
Coca-Cola Paid $1,000,000 to Make Sure You Don’t Know This

by in Health January 9, 2017

Coca-Cola is one of the biggest companies in the world! You would generally assume that a company as large and as rich as Coca-Cola would take the public’s health into consideration. However, that may not be the case.

Coca-Cola bring in a yearly revenue of about 44 billion per year! It is one of the largest companies in the world. We primarily know the company from their world famous drink, Coke. But the company owns many other brands of products we see every day. They manufacture brands like Nestea, Bacardi premium mixes, Barq’s, Odwalla, and many other brands.

Coca-cola was recently caught in a labeling scandal. They obviously thought they could be slick, but with all the rising scandals and discoveries about GMO’s they were instantly caught. The scandal has stirred up quite the commotion with health activists, and rightfully so. Coca-Cola actually spent over 1 million dollars trying to cover up the dangerous chemicals in their products.

Coca-Cola products are already known to be a contributor to the epidemic of obesity. Their drinks are full of artificial sugars and sweeteners. Some years ago Coca-Cola experienced a bump in the road when it was discovered that they used a carcinogenic chemical known as aspartame as a sweetener. In October, campaign finance reports revealed that Coca-Cola had secretly contributed more than a million dollars to the fight against GMO labeling in Washington. It took the state’s Attorney General suing the Grocery Manufacturers’ Association (GMA) for what turned out to be an $11 million violation of the state’s campaign finance laws to reveal these secret contributions. But now that the truth has been exposed, some healthy food activists are fighting back.

The founder of the Center for Food Safety, Andrew Kimbrell says, “Consumers of healthy beverages want to know what’s in their food. By using money from sales of natural brands to secretly fund an anti-choice agenda that deprives consumers of the right to know what they’re eating, Coca-Cola has been betraying the public interest and standing on the wrong side of history.”

They have launched a petition on to put a stop to the companies poison products. The petition calls for Coca-Cola to stop funding anti-GMO labeling campaigns. You can sign the petition here. Their methods of funding these anti-Gmo labeling campaigns weren’t so smooth either. They were actually laundering money out of the Grocery Manufacturers Association. I guess they thought this would be a good plan to keep their actions secret, but it obviously wasn’t. Honest Tea, a brand owned by Coca-Cola, claims to be the face of organic tea. Their website even claims to be GMO-free. It really shows how deceiving companies like Coca-Cola really are.

Coca-Cola continues to fund anti-GMO labeling campaigns in Washington. They are contributing millions to this criminalizing industry, and it needs to be stopped. They tried to hide their involvement, but it did not work. We need to work together to expose profiteering companies like Coca-Cola!