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Try These 2 Highly Effective Solutions to Release the Pinched Nerve in the Lumbar Area and Eliminate the Unbearable Pain!

by February 22, 2017

Pain in the lower back or lumbar will create a resonance of pain throughout your legs, knees, feet, and even your toes. It can be unbearable at times, but now you can finally live pain free, with releasing the tension in the sciatica nerve.

There is simply no other way to put it; sciatica pain feels horrible. It is often described as numbness, tingling, and weakness. Symptoms are primarily felt in the buttock, lower back, knees, calves, and even the toes. Sciatica pain is often caused when the sciatic nerve is injured or damaged. It is easy to become immune to such a constant pain, so it is best to address it now.

The sciatica is a nerve that runs down the spine and branches off in several different directions down the leg. If the nerve is damaged it can cause excruciating pain. It can be literally debilitating and can be caused by a ruptured disk and the narrowing of the spine. Dr. Mark Kovacs, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, adds that the piriformis_symptoms01best way to alleviate most sciatica pain is to do “any stretch that can externally rotate the hip to provide some relief.” With that being said, let’s get to the point – how to fix it!

How to Solve Sciatica Pain Once and For All

There are two primary exercises that can provide relief of sciatica pain. In the beginning it is a bit difficult, but it is important to keep practicing it.

Lie down on the floor and bend the aching leg. Pull it slightly towards the shoulder, like demonstrated in the photo below. Once you feel the stretch stay in this position for about 30 seconds. Straighten legs and take a short break. Be sure to repeat this exercise two times minimum.


The second exercise requires supine position. Be sure to lie down on the floor and bend your knees. Afterwards pull them towards the chest slowly, but do not raise the buttocks from the floor. Do two repetitions of this too.



The Most Powerful Herb that Destroys Strep, Herpes, Candida and Flu Virus

by February 22, 2017

Tired of having a sore throat every time that it is cold outside? What about those annoying cold sores on the corners of your mouth? If you are, you’re not the only one. Thankfully, this magical herb will solve all those issues and more!

Cold sores are unattractive and painful! They keep you from even being able to open your mouth without terrible pain. Like cold sores, strep throat, candida, and the flu virus are all horrible things to experience. They are too common in today’s nature too, and that is why the human body could use a little extra boost when it comes to the immune system.

So what is this magically medicinal herb? Thyme! Thyme has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries! In ancient Egypt, thyme was used for embalming. Not that were dead or trying to embalm anything, I’m just trying to stress the fact that it has been sued for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. The Romans practiced using Thyme on curing anxious or shy people. One study has suggested that thymol can reduce bacterial resistance to common drugs such as penicillin.

Thyme has tons of medicinal benefits that can be taken advantage of by any modern day citizen. It can be used to fight bacterial infections and reduce high blood pressure! A team of researchers who were studying antimicrobial activity of essential oils also studied thyme oil. They reported that the thyme oil showed potential as a natural preservative of food products. They also said that it could be used to combat several food borne illnesses.

Likewise, researchers at the University of Belgrade in Serbia, they found that an extract of thyme oil obtained from wild thyme reduced blood pressure in tests on rats. Interestingly, rats seem to have similar responses when it comes to tests regarding cardiovascular medications. If you suffer from strep throat commonly, thyme is the herb for you. It has antiseptic and antibiotic properties that can significantly boost your immune system in fighting off this sickness. It is also great for any an other cough and cold sickness! Thyme is virtually geat for everything, and everyone should incorporate it into their daily diets!

Are Bath Bombs Safe? The Ingredients Are Terrifying

by February 22, 2017

A new trend might bring about some harmful, long-term side effects. Bath bombs have really taken a toll on social media, but they also might be taking a toll on your body.


All over Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you are seeing tons and tons of pictures of bath bombs! They are being advertised in all kinds of different stores too. They are meant to make your bathwater colorful while leaving a nice scent after your bath. There are also bath bombs you can purchase that contain lotion or other moisturizers. While they are a nice combination with a glass of red wine, they too have been poisoned by corrupt manufacturers.

Bath bombs have proven to contain really harmful ingredients. While in the modern day it seems like everything we consume contains some sort of toxicity, bath bombs have definitely topped the list. They contain fake fragrances made out of some hefty ingredients. Not to mention the fact that over 95% of chemicals used in fake fragrances originated as petroleum or crude oil.

Bath bombs also contain food dyes that enter your bloodstream, as proven by a breakthrough 2013 Slovenian study. They showed that the body absorbs these chemicals typically through recently shaven skin and the mucous membranes. From this point, the dyes are then absorbed into the bloodstream and spread throughout the entire body – including the heart and the brain. Other test tube studies have linked these chemicals to brain cancer. Certain yellow dyes can even increase your risk of adrenal 0a2de7018537574040e3adb0df1bb8e4and kidney cancers.

Other studies show that bath bombs can give you UTI’s. UTI’s or Urinary Tract Infection is a painful infection that takes place in the urinary tract. Bath bombs and several bubble baths have been linked to triggering infections like these. Are you willing to contract an infection for a fizzy bath?


How To Use DIY Castor Oil Packs For Liver Detox And To Break Down Kidney Stones

by February 22, 2017

If you feel tired, sluggish, and fatigue all day everyday it is likely that this is a result of poor liver function. Conveniently, castor oil works wonders on the liver!

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant. The oil has been proclaimed all over the world for its benefits. Cultures around the globe have used this oil for its medicinal properties for hundreds of years! If you feel as if your liver might be functioning poorly, then castor oil might be the medicine for you!

The medicinal uses of castor oil range on a wide spectrum. Just to sum some of them up, you can use castor oil to gain relief from rheumatism, menstrual disorders, and constipation. It is also great for dental hygiene, proper lactation, birth control, hair care, and skin care! Aside from all of those benefits, castor oil is especially amazing for your liver!

This DIY castor oil pack will detoxify your liver and you will be performing like new! Castor oil packs have shown to effectively break down kidney stones, support uterine and ovarian health, and improve lymphatic function! It is a simply do it yourself, and you can see the directions below.

What You Need

  • High quality castor oil
  • Lemon essential oil – optional but recommended
  • Washable spa body wrap
  • Heat pad
  • Wool Flannel Pad or Cotton Pad or cloth (if using cotton I recommend organic, if possible)



  • Moisten flannel or cotton with castor oil. (Add 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil to the castor oil, mix well.)
  • Place moistened pad/cloth on right side of abdomen, just below rib cage (that’s where your liver is located). If using to detoxify kidneys, put them on your back where both kidneys are located.
  • Secure the pad in place with the body wrap by wrapping around entire abdomen.
  • Heat up the heating pad and place it on top of flannel pad.
  • Lie down and keep the heat pack in place for about an hour.

This Japanese Technique Will Beat Your Laziness in One Minute!

by February 21, 2017

Laziness gets the best of us from time to time, but we always have to resurface and get our things done. If you’re like me, this Japanese method for laziness will be of much-needed help.

Laziness affects us in many different ways. Aside from the fact that it causes us to become overloaded with tasks that need to be completed, it additionally causes us to become overwhelmed and stressed out. Laziness can also lead to more serious issues like heart disease and obesity. Laziness affects a person’s brain, body, and relationships and that is why you need to deal with the issue head-on, rather than just avoiding it – yes, I know it is easier.

Laziness might not be just a faulty character trait. It actually might have to do with your brain! Scientists figure that the brain connections responsible for the jump from decisions to actual action must be less effective in the apathetic. That would mean their brains would have to work harder to get them off their duffs. “If it takes more energy to plan an action, it becomes more costly for apathetic people to make actions,” explained one member of the study team, neurology researcher Masud Husain at the University of Oxford. “Their brains have to make more effort.”

It seems as if the longer we wait to fix the issue, the more issues we have to take care of. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. That is why you’re going to find this a Japanese method extremely helpful. Even better, it only takes one minute to do! Kaizen is the practice of continuous development. It originated from the western world by an author named Masaaki Imai. One of the main principles of Kaizen is that big changes result from small changes over a period of time. This can prevent the burnout that comes from trying to tackle one big task at once.

Under the principle of Kaizen, you’d want to break that larger task into smaller chunks of time. So maybe I set a timer for one minute and say “Ok, I’m going to work on assembling the drawers of this desk for one minute.” Here are the mental steps for achieving this.

Don’t focus on the problem at all – this makes the issue more refreshing. If you’re not focused on the problem, you become less frustrated and overwhelmed. This enables you to take on the task full force and get it done without stressing out.

Teach others how to do things you’re good at – this helps better your education of what you already know, while also inspiring others to share their knowledge.

Focus on yourself first – You’ll never get anything accomplished if you do not focus on yourself.

The Miracle Plant That Treats Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, and Other Skin Allergies!

by February 21, 2017

If we had to pick the single most beneficial plant that mother nature blessed us with, I think we would all be stuck between Marijuana or Aloe Vera. Both are amazing plants, but did you know that aloe vera can cure psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and other skin allergies?


Aloe vera is one of the most mentioned plants in medical history. Ancient Chinese and Egyptians used aloe vera to treat burns, wounds, and even reduce fever. It is basically usable in every single life situation, as it is amazing for everything. Legend reports Egipciosthat Alexander the Great, upon the advice of Aristotle, conquered the island of Socotra, off the coast of Africa, to secure supplies of aloe vera in order to treat wounded soldiers. Cleopatra used aloe in her daily skin treatments. In 1944, the Japanese who were exposed to the “A” bomb applied aloe gel to their wounds and reported faster healing and less scarring.

Aloe vera is great for treating skin conditions because it is packed full of anti-inflammatory properties. When skin conditions such as psoriasis become inflamed, applying aloe vera to it can make a world of a difference – not just because it is cool and gelly either. Research published in the November 2006 “Skin Research and Technology” proves this hypothesis. Researchers found that aloe vera hydrates the skin by having a humectant effect — acting as a skin barrier that prevents water loss.

Aloe vera treats eczema in much of the same way, but especially because it hydrates the skin. It is thought to be due to the high sugar content of the plant. It allows it to act as a humectant, attracting water to the epidermis. It can reduce the tightened and tense feeling of eczema. It also calms down the itch. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties, it calms down the inflammation of eczema, resulting in less itching.

Aloe vera is also amazing for treating dermatitis. It has an enzyme that helps create hair growth. Aloe vera is able to penetrate deep into multiple layers of the skin. Use it as shaving gel, and it will give the skin a nice, refreshed, and hydrated feel. Herbal remedies using aloe vera can treat various skin disorders like psoriasis vulgar and seborrheic dermatitis.

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