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Fake Organic Food from China is Flooding Store Shelves. Here is What You Need to Know

by April 5, 2017

There are literally all kinds of toxic chemicals and poisons in our food today, and for that very reason, more and more people are making an effort to swap over to organic foods. However, the organic food they’re eating might not be so organic after all.

Because of corporate greed, you can’t really trust any name brands nowadays. They will sneak toxic and lethal poisons into our food just to save pennies. For some reason, big corporate brands are also allowed to mislabel and disinclude the real ingredients in their products. Researchers have now realized that some organic food brands originating from China are not at all organic. In fact, they’re really bad for your health.

Organic products that come from china have been found to contain mass amounts of heavy metals. While there are rules regarding chemicals and pesticides, there are none regarding outside environmental factors such as pollution. For example, a farmer from China can use water polluted with mercury and it will still be certified organic. You will also have some trouble finding out how your organic food was created because China has almost no environmental regulations; no wonder they’re on the verge of environmental disasters.

As if it isn’t bad enough already, Chinese herbs and supplements have also been found to be contaminated with mass amounts of lead. Many people may be taking supplements that originate from China to increase their overall health, but they’re actually doing quite the opposite. Because vitamins and supplements are not held under the same regulations as pharmaceuticals it can be super easy for toxic chemicals to find their way into them.

If you’re looking to get healthy and start eating organically, make sure that the food, vitamins, or supplements that you are consuming do not originate from China. While some of them aren’t toxic, it is better safe than sorry right?

14 Weird Ways To Tell If You’re Having A Boy Or Girl

by April 5, 2017

Maternity and pregnancy are so exciting in itself. One of the most exciting things about it is finding out the gender! While you usually can’t tell the gender of your baby until late term, there are some odd ways that you can find out the gender of your baby!

The universe has a weird way of telling you things and so does your body. These are some ancient wives tales, but they seem to be accurate. I mean, I’ve never been pregnant, but according to research, it is. Anyways, here are 18 weird ways to determine the gender of your baby.

  • Carrying High or Low – many people believe that you can determine the gender of a baby by how high or low they rest in the womb. You tend to carry a boy lower and a girl higher!
  • Heart Rate – the heart rate of an unborn female is commonly higher than that of a male.
  • Cravings – this wise tale says that if you crave sweet things during a pregnancy you will have a girl. If you have sour cravings it is likely that it will be a boy. I know it’s crazy, but I’m not the one who came up with it!
  • Chinese Calendar – Many people claim that this is the most accurate way to predict the gender of your baby. Using the mother’s age and month of conception it calculates whether you will have a boy or a girl.
  • Mayan Gender Prediction – this is similar to Chinese calendar, however a bit different. It uses the mother’s age and year of conception too, however, if both numbers are even or odd, then it’s a boy. If they are odd and even then it is a girl!
  • Complexion – many people believe that the mother’s complexion during pregnancy can determine the gender of the baby. Moms of girls are more prone to breakouts too.
  • Morning sickness – other wise tales say that if you are suffering from morning sickness then it is a boy and the opposite for a girl
  • Sleep Position – If you are sleeping on the left side during pregnancy then it is expected to be a boy, while right side sleeping indicates a girl.
  • Moodiness – moodiness during pregnancy usually means it is a girl. If you are more relaxed and emotionally stable it is a boy.
  • Basketball Belly – if your baby is more out front then it is a boy, and if you are carrying it with your entire abdomen then it will be a girl.
  • Dreams – according to many people if you are dreaming that you have a boy, it is.
  • Linea Negra – if your linea negro goes only to your belly button it might be a girl. If it stretches all the way to your ribs it might be a boy.
  • Breast Changes – if your breast feels fuller and bigger it is most likely a girl. If they are soft and appear to have no change it is probably a boy.
  • Face Reading – baby girls can take some of your beauty. If you are starting to feel uglier, it might be your little girl taking it from you! Don’t worry it’ll reappear.

How to Release the Pinched Nerve in The Lumbar Area (Sciatica)- 2 Simple Ways to Get Rid of the Pain

by April 5, 2017

Sciatica pain is the worst! It shoots down both legs and up your back, and makes you wish you were dead. Okay, not really, but it does really hurt.

You have a lumbar nerve root and when something puts pressure on it, it can result in all sorts of pain. Any kind of vertebrae injury can put mass amounts of pressure on your nerve root. Sciatica is characterized by numbness, tingling, and pain in the legs. It can cause you to lose sleep for days too. It just isn’t very fun at all, and pain medication is not the route to go.

Pigeon Pose

the pigeon pose works by broadly opening the hips. While there are many different versions of the pose, they should all work pretty well. It releases the stress on the lower nerve roots and alleviates all of the sciatica pain almost immediately. However, you should always stretch well before doing it.

Reclining Pose

While on the back, bring your right leg up to a right angle and grasp it with both hands behind the thigh, locking your fingers. Take your left leg and place your ankle against the knee. Hold the position for a moment before changing legs. This helps stretch the tiny piriformis muscle, which sometimes becomes inflamed and presses against the sciatic nerve causing pain. Repeat by switching sides and doing the same exercise with the other leg

22 Herbs That Will Change Your Dreams

by April 4, 2017

The abilities and strengths of herbs are not limited to healing. Herbs are great for almost everything and they can change your everyday life – and new studies show they can additionally change your nightlife!

It isn’t uncommon for the average human to have some difficulty sleeping. You might suffer from insomnia, sleep apnea, sleep paralysis, or even night terrors. Hell, you might just be looking to lucid dream! No matter the reason you’re seeking sleep-related reform, herbs are definitely the route to go. There are many medications on the market today that is advertised to safely give you a good night’s sleep, however, this is only a hoax. Sleeping medications are not only harmful to your body, they are additionally extremely addictive!

Herbs that enhance your dreams:

  • Valerian Root
  • Calea Zachatechi
  • Ginko biloba
  • Peppermint
  • Passionflower
  • Datura
  • Mugwort
  • Anise
  • Sage
  • Burdock
  • Mullein
  • Jasmine
  • Lemongrass
  • Rose Petals
  • Clary Sage

Herbs for sleep apnea and insomnia:

  • Valerian
  • Passionflower
  • California Poppy
  • Ashwagandha
  • Magnolia Bark
  • Lavender
  • German Chamomile

Sleeping pills might help you fall asleep, but the cons will soon greatly outweigh the pros. Because you can gain a tolerance for sleeping pills so quickly, they can become extremely addictive. In order for them to continue doing their job, you will have to up your dosage regularly. They also get in the way of your everyday life like making it scary to drive due to the fogginess and drowsiness. There is simply no reason to take these dangerous sleeping pills and you will soon find that herbs are the solution for you.

The Scary Reason Why You Should Never, Ever Release Balloons Into The Sky

by April 4, 2017

Releasing balloons into the sky is a really pretty thing to do, and can be great for social events and fundraisers. However, what happens next is rather scary…

Whether you’re releasing them into the sky for a memorial service, a wedding, or a birthday, they can have a lot worse effects than you think. In fact, when you release balloons into the sky it is putting tons of animals lives at risk. Especially marine life, all kinds of animals are affected by the release of balloons.

More than one hundred balloons were recently collected at Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey. They were hosting a cleanup and this is just the amount they found at the beach. Animals like sea turtles can mistake the popped balloons as food. The latex balloons can be extremely harmful if not deadly. Not only do animals mistake them for food, but they also get entangled in balloon strings and it can sever limbs or even strangle them to death.

Many people think that it should not only be against the law to release balloons but that people should also be fined for doing so. What are your opinions? What do you think could be done about the harmful effects of released balloons? Surely you won’t be releasing them anytime soon, and be sure to warn your friends and family too!

Here’s How to Cure Your Toothache in LITERALLY Seconds, You Can Thank Us Later!

by April 4, 2017

One of the most painful things to experience is a toothache. They cause sharp and shooting pains to travel all throughout your face and head. They’re absolutely dreadful and here are some real sufferers natural remedies that actually work!

You’re in the middle of lunch and you go to take a sip of that ice cold tea to wash down some yummy bites. However, all that satisfactory you’ve gained from some delicious grub is well gone with the arrival of a toothache. They’re absolutely useful and can be caused by a number of things.

Tooth decay is the most common cause of toothaches, however, it isn’t the only one. Toothaches can also be caused by infection, gum disease, grinding teeth, tooth trauma, an abnormal bite, or tooth eruption. No matter what causes it they’re all painful. You could go to the drug store and buy some expensive, worthless, anesthetic gel that is virtually terrible for your oral health, or you could try using clove oil.

Cloves can make an extremely effective and inexpensive treatment for toothaches. Cloves have been used as a natural pain reliever for thousands of years. It works so effectively because it contains a compound that goes by the name of eugenol. It is a powerful anesthetic that stops the pain from the root! It additionally sterilizes the area by killing any germs it comes in contact with. The compound is even used by many dentists today!

How To Solve a Toothache using Clove Oil – After thoroughly rinsing your mouth out with warm salt water, take 2 to three cloves and hold them in your mouth as close to the sore as possible. Wait until the clove starts to soften. When they do start to get soft chew lightly to release more of the oils. However, if you’re too sore to crunch on some cloves the oil works perfectly.

You’ll need:

  • Clove essential oil
  • Cotton balls
  • 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil
  • Cotton swabs (optional)


Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to get it nicely flushed out. By doing this beforehand, you’re allowing the oil to do its job the very best it can since there’s nothing to block it or make it hard to sink down into the sore spot

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