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MIT Researcher: Glyphosate Herbicide will Cause Half of All Children to Have Autism by 2025

by March 10, 2017

Autism is an increasing issue that needs to be addressed. Why are we letting the government poison us with pesticides?

Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology for many years now and has published close to two hundred peer-reviewed articles. She has been focusing on the relationship between nutrition and health here lately. This is something many others should be focusing on as well.

In a panel discussion about GMOs at a recent conference she declared this:

“At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.

She mentioned the side effects of autism closely mimicking the side effects of glyphosate toxicity and even presented data that showed a consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops with the rising rates of autism. One study has shown that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied actually have a 60% increased risk of having children with an autism spectrum disorder of some kind.

There have been many studies done that show the link between children’s exposure to pesticides and autism. This is especially alarming considering this month the USDA released a study that showed there are detectable levels of pesticide residue in more than half of foods tested by the agency. Now, that being said the USDA also added that they did not test for glyphosate residue specifically. This means that for some reason they did not test for the active ingredient in the most widely used herbicide in the world. Why on Earth would they not test for that?

The data brought about by Seneff is extremely important because of how close this correlation is. Seneff has spoken on this issue several times and knows exactly what she is talking about. Earlier this year she spoke at the Autism One conference as well.

Monsanto may claim that Roundup is harmless to humans but that does not mean it is. Glyphosate is something that we need to crack down on. We need to do something drastic about this issue before it gets even more out of hand. For more information on this issue please listen to what Seneff has to say in the video below.

Experts Are Urging Women to Stop Wearing Bras

by March 10, 2017

Bras are something we are forced into thinking are doing good for our bodies, why do we wear them? What do they actually do?

Going without a bra is something that will benefit you greatly. We are forced by society to think that if we go out without one is unacceptable. This is something that needs to stop, we should not be damaging our bodies for the sake of everyone else. If you are content wearing a bra, by all means, do it, however, be aware of what it is not doing for you and what it is doing to your body.

Why you should go braless:

Now, sometimes going braless may not seem like an option but there are alternatives that will still let you reap some of the benefits of going braless.

You could opt for one of the following options:

  • Underwire-free bras
  • Bralettes
  • Bodysuits
  • Sports bras

Jean-Denis Rouillon a sports science researcher and professor at the University of Franche-Comte conducted a study for over fifteen years on the effects of bras. The subjects included 330 women who were from the age of 18 to 35. He was able to conclude that women who did not wear bras had much perkier breasts along with the fact that wearing a bra from an early age did not help support the chest at all as we are often told.

Rouillon told France Info during an interview that:

“Medically, psychologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.”

This group believes based on the information the acquired that young women would gain more tone and supporting breast tissue if they did not use a bra at all. Whether you choose to continue wearing bras after learning this is up to you. However, I strongly suggest you ditch the bra when you can. For more information on how to go braless please take the time to watch the video below.

Study Finds Turmeric Better At Treating Depression Than Prozac

by March 10, 2017

In case you aren’t aware turmeric is something that offers an endless supply of anti-inflammatory properties. It is great for almost all health issues and can even prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Turmeric is also something that is known to treat depression and lower one’s cholesterol. The list of benefits we can gain by ingesting turmeric is extremely long and without a doubt worth it. Sure you could just go for a prescription drug treatment to make you a zombie and treat your depression, you could deal with all of the terrible side effects of things like Prozac. Things like breathing issues, stomach bleeding, or suicidal effects or you could try a natural alternative that works much better and won’t kill you in the long run.

One of the most amazing things about turmeric that I have found is its ability to fight cancer! Some would even say that it does a better job than chemotherapy (which we all know is horrible). Studies have shown that it can reduce angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels in tumors), metastasis (the spread of cancer), as well as contribute to the death of cancerous cells. Turmeric induces a state known as apoptosis on the cancer cell.

The cells of a multicellular organism are members of a highly organized community. The number of cells in this community is tightly regulated—not simply by controlling the rate of cell division, but also by controlling the rate of cell death. If cells are no longer needed, they commit suicide by activating an intracellular death program. This process is therefore called programmed cell death, although it is more commonly called apoptosis. It comes from a Greek word meaning “falling off,” as leaves from a tree.

Researchers also presume that cancer cells will never be able to grow an immunity to it! This is the very reason why it is so effective on some of the most lethal types of cancer! Turmeric is a super powerful natural ingredient and should be heavily considered as an alternative treatment for cancer. I’d say there is definitely a better chance in fighting it with turmeric rather than pumping your body full of poison. The Video below actually shows what happens when cancer comes in contact with turmeric, and it is amazing! It actually reprograms and destroys the cancer!

Here’s how to make it:

Turmeric Lemonade
(8 servings)


  • 8 cups of cold water
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered turmeric or freshly ground turmeric
  • 8 tablespoons of one hundred percent maple syrup
  • 2 lemons or limes depending on your preference
  • Juice from 1 blood orange


  • Mix all of these ingredients in a bowl and stir.
  • Serve this with lemon slices.

This turmeric lemonade contains natural anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It is something that will strengthen your immune system and can be consumed on a daily basis with any sort of food you would like. You will be feeling much better in no time drink your depression away with this lemonade!

How Much Water Your Body Needs To Lose Weight

by March 10, 2017

Lots of people don’t realize the true importance of drinking enough water every day and how it can impact both your health and your weight loss efforts.  Of all the ways to lose weight, drinking water may be one of the easiest.

The human body is made up of about 50-75% water depending on body composition. Water is responsible for a multitude of different body functions; regulating body temperature, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells, dissolving minerals and nutrients, aiding in digestion, protecting body organs and tissues, lubricating joints, among others.

Not to mention the fact that it increases the metabolism. Just in case you wanted to know if water can help you lose some of the extra pounds, the answer is YES!

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking 17 ounces of water increases metabolic rate by 30% in healthy men and women. The maximum effect was reached 30-40 minutes after the subjects drank the water.

How to Calculate the amount of water you need to drink

Step 1: Your Weight

It is Important to have an accurate number depicting weight in determining optimal water consumption. If the number on your scale shows a decimal, round down if it a .4 of lower and round up if it is a .5 of higher.

Step 2: Divide Your Weight in Half

If this number includes a decimal, simply round up.

Step 3: Determine Activity Level

The level to which we physically exert ourselves has a direct correlation with our water intake. As we exercise or perform strenuous activity, our bodies will naturally expel water, which means it must be compensated for.

For every 30 minutes of exercise add 16 ounces.

Step 4: Calculate Water Intake

Add the numbers derived in steps 2 and three.

  1. Weight: 200 pounds
  2. 200/2= 100 ounces
  3. 1 hour exercise = 34 ounces
  4. 100 + 34 = 134 ounces

Here is How Much Water Your Body Needs to Lose Weight

Weight                       Intake             # of 12-ounce servings

80 lbs.                        40 oz.             3

90 lbs.                        45 oz.             4

100 lbs.                      50 oz.             4

110 lbs.                      55 oz.              5

120 lbs.                      60 oz.             5

130 lbs.                      65 lbs.            5-6

140 lbs.                      70 oz.             6

150 lbs.                      75 oz.              6

160 lbs.                      80 oz.             7

170 lbs.                      85 oz.              7

180 lbs.                      90 oz.             8

190 lbs.                      95 oz.             8

200 lbs.                      100 oz.          8-9

210 lbs.                      105 oz.           9

220 lbs.                      110 oz.           9

230 lbs.                      115 oz.           10

240 lbs.                      120 oz.           10

250 lbs.                      125 oz.           10-11

Tips to Achieve Your Goal

  • Drink a cup of water as soon as you wake up.
  • Drink two 8 ounce cups of water before every meal.
  • Keep a liter of water on your nightstand, before your feet even touch the floor drink half.

Here’s How Many Hours of Sleep You Need to Avoid Depression

by March 9, 2017

Lack of sleep has been proven to be linked to clinical depression. This is especially alarming considering how common insomnia is here in the United States.

When you are upset or dealing with a lot of stress it can often interfere with your ability to sleep. These feelings can be increasingly overwhelming and make it so that you cannot sleep even if you want to. Some people are able to fall asleep but have trouble staying asleep, this is also a big issue. In order to avoid depression here are few things, you can do in order to improve your quality of sleep.

How to get better sleep:

The average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep a night in order to feel rested and prevent the symptoms that may come along with depression. When it comes to your health feeling irritable and fatigued can cause serious issues if not dealt with.

  • Exercise in order to work out tension.
  • Do yoga and partake in abdominal breathing.
  • Meditate or listen to soft music before bed.
  • Make a list for the next day if you tend to obsess about the things you have to do the next day.
  • Limit the use of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine.
  • Keep your bedroom cool and take a warm shower before bed.

Simple things like this can have a positive effect on your ability to sleep. For more information on how a lack of sleep affects your mind and body please take the time to watch the video below. If you want to maintain your health it will be necessary to get the proper amount of sleep.

Cauliflower and Chia Seed Crust with Heart, Cancer Prevention and Brain Benefits

by March 9, 2017

Pizza can be healthy too! Instead of a heavy and greasy pie crust, try cauliflower and chia seeds instead.

It is healthy, delicious, and yields many benefits. Cauliflower is full of the vitamins that our bodies need and crave like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, omega-3’s, and vitamin K. It also serves as a good source of vegetable protein, phosphorous, and potassium.

Cauliflower is very good for cancers such as breast, colon, prostate, and ovarian. The cauliflower provides special nutrient support for several body systems that are closely connected with cancer prevention. It has certain compounds that help resist cancer, and can eliminate cancer enzymes. Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a sulphur compound that has been shown to kill cancer stem cells.

Cauliflower is also good for your heart, digestive system, and it’s anti-inflammatory. Sulforaphane in cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables has been found to signifigantly improve blod pressure and kidney function.

The delicious flowery vegetable is also full of choline, a B vitamin which is known for its role in brain development. Choline is very important during pregnancies, and it may be able to diminish age-related memory decline.

Chia seeds also play a starring role in this deliciously healthy vegan crust. Chia seeds are tiny black seeds that are full of fiber, protein, calcium, iron, and omega-3. They are loaded full of antioxidants that can fight the production of free radicals, which damage molecules in cells that contribute to ageing and horrible disease like cancer.

Make this crust, and you will not be disappointed in the flavor or the benefits!

Cauliflower Pizza Crust


  • 1 Large head of Organic Cauliflower
  • 3/4 cup of ground almonds
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp Dried Oregano
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 3/4 cup water


  1. Preheat your oven to 400F.
  2. Mix your chia seeds in with the 3/4 cup of water and place in your fridge 20 minutes before intended use.
  3. Chop the cauliflower, and place in a blender or food processor and blend until it is a fine rice-like texture.
  1. Measure out around 3 cups and place into a large bowl, add in the ground almonds, oregano, salt, and pepper. Make a hole in the center and add in the Chia goop.
  2. Combine the ingredients by hand and, and shape everything together into a ball. It should be loose and sticky not like a traditional dough.
  3. Put the ball onto a baking tray and form into a flat crust with your hands. Make a ridge around the outside, and bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
  4. Add your favorite tomato base, and toppings bake an additional 5-10 minutes and enjoy your healthy meal!

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