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How to Get Long, Soft, and Healthy Hair Using Ginger

by February 18, 2017

Everyone loves a head full of luscious long hair. However it can be hard to achieve sometimes! Hair has a mind of its own, but if you follow these steps, you will have luxurious hair in no time!

Hair can thin, fade, and even fall out over time. This is super frustrating because you can try everything and it seems like nothing ever helps! Well, here is some good news for you. Ginger root is amazing for your hair!

Ginger root has shown to be super effective in making your hair grow faster, longer, and more lusciously. It contains circulatory agents that produce blood flow to the scalp. This results in healthier and fuller hair! Ginger root is perfect for those who experience stress patches and other bald spots in their hair. Erin Lukas, a stress patch sufferer says, “After about a month, the hairs sprouting on the patch are no longer a 5 o’clock shadow but now are at baby-hair length. It’s safe to say that if by chance I’m lucky enough to cross paths with my MTA hair guru again, I owe her a ginger beer, at least.”

Ginger root effectively tackles dryness, improves blood flow, gets rid of dandruff, and nourishes your hair. It has fatty acids that are perfect for restoring your hair’s natural lush. It is easy to use ginger for your hair too. The recipe is a simple do it yourself! Hope you enjoy!


  • 1 tbsp Ginger Paste
  • 1 tbsp Carrier Oil (Olive, Jojoba, Coconut, etc.)


  1. Combine the ginger paste and the carrier oil in a bowl.
  2. Section your hair and start massaging the ginger oil into your scalp using your fingertips.
  3. Once your entire scalp is covered in the oil, massage it for an additional 5 minutes to improve blood circulation.
  4. Leave the oil on your hair for at least 30 minutes and then rinse it out with your shampoo.

These 18 American Foods Are Banned In Other Countries

by February 18, 2017

There are quite a few major foods banned in developed nations that we have yet to ban here in the United States. They are banned because they pose serious health risks, and yet we are still ingesting them day in and day out. Why is this?

Corruption, that is the answer when it comes to why we are still consuming these dangerous products. These products are made by huge corporations that most likely donate very large amounts of money to congressmen and such who eliminate any bills that may even remotely suggest a ban on such products. The only way to avoid these products is to be aware of them.

Being aware of these things is something the government does not want and yet it is our only option when it comes to properly protecting ourselves. Please take the time to look over the information below and avoid these foods and food products for your family’s safety.

1. Farm Raised Salmon


Farm raised salmon are fed synthetic astaxanthin in order to give off the pink color. It is also likely to get infected with lethal fish viruses such as the salmon anemia virus. If you for some reason cannot cut salmon out completely try switching to wild caught salmon it is much healthier and less likely to have these viruses. Farm-raised salmon also is not good for the environment. The nets around salmon farms often trap and end up drowning seals, sea lions, and sometimes birds.

Where It Is Banned: Australia, New Zealand, and Russia.

2. Phosphate Additives


These are usually added to meat as a means to enhance the moisture absorbance, color, and flavor. However, the presence of this can increase the number of bacteria found in chicken and can increase your risks of heart disease. It is an arterial toxin.

Where It Is Banned: ThEuropean Union.

3. Bleached Flour


When we bleach flour we are attempting to speed up the process in order to maximize profit. Most other countries allow their flour to sit and naturally bleach itself. Bleaching the flour the way that we do creates a byproduct called alloxan. This is something used in labs to give healthy rats diabetes for experiments. Yes, this is still allowed in our food thanks to the FDA.

Where Is It Banned: The European Union, Australia, and Singapore.

4. Irradiated Meat


This is the act of exposing food (meat) to low levels of radiation as a means of preserving it and preventing food borne illnesses. Doing this mutates the product and destroys vitamins and enzymes making it harder for our bodies to digest these foods.

Where It Is Banned: The European Union (except when being used in herbs and spices.)

5. Chicken Washed In Chlorine


This is done as an excuse to continue the practice of bad hygiene and inhumane practices when it comes to the animals they are using for their meat. Dousing infected animals in chemicals is something that should not sound okay to anyone when it is not necessary. This chlorine rinse I would like to add only washes the surface of the animal the bacteria on the inside of the animals is still present.

Where It Is Banned: The European Union.

6. Atrazine

This is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States. It is known to leak into the ground and contaminate drinking water. This can harm those who drink unfiltered tap water. Research has shown that this is something that can cause a disruption in a person’s endocrine system and alter their levels of key hormones. It has lead to an increased risk of breast and prostate cancer.

Where It Is Banned: The European Union.

7. Carrageenans 


These are sometimes used as a vegan alternative to gelatin and can be found in a lot of random products you most likely wouldn’t think of. One example being chocolate milk., it is not digestible. The main use is to thicken dairy and meat products.

Where It Is Banned: The European Union (permitted in infant formula only.)

8. Pink Slime


This is a food additive known as dysphemism and it is used in ground beef and beef-based processed meats. It is used to lower the overall fat content. If you consume a lot of ground beef this cannot be healthy, if you would like to know if the beef you buy contains pink slime look at the ingredient list and check for things like ‘textured beef’ or ‘finely textured beef.’

Where It Is Banned: Canada and The European Union.

9. Milk and Dairy Products Laced With rBGH


This is a synthetic version of natural bovine somatotropin (BST), which is a hormone produced in cows’ pituitary glands in order to increase milk production. This was developed by Monsanto and was created from the genetically engineered E. Coli bacteria. About one in six cows here in the United States is repeatedly injected with this.

Where It Is Banned: Australia, new Zealand, Israel, The European Union, and Canada.

10. Preservatives BHA and BHT


Eating food with these preservatives in them can trigger allergic reactions as well as hyperactivity. BHA is known to cause cancer in rats.

Where It Is Banned: The European Union and japan.

11. Olestra/Olean


This can cause weight gain as well as vitamin depletion.

Where It Is Banned: United kingdom and Canada.

12. Bread With potassium Bromate


Commercial baking companies claim this makes the dough more elastic but it has been linked to things like kidney and nervous system damage. Check the ingredients list when buying bread. This is not a needed ingredient and we should be avoiding it.

Where It Is Banned: Canada, China, and The European Union.

13. Arsenic-Laced Chickenchich


The name sort of gives this one away. nothing with arsenic should ever be considered safe to consume. This can cause things like anemia, headaches, low blood pressure, kidney damage, and increase the risks of a miscarriage.

Where It Is Banned: The European Union

14. Processed Foods With Artificial Food Colors and Dyes


This is commonly in things like mac and cheese and cheddar flavored crackers. The dangers of these dyes is not something to joke about. These things have been linked with things like allergy-like hypersensitivity in children and birth defects.

Where It Is Banned: Norway and Austria

15. Flame Retardant In Drinks


This is usually found in things like Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Fanta, Fresca and Sunkist. It is most often found in citrus flavored beverages. in large doses, it has been found to cause behavioral and reproductive issues in animals. It is associated with a risk of major organ damage and growth issues.

Where It Is Banned: The entire European Union and Japan.

16. Ractopamine-Tainted Meat

This is used to reduce the overall fat content in meat. it is used on chicken, pigs, and cows. It has been linked with the reduction of reproduction function as well as chromosomal abnormalities.

Where It Is Banned: mainland China, Taiwan, and Russia.

17. Genetically Engineered Papaya

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Most Hawaiian papaya is genetically engineered to be resistant to the ringspot virus. In order to avoid this always buy certified organic papayas. Animals fed GE foods have suffered a number of issues such as intestinal damage and massive tumors.

Where It Is Banned: The European Union

18. Red Bull (the energy drink)

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Red Bull, While it is a favorite here in the United States and Britain it is banned in some places. This is because of the caffeine content as well as the sugar. It has been associated with high blood pressure and is dangerous for people who deal with things like anxiety disorders.

Where It Is banned: Kuwait

If you want to keep your family and yourself healthy you will avoid these things like the plague. It is utterly disgusting that the government here in the United States is so corrupt that they allow these things in our food. Who knows how much worse this really is, there could be things in our food we are not even aware of at all.

This Recipe Will Easily Clear Your Lungs in 3 Days, Even if You Smoke for More Than 5 Years

by February 18, 2017

Smoking can and will kill you. It is one of the most preventable killers out there.

It is even written on the pack, how much more obvious can it get? About six million people die each year from an illness related to tobacco use. Now, this is not to say that lung issues are reserved for smokers only because they are not. However, a smoker’s lungs are a lot more damaged than a person’s lungs who does not smoke.

If you are a smoker I highly suggest you quit. Try this remedy to cleanse your lungs in just three days. It will give you positive results without much effort.

Lung Cleanse 


  • 800g clean and cut onion
  • 4 teaspoons of turmeric
  • 2 liters of water
  • 800g of brown sugar
  • 2 small pieces of ginger root grated


  • In a large pot boil the water and the brown sugar.
  • Add the onion and ginger root.
  • Allow it to cook then add the turmeric.
  • When this begin boiling lower the temperature and let it cook for a few minutes.
  • Once it is done let it cool and then store it in the fridge.
  • Drink this every morning before breakfast and in the evening after your last meal.

While this may not be the most delicious remedy it is very effective and will have your lungs feeling a lot better quickly. While this is helpful if you do not quit smoking cleansing your lungs isn’t doing any good. Drop the cigarettes and pick up this remedy your lungs will thank you.

8 Natural Headache Cures: Headache Remedies That Work

by February 18, 2017

Headaches are one of the most common issues a person can have. If you’re anything like me you deal with them almost daily.

Headaches are a clear indication that your body is missing something. This can be as small as needing a break and being too stressed to needing to completely change your diet. Regardless of the cause of your headaches popping pills is not the best solution.

When it comes to headaches they are most commonly caused by stress, allergies, poor posture, constipation, deficiencies, eye strain, or low blood sugar. Luckily for us, when we are dealing with headaches there are natural alternatives to taking aspirin or Tylenol.  Try treating your headaches with one of the following methods.

  • Stretch Your Neck and Head- If you stay in one position for extended periods of time it can lead to tension and create a headache. This can be avoided if you take breaks every hour or so and stretch. Move your head and neck around in a circular motion in order to relieve tension.
  • Hydrating The Body- Staying hydrated is important when it comes to avoiding headaches. When we are dehydrated it can leave us with a terrible we have to ensure we get the proper amount of water every single day.
  • Taking A Detox Bath– Detox baths are very relaxing. They work wonders when it comes to cleansing your body leave you feeling refreshed. This is a great way to remove toxins from within. Heat the bath to a temperature just to the limit of what you can handle and sit in the water as it cools.
  • Take B-Complex Vitamins- People who suffer from migraines may be deficient in B vitamins. If you try taking a B-complex vitamin once a day you may get the relief you’ve been looking for.
  • Use Essential Oils- Essential oils have both a calming and numbing effect on us. The best ones for headaches are peppermint oil and lavender oil. Peppermint oil will leave a lasting cooling effect on your skin and stimulate blood flow all the while soothing mild muscle contractions. Combine both lavender oil and peppermint oil and rub the mixture on your forehead.
  • Get Your Back Checked Out- Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate the stress you’re feeling. It has been proven that chiropractic manipulation reduces tension and headaches.
  •  Gluten-Free Diet- Eliminating gluten for three weeks and then slowly introducing them back into your body will allow you to learn how to eat without triggering headaches.
  • Take Magnesium Supplements- I suggest you take between two hundred and six hundred milligrams of magnesium a day in order to reduce the frequency of the headaches under control. If a supplement doesn’t sound like something you would be interested in please consider eating more broccoli, squash, and leafy greens.

Yes, it can be that simple. If none of these work for you then, of course, you should see a doctor. Headaches are awful and should not control our lives. If you have been suffering from headaches for far too long please use this article as a means to wake up and get something done about your issue.

Treat Bad Coughs and Remove Mucus From Lungs Using This Home Remedy

by February 17, 2017

Let’s face it cough syrup tastes terrible and is the last thing we want to take when dealing with a nasty cough. We will put off taking cough syrup until it is the very last minute and our cough has gotten worse.

Coughing is severely uncomfortable and is one of the worst things to deal with. Coughing can be caused by irritation in your throat from allergens or a buildup of mucus in your bronchial tubes that can cause bronchitis, dry heaving in the lungs, and chronic cough. If you want to get rid of your cough without resorting to cough syrup then this is the natural remedy for you.

Honey Wrap Remedy



  • Mix about two teaspoons of flour in with some honey then add some warmed coconut oil to this.
  • Apply this to your gauze or napkin and place it on the center of your chest.
  • Use the adhesive medical tape to hold it in place.
  • This all-natural compress can be left on overnight or a child for three hours. You should notice results within the first couple treatments.

It is completely safe to do this for a whole week straight. As with most natural remedies, time is the key. Nothing happens overnight, if you feel a cough coming on this is the best natural way to treat it. Go ahead and start doing this when your throat is getting a bit sore. This will prevent you from having to take that nasty cough syrup.

Stressed Out? You Need A Cup Of “Calm The F**k Down” Tea

by February 17, 2017

Stressed out? Looking to calm the fuck down? Have a glass of some calm the fuck down tea! It is a new organic brand of tea that is extremely effective in calming you down and taming the tension.

In today’s hustle and bustle lifestyle, a cup of tea is ideal for ending the day. Especially a cup that will calm you down! It is a chamomile tea and is cheap and effective! Chamomile is known for having a drug like effects because it is so effective in relieving anxiety. There was a medical study on how chamomile relieves anxiety. It actually has been researched since the late 1980’s. It has been reported that chemicals naturally present in chamomile act like common drugs for anxiety without the same side effects although until now there have been no human studies to confirm these findings.

Calm the fuck down tea is a great way to experience chamomile. They come in decorative boxes and can be kept forever! They are also organic and GMO-free. They also promise to be “fresh As Fuck”.

The box reads:

“A softening and refreshing blend of herbal tea delicately dashed with chamomile and peppered with lively licorice. Delicious, reviving and sure to calm you the fuck down, soothe your stress with this sumptuous, tranquil fusion of loose herbal tea.”


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