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Pepsi Admits its Soda Contains Cancer-Causing Ingredients

by February 7, 2017

Modern day soda companies are notorious for using toxic ingredients. Coca-cola being the worst, but Pepsi has recently admitted to using cancer causing chemicals!

Recently Coca-Cola spent over $11 million dollars funding anti-GMO labeling. Not only do they use GMOs, but they also use carcinogenic ingredients. Pepsi actually admitted it! These are two of the biggest companies in the world, and they have betrayed the public with their negligence and corporate greed.

That’s right, Pepsi has finally admitted it. After the epidemic of aspartame, they have successfully covered up the truth. Until now. The center for Environmental Health released test results showing that Pepsi had intentionally covered up the presence of high-level 4-mel, a known carcinogen. 4-Mel is short for Methylimidazole. It is a compound formed during the manufacturing of caramel colors. In this case, the dark brown color of Pepsi and Coca-cola products.

Pepsi has fought against complying with the state of California’s health regulations for some time now. The state of California is requiring Pepsi to place a cancer warning label on their products, but they have simply refused. Thus ending in a court hearing. There is a class action lawsuit against Pepsi from a federal California judge. Included in the settlement is the limitation of caramel colors or 4-mels.

The company must not exceed 100 parts per billion liters. The soft drink company has agreed to these measures, but you can never be sure. I wouldn’t recommend trusting a brand that ever used cancer causing ingredients from the beginning. It also makes you wonder what else they’re hiding.

Remove Stretch Marks And Cellulite Easy With Only 3 Ingredients!

by February 7, 2017

Stretch marks and cellulite are natural occurrences, and you should never be ashamed of them. However, they aren’t too flattering. Instead of buying those expensive and toxic creams, try this naturally effective remedy!

Cellulite is a condition when the skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits. This gives your legs a dimpled and lumpy appearance. You see it most on the buttocks and thighs, but it can also take place on the arms or stomach.


Stretch marks are a little different, and a little more tricky to treat. Thankfully this remedy works for both. They typically appear as bands of parallel lines on your skin. They are usually a different color and texture than your skin is normally. They most commonly occur after childbirth, but can also happen when you lose or gain a rapid amount of weight. They range from purple to light gray, and can sometimes feel itchy or sore. Neither one of these marks are flattering and can be damaging to your self-image. Common pharmaceutical treatments for these conditions are extremely expensive, and very rarely even work.

Instead, try this natural remedy!


  • 250 g of sea salt
  • 250 g of sugar cane
  • 100 / 150ml Argan oil

All you have to do is make a mixture of the ingredients. Mix them well until you get a nice creamy paste. Apply the paste to the affected areas and massage in circles. Do this for 2 or 3 minutes. Following this process, rinse the areas off with warm water and apply moisturizer! You will see results after every use, and eventually, the will disappear completely!

Repair Kidneys Naturally And With 1 Ingredient!

by February 7, 2017

The kidneys are crucial to your health. Take this ingredient once a day, and you will transform the function of your kidneys!

The kidneys perform vital functions for the body. They filter your blood of toxins and turn them into Urine. Without them, our blood would be full of toxins and we wouldn’t last long. However, if you’re constantly sick, your kidneys might not be functioning at their peak. Good news for you too, because you can take this ingredient every day, and you will soon notice a huge difference!

Sodium bicarbonate is an amazing ingredient for your kidneys. Sodium bicarbonate is also known as baking soda, and it has a million and one uses. It works as an aid to the endocrine system. The endocrine system produces hormones and enzymes to help digest food into small and safe chemicals for the body. But sometimes, or maybe even all the time, there are harsh chemicals added to our food and beverages. This puts a particular strain on the kidneys and the endocrine system.bakingsoda

This is where baking soda comes into play. The sodium bicarbonate helps the pancreas and the kidneys keep harmful acids at a minimum. Without it, the acids produced during digestion aren’t neutralized and this causes kidney damage. All you have to do is let half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolve under your tongue, and voila! You already feel better.

Watch What Happens When Cannabis Is Injected Into Cancer Cells. This Is Mind-Blowing!

by February 7, 2017

The modern day world is being fed cancer causing materials in every direction we turn. We are in desperate need of a cancer cure, but we might already have one. It’s just illegal…

Marijuana is one of the most controversial topics in the United States lately. While it’s true benefits are being recognized more and more recently, people still truly do not understand the dangers of the social stigma placed on marijuana. Marijuana, or medical grade cannabis, has so many benefits to the human body! While there has never been an overdose on marijuana, it is still classified as a schedule one drug, saying that it is of no medicinal benefits and is as dangerous and addictive as Meth or Heroin. Come on now people, we know that isn’t true. Many people with severe disorders have had their life changed by marijuana.

Marijuana is especially beneficial when it comes to fighting cancer. There are many different studies that have shown positive results in these tests. When cannabis is injected into the cancer cell, it causes the cancer cell to go into a state of apoptosis. Apoptosis is the process in which cells eliminate themselves, basically committing suicide one at a time. Just watch it for yourself in the videos below!


Unbelievable! She Found The Cure for Arthritis and Decided to Share it With The World

by February 6, 2017

Arthritis affects the vast majority of people. It is no walk in the park, joint inflammation of not something to joke about.

The two most common types of arthritis are Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. According to a woman named Susie, she was able to eliminate her arthritis by making simple diet changes. She was once called ‘the weather’ because she was able to predict the weather based on the changed that were reflected in her swollen arthritis riddled hands. She no longer has that issue. In just two short months she was able to cure her arthritis.

In order to do this Susie cut out milk and any dairy products that contains animal protein. She advises anyone who may be dealing with arthritis pain to do this. Susie makes claims that the use of animal protein creates a dangerous level of acidity in the body and relates back to the pains of arthritis. She has a Youtube channel at the moment and it is phenomenal. To learn more about this amazing arthritis cure and how Susie cured her issue please watch the video below.

Arthritis is a very big issue and when dealing with it the sooner you start a treatment the better. Let Susie’s story be a reminder that the natural route is often the better route to take. If you are suffering from arthritis please consider eliminating dairy from your life for a few months at least to see if it can help you. This is something Big Pharma would want to hide from us, please give it a try.

Consume Ripe Bananas With Black Spots And See What Happens to Your Body

by February 6, 2017

Bananas, as you may know, are extremely nutritious and one of the best fruits out there. They are an easily accessible super food, to say the least.

Statistically, the banana is the most consumed fruit in the whole United States. However, it appears we have been doing something wrong this whole time. Do you buy green bananas, yellow bananas, or bananas with brownish spots? I  have in the past been one to buy them while still green. This is something just about everyone I know does and should not do.

Bananas with brown spots are actually much more healthy for us than the yellow ones or the green ones. This is because they have a lot of TNF. TNF is something that can successfully fight off cancer and bad cells. Bananas containing TNF have actually been shown to slow down tumor growth and in some cases even stop it by creating apoptosis cell death.

If that isn’t enough to make you want a brown speckled banana then the benefits I list below might be. Bananas can do great things for our health. We should always opt for the speckles ones.

Reasons To Eat Bananas

  • They have a low sodium level and a large amount of potassium so they protect the heart and lower blood pressure.
  • They fight against anemia and can give your body a lot of iron.
  • They contain tryptophan which is something that works to combat depression. It is known to improve one’s mood.
  • Bananas will not upset a stomach ulcer.
  • They offer a ton of minerals, vitamins, and things of the sort. This will give you plenty of energy.
  • Eating banana is good for regulating bowel movements. It can relieve constipation.

See, the list goes on and on for quite some time. If you are dealing with any of the things above eating a brown speckled banana will benefit you in a big way. We often think that because they are changing color that they are gross of not safe to eat but this is completely wrong. They are a far better choice when deciding on what kind of banana you want to bring home.

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