All posts by: Marshall

7 Powerful Foods To Detoxify Your Liver, Reverse Fatty Liver, and Liver Disease

by in Food, Health, Natural Cures April 8, 2017

Our liver is the second largest organ in our body, second only to our skin. It is very important due to its many processes which include filtering our blood, regulating our digestion, metabolizing drugs and protein production for blood clotting. Unfortunately, however, alcohol, a poor diet, toxins, hepatitis and genetic factors can cause our livers […]

Recall Alert! Check Your Child’s Inhalers ASAP

by in Health, Other April 7, 2017

Almost 600,000 inhalers were just voluntarily recalled nationwide by GlaxoSmithKline due to a “defective delivery system,” with a large number of units having “out of speculation results for leak rate.” The affected lot numbers are 6ZP0003, 6ZP9944, and 6ZP9848. The devices have been recalled from hospitals, pharmacies, retailers and wholesalers in the United States. “There […]