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Mix Cinnamon and Honey to Make the Natural Remedy that Stuns Doctors

by March 1, 2017

Honey and Cinnamon are not only tasty, but they are also extremely beneficial for your body. They aid your body in almost every aspect, and if you take them regularly, you will see some significant changes in the way you look and feel!

Honey is a well known natural cure for many different health issues. It is tasty with everything, and is a great natural substitute to artificial flavorings and sugars! Honey has been used medicinally for literally thousands of years. It contains flavonoids and antioxidants that help reduce the risk of some cancers and even heart disease. Honey has also shown to significantly reduce the size of ulcers and even other gastrointestinal issues. It is basically useful in every single life scenario in which you would take medication.


Like honey, cinnamon is also extremely beneficial to the human body. It is delicious and has been prized for all of its different medicinal properties for hundreds, and maybe even thousands of years. It is loaded down with tons of antioxidants. It even outranked other superfoods garlic and oregano in their content of antioxidants! It can even be used as a natural food preservative! Mixing honey and cinnamon together and you get a powerful healing elixir with all kinds of abilities!

Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon

Common Cold – In a study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, cinnamon essential oil was found to be highly effective in slowing the growth of a number of bacteria and fungus including E. coli, Candida, and Staph aureus (microorganisms that can cause a number of diseases including the common cold).

Digestive issues – Honey and cinnamon have become quite popular in managing digestive issues such as constipation, nausea, and ulcers. Because honey is predigested nectar, it is easy for the body to break it down, which can soothe an aggravated system.

Gingivitis – The past few years, several studies have come out claiming that Manuka honey can help cure gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Acne & Skin Infection – Cinnamon oil mixed with honey is used all over the world to treat skin conditions such as acne and skin infections because of its antimicrobial capacity.

Coconut Oil Does Wonders For Your Skin And Hair. But You’ll Fall Off Your Chair, When You Hear The Newly Discovered Effect It Can Have

by March 1, 2017

We all know that coconut oil is amazing for your hair and your skin; it is also an excellent alternative to vegetable or other cooking oils. What most people do not tell you is that is has an amazing effect on cancer!

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers among both men and women. Cancer is way too common these days, and modern day treatment often gets you nowhere. In fact, chemotherapy is the most commonly used treatment for cancer and it has terrible side effects! Chemotherapy is often thought to be the worst part of the entire struggle of cancer. However many natural remedies have proven to be effective in treating many different types of cancers, they have always been shutdown by corporate pharma companies saying there isn’t enough evidence.

Thankfully, coconut oil has proven to be extremely effective on cancer. Coconut oil specifically works its magic on colorectal cancer. A great example comes from a study that shows there is an active anti-cancer component in coconut oil that constitutes 50 percent of its makeup. It’s called lauric acid, and in a study published in the journal Cancer Research, researchers at the University of Adelaide discovered this component completely exterminated more than 90 percent of colon cancer cells after just two days of treatment in a colon cancer cell line (CRC) in vitro.

The study also reports/cites studies that postulate and indeed support the position that lauric acid can induce cancer cell death both in vitro and in vivo. For this study, the researchers used the rat small intestinal cell line as a model of normal intestinal epithelial cells, which again, “demonstrated that lauric acid induced considerable cell death.” Although there is still much to learn, there is obviously some potential here.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Cancer: This is What You Must Know!

by February 28, 2017

Hydrogen peroxide ranks as one of the best household remedies. H202 is one of the few “miracle substances” still available to the public!

We are being exposed to and infected with these cancers through the use of insecticides, herbicides, shampoos, cosmetics, antibiotics, vaccines, fluoride, GMO foods, and well just about everything else we come in contact with. We are creating an acidic environment with our bodies perfect for the development of cancer without even realizing it.

Most cancer patients only live about five years after beginning treatment because of the negative effects of thing like radiation treatment and chemotherapy. These types of cancer treatments destroy not only the ‘cancer cells’ but the healthy cells as well. The only real solution is something we have known for quite some time now. It has been suppressed by those who want to profit off of our sickness.

Cancer growth is boosted when there is a lack of oxygen in the body, an abundance of oxygen is able to actually destroy cancer. This boils down to the multiplication of cancer cells and the ability for them to survive depends on the fermentation of glucose. Yes, I am saying that if you make your body more alkaline rather than acidic you can prevent and in some cases cure cancer. Oxygen treatments along with a change in diet could be exactly what you need.

What should you do, whether you have cancer or not? Alkalize your body, that’s what. Now keep in mind, hydrogen peroxide does not rebuild the immune system or repair the cells damaged by toxic chemo; however, there’s no better time to welcome that “change of season” for the regeneration of new cells, skin, hair and organ cells than right now. This is preprogrammed in your DNA. Men and women have the same schedule:

  • 120 Days – NEW Red Blood Cells
  • 90 Days – NEW Skeleton
  • 60 Days – NEW Brain Cells, Tissue
  • 49 Days – NEW Bladder
  • 45 Days – NEW Liver, NEW DNA Cell Material
  • 30 Days – NEW Hair, NEW Skin
  • 5 Days – NEW Stomach Lining

One method of oxygen treatment can be done right at home with food grade hydrogen peroxide. It is completely safe and will benefit you in a big way. Follow the directions below in order to implement this oxygen treatment into your daily routine.

How to use food grade hydrogen peroxide as oxygen treatment:

  • Pour a few drops into a glass of drinking water and drink it once a day.
  • Pour it into your bath and relax in it for about an hour.

These methods may not seem like much, but when combined with an alkaline diet they can do so much for your health. You will notice a difference quickly. It is time for you and your loved ones to protect yourselves from cancer.

Scientists Discovered That Jackfruit is a Strong Cancer Killer

by February 28, 2017

Colon cancer much like other cancers is very serious and can create additional issues. Could this be a cancer killer?

This fruit is rich with nutrients that benefit our health and are believed to fight cancer. Those nutrients prevent the flow of free radicals which are one of the causes for cancer. Jackfruit is rich in vitamin C and simple sugars that are great when it comes to strengthening your immune system.

During a study done on mice, it was found that jackfruit helped improve function of the phagocytic cell which is part of the immune system. He anti-cancer benefits of jackfruit do not stop here, however, the value of this fruit is gigantic. It is an incredible colon cleanser and lowers the risks of colon cancer.

This fruit contains something known as phytonutrients; these are nutrients that prevent the creation of the cancer cell in its earliest stage. If a person is suffering from belly ulcers this fruit can drastically improve their symptoms. In 2006, the N. Cancer Institute published research that covered at least five hundred women who were chosen at random. Based on this research the group of women who consumed the largest amount of isoflavones (which are found in jackfruit) showed lower cancer rates than the ones in the control group.

This fruit is delicious and nutritional, you cannot lose when you choose it. Just one cup a day may be enough to keep the doctor away. For information on how to prepare jackfruit please take the time to watch the video below

1 Cup of This Will Put You to Sleep in Under 1 Minute!

by February 28, 2017

If you suffer from insomnia then this remedy is for you. Millions of people across the globe deal with insomnia day in and day out.

If you struggle to get a good night’s rest it is most likely affecting all aspects of your life. You could combat this issue with prescription medication, but those are very expensive, addictive, and often ineffective. That’s without mentioning the long list of side effects including things like dizziness, attention issues, constipation, and more.

Would you use a natural alternative that actually works? This one will have you resting soundly in no time at all. A natural sleep aid is all you need.

Natural Sleep Aid Recipe



  • Heat the milk in a saucepan.
  • So not allow it to boil, once it has been warmed pour it into a glass.
  • Add in the honey and vanilla.
  • Mix everything properly and drink this slowly before bed.

These ingredients together are able to promote a healthy sleep pattern and work to tell the body it is time to power down. Vanilla has been found to be one of the most effective means of relaxation and milk being rich in tryptophan encourage the promotion of serotonin as well as melatonin giving off a sedative effect. 

Who knew a good nights sleep could be achieved so easily? Don’t waste your money on those expensive pharmaceuticals. This will benefit you much more in the long run! Your health is more important than anything else.

This ONE Plant Prevents Mood Swings and Balances Hormones

by February 28, 2017

This is being called the ‘miracle tree’ and with good reason, it is overflowing with fats, proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients. Would you use this supplement?

The tree I am referring to is the Moringa, it’s flowers, roots, leaves, and bark have been used as nutritional supplements for quite some time now. They are also used in many cosmetics and possess intense medicinal potential. Moringa is rich in fiber and can cleanse any excess waste in your intestines.

It contains nine times more protein than yogurt and the seeds from this can even purify water! On top of all of this it contains a powerful antibiotic that can eliminate ulcers and gastric cancer. The benefits of this tree seem to have no end.

If you are dealing with thyroid issues, iron deficiency, or any sort of cancer or tumor this is the plant you need to be using. Moringa is beneficial enough to be found in the homes of people across the globe. If you don’t already have some I strongly suggest you add it to your home garden.

Throughout the world, moringa is used for treating serious conditions including:

  • inflammation-related diseases
  • cancer
  • diabetes
  • anemia
  • arthritis and other joint pain, such as rheumatism
  • allergies and asthma
  • constipation, stomach pains and and diarrhea
  • epilepsy
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers or spasms
  • chronic headaches
  • heart problems, including high blood pressure
  • kidney stones
  • fluid retention
  • thyroid disorders
  • low sex drive
  • bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections

Here are some interesting facts about the vitamins and minerals in this amazing plant.

  • two times the amount of protein of yogurt
  • four times the amount of vitamin A as carrots
  • three times the amount of potassium as bananas
  • four times the amount of calcium as cows’ milk
  • seven times the amount of vitamin C as oranges

It Contains Antioxidants to Help Reduce Inflammation

Moringa continues to gain traction as a powerful natural remedy and replacement to conventional pharmaceuticals because it contains some of the same compounds as the drugs do without the dangerous side effects. According to a report published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, moringa contains essential amino acids, carotenoid phytonutrients, as found in carrots and tomatoes, and antibacterial compounds that work identically to those found in medicines.

Inflammation can cause many problems within the body, but moringa can fight inflammation due to the strong anti-aging compounds present in the plant, including Vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and polyphenols. These compounds help to reduce risks for certain types of cancers, high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases.

Balance Hormones Naturally

In a 2014 study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, researchers selected ninety postmenopausal women between the ages of 45–60 years to test how different levels of moringa would affect their hormones. Results showed that supplementing with moringa and amaranth caused marked increases in antioxidants in the body along with impressive decreases in oxidative stress.

Also researchers found better fasting blood glucose levels and increases in hemoglobin, leading them to draw the conclusion that moringa can prevent hormonal changes and age-related diseases.

Moringa Plant Promotes Brain Health and Prevents Mood Swings

Moringa contains a significant amounts of protein, and is packed with tryptophan, which helps the body to produce the relaxation hormone called serotonin. Moringa can also help reduce fatigue, depression, mood swings, and insomnia, according to some studies.

For more information on this tree please watch the video below.

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