All posts by: Marshall

Shocking Ultrasound Pictures Of Pregnant Smokers

by in Health May 17, 2017

With all the information currently available regarding pregnancy and smoking, one would assume that the idea of smoking during pregnancy was a thing of the past. Shockingly, however, this is not the case! Researchers at Durham University in the United Kingdom completed a study during which they took 4-D ultrasound pictures of the fetuses of […]

Turmeric Can Cure Cancer By Killing Its CAUSE – Yeast Infections

by in Health, Natural Cures May 15, 2017

Centuries ago medical professionals became aware of the connection between yeast infections and much larger underlying diseases such as malignant tumors, diabetes mellitus and chronic infections. Recent studies show that another disease that can be connected with the presence of these infections is Cancer! A recent study, “Candida Albicans and Cancer: Can This Yeast Induce […]

10 Facts That You Need To Know About Bananas!

by in Health May 15, 2017

Bananas are a great diet food not only for their high levels of potassium, but for their ability to facilitate weight loss. Eaten on a daily basis they have many lasting health benefits! Bananas prevent osteoporosis, blindness, diabetes, cramps and nausea. Because they are rich in dietary fiber this prevents constipation and indigestion by regulating […]

White Vinegar Is A Gardener’s Best Friend. Here Are 11 Clever Uses in The Garden

by in DIY, Environment, Food, Health, Natural Cures May 15, 2017

The desire to move away from toxic pesticide, fungicides, herbicides and artificial fertilizer is gaining popularity as health awareness is on the rise. Growing your own food organically is the alternative, but the tricky pest problem remains, fortunately, vinegar is a great alternative to these artificial toxins! Vinegar can simultaneously enhance the life of a plant and […]