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How to Get Rid of Vertigo, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Thyroid Problems, and Much More

by February 20, 2017

We have been forced into leading unhealthy lives thanks to modern day society. However, it is not something that we cannot overcome.

We can do things to lessen the burden we are putting on our health. Using natural remedies will do a world of good for our bodies, and keep us from having to use dangerous modern medicines. When an issue can be treated naturally, it should be treated naturally.

If you are dealing with vertigo, lupus, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or thyroid issues this is the remedy for you. This remedy calls for thyme which is something that has been used for many many years when it comes to improving one’s overall health. It is high in minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium.

This drink will help you in more ways that you will ever know. If you want to feel better quickly take the time to try this. You will be regulating your blood pressure naturally and getting rid of things like bronchitis.

Thyme Remedy


  • Two handfuls of fresh thyme (dried is okay if you prefer it)
  • 2 cups of water
  • Honey (optional)


  • Wash the thyme and place it in a bowl.
  • Boil the water and pour it over the thyme.
  • Leave this for a few minutes and then strain it to get rid of the solid parts.
  • Add honey to taste as needed.
  • Drink this once a day.


How Big Pharma Censors Knowledge of Natural Healing (Video)

by February 19, 2017

Big Pharma does everything they can to ensure we are sick and unhealthy. Without the corruption that comes with Big Pharma we would be cancer-free and happy.

Big Pharma spends all of their time silencing any natural treatment or cure. Listening to Mike Adams explain this is completely mind-blowing. Adams says that Big Pharma does not consider us complete human beings unless we are being injected with their drugs. In this interview from The Truth About Cancer between Milk Adams and Ty Bollinger, they go over just how censored natural medicine is in our current day and age.

We should be going to fruit and veggies as our primary medication and then seeking elsewhere as needed not the other way around. We should not be afraid to stimulate our immune system and make ourselves more healthy at home. Being dependent on drugs is ruining out society and keeping us sick, this is a means to control us and we should not stand for it.

To see exactly what Adams has to say please take the time to watch the interview in the video below. Natural medication is something we need to be aware of and share with our loved ones we are not going to get anywhere with chemotherapy and pill popping. Please pay close attention to what he has to say.

“We are spontaneous self-healing beings. We’re programmed from the day we’re born to heal ourselves if we give our bodies the right nutrients and don’t poison ourselves with dangerous toxins.”-Mike Adams.

Coconut Oil is Better Than Any Toothpaste According to New Study

by February 19, 2017

As you may already know coconut oil is one of the most beneficial things you can have in your home. It can help with almost any issue.

Coconut oil has recently made it’s way to the dental world, and is benefiting our teeth as well. To begin with, it was being used as a toothpaste alternative, but we are now finding out that it can heal cavities! Coconut oil is the perfect alternative to toothpaste considering it is not loaded down with harmful chemicals and heals those painful cavities.

Did you know that infections in the oral cavity have been known to trigger the development of things like dementia, stroke, and heart disease? Using coconut oil in orally is one of the best ways to use it. A study done at the Athlone Institute examined the roles of different oils in oral health. These researchers found that coconut oil was the best. This is because the natural antibacterial properties inhibit bacterial growth in the mouth.

Dr. Damien Brady lead researcher on this study says that:

“Incorporating enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental hygiene products would be an attractive alternative to chemical additives, particularly as it works at relatively low concentrations. Also, with increasing antibiotic resistance, it is important that we turn our attention to new ways to combat microbial infection.”

After learning about coconut oil I will never use commercial toothpaste again. Natural is always better when it comes to our health. If you want to make your own toothpaste rather than using straight coconut oil follow the recipe below.

Natural Toothpaste


  • 6 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • 30 drops of peppermint essential oil


  • Mix all of these ingredients together.
  • Use it twice a day as you would your normal toothpaste.

I also highly suggest oil pulling. Simply swish coconut oil in your mouth for about fifteen minutes before you eat. Once this has been done spit the oil out and go about your day. Your teeth will be much healthier and you will still be getting rid of bad breath as well. Enjoy!

These 20 Restaurants Have The Most Antibiotics In Their Meat – Avoid Them!

by February 19, 2017

Meat here in the United States is severely over mass-produced and laced with antibiotics. However, when it comes to antibiotic use some restaurants are not as bad as others.

A collaborative food report has actually ranked the 25 largest fast food and restaurant chains here in the United States based on their policies regarding antibiotics in their food products. Some of you may be glad to hear that for the second year in a row Chipotle Mexican Grill and Panera Bread scored an A. With about two million American’s coming down with antibiotic-resistant infections every single year the antibiotic use in our food is an extremely big issue.

The scorecard these restaurants have been graded by goes from A to F. F being the worst and A being the best. What do you think your favorite restaurant scored as?

The following restaurant chains received a D or lower in antibiotic practices:

  • Pizza Hutt
  • Papa Johns
  • KFC
  • Dunkin Donuts
  • Applebees
  • Dominos
  • Chili’s
  • Sonic Drive-In
  • Olive Garden
  • Little Caesars
  • Denny’s
  • Starbucks
  • Dairy Queen
  • Jack In The Box
  • Arby’s
  • IHOP
  • Burger King
  • Buffalo Wild Wings
  • Wendy’s
  • Subway

Some of these places are family favorites, the dangers of antibiotics in our food is something we should not ignore. Convenience is not an excuse. For more information on the eleven of these fast food chains that received an F please take the time to watch the video below.

Try This Natural Home Remedy and Cure Coughs, Bronchitis, and Laryngitis For Adults and Children!

by February 19, 2017

Bronchitis is a respiratory disease that causes the lungs’ bronchial passages mucous membrane to become inflamed. When this happens, coughing spells and breathlessness follows.

Inflammation of the vocal cords is known as Laryngitis and is very similar to bronchitis. These issues come from bacteria and viral infections. Using antibiotics to cure these issues can increase the resistance of pathogens, and can worsen the problem altogether. Instead of using antibiotics I suggest trying natural remedies. If you feel a cough coming on it is time to put the remedy below to use. This will prevent things like bronchitis and laryngitis.

Cough Remedy


  • 500 ml of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 cups of scrambled egg yolk
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda


  • Boil the milk and let it cool for a minute before adding in the butter and honey.
  • Mix these together and then add the scrambled egg yolk and baking soda.
  • Mix again and take this before bed for at least one week straight. you can take it cold or warm it up. (drink a half a cup)

This remedy will have you feeling much better and subdue your cough. If the issue does not go away and seems to worsen, of course, see your doctor. When it comes to our health choosing natural options like this one will do our bodies a world of good. Enjoy!

Holding Your Hand in This Position Does Something Incredible for Your Body – Here’s How

by February 19, 2017

Mudra is a practice that is just as effective as yoga and acupuncture. However, it is not as popular. This is something that consists of hand positions designed to stimulate different parts of your body as well as your mind.

This method originates in India and consists of eight basic gestures in all. Once you see exactly what these gestures are capable of you will be using them right away. Each gesture does something fantastic.

1. Vaayu Mudra

This gesture is intended to decrease the air element and provide people who have an anxious mind deal with it. If you are aggressive or hyperactive this is the gesture for you.


2. Gyan Mudra

This is a gesture that is believed to help with enthusiasm, drowsiness, and creative thinking.


3. Jal Shaamak Mudra

This gesture is believed to decrease the water element and is great for those people who have excessive sweat glands, watery eyes, or a runny nose.


4. Varun Mudra

This will reduce joint pain, cramps, and arthritis.


5. Surya Mudra

Increasing the fire element while decreasing the earth this is ideal for those who deal with suppressed thyroid activity.


6. Prithvi Mudra

This one is specifically for relieving fatigue as well as helping heal muscles.


7. Shunya Mudra

This gesture decreases the space element and helps reduce earaches.


8. Aakash Mudra

This gesture aims to relieve fear, anger, sorrow, and congestive issues. It can also detoxify the body from metabolic waste.


These are some of the most simple ways to help our bodies run correctly. These are easy gestures to remember and they can be done from your workstation no matter where you work. Enjoy!

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