All posts by: Marshall

7 Things Happy People Avoid Doing

by in Uncategorized May 25, 2016

According to Psychology Today, University of California researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky states: “40 percent of our capacity for happiness is within our power to change.” If this is true and it is, there’s hope for us all. There are billions of people on our planet and clearly some are truly happy. The rest of us bounce […]

10 Signs You Found Your Soulmate

by in Uncategorized May 25, 2016

There are people you meet who, for no reason you can explain, you share a connection with on a deeper level than anyone else you’ve ever known. Whether you believe in the kind of a soul mate born from fiction and fairy tales, or simply hope that there is someone out there who is meant […]

Shed Pounds of Fat Using This Spice Daily

by in Health May 25, 2016

For most of us, losing weight is always a struggle. To complicate matters there is an entire multi-billion dollar industry of supplements, books, websites, and programs that all have an opinion on how it should be done.   In the end, weight loss can be simple, cheap, and natural. Take, for instance, the spice cumin […]

Why You Should Never Eat a Hot Dog Again

by in Health May 25, 2016

Would you still eat hot dogs if you knew they caused Cancer? Hotdogs are a picnic and cookout staple, on average Americans consume over 20 billion of them a year, 115 million on the fourth of July alone! Like many harmful foods that grace our grocery store shelves today they are filled with chemical additives […]