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How to Find Out what’s Making Your Stomach Hurt Using this ‘Belly Map’

by January 31, 2017

Not only does stomach pain suck, but it also can be an indicator of many different serious health conditions. Different parts of your stomach hurt, and each area is caused by a different issue.

Like I said before, it is important to address your stomach pains immediately, as they could be an indicator of a serious health issue. Especially if you are experiencing worsening stomach cramps than normal. An upset stomach can be caused by many different things too. For example, acid reflux disease causes a burning sensation, while menstrual cramps make you want to rip your insides out.

Increased stomach pains might be a side effect of your diet too. Too much alcohol consumption can cause some pretty hefty stomach pains. Chronic intake of alcohol can alter the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to abdominal discomfort, stomachaches, heartburn, and acid reflux. This happens because alcohol is a chemical substance that rapidly metabolizes the body, and is known to generate reactive oxygen species. As a pro-oxidant, alcohol causes damage to the cells and tissues in the gastrointestinal tract. An upset stomach is usually assumed to be menstrual cramps, IBS, a viral infection, or even a parasite. Here are what stomach pains in different areas of the stomach might mean.


This Ingredient Increases your Vision by 97%

by January 31, 2017

A group of researchers from Italy have discovered – or maybe confirmed – that this ingredient increases your vision by 97%! It is the perfect natural remedy to use against macular degeneration!

Macular degeneration is something most humans will experience at some point in their life. Macular degeneration is brought on by age, so it would make sense that it is more common in elderly people. It is the leading cause of vision loss in America, swooping in with about 10 million Americans affected! Macular degeneration is considered to be an incurable disease – until these Italian researchers proved that wrong.


The study was focused on the use of saffron in treating macular degeneration. Not only did they prove that saffron was effective in treating it, but they also showed that it could even reverse vision loss in study participants with age-related macular degeneration. Ancient Indian cultures have used saffron as a medicine for centuries, maybe even millenniums. The Italian researchers were from different universities in Italy. They teamed up to truly explore the vision healing abilities of saffron.

The study participants were given 20 milligrams of saffron per day. They were given this supplement over a three-month period, followed by a final examination to see the effects of the spice. Not only did they see what they expected, but it even had more surprising benefits than the researchers were aware of. They found that the retinas in the participants with early age-related macular degeneration improved in function in just three months!

During the study, the researchers noticed that the participants had stronger electrical responses to light overall! This means that saffron supplementation improved the light-sensing abilities of retinal cells in early age-related macular degeneration. This is a groundbreaking finding. Not only does saffron increase your vision, but it also has many other health benefits. For example, saffron is an excellent source of vitamin C, which makes it boost your immune system! Saffron has also been shown to increase respiratory function, promote healthy digestion, and improve sleep patterns! Saffron is truly an amazing spice, and everyone should look into incorporating it into their diet.

Eat This if You Have Brittle Nails, Thinning Hair or if You’re Not Sleeping Well

by January 31, 2017

I cannot stress just how important our adrenal glands truly are. Any issue with our adrenal glands can affect things like our sleep, nail health, and the health of our hair.

Our adrenal glands release several hormones that work to strengthen our immune systems as well as regulate things like our metabolic rate and our blood pressure. The hormones released by our adrenal glands help our body manage stress and we need them, to say the least.

We need to do all we can to ensure our adrenal glands are not having any problems. This meaning that if we are having trouble sleeping or our nails are brittle we need to do something about this as it can be an adrenal gland issue. Follow this recipe if you think you’re having an adrenal issue to support your adrenal gland function.

Adrenal Support Snack



  • Blend the dried parsley leaves and Brazilian walnuts into a blender.
  • Add in the honey, raisins, and ginger then blend.
  • Eat two tablespoons of this a day in the morning before breakfast when your stomach is still empty.
  • Do this at least three times a week. In doing this you are boosting your adrenal glands.

This will improve your quality of sleep and leave things like your hair and fingernails looking much better. Stay strong and healthy by supporting your adrenal glands. For more information what the adrenal glands do please watch the videos below.

This Drink Will Destroy Your Bones From The Inside But Everyone Drinks It Anyways

by January 31, 2017

America is certainly experiencing an epidemic when it comes to the poisonous sodas that are filled with toxic ingredients and loaded down with artificial sugars. A recent study showed that mass produced soda brands can eat your bones from the inside out, and people aren’t even flinching.

Many different researchers and dietitians say that these sugary sodas are the main cause of America’s obesity issue. This isn’t far fetched either, considering that over 3/4ths of it is sugar. You’re actually drinking sugar with a side of a little soda. In fact, regular soda brands contain up to 11 teaspoons of sugar per can! They also use artificial sugars that can cause your blood sugar to rapidly spike, resulting in a release of insulin.

Not only does most common soda brands like Dr. Pepper or Coca-Cola contain mass amounts of fake sugar, but they also contain a chemical known as phosphoric acid. Before we even get to what that is, it already sounds like something no living thing should be ingesting – especially as often as Americans consume these products. Phosphoric acid in soda hits your lower intestines shortly after drinking it. It binds with magnesium, zinc, and calcium. So instead of your body taking those nutrients and supplying them to your bones, it is bound with the acid and is flushed out of the system through urine.

Since soda brands like Coca-Cola use these toxic ingredients, it literally can start eating away at you bone health. Consuming these products every day will literally cause your bones to rot from the inside out. Women who drink an average of six servings of soda per day for just six weeks could see a notable — between 3 and 6 percent — drop in their bone mineral density. The decrease in bone mineral density was lower with women who drank diet soda, but even diet versions still resulted in a notable decrease.

Not only is it bad for you, but it is especially bad for teenagers! Ironically enough these are probably the most consumed beverage by teens these days. When nine of 10 teen girls and seven of 10 teen boys already aren’t eating enough calcium, they can’t afford to lose calcium to the phosphoric acid in soda. Teens whose bones don’t get enough calcium have a higher risk of breaks, fractures and eventually bone diseases like Osteoporosis.


Sodas eat away your bones and lower intestines, but that isn’t where it ends. They also significantly increase your risk for tooth decay. The soda is highly acidic and eats away at the enamel on your teeth. Without the enamel, your teeth have no protection eventually causing them to decay. Soda also increases risks for chronic kidney disease and kidney stones. This is also thanks to the high amounts of phosphoric acid in them. Additionally, they also cause liver damage! Put the damn coke products down people, they are literally killing us! If you we don’t stand up to the corporate greed and negligence of the public’s health, we will never last in this money-obsessed world.

Although an ice cold coke can be extremely delicious and thirst quenching sometimes, it is best to sit it out. Otherwise, you could end up with some severe health issues in the future. Cokes are horrible, no doubt; but one coke every now and then as a guilty pleasure won’t kill you, it is best to keep it at a very minimal amount.

Swallow This, Fall Asleep Almost Instantly, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Refreshed

by January 30, 2017

Most of us deal with some sort of sleep-related issue, things like this actually affect millions of people all over the world. Do you suffer from insomnia?

When it comes to sleeping disorders we often opt for the over the counter sleep aids because they are convenient however hardly any of those actually work. We can and should always go with the more natural approach to things and luckily insomnia is something that can be cured through several different methods. This is my most favorite remedy for insomnia, it will work wonders for you.

3-Ingredient Insomnia Remedy



  • Combine all of these ingredients together and mix them well.
  • Take one spoonful of this before bed each night.
  • Be sure to drink a glass of water right after ingesting this and if you wake up in the middle of the night take the remedy once more.

This is able to work because all of the ingredients provide the needed health benefits. When they are combined it is as if they are working in overdrive. This mixture will prevent cortisol spikes and allow you to have a good nights rest.

Here’s What Happens if You Eat Raw Garlic on an Empty Stomach Every Day

by January 30, 2017

Garlic is something that I use on a daily basis. It holds more benefits than most foods combined and can treat as well as heal many different diseases.

You should eat garlic on an empty stomach every morning as it will give you an increased effect. People have gone so far as to call garlic a miracle food. One instance I know of a lady who was having severe allergy issues and since she began consuming garlic on an empty stomach each morning she has not had any sort of symptoms. Six months later she is still going strong.

Garlic has something to offer everyone it can relieve the symptoms of hypertension, help increase blood circulation, prevent heart issues, and stimulate proper function of the bladder and liver. It is also known to stimulate proper digestion and increase ones appetite. If taken correctly it can even serve as a medicine for nerve problems. The possibilities are endless when it comes to garlic.

Of course, some people are allergic to garlic and should make sure they are not before ingesting it. When it comes to an allergy to garlic you can use garlic supplements instead of eating the garlic itself. If you notice a skin reaction, headache, or high temperature after ingesting please stop using. For more information on how to use garlic on a daily basis and learn about some garlic benefits we don’t often speak about please take the time to watch the videos below.

If you take the time to eat garlic every morning on an empty stomach you will be able to reap the benefits. Wouldn’t you want better circulation, fewer allergies, and lower blood pressure? Who wouldn’t? Enjoy!

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