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Natural Home Remedy for Ingrown Toenails

by April 10, 2017

When it comes to ingrown nails there is hardly anything I would consider more annoying. Walking around all day trying to pretend your nail isn’t digging and cutting into your foot the whole time is something I would not wish on my worst enemy.

An ingrown nail happens when for whatever reason the nail grows into the soft tissue rather than out. This most commonly happens on our big toes but it can happen on any of them. It is painful and can cause severe swelling. These can be caused by things like trimming your nails the wrong way, wearing shoes that are too tight, socks that are too tight, or in my case bad luck.

When it comes to getting rid of your ingrown nail you need to act fast. The sooner you take care of it the better. This is something that can become so severe you will have to undergo surgery to have it cut out. For me this remedy did the trick, it was easy and cleared things up quickly. Before jumping straight into seeing a doctor I suggest you try this.

Ingrown Toenail Remedy

Things Needed:


  • Soak your feet in warm water with about 2 tablespoons of ACV mixed in for about twenty minutes several times a day. (The ACV will fight off any sort of infection that could be lurking in the irritated area.)
  • After you have done this for a few days you will need to place the dental floss under your toenail as best you can and continue to do this until the edge of the ingrown toenail has begun coming out of the skin where it has grown in.
  • Apply coconut oil to the area as much as you feel you need, once the ingrown part has come to the surface clip it off and reshape your nail.
  • This should only be about a three-day process at most and if you ingrown nail is not as bad as mine was you could probably get it done in one day.

This method worked wonders for me and has been a lifesaver, to say the least. If you are dealing with a painful ingrown nail do not suffer, do this and relieve your pain. This remedy will provide you with almost instant relief. Enjoy!

Why Do Some People Always Get Bitten By Mosquitoes While Others Don’t?

by April 9, 2017

Mosquitoes are awful, just their presence can ruin an afternoon outside. They swarm around looking for the perfect meal and attack once they have found it.

These pesky little blood suckers can carry some terrifying diseases. Diseases that they transmit straight into our bloodstream when they bite. Every single year about 700 million people contract an illness because of being bitten by a mosquito. This is not an exaggeration, the number is constantly increasing and is killing people off quickly.

I am sure you have already heard of the Zika Virus and the issue that comes along with it. Diseases that can be spread by mosquitoes include malaria, encephalitis, West Nile virus, and more. It is best we do what we can to avoid being bitten by these little monsters altogether. There are several ways we can deter mosquitoes and it could be the reason why you’re being attacked while the people around you are not being bothered at all.


My husband is always swarmed by mosquitoes in the summertime while I am rarely affected. It is a hit or miss for sure. The more you exercise the more they will attack you. this is because of the lactic acid our bodies produce because of exercise. It is emitted from our sweat glands and will cause you to become a mosquito magnet, you should always shower first thing after a workout.

Your blood type also plays a role which is something you cannot change. Studies have found that people with type O blood are bitten most by mosquitoes. People with type O blood are twice as likely to suffer mosquito rampage than people with type A blood. Some people, the majority of the population even emits a chemical from their skin giving off their blood type. Mosquitoes can pick up on this so they know exactly who to aim for when choosing their prey.

These factors all add up to reasoning as to why some people get bit by mosquitoes and others don’t. Sometimes they even take into account the bacteria on your skin. Some bacteria can deter mosquitoes and others can attract them. The more CO2 you produce the more often you will be bitten as well. These insects are assholes, to say the least.

If you have been using those dangerous health-threatening chemical repellents I do suggest this summer you try a more natural and safe approach to mosquito deterring. The following method is easy, safe, and effective when it comes to keeping mosquitoes away from you and your family. Have you ever considered trapping the little buggers?

Mosquito Traps

Things Needed:

  • 2-liter soda bottle
  • Serrated knife
  • Brown sugar
  • Warm water
  • Yeast


  • Cut a third of the top of the 2-liter bottle off with the knife.
  • Place about 1/2 a cup of brown sugar into this as well as 2 cups of warm water.
  • Add in 1/2 teaspoons of yeast in this and place the top of the bottle into the bottom upside down.
  • It should fit nice and snug (make sure the cap is off.)

Mosquitoes will be attracted to this and once they fly into it, they won’t be able to get out. You will be able to relax mosquito free outdoors for as long as you’d like. If you notice your trap has stopped working then it is time to make a new one. To see a demonstration of this please take the time to watch the video below. Depending on your yard size you may need more or less inside the bottle so measurements vary. Enjoy!

Does Drinking Alcohol Cause Cancer? The Answer Will Surprise You!

by April 9, 2017

Drugs have certainly had their toll on not only the United States but the world as a whole. They have claimed the lives of many no doubt, but there’s a silent, legal killer in the shadows – alcohol.

Alcohol claims many more lives than you think. In fact, 88,000 people die every year because of alcohol. Also, according to a 2015 study, 26.9 percent of people 18 and over reported they had engaged in binge drinking in the last month. Scientists and researchers have been furthering their studies on how alcohol affects the body, and a new study is a groundbreaking. The study revealed that alcohol might even be causing cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, even a few drinks per week can significantly increase the risk of breast cancer. Women with low folate levels tend to have a higher risk of breast cancer. It additionally affects the hormone levels in males. Because of this, the male who drink consistently might experience infertility and testicular failure. That’s not all either – one particular type of cancer, related to the consumption of alcohol is the colon cancer. According to the study published in the journal of Colon Cancer, 1 person out of 7, diagnosed with cancer was under 50.

Alcohol has certainly taken its toll on society. We are seeing more and more effects from this dangerous beverage every day. If you know someone who is a heavy drinker, warn them it could cause cancer.

THIS May Save Your Life: The Difference Between A Heart Attack, Stroke And Cardiac Arrest

by April 9, 2017

Cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke are one of the most deadly things that can occur in the human body. Knowing the difference in them might save your life – or someone else’s.

While cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke are all similar and typically involve the same body parts, they are also quite different. You additionally have to respond to each one differently in the event of an emergency. For example, cardiac arrest is typically caused by an electrical malfunction in the heart, while a heart attack occurs when the blood flow is blocked off from the heart.

Cardiac Arrest – cardiac Arrest occurs when there is an electrical malfunction of the heart. It occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating randomly. The electrical impairment causes the heart to enter arrhythmia or an irregular beat. When this process is disrupted, the heart cannot pump blood to the rest of the vital organs, or anywhere for that matter.

If you suspect someone is entering cardiac arrest you should first call 911 as fast as you possibly can. Time is absolutely the lifeline in all of these health issues. After you call 911 start CPR right away. If an AED is available, use it.

Heart Attack – heart attacks happen when the blood flow to the heart is blocked. A blocked artery will prevent oxygen-rich blood from reaching a section of the heart. The longer the artery is blocked the lower the chances of survival are. If a heart attack is extensively bad, but the patient still survives they will have a weak heart now. This is because when the artery was blocked the part of the heart it nourished began to die.

If you suspect that someone around you is having a heart attack, call 911 immediately. They need to be transported to an emergency room immediately. EMS personnel are trained to revive someone who has entered a heart attack.

Stroke – A stroke is a “brain attack”. It can happen to anyone at any time. It occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. When this happens, brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die. When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain such as memory and muscle control are lost.

If you suspect someone is having a stroke get them to the hospital immediately. There really isn’t a whole lot you can do for a stroke victim other than keeping them conscious.

How to Stop A Migraine Immediately With One 100% Natural Ingredient

by April 9, 2017

Migraines are awful and can be crippling depending on the severity. If you have ever had a migraine you know how awful it truly is.

When you are having a migraine it’s like having thirty headaches at one time it throbs and just will not go away, I know growing up sometimes my migraines were so bad that I would vomit and had to be left alone in my room with no lights on whatsoever. Even a glimmer from the television made things worse.

The symptoms associated with migraines can include things like light and sound sensitivity, nausea, severe pain, pain behind the eyes, disrupted vision and more. There are tons of remedies out there for this issue but not all of them work. The one I find works best for me is the Himalayan salt remedy. You may have actually heard of this one because it is quite popular.

Salt is able to stop a migraine sometimes because of the cause of a migraine. If your migraine attack is being caused by an electrolyte imbalance that was likely brought on by dehydration then salt will most likely do the trick for you. Now if your attack was triggered by something else then the salt may not be able to help you as much as you would like it to.

The reason we use Himalayan salt for this instead of normal table salt is because of how much better it is. It is free of toxins and unpolluted, it contains 84 minerals that we need in our bodies so adding it to your diet could never be considered a bad thing. When we use this salt we are able to absorb the minerals and receive their benefits.

The health benefits one can gain from Himalayan salt aside from reduced or eliminated migraines include things like water level control, more stable pH balance, reduced signs of aging, blood sugar regulation, improved respiratory function, vascular heath, reduced cramps, reduced skin conditions and much more. If you want to use Himalayan salt to get rid of your headaches or migraines you should make sure you are buying the correct kind of Himalayan salt. Don’t just order the cheapest version online expecting it to be completely legit. Take the time to look for a reliable supplier.

Once you have your salt here is how to use it:



  • Pour some lemon juice into a cup, I suggest using two whole lemons for this.
  • Add two whole teaspoons of salt to this and mix it well.
  • Once it has been properly mixed drink it.

Of course, like with any sort of salt, you will need to monitor your sodium intake. This salt is the best you can get but it is still salt. I love this remedy as it works wonders on my migraines.

Will you be giving it a try? We all need salt, just not too much of it. For more information on salt and the benefits of Himalayan salt please take the time to watch the video below.

7 Powerful Foods To Detoxify Your Liver, Reverse Fatty Liver, and Liver Disease

by April 8, 2017

Our liver is the second largest organ in our body, second only to our skin. It is very important due to its many processes which include filtering our blood, regulating our digestion, metabolizing drugs and protein production for blood clotting.

Unfortunately, however, alcohol, a poor diet, toxins, hepatitis and genetic factors can cause our livers to become damaged or inflamed. Many of these factors can eventually lead to fat buildup in the liver, which in turn can cause fatty liver disease. While eating a low-fat diet that is well balanced can be quite helpful, there are certain foods that can aid in the detoxification process of the liver.

Furthermore, there are a variety of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that can be quite potent at reversing fatty liver and liver disease.

1. Milk Thistle

According to Ramen Venataramanan, PhD, FCP, “There is a lot of experimental work in the laboratory and in animals suggesting the beneficial effect of milk thistle extract,” and other studies that have been conducted by Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D. have indicated that silymarin which is an extract of milk thistle has the ability to act on our biochemical pathways to aid in detoxification.

2. Garlic

Garlic has a variety of uses in the healing realm, so many in fact that it could be considered a heal-all. Thankfully, that also means that it can work wonders for your liver. Even a tiny amount of the garlic bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that can aid in the flushing of toxins.

3. Grapefruit

Laden with glutathione, vitamin C, and other antioxidants, grapefruit also holds the ability to increase the production of liver enzymes necessary for the liver to detox.

4. Dandelion

Many have touted the benefits of dandelion root and it’s ability to cleanse the liver. Available as a supplement, tasty tea, or even just as a root, you can find this at any health food store. It aids in the breaking down of fats which work against your liver, and its bitter root produces amino acids which can rid your body of toxins.

5. Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale, chard, romaine, arugula and collards are all packed with nutritional components that are essential for the cleansing of the liver. They are packed with chlorophyll which purifies the blood, and in turn, our liver function is increased exponentially. Furthermore, leafy greens neutralize a variety of toxins as a bonus!

6. Turmeric

Turmeric, which is rich in flavor, is typically used as a spice or tea. Turmeric is quite helpful with the digestion of fat, and it can also stimulate the production of bile. Curcumin is one of the turmeric’s main components which can help to shrink engorged hepatic ducts. This can be quite helpful in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice.

7. Avocados

Avocados can help your body to produce more of an antioxidant called glutathione which is needed to help the liver in filtering out toxins and other harmful materials.

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