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11 Life-Saving Facts Everyone Should Know

by February 16, 2017

When it comes to living our lives we tend to forget about how dangerous everyday life really is. We should be prepared for little disasters regardless of the situation.

We should know these eleven things for life-saving situations. Being prepared is important we can get choked while eating, attacked by sharks (it does happen), or even drown. It is important to know what to do when we find ourselves in trouble.

11 Life-Saving Things We All Should Know

1. If you are around someone who has been stabbed or impaled by a sharp object do not pull the object out.

Most people pull the object out without thinking of what will happen this can be extremely dangerous. Unless the object is blocking an airway it should not be removed, this will cause further tissue damage and cause the person to bleed out.


2. When falling off of a high building or cliff try to break the fall up a bit by hitting ledges and relax.

Make sure your knees are bent and land feet first if possible. While falling like this is not likely it does happen. If you are falling from something with ledges or branches it is better to try to break the fall up by hitting them in order to slow yourself down.

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3. Pay attention to the eyes when taking photos you can actually determine if someone has a specific type of cancer this way.

Sometimes when we take a photograph the eyes come out red. Now, sometimes strange things happen to where only one eye is red and maybe in the picture, there is a yellow tone or white glow where the red would have been this can be an indicator for something known as retinoblastoma. While it is a rare type of cancer it is most common in children.


4. When in a bind condoms can hold at least two liters of water.

While this is something you wouldn’t think you would use to hold water if you happen to have condoms on hand and are lost in the woods while camping it can be vital information. Sure, it may taste a bit off but it will hold a good amount of water while you are searching for where you need to go. I do suggest wrapping the condom in a sock though as they are very fragile. You can also use condoms to keep your cell phones, matches, and things of that sort from getting wet.


5. If you find yourself in a sinking car and you cannot open the door try removing the neck rest.

Some cars have removable neck rests that are heavy enough to be used to smash windows in the event you have nothing else. I do however strongly suggest rolling your window down upon impact or opening your door. However, sometimes those two options are gone before we notice we are even in the water.

6. If you see someone being electrocuted do not touch the person, either find the switch and cut it off or knock the person over with a stick or something nonconductive.

This will keep the person from getting hurt further and prevent you from getting electrocuted at all. Because a person being electrocuted is unable to let go of the source it is critical that we either cut the source or knock the person away from it.

7. You can do the Heimlich maneuver on yourself.

Of course, the first thing you should do is cough to try and clear the obstruction. If this doesn’t work and there is no one around to help you should form a fist with your strongest hand and place it just below your ribcage and above the navel. Put the other palm over your fist so that you will be able to push more firmly and drive your fist up using force repeatedly. Do this until the object is no longer stuck. Be careful when doing this.


8. If you are being attacked by a shark go for the eyes.

Yes, most people would tell you to punch it in the nose, while this will distract it for a second it will not deter the shark enough for you to get away. Going for the eyes is your best bet. A finger to the eye is much more effective than a punch to the nose. Being attacked by a shark is not likely but being prepared can be the difference in life or death.

9. If you think you may have testicular cancer take a pregnancy test.

Pregnancy tests work because they detect the hormone known as beta human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is present in pregnant women and men who have testicular cancer. If you test positive when taking a pregnancy test and you’re a man you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


10. If you are drowning you should take your jeans off. 

If you are in a situation where you are drowning or may drown and happen to be wearing jeans take them off, zip them up, knot the ends, and wave them over your head to fill them with air, knot the waist, and use them as a flotation device. This is something most people don’t know but it can save your life. If you almost drown then you should see a doctor to make sure you won’t be going through ‘secondary drowning.’ Even if you feel fine after your lungs could be filling up with fluid without you even noticing.

11. Always keep a phone on you whether it has service or not.

Most phones can call 911 whether you have service or not on the phone, some even call without a sim card. I actually keep an old flip phone in my purse along with my current phone in case an emergency occurs and my phone happens to be dead. Also, 112 is the international 911 in most places.


Just because you don’t think it will happen to you does not mean you shouldn’t be prepared for it. Life throws things our way on a daily basis. When it comes to all of the situations above remember not to panic above all else. You can make it through any of these if you remember these life-saving facts. Be safe!


Want to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half? Take These 3 Steps

by February 16, 2017

Groceries are expensive, now more so than ever. We are spending sometimes half of our paychecks on food!

While this may feel unavoidable it is. We can buy groceries and still not have to pay an arm and a leg. These simple steps will help you to cut your food bill in half. Have you ever heard of Steve and Annette Economides? They are the authors of a book called Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half With America’s Cheapest Family and according to them, groceries are not as big a challenge as we think.

The Economides say that they have been able to feed their family of even with about $350 a month! How intense is that? This couple claims to meticulously plan and get all the food needed by spending four hours shopping.

Here’s how to cut your grocery bill in half:

1. Cut down on grocery store visits

If you have picked up the habit of going to the store more than once a week you need to stop! This is something that can cause us to spend more without noticing. Reducing the amount of trips you make will prove to be more efficient when saving money.

2. Have a family meal plan

Plan the whole months worth of meals out before going shopping. This is the best thing when it comes to saving money, you won’t be buying any unnecessary things if you have a list. I always make sure to have a meal plan and list before I go shopping for the month.

3. Look for deals 

You don’t have to become one of those extreme couponers but you can still benefit from sales and such. Sometimes buying items in bulk will save you a ton of money in the long run as well. The Economides have mentioned that they like to bulk buy and freeze things till they put them to use. Granted don’t buy something just because it is on sale. If you buy something on sale and never use it, that’s a waste of money.

Doing these three simple things can and will benefit you greatly. If you have a family of three or four you should easily be able to eat for a whole month without breaking the bank. There are tons of cheap and easy recipes online that are fantastic. When you’re headed to the store next stop and think, take the time to put these three steps into action. Plan your meals, don’t go to the store multiple times a week, and catch good deals. You will be eating well and feeling great with all that extra cash in your pocket. Enjoy!

Statin Scam Exposed: Cholesterol Drugs Cause Rapid Aging, Brain Damage and Diabetes

by February 15, 2017

The Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for their scams. However, the Statin scam may be one of the worst.

Statin, a common cholesterol medication has been linked to causing rapid aging, brain damage, and even diabetes. The brand statin also includes drugs known as Lipitor, Crestor, and Zocor. The study was published in the American Journal of Physiology. It stated that Statins “impact on other biologic properties of stem cells provides a novel explanation for their adverse clinical effects.”

The study concluded that statins can cause adverse effects such as myopathy, and other neurological side effects. They also increase your risk for diabetes! Myopathy is the weakness of skeletal muscles, and it is nothing that you want to experience.

If you suffer from cholesterol issues, you should consider drinking coconut water. You should definitely stop taking statins, and coconut water very well might be a great natural replacement for them. Not only does coconut water reduce your cholesterol levels, it also reduces your blood pressure! Anything is a better alternative to statins.

THIS Will Happen After Drinking Coconut Water For A Week

by February 15, 2017

Coconut water has amazing health benefits, we’ve all heard this before. But what will happen to your body after one week of drinking coconut water?

Coconut water has tons of different benefits. It is packed full of antioxidants which make it a wonderful sports drink. It is excellent for hydrating the entire body, and soon you will notice that you feel better than ever! Coconut water will make your hair healthier, skin clearer and softer, and it makes your nails grow too! It is also packed full of potassium! Coconut water has up to four times more potassium than a banana!

Kidney Function – After 7 days of drinking coconut water, you will notice that you feel amazing and your color will be more radiant than ever! You’ll have a sudden boost of energy due to the fact that coconut water cleanses your liver and your kidneys. It gets rid of the toxins that pollute our bodies!

Lowered Blood Pressure – After about a week of drinking coconut water you will experience lowered blood pressure. Coconut water improves your heart health overall. You can finally get off those blood pressure medications that have horrible side effects!

Improved Brain Function – Coconut water is packed full of electrolytes, which we already have talked about. It is excellent for a sports drink because it keeps your body hydrated. However, the electrolytes do more than just that. They improve your brain function! You will have less clouded judgment and will be thinking sharply!

Immune System Health – The lauric acid in coconut water will be a super powerful aid to your immune system. It fights against fungi, viruses, and bacteria! It fights off infection in general, which is a tremendous helping hand to the immune system.

Digestion – You will soon find that your bowels are moving easier and more regular.  The electrolytes make it easier to absorb nutrients, which puts less strain on your digestive system.

Heal the Knees and Rejuvenate Bones and Joints With This Simple Recipe

by February 15, 2017

If you suffer from constant knee pain then this is the remedy for you! Age, wear, and tear can really take its toll on your knees, but this remedy will solve your constant knee pain.

Many people have tried pumpkin for their knee pain and had great results. Pumpkin has anti inflammatory compounds that reduce swelling and inflammation. Some people eat pumpkin seeds for this cause, but they are doing it all wrong. This remedy will get rid of your knee pain and you will feel like a new person!


  • 50 g pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tbsp unflavored gelatin (40 g)
  • 3 tbsp raisins
  • 7 tbsp flax seed
  • 220 g honey
  • 5 tbsp sesame seed

Mix the ingredients together, making a smooth paste. Refrigerate it in a glass jar for about an hour. Have 1 tbsp 2 times daily, in the morning before breakfast and before the lunch too. This boosts metabolism, makes bones and joints stronger and you can see great results after some time.

Take A Glass Of This Drink And The Liver Will Be Like New Again!

by February 15, 2017

In modern day culture, it is hard to keep a healthy liver because of all the fast food that is available to us. Let’s be honest, a salad is eight dollars, and a cheeseburger is two dollars. Which are you going to choose?

If you chose the salad, you must be a wealthy type. On a writer’s salary, I’ll be choosing the cheeseburger. I’m not the only one either. It isn’t often that we have time to sit down and cook an organic meal every night, so we find ourselves eating fast food more than we should. Because of this, it is essential that we keep our livers performing at their peak!

This recipe will cleanse the liver, and keep it performing at its peak. Pharmaceutical liver cleanses are too expensive and they aren’t very effective. Instead, go with the natural method. This remedy is sure to work, and it is super inexpensive!


  • Lemon juice
  • Orange juice
  • Fresh mint leaves, handful
  • 1 liter water
  • Organic honey


Place the water on heat to make it boil. Then to it, add the mint leaves and boil 5 min more. Set aside from the heat to cool a few minutes and then, in this add the orange/lemon juices both together with the grated peel of lemon too. In the end, stir in the honey.

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