
6 Foods You Had No Idea Were Destroying Your Hormones and Your Skin

by in Health, Natural Cures, Uncategorized January 4, 2017

Waking up in the morning and having a huge zit on your face can be one of the worst things! It seems like we try everything to prevent and get rid of acne, but it never goes away. Studies have shown that these foods might be causing it.

Acne is the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a condition characterized by red pimples on the face. It is most common in teenagers, but we all experience it from one point to another. One huge zit can make you feel like you’re naked in public. A simple glance from someone can make you feel extremely insecure. But what causes acne? Acne occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Hair follicles are connected to oil glands. These glands secrete an oily substance (sebum) to lubricate your hair and skin. … The plugged pore may cause the follicle wall to bulge and produce a whitehead.

Acne is a simple and natural occurrence, but it can be difficult to treat. Have you tried medication after medication, and still no results? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Pharmacy companies often sell acne medication that does no good at all. Most acne medications on today’s market contain harsh chemicals. They are harmful to your body and have terrible side effects! Studies show that certain foods might be causing your acne problem. Avoid these foods and you might find yourself with clearer skin!

Acne can be caused by a multitude of things. Like I said before, acne is more common in teenagers. This is a direct effect of puberty. Puberty causes an imbalance of hormones due to different changes happening in the body. Changes in hormone levels can cause you to have acne. Often times acne from hormonal issues is more severe than average. It might even get infected and cause more serious health issues. Hormonal acne is a serious medical issue and needs to be handled properly.

If you want to have better skin, try skipping some of these foods. Researchers say that these common foods might be the cause of acne in most people.

  • Dairy – Milk actually doesn’t do a complexion well. Because of recent research on diet and acne, the American Academy of Dermatology now says there may be a link between milk consumption and breakouts.
  • Sugar – “Sugar can absolutely cause breakouts because it’s pro-inflammatory,” Lipman confirms. “Acne is considered an inflammatory condition and someone with acne-prone skin should follow an anti-inflammatory diet.”
  • Soy – If you break out around the mouth and along your jawline, tofu, and other soy foods could be to blame. And it’s all due to the natural plant estrogens found in soybeans. “Phytoestrogens mimic natural estrogen levels, and that throws off our hormones,” says esthetician Kimberly Yap Tan, founder of Skin Salvation, an acne clinic in San Francisco. Soy derivatives show up in everything from veggie burgers to energy bars, so read labels carefully.
  • Coffee – “There’s an organic acid inside coffee beans that raises cortisol levels,” Yap Tan says. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can act like an androgen, simultaneously stimulating sebaceous glands and inflammation. Switching to decaf won’t do anything since caffeine isn’t the trigger; your best bet, says Yap Tan, is to replace coffee with tea or yerba mate.
  • Bread – If you’re prone to acne, baguettes, croissants, and all that other good stuff may make the situation worse. “Wheat causes inflammation,” Lipman says. “And to get rid of acne, you want to reduce inflammation in your body.” Yap Tan points out that many commercially produced bread also have sugar, soybean oil, and dairy: “You could eat an English muffin and unknowingly consume three big triggers: dairy, soy, and sugar.”
  • Peanuts – Peanuts contain an androgen, which can make acne worse by increasing sebum production. “Peanuts will generally make people more oily,” Yap Tan notes. “I’ve had clients with white pustules around the nose, and it turned out they were eating more peanut butter than usual.” Acne-safe alternatives to peanuts include other nuts such as almonds and cashews, which don’t affect androgen levels.