
Doctors Are Pleading Parents to Stop Letting Their Kids Eat Hot Cheetos

by in Food January 14, 2017

As you know Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are marketed as ‘dangerously cheesy.’ This is all too accurate as they are actually dangerous!

Quite a few doctors are actually urging parents to not let their children ingest these dangerous snacks. Overeating these can land you a hospital stay, and lots of unnecessary side effects. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are made with the right amount of salt, sugar, and saturated fats to get you addicted according to Dr. Kathleen Berchelmann at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

Eating a whole bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos is really bad because of all the red hot spices you are ingesting. This can and will damage your stomach. These spices can stick to your gastrointestinal tract and cause pain in the upper abdomen that rises to the chest. If the patient has a history of heartburn or acid reflux then these spices create even more of a negative response.

These Cheetos can even cause the stool of some people including children to change from normal color to red. This is because of all the red dye. Many parents assume the redness they find in the stool is blood but it is not. It takes more than just a ‘small amount’ to change the color of your stool. A change in stool color means you have definitely ingested more food dye than you should have.

Overeating any processed food is not a good thing. These Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are no exception. Please limit your intake of these in order to be healthier. Your body will be much better off without eating a whole bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.