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Get Fair Skin in Just 3 Days, Skin Whitening Home Remedy

by March 6, 2017

When it comes to lightening our skin there are not very many natural remedies that work. However, this one will blow you away!

If you are looking for a remedy that will lighten your skin, prevent acne, and absorb those extra oils then this is the remedy for you. This rice paste will do so much for your skin. Who knew lightening your skin would be so easy?

Skin Lightening Paste



  • Put the rice flour, tomato pulp, and honey together.
  • Add enough milk to give the mixture a paste like consistency.
  • Apply to the skin and allow it to sit for thirty minutes and then scrub it off. (Do this once a day until you reach your desired results.)
  • Enjoy!

7 Ways to Turn on Your Weight Loss Hormones

by March 6, 2017

Losing weight can sometimes feel impossible, however, it is not. Sometimes your body just needs a push in the right direction.

Hormones are in charge when it comes to regulating your body weight. When it comes to kicking them into gear knowing what to do is essential. These are the seven best ways to get your weight loss hormones rolling


1. Breathe

Research has shown that by breathing through one nostril and covering the opposite nostril for 27 respiratory cycles repeated at least four times a day for one whole month will increase your resting metabolic oxygen consumption.


2. Get proper sleep

Leptin levels make you feel full and are dependent on you getting the correct amount of sleep. If you do not get six to eight hours of sleep a night your leptin levels will decrease and you will want to overeat in order to consume more energy to make up for the lack of rest you’ve been dealing with.


3. Do not skip breakfast

When you first wake up you are able to turn on your weight loss hormones by breaking your overnight fast and consuming breakfast.


4. Working towards building muscle mass

When it comes to weight loss the hormone responsible for bulking people up can also be used to reduce your weight. You don’t have to partake in an intense workout, just lift a little weight until you notice a slight soreness, this can be enough to get this hormone pumping.


5. Eat satisfying foods

We like some foods more than others. You will feel satisfied for much longer depending on what you are eating. Leptin can be activated much easier when you eat protein.

Increase your intake of these:

  • Milk (organic and hormone free milk to be exact)
  • Fish (wild-caught not farmed)
  • Nuts (almonds, peanuts, pistachios, etc)
  • Beans and legumes


6. Increase your levels of oxytocin

Oxytocin is a hormone that has been linked to the reduction of stress. It is released when we engage in activities that are relaxing and satisfying. This is great because stress causes serious issues for those who aim to eat healthily. Stress can make you overeat or crave the wrong things.


7. Cut back on your sugar intake

Insulin is a hormone that pulls all of our excess sugar out of our bloodstream while digesting and when it is overworked you are increasing your risks of developing diabetes. If you eliminate extra sugars from your diet you will be able to lose weight much easier and gain muscle mass.

When you pair these things with daily exercise and the proper diet you will be able to lose weight in a flash. Your bad habits really can take a huge toll on your health. Improve yourself and you will improve your health.

Man Loses 176 Pounds in Under a Year by Following These 3 Steps

by March 6, 2017

When it comes to losing weight and obtaining the bodies we want we often forget the mental strength that is needed to accomplish our goal. If you want to work towards getting in shape you will need to strengthen your mind and get in the right place to do so.

Motivation is what drives us to do the things we want to do. This was proven once again by a man named Andy Albertson who lost over one hundred and fifty pounds in under a year. Albertson is from Texas and knew that if he changed his mindset he would be able to do the impossible.

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Albertson started his journey weighing three hundred and seventeen pounds, in junior high he was even nicknamed ‘andyopolis,’ as a joke regarding his weight. Albertson was bullied through high school as well and of course because of this found comfort in food. He finaly began his weight loss journey in January of 2015 when he joined a gym and began working out for one hour a day using the elliptical. In just his first month of going to the gym he lost twenty pounds.

Once Albertson reached a weight loss of sixty pounds he hit his first mental block. He knew without a doubt that he had to do something about this to keep the weight off. Albertson began working with a personal trainer and was given a strict workout regiment that required hard exercises three days in a row and then cardio every day as well.

After reaching a weight loss of about one hundred and forty pounds he hit another mental block this time it seemed he could not get over his issues but with encouragement from those who cared he was able to keep going. It is important to have people behind you who will keep you motivated and pushing forward.

3 Steps For Success

We could all learn a thing or two from Albertson. He has done exactly what all the bullies thought he couldn’t. If you want to get started losing weight and working out try the four-minute fat burning exercise in the video below.

We could all learn a thing or two from Albertson. He has done exactly what all the bullies thought he couldn’t. If you want to get started losing weight and working out try the four minute fat burning exercise in the video below.

Groundbreaking Gene Therapy Treatment Cures Terminal Cancer Patients

by March 6, 2017

This groundbreaking gene therapy has done the impossible. Who knew this could cure terminal cancer patients?

This gene therapy is called CAR-T cell therapy and it has been able to cure terminal cancer patients in clinical trials. The treatment is something that radically filters a patient’s blood in order to remove key immune system cells, cuts the brakes, and boosts the patient’s immune cells so that they can attack the cancer cells much more effectively.

In the first six months of its clinical trial which was sponsored by California-based Kite Pharma, it was found that more than one-third of extremely sick lymphoma patients confirmed no sign of disease after having a single CAR-T cell therapy treatment.

Co-leader of the study Dr. Frederick L. Locke says that:

“The numbers are fantastic. These are heavily treated patients who have no other options. The ZUMA-1 study results suggest that axicabtagene ciloleucel could become a new standard of care for patients with refractory aggressive lymphoma.”

Kite Pharma seems to be racing against Novartis AG in order to win approval for America’s first gene therapy treatment this is something that does not come to us risk-free.

Marilynn Marchione chief medical writer at The Associated Press made a note that:

“Of the study participants, 13% developed a dangerous condition where the immune system overreacts in fighting cancer, but that rate is lower than in some other tests of CAR-T therapy. The rate fell during the study as doctors got better at detecting and treating it sooner.”

The full results of this will be presented next month at the American Association for Cancer Research Conference. There we will know a lot more about this treatment and the possibilities it will hold. Do you think the benefits will outweigh the risks? For a little more information on this treatment please take the time to watch the video below.

This 146 Year Old Man Reveals His Secret for Longevity!

by March 6, 2017

Mbah Gotho who claimed to be 146 was dismissed by most as a liar. However, once his birth date was confirmed everyone’s minds were blown.

Gotho was born and raised in Indonesia, he is a man of great wisdom having lived through the beginning and end of several intense historical events. This man saw the first and second world war come and go as well as the construction of the Statue of Liberty. Proof of his age has now been verified. His ID shows that he was born on December 31, 1870, and is 146. According to DailyMail he even had a 146th birthday party.


This documentation is recognized by Indonesian officials:


Telegraph claims Gotho and his family have even gone so far as to prepare a burial site for him beside the graves of his children. This man is so old that he has to be spoon-fed and bathed because he is so increasingly frail. How much longer do you think he will hold onto this world?

Gotho has seen outlived all of his siblings and children. He claims to have been preparing for death ever since his 122 birthday. Although he has not met his demise yet.

He claims the secret to his longevity is simply patience. Which could be true to an extent. When partnered with the proper diet patience can be extremely beneficial. Living a stress-free life could definitely make you live longer.

Why I Kicked My Keurig to The Curb – After Seeing This You May Never Drink From One Again

by March 5, 2017

Of course, the idea of having a personal cup of coffee sounds amazing but just how bad are these coffee pods? There are things about them that we need to know.

If you own or are considering buying a Keurig, please pay close attention to this article. You may have noticed there is no way to empty the water from your Keurig’s internal tank. This is disgusting when you really think about it. It is very likely that there are bacteria and mold living inside that hidden water tank in the nice warm darkness. Have you ever noticed a bit of green or black slime on the tiny ring at the bottom of the exterior water container? Imagine how the inside looks.

That slime is known as bio-film and is most common in moist, dark places, like the inside of your Keurig. According to Donna Duberg, an assistant professor of clinical laboratory science at Saint Louis University, the research they have done shows that the antibacterial effects your coffee beans have are only fifty percent effective when it comes to killing these bacteria. This meaning, no your coffee will not be enough to keep you safe. On top of this, the water in your coffee system does not get hot enough to kill them either. In order to kill the bacteria via heated water, it would need to reach boiling temperatures and stay there for at least one whole minute. This does not happen.

You can attempt to clean these coffee makers by running vinegar through the cycle a few times but this is not even as effective as it should be and will not kill all of the bacteria or molds. However, the coffee maker itself is not the worst part about this whole ordeal. The K-cups themselves are made from a composite plastic, number seven. Sure, this is BPA-free but the chemicals of the composite plastic are still not safe and have estrogen activity.

These K-cups are not recyclable and it is a huge issue for the environment because as you may know the coffee pod era is upon us. These K-cups are extremely popular. Over eight billion K-cups are discarded a year! The lids of the K-cups alone are made from polyethylene coated foil. Yes, aluminum foil. Something connected to diseases like autism, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, and Celiac disease.

These single cup coffee makers and coffee pods are convenient and useful but they are not good for us or the environment. We should not be using them if you have one I strongly suggest going back to the normal coffee maker. For more information on the dangers of the K-cup (coffee pods) for the environment please take the time to watch the video below.

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