chin to touch your knees.
- Hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds, while breathing deeply.
- Exhale slowly, and release your knees while allowing your head to rest on the floor. Bring your hands onto either side of your body, palms facing the ground.
- Relax in Shavasana.
- Repeat the asana 7 to 10 times, leaving a 15-second interval between repetitions.