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Costco Is Buying Over A Thousand Acres Of Land For Local Farmers To Grow Organic Produce

by March 22, 2017

Costco is not only buying thousands of acres of land to compensate for the high demand of organic goods, but they are even buying farmers equipment to grow produce for them!

Costco is one of the most well-known organic food distributors in America. With the growing awareness of the dangers of mass-produced industrial food, more and more people are switching to organic goods. Food these days just contains horribly toxic ingredients. Because of this CEO Craig Jelinek says that they can’t even keep up with their customer’s demands!

“We cannot get enough organics to stay in business day in and day out,” Jelinek told investors during a shareholder meeting.

This project came about as a response to the increased demand for organic products. According to the Organic Trade Association, sales of organic food jumped up from $11.3 billion in 2004 to $35.98 billion in 2014. This is a great movement, as we can finally have a chance to put the conniving CEO’s out of business and increase our health! If all Americans switched to organically grown food there could be so many health issues solved. Not to mention the fact that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the USA.

While the project is still in the first stages, they have worked with one organic produce dealer in San-Diego. They loaned money to farmers to purchase over 1,200 acres of land and buy farm equipment.

20 Signs That You Have A Mold Illness (and How to Treat It!)

by March 22, 2017

Black mold is malicious and very good at hiding. Your house could be infested with black mold and you would have no idea!

This can be an extremely costly and dangerous thing to have to experience. However, if the black mold is there it has to be removed. It is literally toxic for our bodies and can make you very ill. In fact, a lot of day to day health ailments you think are normal might be side effects of black mold!

Black mold is also known as Stachybotrys chartarum. That’s what scientists call it anyways. It is a heavily toxic version of mold and can be extremely dangerous. The mold releases spores all over the house causing it to spread rapidly. They are most commonly found under carpets, insulation, or inside drywall. If the black mold is inhaled it can cause a range of serious health issues.

Here are 7 indicators that you have been infested with toxic black mold! See a doctor immediately, and call a contractor or your landlord.

  • muscle pain, cramps, burning, unusual shooting (ice pick-like) pains
  • headaches
  • fatigue, weakness, flu-like symptoms, fever, chills
  • shortness of breath, cough
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea
  • chronic sinusitis, sore throat
  • burning eyes, red eyes, sensitivity to light
  • difficulty with thought processes, memory loss, loss of concentration, confusion,
  • disorientation, “brain fog”
  • dizziness, balance problems
  • metallic taste in mouth
  • numbness and tingling
  • night sweats
  • temperature regulation problems
  • excessive thirst and urination
  • rash
  • excessive menstrual bleeding
  • mylar flush (face flushing)
  • chest pains
  • IgA nephropathy (kidney disease)

There are some slightly more severe side effects too, although they are less common. They include tremors, vision problems, and panic attacks. If you are suspecting black mold in your home you need to get an inspector out there immediately. Black mold is seriously harmful, especially if inhaled over a long period of time.

Plant These 8 Foods Just Once – Harvest for Years to Come!

by March 22, 2017

Sure most of the time we have to redo our gardens year after year, but sometimes there are plants that we just cannot get rid of. There are quite a few plants that you can actually plant one time and never have to fool with again.

These plants are especially valuable because of how strong they are. They are capable of withstanding tough climates and lighten your annual workload. These hardworking plants are a must have when it comes to gardening.


This is a plant that is red and has green stalks. They are tart tasting and make great additions to pies, jams and things of the sort. they grow quickly and are actually hard plants to get rid of.


Onions are something most people love and they don’t really take much effort to grow. There are two types of onions the most common being multiplier onions. these are onions that form clusters of little onion bulbs during the summer time and after awhile can become a permanent part of your garden.


These are often a family favorite and can be considered a homestead crop. You can plant these in a corner of your garden and then enjoy them as they grow. While it usually takes awhile for mushroom beds to get started but once you get one going there is no stopping it.


I personally do not like horseradish but growing up it was a part of my grandparents garden every single year. It’s hot and spicy flavor gave them just what they were looking for when it came to making a meal better. This plant is so invasive that it is best to plant it in an isolated area or container as to keep it from taking over.

Jerusalem Artichokes

These are usually better on the edge of the garden as well. They are a member of the sunflower family and tend to blood in the late summer. They are crunchy and sweet. I love adding them to my salads.


These are actually quite useful to have. They can be planted in pots or however you’d like honestly. They are great when added to things like soups, cottage cheese, and even mashed potatoes.


This is without a doubt the most common of these. It is generally planted along the edge of a person’s garden and grows with ease. It does usually take a few years before you begin seeing a good crop come off of your plants but once they start you will be set for years to come.

Curly Dock

This plant is highly aggressive and will take over quickly. It spreads its seeds by self-pollination and grows very large. It can sometimes even block sunlight to other plants in the area. This meaning it will need to be planted in the right place. It is delicious and can be boiled and added to cream cheese.

If you’re wondering what you should add to your garden this year these things should make their way to the top of your list. Who wouldn’t wanna cut their workload back and enjoy fresh deliciousness with ease? These plants are amazing!

FOX: USDA Kills Little Boy’s Dog and Almost Kills Him Too In Their Own Back Yard!

by March 21, 2017

Most people don’t have to worry about their families or their animals in their own backyard. However, this was not the case here, one families safe place, turned into their worst nightmare…

You probably didn’t know that the government has been placing M44 devices in the wilderness to control animal populations. The M44 devices spray cyanide out of them when they are triggered! One boy and his dog paid the price.

According to Health Nut News:

“Just last week, 14-year-old Canyon Mansfield went for a walk with his family’s 3-year-old yellow Labrador, Casey, on a hill behind their home. It would be the last walk Canyon took with his dog.

Upon noticing a small pipe sticking out of the ground, 300 yards from the family swing set and on the property where the family had lived for 10 years, was an M44 device that had been planted by the USDA without their knowledge. When the orange gas, which was cyanide, blew into the wind it sprayed into Canyon’s left eye and on his clothing. It also sprayed on Casey.”

Canyon said, “I look over and see him having a seizure. I ran over and he had these glassy eyes. He couldn’t see me, and he had this red stuff coming out of his mouth.”

After the incident the USDA spokesman stated, “Wildlife Services understands the close bonds between people and their pets and sincerely regrets such losses. Wildlife Services has removed M-44s in that immediate area … and is completing a thorough review of the circumstances of this incident … to determine whether improvements can be made to reduce the likelihood of similar occurrences happening in the future.”

She Ate Only Pineapple for a Week! What Happened to Her Body Will Definitely Surprise You!

by March 21, 2017

Have you ever heard of the pineapple diet? This may sound crazy but it has actually shown quite a few people some intense results.

You can actually lose around six pounds on this diet. All you have to do is eat mainly pineapple for four to five days. This is said to work because of the detoxifying effects pineapple can have. It is something that cleanses the body and helps promote proper digestion.

Pineapple can help you lose weight because it is low in calories. While you may not often think of pineapple as being healthy it really is. The sweet flavor of a pineapple can satisfy your sweet tooth and make you look younger. Pineapple will help you to control your heart rate, rid your body of inflammation, and speed up your metabolism. On top of all of this pineapple is delicious, most people eat it for the taste rather than the benefits as it is.

When you eat pineapple your body is getting a plethora of nutrients everything from magnesium to foliate. Now, do keep in mind that drinking pineapple juice in excess could possibly be dangerous and should be avoided.  It has even been said you can use the peels of your pineapple to remove warts if done correctly. There are actually tons of benefits we gain by partaking in a pineapple diet for a few days.

Actually, if you’re looking for a diet that is doable and don’t have the best eating habits this is the diet for you. It will only take a few days and most of us love pineapple anyway so it’s not a struggle to stick with. There is no time like the present to make improvements to ourselves.

If you’re bloated and need a quick fix this could be what you’ve been looking for. Buy up some pineapple I always prefer fresh and eat it for a week straight you will notice a huge difference. This diet will have you looking and feeling better with minimal effort. For more information on how pineapple benefits our health please take the time to watch the video below.

CDC Confirms Lemon Eucalyptus Oil as Effective as Toxic DEET for Repelling bugs

by March 21, 2017

Sure DEET is quite effective when it comes to warding off mosquitoes, but when you weigh the risks of using it over the mosquitoes in the first place it is not worth the trouble. DEET is a dangerous neurotoxin that is found in almost all of the commercial bug repellents.

This is something that can easily enter your bloodstream and cause DEET toxicity. Some children who have been effective have reported symptoms like headaches, seizures, tremors, and lethargy. We should be using something other than DEET to keep bugs away from our homes and our children.

Eucalyptus oil is just as effective as DEET and won’t cause any of the health issues that DEET does. In two more recent CDC publications, Eucalyptus oil was actually tested against mosquitoes found here in the United States and it proved to work quite well. Until this time DEET was literally the only repellent recommended by the CDC.

According to the publications mentioned above the CDC now recommends that when you go outdoors to use DEET and some lemon eucalyptus oil, however the eucalyptus oil can and should be used by itself. There is no need to use DEET ever. You should do everything you can to keep your family protected from those pesky bugs this coming up summer, the products we use to protect ourselves should not be damaging our health.

Eucalyptus oil for those who are not aware is an oil that is extracted from the leaves of eucalyptus. It is a colorless liquid that smells almost like wood. It is completely natural and generally has no negative side effects when applied to the skin. I personally love the way it smells and cannot get enough of it.

It is important to pay attention to the things we are putting on and in our bodies. For more information on DEET and why you should use eucalyptus oil instead of it; please take the time to watch the videos below. Make sure you are properly protected in the months to come.

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