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Weird But Effective Remedy. She Puts a Bar of Soap Under Her Sheets every Night Before Bed (Video)

by April 8, 2017

Sleeping is very important if we do not get enough we can be cranky and will endure several health issues because of this. I used to spend a long time trying to get to sleep most nights.

I would either toss and turn or simply could not sleep. There was no winning, if this sounds familiar to you then you could be dealing with what I was dealing with which is something known as restless leg syndrome. One in ten people here in the United States are diagnosed with this each year so it is likely that you have it. There is no sure fire cure for restless leg syndrome which is the worst thing about it.

Restless leg is something that does not just affect the leg. It can also affect the torso, arms, and head depending on how bad your RLS is. When dealing with this the easiest way to treat it is through natural remedies. I know this remedy may seem strange but it works wonders and will allow you to get a good night’s sleep.

No, you will not need a bunch of different things all you will need is a bar of fresh soap. You see, this is said to work because as soap dries out it releases ions that help relieve the pain and symptoms you deal with in relation to RLS. There are tons of different testimonials from people who claim this really works but, of course, there have been no scientific studies on it.

If you have restless leg syndrome there is no reason as to why you shouldn’t try this. When you have exhausted every other option a bar of soap is worth giving a go. For the full details on how to use a bar of soap to treat your RLS issues please take the time to watch the video below. I myself was skeptical at first but now that I am getting the sleep my body has been needing I will never forget my soap.

Science Says The First Born Child is The Most Intelligent

by April 8, 2017

Are you the oldest child or the middle child? Have you ever compared yourself to your siblings?

Lots of people believe that the position we hold among our siblings comes with things like specific personality traits and things of the sort. However, research has proven that sometimes these frames do not fit the picture. I am the oldest of my siblings and find this to be true.

In a study done by the University of Leipzig, researchers took the time to examine the effects of birth order. They examined the order for about 20,000 people from the USA, UK, and Germany. In this study, they analyzed the participants through tests on their intelligence and how they were in general. They looked at how agreeable, open, and neurotic the participants were.

When the data they collected was compared to the birth position for all of these people they were able to conclude that the first-born children are more intelligent than their younger siblings. The IQ test alone showed that there was a specific pattern that showed a 1.5 IQ point increase based on the birth-order position.

Now, in families that only had two children, they found that the first born is only sixty percent likely to be smarter than the younger sibling. This could be a bit skewed if you consider that intelligence is developed, however, at least forty percent is strictly genetically conditioned. These differences come from the environment, not their genes.

This could be because the first-born children get to have a few years (or months) alone with their parent’s undivided attention before another sibling comes around. Their siblings will have to share right off the bat.

Parents are often more strict and expect more from their first-born as well. You know how it works parents are too strict on the older, forget the middle, and baby the youngest. That’s how it went in my family at least.

Do you think this works for your circumstance? If you think about it, it makes sense for the first-born to be more intelligent, we have to take care of our siblings from a young age and teach them everything that our parents don’t. First-born children are very important, are you smarter than your siblings?

Recall Alert! Check Your Child’s Inhalers ASAP

by April 7, 2017

Almost 600,000 inhalers were just voluntarily recalled nationwide by GlaxoSmithKline due to a “defective delivery system,” with a large number of units having “out of speculation results for leak rate.”

The affected lot numbers are 6ZP0003, 6ZP9944, and 6ZP9848. The devices have been recalled from hospitals, pharmacies, retailers and wholesalers in the United States.

“There is possible risk that the affected inhalers could potentially not deliver the stated number of actuations,” spokesman Juan Carlos Molina wrote in an email. “We continue to investigate the issue in order to identify the root cause and implement appropriate corrective and preventative actions.”

The FDA describes the affected inhalers as prescription-only “Ventolin HFA (alb uterol sulfate) Inhalation Aerosol, 90 mcg per actuation, 200 metered inhalations, net weight 18 g inhalers.” The recall is classified as “Class II,” which means “the products might cause temporary health problems, or pose only a slight threat of serious nature,” the FDA reports.

To see if your inhaler or your child’s inhaler is affected by this recall, check out the lot numbers below and the expiration dates.

  • 6ZP9848 (expiration date: March 2018)
  • 6ZP0003 (expiration date: April 2018)
  • 6ZP9944 (expiration date: April 2018)

6 Conditions That Are Caused By Sleeping With Wet hair, Stop Doing it Right Now!

by April 7, 2017

We have all gone to bed with wet hair at some point or another. I know I have done this more than a handful of times.

My grandmother would often tell me how it was not good to do and how I should stop. However, is there really any sort of danger that can be associated with going to bed with wet hair? There is.

You see moisture retained too long in the hair can cause the scalp to become inflamed. This is itchy and painful, to say the least. It will cause a lot of damage to your hair and you will not be a happy camper.

Going to bed with wet hair can cause all of the following health issues:

Hair Breakage

When hair is wet it is much more likely to break. You will need to be especially careful when our hair is wet. If you go to bed with wet hair every night it can be bad for your overall appearance.

This happens because our body temperature rises when we are sleeping. As our bodies heat up the moisture in our hair can cause a headache from the temperature difference. If you are like me this explains a lot, I am a headache magnet.

As you may have noticed our pillows can be quite nasty, they absorb all of our sweat through the night and wet hair carries moisture down into the pillow. This is without a doubt a disgusting nest for bacteria. Sleeping with wet hair increases your chances of getting infections because of this.

Muscle Pain

The sudden temperature change from sleeping can sometimes cause muscle pain if your head is wet. It can lead to severe cramps that are not fun for anyone and in extreme cases leave you with something called facial paralysis.

Itchy Rashes
Sleeping with wet hair can and will cause different types of itching. The moisture will act along with the skin on your head and in some cases, you will develop a rash. This is unsightly and feels terrible.

Not drying your hair will most likely have a negative effect o your sebaceous glands and it your scalp will produce more oil. This can disrupt your bodies natural pH balance and cause you to suffer from dandruff be it severe or minor.

All of these things can be major setbacks depending on the severity. It is always best to make sure your hair is dried before going to sleep. If you want to keep the hair on your head healthy dry it properly, don’t let yourself do unnecessary damage.

2-Year-Old Swallows Popcorn Kernel. 6 Months Later, Doctors are Forced to Pull Life Support

by April 7, 2017

Choking is one of the leading causes of death in children under the age of three. This is a very serious issue that is taking the lives of far too many precious babies.

Before a child reaches age five they should never consume things like popcorn, grapes, or hotdogs. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, these are the most common items choked on. This story is heartbreaking and will leave you dripping with tears.

This young child passed away after suffering severe brain damage when she choked on a popcorn kernel. Yes, a popcorn kernel cost this precious baby her life. Because of this, her family is working to raise awareness when it comes to the dangers of giving toddlers things like popcorn. Choking hazards are real.

If you are a parent please do not close this post, you need to hear this. Mirranda came to her parents choking on the mother’s birthday. Of course, being parents they panicked and did everything they could to help their baby girl. However, by the time the medics had arrived Mirranda’s heart had stopped. Now, at this point doctors at the hospital were able to revive her but sadly the damage done to her brain was not able to be repaired. She was then put on life support.

As her health continually declined and her kidneys gave out she ended up passing away. Please do not offer your small children things that could potentially choke them. Supervise them when they are eating no matter what and evaluate everything. Be sure to cut up what food you do give them and above all else be grateful that you have them in your life. This family would give anything to have their baby girl with them again, but that is not possible. Don’t make the mistakes that they did.

What happened to this family is something they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. When it comes to tragic incidents like this one we cannot help but be thankful for what we have ourselves. Give your little ones a big hug.

WARNING: If You See THIS Bug Around You – Get To A Doctor IMMEDIATELY!

by April 7, 2017

In the past centuries we have seen the epidemia that can be caused by the simple transfer of some nasty diseases. These transfers were predominantly made by some kind of bug or animal, and it can still happen today. In fact if you’ve seen this bug around you, go to the doctor!

You might have heard of a bug that goes by the name of the kissing bug; it’s dangerous, deadly, and disgusting. The bug itself presents no harm, but the parasites that it carries in its feces. The kissing bugs carry the Chagas Disease. The disease is an inflammatory and infectious disease caused by a parasite found in the feces of kissing bugs. It is very common in South Africa, however there are over 200,000 cases per year in the United States.

Anybody can be infected by the disease, but is seen most often in children. The treatment of the disease consists of killing the parasite in acute infection and managing signs and symptoms in later stages. It brings about a very sudden, yet brief illness. Symptoms of the disease include:

  • ever
  • General ill feeling
  • Swelling of an eye if the bite is near the eye
  • Swollen red area at site of the insect bite
  • Constipation
  • Digestive problems
  • Heart failure
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Pounding or raging heart
  • Swallowing difficulties

Most doctors and physicians should be able to diagnose the disease on the spot. They will additionally treat you based on diagnosis, however there are ways to prevent getting it. First thing is to never get near a kissing bug or touch it with your bare skin. If you must dispose of one put it in a plastic bag and wear gloves when doing so.


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