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Liver Tumors, Brain & Kidney Damage, Weird Allergy-Like Symptoms & Headaches Linked to Candle & Shampoo Ingredients

by February 3, 2017

Synthetic scents are extremely dangerous. We need to avoid these things as best possible regardless of our current health or age.

About 95 percent of chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum. This is according to the National Academy of Sciences, chemicals used in synthetic fragrances include things like benzene derivatives (carcinogenic), toluene, and other extremely toxic chemicals that have been linked with cancer, allergic reactions, and birth defects.

Many of the ingredients found in the products we use daily like lotion, shampoo, and laundry detergent are considered endocrine disruptors. This means that they will trigger things like weight gain and can set you up for some sort of disease later on in life. When a company labels something with a fragrance it actually means there are thousands of different potentially dangerous chemicals in the product on top of the ones already present.

All of these mysterious ingredients are absorbed into our bloodstreams and get to work demolishing our health. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics took the time to compile a list of all the chemicals we are exposed to daily and it has blown me away. Click here to view the list. 

Fragrance Chemicals and How They Damage The Body: (only five of thousands)

  • Acetaldehyde- This one has an adverse impact on the kidneys, nervous and respiratory systems.
  • BHA Butylated Hydroxyanisole- This one is listed as a carcinogenic under California’s prop 65.
  • Benzophenone- This one is an endocrine disrupter linked to liver tumors.
  • Butoxyethanol- This one is a skin, nose, and throat irritant. Exposure to this can cause blood in urine, nausea, kidney damage, liver damage, and more.
  • Formaldehyde- This is a known human carcinogenic and is banned for cosmetic use in Japan and Sweden.

The FDA does not even require fragrance and cosmetic makers to disclose exactly what they are using to scent products! How irresponsible is that? The only reason these harmful chemicals are being used is because they are cheaper than going a healthy route. Maximizing profit is all these big companies care about. One study done, in August of 2016 showed just how these fragrances can impact our daily lives. In her study, she found that overall 34 percent of the population reported one or more types of adverse effects from exposure to fragranced products.

These chemicals are dangerous synthetic scents can cause issues like:

  • Cancer- According to the Breast Cancer Fund we should avoid synthetic fragrance as a potential way to prevent cancer.
  • Birth Defects & Child Autism- One of the most unwanted ingredients in the fragrances is called phthalates. They have been linked to autism as well as neurological issues and ADHD.
  • Toxic Bodily Reactions & Allergies- Fragrances are one of the top five allergens in the world. Allergic reactions can include things like headaches, migraines, difficulty breathing, sinus irritations, breathing issues, and things of the sort.

The only ways to really avoid these synthetic scents is to avoid any product that lists the following:

  • DEP
  • DBP
  • DEHP
  • Parfum
  • Fragrance
  • Phthalates

Pay attention to labels and always buy certified organic products. These are much less likely to contain artificial scents. Use fresh cut herbs and potted flowers for scent in your home and try giving essential oils a try. They smell great and benefit your health.

Your Hair Will Grow Like Crazy and You’ll Have Eagle Eyesight Eat 3 Tablespoons A Day and You’ll Witness A Miracle

by February 3, 2017

Mother Nature offers us a solution to each and every health issue we have. Oftentimes these quick and easy solutions go overlooked, now is the time to benefit from something natural.

Lots of people have problems with our hair and vision. When it comes to things like that taking a mixture of healthy ingredients will do more good than a trip to the doctor. Using this remedy you will be able to strengthen your hair and improve your vision all at the same time!

Eyesight and Hair Repair Remedy



  • Peel the garlic and put it in a blender along with the lemons.
  • Mix everything well until you get a homogenous mixture.
  • Now, add the flaxseed oil and the honey into the mixture.
  • Mix well again and place the acquired mixture in a jar.
  • Close the jar tightly and keep it in your fridge.

Eat one tablespoon of this about a half hour before each meal. Make sure you use a wooden spoon. Three tablespoons of this a day will have your health improved dramatically. Enjoy!

Press These Pressure Points on Your Wrists to Fall Asleep Faster and Make Anxiety Go Away

by February 3, 2017

When it comes to treating insomnia we should be looking for a treatment that does not involve pharmaceutical drugs. Have you ever tried acupuncture?

Insomnia can ruin a person’s quality of life; it leaves most people exhausted and unable to function properly. Insomnia is sleep disorder that can be caused by a number of things ranging from medical conditions to unhealthy sleep habits. In Traditional Chinese Medicine each person has a pattern that describes how the body is out of balance.

Acupuncture is simply placing fine hair like needles at set points along the different meridians that run through the body. When it comes to insomnia and well everything else, there are specific points that can be used to treat the issue. Two of the most effective acupuncture points to use when treating insomnia are referred to as Pericardium 6 and Heart 7.

Pericardium 6

This spot can be located on the anterior side of the wrist. It is about two finger widths from the transverse crease of the wrist. When activated this point can send strong sensations up the channel.

Heart 7 

This spot is located on the anterior side of the transverse crease of the wrist. The TCM name for this spot is Shenmen which means Spirit Gate. Pericardium 6 is called Neiguan and means Inner Gate. Using both gates will allow you to expel any bad things from inside you.

You can press on these two points as a means to reduce stress and anxiety. This in term will help with any sleep issue you may be having. For more information on these two spots please take the time to watch the video below.

This Is What Causes the Mysterious Spots and Specks That Float Around in Your Vision

by February 3, 2017

From an early age, I noticed eye floaters and back then I remember thinking “What in the world is in my eye? Am I going to die?” Well, as it turns out these eye floaters are normal and everyone gets them.

You know what I am referring to right? Those almost see through specks that wander in your field of vision? Sometimes they are visible and other times they are not. Most of the time when we see them we are moving our eyes shifting focus from one thing to another. If you have noticed then at some point and wondered if it was okay. I am here to tell you that it is. These little eye floaters actually belong inside our eyes.

Inside of our eyes, there is a substance called vitreous gel. It is almost like jelly. As we get older the gel becomes more like liquid and less like jelly. This makes the microscopic fibers in the gel clump together sometimes. That is what eye floaters are made of.

When light passes in our eyes the gel projects a shadow onto our retina. This meaning we are able to faintly see the clumped up fibers and even some red blood cells floating around. I honestly find this to be extremely interesting and as a pointer hope that you explain to your children what these eye floaters are. If I thought I was going to die informing the little ones is probably a good idea. For more information please watch the video below.

Place a Clothespin on Your Ear For 20 Seconds. The Results Will Surprise You

by February 2, 2017

As human beings, we are going to deal with things like aches, pains, tiredness, it happens. However, this is not to say that we can’t use tricks to make things run a little more smoothly.

This clothespin method will benefit you in a large number of ways. We use this method on the ears because according to reflexologist Helen Chin Lui, both of our ears contain a complete reflex map of the body rich with nerve endings and connectors to the central nervous system. We need to target six specific spots on our ears in order to work with the specific organs associated with each spot.


1.The Upper Part of the Ear

This part of your ear is directly linked to your back and shoulders. If you apply pressure to this spot for about one to two minutes each day you will be able to effectively reduce tension in those areas that could be built up. Tension buildup causes a lot of pain.

2. The Top Of Your Ear’s Curve

This is connected to your organs. If you are dealing with any sort of tenderness or maybe even a stomach ache place a clothespin on this spot in order to give yourself some relief. Of course, if you’re dealing with a serious pain please see a doctor. This should only be used when dealing with minor discomfort.

3. The Upper-Middle Part of the Ear

This is the part of your ear that is linked with your joints. Applying pressure to this spot will relieve your joint pains or joint stiffness. This is especially beneficial for those who spend long days at the keyboard.

4. The Lower-Middle Part of the Ear

Applying pressure to this spot will bring relief to your throat and sinuses. If you are dealing with a stuffy nose or feeling congested you should try this. It will allow you to get a good night’s sleep.

5. Just Above The Earlobe

This spot is one that will help to reduce any digestive issues you may be having. You can use this as a means to prevent any sort of discomfort from issues related to digestion.

6. Your Earlobe

This last spot is my favorite, it is linked with your head and your heart. Applying pressure here will promote your heart health and relieve your headaches. I actually have tried this method and can tell you that it does work. I have successfully gotten rid of a minor headache using a clothespin!


If you have clothespins lying around your house why not give it a go? You may be able to benefit yourself in a way so simple. Enjoy!

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