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10 Signs That a Deceased Loved One May Still be Nearby

by March 8, 2017

The death of a loved one can be devastating, to say the least. However, there are many people who believe it is still possible to communicate with our loved ones even after they are dead.

Some people claim to have seen full on ghosts while others seem to simply find comfort in feeling the presence of their loved one. While of course, there is no scientific proof that we can communicate with our loved ones in the afterlife we should all be open to the idea of it.

When you think of a ‘deceased loved one’ who comes to mind? Do you ever feel like they are around you even now? These are the signs to look for, I have experienced these things firsthand and do believe they relate back to my grandmother. Give this list a look with an open mind and then decide what you think.

1. Catching a whiff of their scent


It is very common for people to report smelling the perfume or cologne of their deceased loved one.

2. Seeing animals and getting that feeling


If you notice a butterfly or any sort of animal and it seems to catch your eye more so than it usually would this could be your mind telling you there is something familiar about that specific animal. Lots of people believe that our loved ones make themselves known in the form of animals.

3. Feeling their touch


This can be scary at times but when you are alone and feel as if someone has touched you this could be a sign.

4. Sensing a change in the room (feeling them nearby)


Have you ever noticed the energy of a room change without reason? This could be because you may be in the presence of someone from the other side. Many people say that they can sense when someone is near.

5. Their favorite number comes up


Some people have said that they begin seeing very important numbers pop up all over the place. These numbers could be dates or even someone’s favorite number. Sure, you could dismiss this as a coincidence but it could also be something much deeper.

6. Strange electrical activity occurs


Have you ever noticed a flickering light or a television come on when it was off or turn off when it was on? This type of thing is frequently associated with deceased loved ones.

7. A specific song coming on at the perfect time


This is seen as a reminder that the person you lost is still beside you. Have you ever heard a sentimental song at the very moment you were thinking of someone you lost?

8. Objects being moved


People in many cases mention that they know for a fact they left something in a specific place and somehow it had been moved.

9. Dreaming about the deceased


Loved ones will often try to reach out to you when you are asleep. Have your post loved ones sent you comforting messages in your dreams?

10. Hearing their voice


Some people actually claim that they can hear the voice of their lost loved ones speaking to them. They speak to these people through their minds and it is actually something known as clairaudience.

Regardless of your beliefs, I’m sure you will agree that knowing your loved one is still watching over you would be comforting. Whether these lost loved ones are still here or they are long gone is a mystery to us all. However, when things like this happen questions will always come up. Have you ever experienced a loved one trying to contact you after death and what do you think on this?

Why You Should Take Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements

by March 8, 2017

Omega-3 comes from both animals and plants, it is extremely good for our hearts. Are you taking omega-3 fish oil supplements?

You should be, many studies have shown how beneficial omega-3 can be to our health. There are three types of omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). ALA comes from flaxseed and other plants while EPA and DHA come from animal sources. Omega-3s from animal sources are considered better than the one from plants because our bodies absorb them better.

If you aren’t already picking up an omega-3 fish oil supplement could do the following for your health:

Other benefits of supplementing with omega-3 fish oils are the reduction of triglyceride levels and blood pressure, decreased strokes and arthritis symptoms, and even lower chances of developing prostate, breast, and colon cancers. For more information on this please take the time to watch the video below.

Everyone Should Know About The Fruit That Treats Cancer!

by March 8, 2017

The amazing things this plant is capable of have been kept secret by those who profit off of our sickness. This juice could effectively prevent cancer.

The fruit I am referring to is known as soursop (Graviola) or guanabana it is a tree with sweet large fruit growing from it that can be ingested raw or added to your food and drinks (you should also use the leaves, all parts of this tree have benefits for different things). Soursop does not have any of the terrible negative effects that chemotherapy has, it is a broad spectrum antibiotic and has antiparasitic and anti-fungal properties. Along with cancer, this fruit is able to treat things like nervous disorders, arthritis, high blood pressure, stress, and depression.

The contents of this fruit are able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells without bothering the activity of healthy cells. Unlike conventional cancer treatments that attack and destroy any cells in their path. In several laboratory studies, extracts from this fruit were able to kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells.

Do you think the pharmaceutical companies would want us knowing about something this amazing, anything that may reduce their profit is cast off as ‘fake.’ However, this is not fake, and you should definitely consider adding some soursop to your life. Big Pharma want you dead, please don’t let them win.

School Replaces Detention With Meditation And Kids Are Thriving!

by March 8, 2017

Children are the heirs of the world. Our children today will eventually take over the economy, education, and society in general.

We often forget the importance of educating our young, and this Baltimore school has made some interesting findings of how we have been teaching our children wrongly. 

Although they’re a handful, kids are great! Their carefree attitudes should be highly inspiring to adults all over the world. We actually have much to learn from our children! However, we also have a lot to teach our children. When kids – or people in general – do something bad, they must be punished. That is basic human nature. However, with the modern day society, we have extremely complicated everything.

When it comes to disciplining our children we are too often taking the approach of crime, rather than simple mistakes. Kids are learning individuals and they all learn in different ways, however, trial and error are one of the most important lessons a kid will learn in life. But, is there a chance we might be enforcing this wrongly? When kids do something wrong in school we really just throw them in detention. A project performed by a school in Baltimore has shown this might be the wrong approach after all.

Detention has been used for years in schools, but we might need to end it now. Robert W. Coleman School has created a meditation program for the kids instead of sending them to detention. The result is breathtaking, actually. Instead of staring at the walls, kids attend the Holistic Me after-school program where they learn how to practice yoga, mindfulness, meditation, centering and breath work.

“Combined with extra-curricular and academic components – and dinner – the award-winning after-school program empowers youth with the skills for peaceful conflict resolution, improved focus and concentration, greater control and awareness of thoughts and emotions, improved self-regulation, anger management and stress reduction,” the Open Society Institute-Baltimore wrote about the program. The society helps fund the after-school time.

According to a report done by Bored Panda, the meditation program has even caused academic performance to increase! “Kids in underserved communities might be stressed because they can’t eat, they don’t have food or they come to school with their clothes dirty and they get joked,” explained founder Ali Smith. “Kids at private school are stressed too. They have achievement anxiety or they’re not connecting with their parents because they’re traveling or working. It just manifests itself differently. But it can be damaging, no matter what, if they don’t learn how to address it.”

Did You Know? The Red Juice in Raw Red Meat Isn’t Blood…

by March 7, 2017

Sure, you’ve always noticed the red ‘blood’ in your red meat, however, have you ever stopped to think about what it might be? It is not blood.

The red juice that collects in the package of red meat is actually not blood. Almost all of the blood is removed from the meat during processing so any blood that may still be there is in the muscle tissue. The blood-like liquid we see is actually a mixture of water and a protein called myoglobin.

The reason this is found in our meat is to help ship oxygen to muscle cells. The myoglobin is very pigmented wich is why the more myoglobin there is in your meat the redder it will be. The levels of myoglobin in our meat essentially determine whether the meat will be “white,” “red,” or “dark.” White meat contains hardly any myoglobin which is why it is much lighter and not red at all.

Myoglobin is also the reason as to why meat changes color when you cook it. In red meats myoglobin changes from red to a grayish tan brown as it is heated. Red meat is usually fresher than meat that has already turned brown. This is because when the myoglobins are exposed to air they turn brown.

Carbon Monoxide and Meat

Sadly, this method has become less effective when it comes to choosing the freshest meat here in the United States, though, because the FDA allows the use of carbon monoxide as a preservative. This is something that attaches to the myoglobins and prevents the color from interacting with oxygen.

Most consumers have no idea that over 70% of the beef and chicken in the United States and Canada is treated with toxic carbon monoxide gas and that the FDA allows this treatment, despite the fact that there are known health risks for the consumers.

When people are exposed to higher levels of CO, the gas takes the place of oxygen in the bloodstream and wreaks havoc. Milder exposures mean headaches, confusion, and tiredness. Higher exposures mean unconsciousness and death, and even those who survive CO poisoning can suffer serious long-term neurological consequences.

Texas School Triples Recess Time, Solves Attention Deficit Disorder

by March 7, 2017

Public education is in dire need of reform. More and more children are being diagnosed with disorders such as ADHD just because they can’t adapt to the ridiculous curriculum they have in place.

ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, is a mental condition characterized by the inability to direct one’s complete attention on one subject at time. It is also often diagnosed as a result of excessive hyperactivity. So basically, they’re putting children on meth so they can better perform on standardized tests that are proven to have no intellectual effect? Countries and states are dealing with this epidemic differently. France characterizes the inability to calm down and focus with social issues.

child medication pills

Like France, one Texas school has decided to approach the disorder differently also. Instead of treating the children with medications such as Vyvanse, or Adderall, they tripped the kids recess time. It turned out to be a much better approach, and they even witnessed an academic performance increase from the children! How do you think ADHD should be treated?

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