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The Man Who Shocked The World: Cancer Can be Cured in 3 Minutes All You Need to Do is This!

by April 7, 2017

We have all been affected by cancer in some way or another. We share information almost daily about how to cure it and the things that cause it but could the cure to cancer really be this simple?

According to Gregg Braden, an American author when it comes to cancer therapy our minds play a much bigger role than we would initially think. How we feel significantly affects our DNA. He suggests that through the power of collective thought we could have a positive effect in treating all sorts of diseases, not just cancer.

Right off the bat, you may think this sounds like a load of bullshit and I could see why. However, this theory does not push that you need to be religious in order to do this, a matter of face you do not have to be religious at all for this to work. Braden believes there is a field that unites everything. This field he is referring to is one that has been scientifically proven and explained in the science journal Nature No. 332 back in 1996.

Now many are still quite skeptical about this but the video below as you will see shows this theory in action. In the video, you can see plain as day cancer being eliminated in about three minutes or less. The whole process is demonstrated over an ultrasound screen and is quite interesting to watch.

Braden says this works because of the strong electromagnetic radiation being produced during the video. He says that if you want to be able to do this yourself you will need to learn to focus and enhance your effects. This is something he claims lots of practice can show you how to do. What do you think about this? Could positive thinking really be a cure or is this a load of bologna?

Baking Soda Shampoo: It Will Make Your Hair Grow Like it is Magic!

by April 7, 2017

Baking soda is a common household item and for good reason. It can be used for a number of things.

It is something that can be used for cooking, cleaning, and so much more. The benefits of using baking soda are almost endless. Baking soda is something more and more people are learning about as you can use it to stimulate hair growth! Yes, I said you could use baking soda to stop hair loss!

This is because baking soda acts as a natural shampoo, it cleans and repairs the hair it touches. You could also use it as a conditioner as it is known to soften hair as well. This amazing natural two in one will have your hair looking and feeling amazing even on your worst days.

It is not loaded with chemicals and toxins like commercial shampoos and conditioners are and it will eliminate any dirt from your hair as you would intend it to. Baking soda is also good for removing chlorine from your hair. This is something we should all keep in mind considering swimming season is upon us. To learn how to use baking soda as shampoo continues on reading below.

Baking Soda Shampoo


  • Baking soda
  • Water
    (6-1 ratio or 3-1 (tablespoons) depending on how much you intend to make and how much hair you have)


  • Mix these two things together and rub the mixture into your hair.
  • Rub this mixture from the roots of your hair to the ends, continuing until your hair is completely covered with this.
  • Allow it to sit for a short period of time five to ten minutes will usually do the trick.
  • Use warm water to rinse this off and then finish your bath or shower.

You will be amazed by the results you get within just weeks. This natural shampoo will do much more for your hair than any commercial product ever could. If you are suffering from hair loss do not hesitate to try this. For some information on the benefits of baking soda please take the time to watch the video below.

What Her Sleeping Position Reveals About Her Personality

by April 7, 2017

Sleep is something we literally cannot live without, it is something our bodies need to do in order to function properly. However, sleep is something that could be considered quite mysterious depending on how you look at it.

Did you know that a person’s sleeping position could tell you a lot about them? I find this to be quite fascinating and every person I have assessed through this showed this to be true. Does the way you sleep really reveal what kind of person you are? Well, first think about how you sleep and read below.


This position could be carried out in a few different ways either on your stomach with your hands tucked under your pillow, on your back with your hands behind your head and under the pillow, or on your side embracing your pillow. A woman who sleeps in this manner is most likely very welcoming and compassionate in life and in love. If you take the time to look into body language you will notice this matches up quite well.


If you lay flat on your back with your hands to your sides or flat on your stomach with your hands to your sides you are sleeping in the proper manner. This position is often taken by people who are much vainer than most and these people seem to have a higher expectation of sleep. These people are not as trusting as the others on this list.

Heavy Snoring

Snoring is something that can be extremely annoying and those who do it often are not even aware that they are doing it. Now usually there is an underlying issue when someone is a nightly snorer and they will need to see a doctor to find out why they are snoring and to resolve the issue. You see, people who snore are not getting the best sleep possible at all, they are most likely to wake up still feeling restless. These people are usually easy to frustrate and are often overly stressed and easily irritated.


People who sleep on their side indicate that they have a giving personality, this meaning they are often taken advantage of. These people sleeping on their sides are signifying that they are putting the burden of their everyday lives behind the and regaining the strength they need to carry on through their dreams.


Whether they feel the need to cuddle a pillow, blanket, or person these people need something to embrace if they want to get a good night’s rest. They are often people with a warm personality. They are trustworthy and do not judge others.

Fetal Position

Sleeping in the fetal position (on your side with you legs inward and arms downward) is a sign that you are dealing with a fear of some sort. You are likely insecure about life or your future in general. You are someone who tends to stress more than most and it takes a huge toll on your mind.

You should always consider how you sleep before assessing yourself as a person. Sleep really does reveal a lot more than we might think. If you tend to bottle things up through the day the way you sleep will not leave them hidden.

Study Suggests That Men Need to Get Drunk With Their Friends Twice A Week to Stay Healthy

by April 6, 2017

Could going out for a few drinks actually be good for you? According to this study, it is!

This study comes from the University of Oxford and has shown that for men going out is essential. One in three men can’t find the time to meet with their friends at least once a week so it makes doing this a bit hard. However, if you can find the time you have tons of benefits to reap. Robin Dunbar lead researcher on this study says that he found men who were able to meet with their buddies at least twice a week in a bar were less likely to suffer from depression and were able to recover from illnesses quicker than people who were unable to meet with friends.

These health benefits come from strong bonds men can make with one another ‘bromance.’ These bonds are able to increase their happiness and decrease their stress levels. As you may know, both of those things are defining factors when it comes to mental health. The study also covered online interactions with one another and noted that it did not have the same effects. Face to face interaction is what these men need.

This study was carried out via a questionnaire, researchers also noted that people who spent time at local bars were socializing in small groups. This is a good thing because it allowed the people in the group to become closer. Everyone gets to be a part of the conversation and it is a more personal experience. The people who partook in this study and went out drinking regularly were affected in a positive way, they even engaged more with the local community as a whole.

If you haven’t spent much time with the ‘bros’ lately now is the time. You should make hanging out a weekly thing even if it is only for a few hours. Having friends and local bars allow men a community setting in which they can let go of the issues they deal with in their daily lives. The Alcohol being ingested during this time plays a role in itself, it triggers the endorphin system of these men and allows them to make a better social bond.

Don’t let people fool you, social drinking can be a great thing as long as you don’t overdo it. Go on, get out there and have a beer or three! For more information on the benefits of going out to drink with the bros twice a week please take the time to watch the video below.

California Becomes First State to Declare Glyphosate Causes Cancer

by April 6, 2017

You might have heard of the evil doings of Monsanto, and you might have also heard of their lethal chemical, glyphosate. Although many people have denied the dangers of this toxic chemical, California has been marked as the first state to declare that glyphosate causes cancer.

There have been many different studies performed on the dangerous effects of glyphosate. The chemical is intended to be used as a pesticide but unfortunately has become more of a humanicide… Because of the high amounts of glyphosate finding its way into your food we are seeing all kinds of different health issues on the rise – especially cancer.

According to several reports and studies, the herbicide residues were found in cookies, popular cereals, chips, and other everyday snacks and foods consumed by people – including children’s foods. The testing was completed at Aresco, a U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) registered lab and used liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), a method widely considered by the scientific community and regulators as the most reliable for analyzing glyphosate residues.

This was not the only study performed on the dangerous herbicide either; not like there is any way you could deny it anyways – I mean, it is weed killer. Because of the glyphosate epidemic, certain officials are finally rising up and saying no to Monsanto. Take California for a great example. The state of California finalized their decision regarding this chemical. They are the first state to finally declare that glyphosate causes cancer!

“When it comes to Roundup, California has become a national leader in flagging the very real danger posed by this vastly overused pesticide,” said Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity and a former cancer researcher. “The state based its decision on the findings of the world’s most reliable, transparent and science-based assessment of glyphosate.”

California reached this decision after the Environmental Protection Agency had failed to follow their own guidelines – no wonder they’re terminating in 2018… Court documents released last week revealed that the chair of the EPA’s Cancer Assessment Review Committee on glyphosate was in regular contact with Monsanto, providing insider information that guided Monsanto’s messaging. The chair promised to thwart the Department of Health and Human Services’ review of glyphosate’s safety, saying that if he was successful he deserved a medal.

Say Goodbye To Lupus, Arthritis, Vertigo, Chronic Fatigue, Thyroid Problems and Much More

by April 6, 2017

We are always so busy in today’s world we hardly ever have time to assess our health. If we do, we hardly have time to take care of the health issues we experience. The modern day lifestyle is demanding and it can really take a toll on your body.

With the hectic and demanding lifestyle we live today there have been all kinds of health ailments discovered. Different disorders, diseases, viruses, infections – you name it. However there are tons of pharmaceuticals on the market, they do very little good. The big pharmaceutical producers and CEO’s are only interested in your money; they could care less about your actual health.

Although the uselessness of the modern day medications there are tons of natural ingredients that serve as amazing medications. They have been around since the beginning of time and were used by many different ancient civilizations. Among all the everyday health conditions Americans experience, lupus, arthritis, vertigo, chronic fatigue, and thyroid problems are topping the lists. Thankfully it just takes a little thyme to solve them!

Thyme is amazing for your body. It is great in treating all kinds of health issues, especially sore throats. Thyme oil is super strong and antimicrobial making it a serious weapon against sore throats. It also is known to lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, prevent food poisoning, and it might even fight cancer! If you’re looking to gain some of the many benefits of thyme, here is how to do it.

  • 1 cup of water
  • Handful of thyme (dried or fresh)

You should pour the water into a pot and heat it until it reaches its boiling point. Put the thyme into a bowl and pour the boiling water over the thyme. Let it stand for a few minutes then strain it well. You can add honey to taste. Drink it and you will notice its effect immediately!

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