All posts by: Marshall

Learn How to Make Delicious Homemade Bread in a Frying Pan

by in Food July 14, 2017

The discussion surrounding bread and grain products has been a hot button conversation, with those who are focused on healthy eating either fighting to argue the value of carbohydrates in our diets while others point out the health problems associated with grains. While there are definitely concerns regarding which bread products you are consuming, there […]

4 Natural Ways To Regrow Hair In 10 Days

by in Natural Cures July 14, 2017

While many conversations regarding hair loss, and the necessity to mitigate for it, revolve around men, this is a problem that is also associated with women, however, female hair loss is far less acceptable in today’s society. The American Hair Loss Association advised that women make up 40% of Americans that are suffering from hair […]