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This Nasty Little Secret Hidden Within Your Crock Pot Will Shock You

by March 30, 2017

Crock pots are something we all have used at some point or even use several times a week. This is something that can be quite bad for our health depending on what kind of crock pot you’re using.

Some crock pots actually leak lead into the food you are cooking in them. As these crock pots, age and become scratched or dented they leach more and more lead. Lead is something we already know the dangers of so why are crock pots being coated with a glaze that contains lead? Even a small amount of lead exposure can do serious damage over time. This is because lead builds up inside your body gradually.

Lead exposure can cause serious long-term health issues and can cause disease in every single organ in our bodies. It has been linked with things like cancer, cardiovascular issues, and even reproductive system damage. Lead is essentially a neurotoxin and extremely damaging to children. If you cannot give up your crock pot I strongly suggest you order a lead test and see just how much lead your crock pot is leaking.

Examine your crock pot carefully and if it is cracked, scratched, or damaged in any way buy a new one. The risk of exposure is much higher when your bowl is worn out. When choosing a replacement crock pot go for one that is lead-free, yes there is such a thing and it can be found if you click here.

Deciding which course of action is best for you and your family is up to you. Lead is something that can and will cause tons of health issues like high blood pressure, digestive issues, joint pain, brain damage to a fetus, and increase your chances of illness during pregnancy. Lead exposure is not something our children should be dealing with.

If you notice any of these signs of lead poisoning in yourself or your children do not hesitate to see a doctor:

  • Headaches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Sluggishness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Pale skin
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Seizures
  • Joint pain

When it comes to treatment for lead poisoning it really depends on how much lead has gotten into your blood. Reducing lead exposure is without a doubt the only way to prevent lead poisoning. Kids with severe levels generally have to be hospitalized, while your crock pot alone is not going to hospitalize your children it will contribute greatly thought their lifetime. Is your crock pot worth the risk?

Family Warns on Dangers of DIY Slime Project After Daughter Suffers Brutal Burns

by March 30, 2017

A family from Massachusetts is trying to warn others about the dangers of do-it-yourself homemade ‘slime.’ While you may think this is a perfectly harmless fun way to pass the time it may injure your children.

Kathleen Quinn, eleven years old actually suffered second and third-degree burns on her hands because of prolonged exposure to the recipe’s main ingredient. According to the family, Kathleen was making this slime on an almost daily basis. She suffered her injuries while at a friends house.

Kathleen’s mother Siobhan told WCVB that by the time she picked her up the next day Kathleen was crying and her hands were covered in blisters. The recipe they were following to make this slime included something called Borax, for those who are not aware borax is a white colorless crystal-like substance that dissolves in water quite easily. Over exposure to this can burn your skin.

While Kathleen is alive and well she did have to miss a whole week of school due to her injuries. When it comes to things like this we should always be aware of the possible injuries that come with them. Be sure to check and double check the ingredients and the effects they can have on you or your children. When it comes to making slime containing borax, don’t do it. You can do it one million times and see not issues, however, at some point, there will be an issue.

If you want to make borax-free slime please follow the directions in the video below. When to your children and their safety it is always better to be prepared. Enjoy!

This Is The Shocking Truth – What Smoking Does To Your Face (And Your Lungs)

by March 30, 2017

By now, everybody knows that smoking is terrible for your health. In addition to numerous diseases (Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity etc.) cigarettes are responsible for 90% of lung cancer deaths.

Despite the facts, 17 percent of Americans continue to smoke on a daily basis. My hope is that by seeing what actually happens to a smoker’s organs, they would rethink their next cigarette.

Here is a doctor discussing two sets of lungs; the one on the right is a healthy normal set of lungs, the one on the left belongs to a smoker.

The difference in lung capacity for a healthy set of lungs over an unhealthy set of smoker lungs is astounding! After seeing this, you will understand why smokers get winded from performing simple tasks.


Once you quit smoking, you will be surprised at all the things you have energy for! Not to mention the money that you will save. This man went 511 days without a cigarette, saved $3000 and lost 100 pounds!

“Everything works better really. I just feel healthier. It’s a world I haven’t seen in years.”

To learn more about how smoking affects not only your health but your outward appearance, check out the video below. These people got a rude awakening when they saw what 30 years of smoking could do to their appearance.

The Most Powerful Herb that Destroys Diarrhea, Stomach Aches, Arthritis, Sore Throat, and the Flu Virus

by March 29, 2017

This herb is something that can help with a number of health issues. How often do you use this in your life?

Thyme is a herb that is known for its intense microbial powers. It is used most often in oil form for aromatherapy. However, thyme oil should always be used in moderation. When being used correctly you can benefit from it’s antiseptic, diuretic, antiviral, and antispasmodic properties. Thyme works to support the immune system by helping with the formation of white blood cells. This increases the bodies resistant to any invading organisms.

Thyme is in the mint family of plants and takes the form of a small attractive herb. It is usually covered with small white or pink flowers and for those who do not know there are actually around three hundred and fifty known thyme species. Fresh or dried thyme leaves and flowers can work wonders on any casseroles, stews, and soups.

This beneficial herb is easy to grow and would make a great addition to any garden. Thyme can be used for treating a number of respiratory issues like bronchitis and may even have the ability to kill the deadly MRSA hospital superbug. According to one study done at the University of Brighton, it was found that Thyme was able to kill off MRSA within just two hours. This is especially amazing considering it was able to do so without any sort of adverse effects on the intact skin.

Thyme is something I recommend having in your home, the health benefits alone are reason enough to get growing. If you want to know more about the benefits of thyme please take the time to watch the video below. But, please remember too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Do not forget that thyme is something we need to use in moderation.

Expert Gardener Shares 13 Beautiful Backyard Patio Ideas, They’re Stunning!

by March 29, 2017

Spending time outside is always fun be it with family and friends or alone. During the summertime we are always out on our patios so why not make yours amazing?

The do it yourself measures below will turn your boring ole patio into the talk of the town. They actually take little to no effort and make an enormous difference. Continue on if you’d like for your patio to be just as amazing as you are.

1. Color ‘Pop’ Fence

This is one of my favorites, all you need to do is drill a few holes in your fence and pop some colored glass marbles into them. This will give your fence that magical look when the sun shines through them. My children love this and it only took me about five minutes to do.

2. Stay Green

Adding any sort of plants or grass will spice things up in a great way. This fake grass rug was enough to make the patio below look ten times better. They look and feel amazing especially on bare feet.

3. Flower Display

My mother does this every year and I love it! Making pallet displays have become quite the trend in the past few years and for good reason, they are adorable! To learn how to make your own click here.

4. Hang A Hammock

Who wouldn’t love hanging out in a hammock? These make a great addition to any home. You can buy one or even make one yourself. They are the best when it comes to relaxing outdoors.

6. Get An Outdoor Sofa

This will make your patio look more homely. I love sitting on my outdoor sofa. You can make your own or buy one, however, making one is so much fun. If you think you’d like to try making your own click here.

7. Make The Kids A Hopscotch Board


My kids love this so much, they will spend hours playing and enjoying the sun. You can make your own hopscotch board by simply painting some pavers. This doesn’t have to be extravagant to be fun. Your kids will thank you for this.

8. Paint Your Picnic Table

Doing this will give your backyard a unique look without a doubt. You can paint it any color you choose but of course, I would go with a fun funky color.

9. Make A Tire Planter

Paint a tire and use it as a planter. You can hang it on a wall or even from a tree. It will work as an interesting accent piece and everyone will love it. I adore my tire planters.

10. Turn That Tree Stump Into A Table

This is something I find extremely adorable. If you have an unsightly tree stump in your yard you can turn it into something useful. Your friends and family will love it and it will serve a good purpose. Just Give it a top and sit a few plants on it. If you have any old chairs lying around use them with this table. You can paint them or leave them be, I personally love the older washed out look myself.

11. Make Some Framed Herb Planters

Hang some buckets from a cute frame and fill them with herbs. This looks super cool and is a neat idea. See how cute it is?

12. Plant Some Coral Honeysuckles

These are beautiful and will make your patio smell fantastic. I cannot get over how truly beautiful this plant really is. This plant is super easy to take care of and will make a great addition to your home.

13. Turn A Shoe Holder Into A Pocket Garden

Plant herbs in your old shoe holder and hang it up on your patio. This is adorable and works quite well. Herbs are important to have and this is something you will love.

If you think your patio needs a bit sprucing up the things above will definitely do the trick. I adore my patio thanks to these things. It is almost like a wonderland. Since we spend lots of time on our patios it is important that we feel comfortable there. Nothing says comfortable like a tiny herb garden. Enjoy!


Why Magnesium is the Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral Known to Man

by March 29, 2017

Many people are referring to magnesium as the antidote for stress! Doctors all around the world say that it is the most powerful relaxation mineral that exists!

Soaking in a bath full of magnesium has more benefits than you think. You might not realize it, but it is used in conventional medicine a ton! Doctors from an emergency room will administer intravenous magnesium for several different health issues – including pre-term labor and seizures.

Magnesium has more benefits than medication though. It is the most powerful relaxation mineral that exists! If you are experiencing any pain, cramps, tightness, or irritation it is most likely from a magnesium deficiency.  Magnesium can even be found in all of your tissue. You gave to have it for your cells to make energy, different chemical pumps to work, stabilize membranes, and to help muscles relax. Good sources of magnesium are nuts and greens, especially seaweed!

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency –

  • Muscle cramps or twitches
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Sensitivity to loud noises
  • Anxiety
  • Autism
  • ADD
  • Palpitations
  • Angina
  • Constipation
  • Anal spasms
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Asthma
  • Kidney stones
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • High blood pressure
  • PMS
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Irritable bladder
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Reflux
  • Trouble swallowing

Once you start to increase your intake of magnesium you will feel better after the first meal. There are many ways to include more magnesium rich foods in your diet. The top ten food sources of magnesium are kelp, almonds, cashews, molasses, buckwheat, brazil nuts, Dulles, filberts, millet, pecans!

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