
Solar Seawater Distiller Turns Salt Water into Drinking Water Using Only Sunlight

by in Natural Cures January 8, 2017

Eliodomestico – a method that could save thousands of lives. This method turns salt water into pure drinking water, using only the sun!

There are millions of thirsty people all around the world. The struggle to find clean drinking water might be harder than you think. An Italian designer named Gabriele Diamanti invented something called Eliodomestico. It is an eco-distiller that runs solely on solar energy! It provides clean drinking water for people in developing countries. It is a very simply way to create healthy and bacteria free drinking water. The distiller was the winner at Core77 Design Award 2012 – social impact category and finalist at the Prix Émile Hermès 2011 competition. For more info and to donate to this project.

Watch how it works below: