All posts by: Marshall

Flame Retardants & DEET Now in Swimming Pools

by in Health May 17, 2016

A new study has found that urine could be the least of your worries when swimming in a pool. There are more harmful chemicals that could be floating around in your local swimming including insect repellent, caffeine and flame retardants. All of these have the potential to be ingested by swimmers and pose a hazard to […]

The Most Dangerous Consequences of the S-A-D Diet

by in Food, Health May 17, 2016

Decades ago, the food available was mostly fresh and locally grown; today, the majority of foods consumed are highly processed, high in sugar and fat. The truth is, we are literally eating ourselves to death. First off, what is the SAD diet? Standard. American. Diet. Obesity rates have skyrocketed, and one in five American deaths […]

All About Retrograde Ejaculation

by in Health May 15, 2016

Retrograde ejaculation can be a stressful situation, even more so for couples trying to conceive. It is an embarrassing but not life threatening condition. Retrograde ejaculation is when during orgasm, sperms are released from the testicles and travel through the vas deferens into the prostate, where they mix with fluid in the prostate. Just before […]