All posts by: Marshall

Navajo Water Supply is More Horrific than Flint, But No One Cares Because they’re Native American

by in Health February 20, 2016

The news out of Flint, Michigan brought the issue of contaminated drinking water into sharp focus, as it was revealed that officials at every level—local, state and federal—knew about lead-poisoned water for months but did nothing to address the problem. Under state-run systems like utilities and roads, poorer communities are the last to receive attention […]

Fabric Softener Is The #1 Cause Of Indoor Pollution. Here Is How To Make Your Own Natural Fabric Softener

by in Health February 18, 2016

Fabric Softener is the #1 cause of indoor pollution. Whenever you smell that”laundry smell,” you are inhaling toxic VOC”S. Here is how to make your own natural fabric softener Conventional fabric softeners are full of toxic chemicals. Making your own fabric softener is very easy and cost effective . Additionally, using   homemade cleaning products helps […]

Aldi bans neonicotinoids, goes organic, rivals Whole Foods as healthiest grocery store

by in Food, Health February 13, 2016

German owned Aldi announced, on January 1, that they will be removing eight pesticides from all US stores as soon as possible. The pesticides are Thiamethoxam Chlorpyrifos Clothianidin Cypermethrin Deltamethrin Fipronil Imidacloprid Sulfoxaflor It is the first major grocery store in Europe to ban the pesticides found to be dangerous to bees, but it is […]