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The Fruits and Vegetables that May Cause Leukemia, Brain, Bone, Breast, Ovarian, Prostate, Testicular and Liver Cancers

by April 10, 2017

Our food is controlled and managed by corporations – this is why there are so many dangers when it comes to choosing your fruits and veggies. In fact, some of them might be causing cancer and other diseases.

There are many fruits and veggie brands that sell all organic food. However, if you’re not careful you’ll end up with cancer. Okay, probably not, but the pesticides that our food is showered with can cause it, so there technically is a chance. I know it might be hard to believe that our food and health authorities would allow this, but they obviously have no true control or care in the world. The health of the public is already being compromised for dollars – here’s how you can stop it, avoid it, and end the poisonous pesticide generation.

Monsanto, one of the evilest companies in the entire world, has literally caused thousands – if not millions – of health issues. Glyphosate, also known as roundup, is a pesticide that is sprayed all over our fruits, seeds, and vegetables. But, how are the plants able to survive the spraying? Well, their DNA is genetically modified to deflect the poisonous chemical. Well, it doesn’t as much deflect it rather than absorbing it without harming itself. The point is – the plants are genetically modified to withstand the chemicals, but we aren’t.

Some Health Issues that Have Already Been Linked to Glyphosate –

  • ADHD
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Anencephaly (birth defect)
  • Autism
  • Brain Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance
  • Colitis
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease

Above is only a few of the already linked diseases to glyphosate. It is absolutely essential to your health that you avoid this dangerous chemical. You should avoid getting fruits and vegetable from big corporations such as Walmart. Buy from a certified organic brand, but never from China. A lot of organic food from China has been proven to be quite the opposite due to the lack of environmental regulations, so just avoid anything from China in general.

An Aspirin a Day….Doubles Heart Attack Risk?

by April 10, 2017

If you or someone you love is taking aspirin every single day as a means to thin their blood and reduce their stroke risks they may be doing a lot more than that. Researchers have found something quite interesting.

Compared to those taking Warfarin for atrial fibrillation, patients who take aspirin are more likely to suffer a heart attack. 1.9 times more likely to be specific. These same researchers also found that a new class of drugs being referred to as direct oral anticoagulants can double a person’s risks of heart failure. Warfarin, as you may know, comes with a whole list of nasty side effects and given that people have been looking for an alternative option.

When it comes to reducing inflammation and improving cardiovascular function the natural route is the one you need to take. I suggest taking something known as Nattokinase. It is an enzyme made from fermented soy and does the same thing Warfarin does without the nasty side effects. While you may think aspirin is safe it is not. On top of increasing our heart attack risks, it has tons of scary side effects of its own.

You may be subject to things like developing ulcers, damaging your kidneys, increasing your risk of pancreatic cancer, gastric bleeding, and more. If you don’t think that Nattokinase is for you fish oil is something that works wonders as well. When it comes to aspirin we are better off without it. If you want to protect yourself from heart attacks throwing out that bottle of aspirin is something you need to do. For a little information on some of the other benefits Nattokinase has to give please take the time to watch the video below.

7 Exercises That Will Transform Your Body In 4 Weeks

by April 10, 2017

Today everyone is looking to get in shape. I mean it offers a better look, healthier body, and you feel better? I mean really, who doesn’t want to get in shape?

Although everyone might want to, not everyone has the time. Today’s society is hectic, busy, and very time-consuming. Most of the world population works a job from 9-5 everyday, and by that point, you’re already exhausted. My point being; It’s really hard to find time to go to the gym nowadays.

If you’re looking to get in shape, but don’t have the time for to dedicate to it, you are not alone. However, there is a solution to your problems! No, it is not a diet pill or any other kind of ‘magic pharmaceutical’. This home workout plan doesn’t take long, it’s relatively easy (just requires the dedication), and anyone can do it. The best part? It really works! This four-week workout plan works like no other, and it’s completely natural toning of the muscles. You’re not eating any foreign substances that have side effects. The workout consists of 7 different exercises over a four-week plan. Do it, and you’ll have finally acquired that summer beach bod’.


Planking tightens the abdominal muscles and the best muscles. It’s a super easy exercise, but don’t underestimate it – You’ll definitely feel the burn. Just like the photo, prop yourself up on your forearms and feet. Keep your back completely straight, and keep this pose in intervals of 10 seconds to one minute.


We all know them, we all hate them. However the scrutiny of performing pushups, they do a lot of work all over our body. The more it hurts, the more it is doing.

Bird DogPerform this exercise like the photo above. It is yoga inspired and works on your thighs and your glutes. Start on all fours, extend one leg and the opposite arm out front. Repeat on another side.

Perform this exercise like the photo above. It is yoga inspired and works on your thighs and your glutes. Start on all fours, extend one leg and the opposite arm out front. Repeat on another side.


Squats are great for building the booty. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your arms out front and squat to sitting position, and back up again.


Lie flat on your back, raise one leg and bend at the knee, then touch your hand to your knee.

Downward Facing Dog Ab Crunch

While your body is in a triangular position, keep your legs in straight lines to create a V figure. Then raise one leg and slowly bring it to your chest. Repeat for another leg.

Oblique Twist

Prop against a wall, place your hands together and grab a ball and twist side to side. The objective is to try and touch the walls with your hands!

Do the following for six days: 2 minutes plank 1 minute push-ups 1 minute bird dog 1 minute ab crunch 1 minute down-dog crunch 1 minute oblique twist 2 minutes plank Rest for 10 seconds between the exercises.

Week 2: Alternate the following sets for six days. Set 1: 3 minutes plank 3 minutes ab crunch 3 minutes bird dog Take 15-second breaks between the exercises. Set 2: 3 minutes oblique twist 3 minutes push-ups 3 minutes down-dog crunch Take 15-second breaks between the exercises.

Week 3: Repeat Week 1 exercises.

Week 4: Repeat Week 2 sets.

The Oldest Self-healing Method In The World: It Only Takes 10 Minutes A Day!

by April 10, 2017

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest healing systems. It heals the entire body, takes a little time, money, and energy. What are you waiting for? If you practice these 6 methods each day your entire body will enter a process of healing, and you’ll never feel better.

In the modern day, we have tons of health issues. Heart problems, obesity, diabetes, and even more prevalent, cancer. These are serious health ailments and they are claiming the lives of thousands of people every year. Because our food and water is so contaminated by corporate greed, we have to be really careful about what we put into our bodies. Especially when it comes to medications!

Modern day medications are horrible for you. They are easily addictive and you can become dependant on them before you even realize it. More people die each year from pharmaceutical drugs than any other street drugs – including meth and heroin. People survived on earth for thousands of years before the pharmaceutical industry – and we still can. In fact, you’ll probably live longer, be happier, and healthier. These ayurvedic methods will be sure to heal whatever you suffer with.

Clean your Tongue – cleaning your tongue can increase your health by a lot more than you think. Tons of bacteria love to vacation there before attacking the body, however brushing your tongue more often can ensure that you get rid of what you can before it enters the body.

Use Sesame Oil – because sesame oil has so many antibacterial properties, washing your mouth out with it for two minutes after brushing will transform the health of your mouth, and increase your overall health. Like I said before, bacteria love staying on the tongue – sesame oil also helps get rid of them.

Get a Massage – a massage can do more than releasing the tension from your muscles. According to ancient Chinese medicine, your negative energy is stored all throughout your body. Giving yourself a massage every now and then can seriously release tons of stress. You’ll feel better mentally, and who doesn’t enjoy a good back rub?

Drink Hot Water – be sure to use purified water because boiling water that is contaminated with fluoride can make everything worse. However, drinking warm or hot water can release toxins all throughout your body. Hot water is good for everything. Just like it gets stains out of your clothes, it’ll help get some of that stuff cold water misses on the way down.

Mindful Breathing – mindful breathing can be such an aid when it comes to a stressful day. Simply close your eyes and focus your mind on your breathing. At first, it will be kind of hard to get your mind to settle down, but once you get it, you’ll experience a reduction in stress and you’ll feel so much better. The longer you do it, the easier it gets. People typically do this for maybe 2 minutes a day and still experience benefits.

Stimulate your Digestive System and Increase Vivid dreaming – heating up sesame oil and rubbing it on your tummy is great for the muscles of the stomach. It releases all the tension and aids the stomach in breaking down excess foods before bed. It is also said to stimulate good dreams!

If you’re looking to feel better in the modern day the best thing you can do is turn to natural ingredients. They work, have no side effects, and help you in ways you don’t even know! Mother nature has had us covered for thousands of years – she’s still got your back.

Action Alert: FDA Cover Up of Mercury in High Fructose Corn Syrup

by April 10, 2017

An ingredient has found it’s way into our bodies from all kinds of directions. It’s causing health disorders, obesity, and diabetes, but what is it? High fructose corn syrup – and a new study has found that it contains mercury!

High fructose corn syrup is terrible for your health in so many different ways. An FDA researcher asked corn producers to ship a barrel of high fructose corn syrup in order to test for contaminants. Her repeated requests were refused until she claimed she represented a newly created soft drink company.

She was then promptly shipped a big vat of High fructose corn syrup that was used as part of the study that showed that High fructose corn syrup often contains toxic levels of mercury because of chloralkali products used in its manufacturing.

Mercury poisoning is not something anyone wants to experience either. Symptoms of it include swelling, nausea, headache, tremors, and more. Mercury poisoning is one thing, but mercury exposure is another. However, it’s almost as bad. When mercury is in our foods and pharmaceuticals it finds its way into our body and attacks our central nervous system. One who is highly exposed to mercury could even see hallucinations. Continued exposure results in kidney failure, liver failure, and eventually death.

The 2009 study led by former FDA employee found alarming amounts of mercury in the high fructose corn syrup. The author stated: Mercury is toxic in all its forms. Given how much high-fructose corn syrup is consumed by children, it could be a significant additional source of mercury never before considered. We are calling for immediate changes by industry and the [US Food and Drug Administration] to help stop this avoidable mercury contamination of the food supply.

Mercury presents absolute peril to not only everyday citizens but children too. This is pure negligence of the public health by our leaders. Do you think there could be a darker purpose behind this? Either way, everyone should avoid high fructose corn syrup at all times.

Aborted Human DNA & Fetal Calf Blood Are Ingredients In Children’s Vaccines

by April 10, 2017

Vaccines have become such a controversial topic recently, that many people are even offended or angered by it. Although the social stigma, vaccines shouldn’t be a controversy – they’re factually poison. It’s just the people’s inability to change.

There have many instances where vaccines were proven to be ineffective, toxic, life-threatening to humans. For example, there are over 30 scientific studies that have proved that the hepatitis B vaccine can cause autism in Males. According to a study performed at the Stony Brook University Medical Center, and published in the Annals of Epidemiology in September of 2009, stated that, “Boys vaccinated as neonates had threefold greater odds of autism diagnosis compared to boys never vaccinated or vaccinated after the first month of life.” this is only one of the studies too. People have got to acknowledge facts if we want to continue living on this planet. Ignorance is something that is way too socially accepted today.

A new study was released showing that children’s vaccines had some startling, breathtaking, and chilling ingredients in them. The study showed that children’s vaccines contain aborted human DNA and fetal calf blood. Is that something that you really want to be injected into your children?

Ingredient #1 – Cells from aborted fetus:

  • WI-38 cell line (US): a human diploid fibroblast cell line derived from a three month old fetus aborted “therapeutically” because the family felt they had too many children. (Source)
  • MRC-5 cell line (UK): a cell line derived from lung fibroblasts of a 14 week old fetus due to “psychiatric” issues with the 27 year old mother. (Source)
  • Eye tissue from a 21 week old fetus is currently used in flu shots, as well as experimental vaccines for malaria and cancer, and Merck’s PER.C6 cell line, derived from the eye tissue of an 18 week old fetus, is the cell line used in many of the 271 vaccines in the CDC’s pipeline.
  • Terms to Investigate: PERC6, MRC5, WI-38, HEK-293
  • Which Vaccines? Adenovirus vaccine, DTaP vaccine, Hep A vaccine, Hep B vaccine, MMR vaccine, Rabies vaccine, Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine

Ingredient #2 – Serum from Aborted Calf Fetus Blood:

According to the Humane Research Australia website, “After slaughter and bleeding of the cow at an abattoir, the mother’s uterus containing the calf fetus is removed during the evisceration process (removal of the mother’s internal organs) and transferred to the blood collection room. A needle is then inserted between the fetus’s ribs directly into its heart and the blood is vacuumed into a sterile collection bag. This process is aimed at minimizing the risk of contamination of the serum with micro-organisms from the fetus and its environment. Only fetuses over the age of three months are used otherwise the heart is considered too small to puncture. Once collected, the blood is allowed to clot at room temperature and the serum separated through a process known as refrigerated centrifugation.”

Terms to Investigate: Fetal Bovine Serum

Which Vaccines? Adenovirus vaccine, MMR vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine, Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine

Ingredient #3 – Cells from Monkey Kidneys:

  • The story is best told in the Congressional papers of a courageous scientist, Bernice Eddy. The Executive Reorganization and Government Research of the Committee on Government Operations United States Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, Second Session [1972] states on page 500:
  • “The next and only serious vaccine crisis that has occurred since the polio episode was the realization in mid-1961 that a monkey virus later shown to cause tumors in hamsters was contaminating both polio and adenovirus vaccines. The virus, known as SV40, was entering the vaccines and, just as in the polio case were surviving the formalin treatment.
  • There were several states by which the full extent of the SV40 problem became known. First was the discovery in 1959-1960 by a DBS scientist, once again Bernice Eddy, that an unknown agent in the monkey kidney cells used to produce polio and adenovirus vaccines would cause tumors when the cells were injected into hamsters.”
  • “In 1954 Eddy, as a polio control officer, found live virus in supposedly killed polio vaccine; in 1955 she was relieved of her duties as polio control officer … After her discoveries concerning the SV40 virus, her staff and animal space were reduced and she was demoted from head of a section to head of a unit.” … even when the contaminating virus was found to be oncogenic [cancer causing] in hamsters, the DBS [Division of Biologics Standards] and its expert advisory committee decided to leave existing stocks on the market rather than risk eroding public confidence by a recall.”
  • Terms to Investigate: Vero (monkey kidney) cell culture, SV40, Bernice Eddy
  • Which Vaccines? DTaP vaccine, Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, Polio vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine

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