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7 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

by April 3, 2017

We all love sugary foods – I mean who could resist a hot fudge sundae or a bag of sour patch kids? Not many people, but there is  such thing as eating too much sugar, and it’s really common.

There have been many studied performed on the subject of too much sugar intake. One study has even linked it to increasing your chances of dying from heart disease. The study was published in the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal.

Over the course of the 15-year study on added sugar and heart disease, participants who took in 25% or more of their daily calories as sugar were more than twice as likely to die from heart disease as those whose diets included less than 10% added sugar. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you need to cut down on the sugar because you’re eating too much of it! Although devil’s food are great, fruit is also delicious and a great replacement.

Tired all the time – eating too much sugar can make you lose your natural energy. It also makes you have a sugar rush, but it also always ends with a crash – and those are no fun. If you feel like you are always tired and can never get enough rest, it is likely that you are consuming too much sugar. Try cutting down on your sugar intake and see if you feel better!

Sugar Cravings – Most people do not realize that sugar is addictive, studies have shown that sugar is actually more addictive than heroine. If you find yourself constantly or regularly craving sweet foods then there is a good chance that you’re eating too much of it.

Frequent Colds – eating an excessive amount of sugar can have a serious impact on your immune system. This makes your body lose its natural ability to fight off colds and flu viruses!

Depression and Anxiety – i know it is hard to believe, but sugar has been linked to anxiety and depression in many different cases. When you do not give into your cravings, you will experience withdrawal symptoms. Feelings associated with depression, such as lethargy, sadness, and social withdrawal, may be experienced by sugar addicts.

Dark Circles – eating too much sugar has also been linked to the annoying dark circles underneath your eyes. You might have tried every product out there to make the damn things go away, but have you ever tried limiting your sugar intake? You should. You may notice your dark circles going away within days.

Weight Problems – if you are struggling with weight issues it will seriously help you to cut down on the sugar. Eating too much sugar can quickly develop into diabetes and obesity. These things can seriously affect your overall quality of life, so it would be a wiser decision to cut down on sugar and lose a few pounds too!

High Blood Pressure – eating too much sugar can cause your blood pressure to spike. Many people blame high blood pressure on sodium, however sugar can be a huge cause. In one 2010 study performed by researchers at the University of Colorado – Denver, more than 4,500 adults were studied and the data gathered showed that there was a link between hypertension (high blood pressure) and excessive sugar consumption.

Doctors Remove Mushrooms That Were Ripping Through And Growing Inside Of Woman’s Stomach

by April 3, 2017

A new medical case in china has doctors and people everywhere astonished. Warning, if you have a weak stomach don’t look any further…

The medical case in China was a bit disturbing. Doctors removed mushrooms from a woman’s stomach because They were ripping through her and growing inside of her stomach! When the footage surfaced doctors everywhere were astonished. The unidentified Chinese woman was 50 years old and was suffering from severe cramps. After the doctors ran a few scans they soon got her to the operation room. The root of her pain? Mushrooms protruding through the lining of her stomach.

The doctors believe that they began growing out of her lower intestines when she did not chew her food properly. The medics claim that the 50-year-old didn’t allow the mushrooms enough time to expand in water before consuming them. The result? They ended up growing inside of her stomach.

Sushi Lovers! These Dangerous Worms are Probably Inside You. Here’s What You Should Do

by April 3, 2017

Sushi is a favorite among many and has been consumed for hundreds of years. However, there are some dangers to eating sushi that contains raw fish.

Specifically, certain species of worms can stay alive in sushi and infest the person who eats it. Some worms can get into the eyes and the central nervous system, creating serious complications. Don’t get me wrong, I love sushi but after doing all the research I did for this article I will only be eating cooked rolls and I suggest that you do the same.

The general rule is that fish served raw in the United States must be flash-frozen before you eat it. The FDA requires that all fish (except for tuna) destined to be served raw in the U.S. be frozen at a minimum of four degrees Fahrenheit for 7 days or minus thirty-one degrees for 15 hours. Either process kills parasites inside of the fish and keeps it fresh.

The FDA’s requirement means that most sushi in the U.S. is likely to be free of parasites, but there are some exceptions. Some diners, for instance, may be sensitive to even dead parasites and can suffer from stomach pain and vomiting if they eat them in sushi. In other cases, the fish may not have been frozen at all and may be contaminated with parasites. This may occur in some specialty shops that pride themselves on serving “fresh,” raw fish. It is always good to ask or just go for the cooked rolls instead.

What Kind of Worms are Found in Sushi?


Nematodes are worms that are usually round, and an infestation with them contracted from eating raw or undercooked saltwater fish is known as anisakiasis. These worms find their way into sushi when marine mammal feces enter the ocean. These feces often contain the eggs of these worms, which hatch and become larvae. The larvae are eaten by fish and other animals in the ocean.

When the fish that has consumed, the nematodes are caught and made into sushi, the worms don’t die. They remain in the sushi until they are ingested by the consumer. In some cases, people have reported a “tingling” feeling after consuming sushi. This feeling is a worm, and some people who have experienced this feeling have successfully extricated the worm from their mouth.


While the worms causing anisakiasis are primarily found in saltwater fish, tapeworms are usually found in freshwater fish (or fish who spend a part of their lives in freshwater). Salmon are a common carrier.

Gnathostomiasis: The Most Dangerous

Anisakiasis and tapeworm infestations can be inconvenient and painful, and they may cause the sufferer to need surgery. However, gnathostomiasis, or an infection with a worm (nematode) from the genus gnathosoma, is often much worse. These parasitic worms are most commonly seen in southeast Asia and parts of Africa, but they are rare in the Americas. These worms resemble small lampreys, and they are contracted much like anisakiasis is.

Though eating uncooked seafood is a common way to contract a gnathostome worm, eating undercooked or uncooked freshwater animals (including birds who drink from freshwater) can put a person at risk. And while the worms responsible for anisakiasis generally are confined to the digestive tract, these worms can travel into many areas of the body.

Most commonly, gnathosoma worms are seen as small swellings under the skin. These swellings, unlike most skin bumps, move. This is because the worm moves right beneath the skin. If you do see a moving swelling, it’s imperative that you see a doctor immediately, as many of these worms move deeper into the body.

A gnathosoma worm may work its way into the liver and into the central nervous system and eyes. Though the worm is not poisonous, it can cause pain, paralysis, coma, and death. This is because it travels along nerves, causing excruciating pain. If the worm gets to the eyes, it can cause permanent blindness.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Cooked Sushi

The number one way to protect yourself is to order cooked or vegetable based rolls.

  1. Wasabi

If you just refuse to stop eating raw sushi then opt for Wasabi, it naturally kills parasites.

  1. Saltwater fish

Saltwater fish are less likely to be infected that fresh-water fish. Choose albacore, Atlantic cod, rockfish, eel, flounder, grouper, halibut, Pacific Bluefin tuna, and swordfish to raise your odds of avoiding parasites.

  1. What Ocean?

Choose fish from the Atlantic Ocean over those from the Pacific Ocean, number one reason being to avoid radiation but the Pacific has a higher population and can spread more parasites

  1. Ask for Sashimi based fish

These fish go through all the FDA measures to guarantee safety. They are inspected and found to be at least very low in parasites, and then are frozen to the point that parasites cannot survive. The fish is also cut thinner, making it easier to spot a worm with the naked eye.

Scientists Discover Herb That Fights Dementia and Increases Memory By 75%

by April 2, 2017

Just when I thought essential oils and herbs couldn’t get any better I find out that sniffing rosemary can do something pretty amazing. Do you suffer from memory loss?

Rosemary is a herb that has been used throughout history for many different illnesses and health issues, so it makes sense that it is actually useful. This fantastic herb has the ability to boost one’s long-term memory as well as their alertness. One study was done on this herb at the Northumbria University Newcastle, researchers found that if you smell rosemary it can enhance the overall performance quality of your memory and secondary memory.

During the course of this study, 66 participants were assigned at random to one either the rosemary-scented room or the control room (unscented room.) There they underwent a test. This showed that those in the rosemary room were able to perform better. Now this study alone was not enough to be convincing.

The information doesn’t stop there though another study showed similar results. This study was performed by a Dr. Mark Moss who took twenty healthy volunteers and essentially did the same thing. He found that the aroma itself works as a therapeutic drug and is able to directly stimulate the olfactory nerve in the nose. This is something that could be a reason for the improved brain function. So, if you are having memory issues you may be in need of some serious rosemary aromatherapy. Why not give it a try?

When it comes to rosemary we have tons of other benefits that we can gain from using it. For more information on rosemary and the benefits you can gain by adding it into your life please take the time to watch the video below. Who knew something so simple could do so much?

Put Apple Cider Vinegar On Your Face And See What Happens to Your Age…

by April 2, 2017

Eczema is something that causes serious skin irritations and is very embarrassing. It is something that actually a lot of people deal with.

The most common type of eczema is known as atopic eczema. Its symptoms include thins like inflamed and itchy skin. Some people experience worse symptoms like rashes on the back of the knees, wrists, hands, face, and in some cases their whole body. People struggle to deal with the itchiness that comes along with eczema, they feel as if they need to scratch to the point where their skin is bleeding.

Of course, there are tons of different creams and lotions out there for eczema but most of them either don’t work or have some pretty shitty side effects. I suggest that you try using apple cider vinegar if you are dealing with eczema. It will prove to be a simple, cheap, and effective solution.

Apple cider vinegar is an antifungal and antibacterial which makes it great for fighting off eczema. It can if used correctly even improve the health of your skin thanks to its beta-carotene content. You really are getting a plethora of benefits when you choose to use apple cider vinegar over a store bought cream or lotion.

It can do things like relieve allergy symptoms, work as an astringent, boost your immune system, relieve itching, and flush toxins from your body. Learn how to make and use an ACV mixture below. It will relieve your eczema in no time!

ACV For Eczema


  • 4 tablespoons of water
  • 4 tablespoons of raw organic apple cider vinegar
  • A few cotton balls


  • Put the water and ACV together in a container and stir it well.
  • Soak the cotton balls in this and apply them to the affected areas.
  • Do not stop using this until the issue has gone away.
  • You will notice improvement within days.

Now if you are someone who has overly sensitive skin I suggest cutting that recipe in half. However, this should do the trick when it comes to your eczema. This remedy is definitely one to remember, I will be using it from now on!

The 1 Photo Going Viral to Help Women Detect Breast Cancer

by April 2, 2017

1 in 8 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life. In just 2017, there are an estimated 252,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women. Early diagnosis is key when it comes to beating it – and this one photo will tell you how to check.

Erin Smith Chieze posted a photo on Facebook that not only depicted the abnormalities of breast cancer but an in depth description of them too. The photo uses lemons as a great representation of breasts. Each lemon will a different abnormality that comes from breast cancer.

She says, “In December of 2015 when I saw an indentation that looked like one of those pictures, I instantly knew I had breast cancer,” she wrote. “I tried to feel for a tumor, but my tumor was nonpalpable. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 days later and with stage 4 the following month. A heart did nothing for awareness. I knew what breast cancer was. I knew all about self-exams, but a picture of what to look for keyed me into knowing I had a terminal disease.”

She continued, “We need to give REAL information, not cute hearts. Without having seen a picture randomly with real information, I wouldn’t have known what to look for. Do us a favor, stop playing games with my life and start truly helping people. Metastatic breast cancer treatment research and real awareness.”

“PLEASE, stop playing games that do not actually promote awareness, they often cause people to tune out anything that might even mention the word awareness,” Erin wrote. “So if you truly want to help people WITH cancer, or those who will GET cancer, share photos like this one.”

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